The terrifying smoke rose up to a height of a thousand meters. Even though they were so far away, the people on Xiongshan Mountain could still clearly feel the vibration under their feet.

The mushroom cloud was like a knife, piercing their hearts fiercely!

"Damn it, enemy attack!!"

Song Yangqiu roared and instantly hammered the button on his waist.


The rapid and piercing alarm instantly resounded throughout the command center.

Even if he was not needed, the people below realized that something was wrong and made preparations in advance.

At this moment, the order was issued, and thousands of people got on the chariots and fighter planes.

The entire residential area was surrounded with the force of an iron barrel, and no water leaked out!

More than half of the huge West Lake residential area became ruins.

As the center of the explosion, Qin Hao's house disappeared without a trace, and a pit more than ten meters deep was left in its original place!

"Qin Hao, Qin Hao, how are you? Is there anything wrong?!"

Lan Bingtong hurried over and shouted anxiously at the edge of the pit.

The energy aftershocks in the pit had not dissipated yet, so she didn't dare to get close.

Bai Ze, Fang Ping and others also arrived later.

These senior executives who were stationed next to the command center rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

Song Yangqiu urgently ordered people to find out the cause and search for the wounded, while Lan Bingtong and others came to Qin Hao.

As the enemy's main target, Qin Hao must have been the main target of the attack.

The others were just innocent people affected.

"These bastards are so bold!"

"I didn't expect them to dare to sneak in and plant the bomb directly!"

"We must teach them a cruel lesson, otherwise they really think we are letting them go!"

Fang Ping and others spoke one after another, expressing their anger.

They seemed to know who the attacker was.

Lan Bingtong wanted to rush in, but was stopped by Le Na and others: "Don't be impulsive, Qin Hao will be fine."

As soon as the words fell, footsteps came from in front of them.

Several people were certain.

The smoke and dust parted, and Qin Hao walked out of it intact.

"Qin Hao, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, it's just a bigger firecracker." Qin Hao smiled faintly.

There were indeed no scars on him.

Bai Ze glanced at the ruins behind him and swallowed his saliva.

"A bigger firecracker"

I guess only the boss dared to describe it like this.

"From what you said just now, I seem to know who did it?"

Qin Hao asked.

In his hand, he held a silver ring.

"It can be guessed that other organizations will not be so crazy except for the Salvation Society."

Lena said.

"The Salvation Society? What kind of organization is this?" Qin Hao asked in confusion.

"Didn't I tell you before that after you left, Blue Star was not stable. Especially when the alien forces came, this instability became more serious."

"And the remnants of the several major countries that were destroyed by us are the members of this "Salvation Society". They regard you and Xia Country as a cancer that harms the world, spreading terrorist remarks and conspiracy heresy everywhere."

"After that, there were terrorist incidents all over the world, and there were many alien worship forces behind them. They funded them."

"At that time, the global situation was unstable and there were foreign enemies around, so the command did not take action against them for the time being, but only a small punishment."

"Now it seems that this has boosted their arrogance!"

"That's right!" Bai Ze gritted his teeth and said, "It is estimated that they saw that you repelled the aliens again, and they were angry, so they launched a suicide attack regardless of the consequences!"

Listening to everyone's explanation, Qin Hao nodded.

He stroked the ring in his hand and smiled: "This Salvation Society is not simple."

"Why do you say that?"

Everyone was puzzled.

Someone also looked at the ring, "This ring is so exquisite."

At this moment, Song Yangqiu's angry voice came from far away.

"Investigate, must investigate thoroughly!"

"These people who are traitors can actually bring such a terrifying bomb into this tightly guarded place. If there is no insider, do you believe it?!"

"All on-duty personnel, within five levels up and down, conduct a thorough investigation!"

"The rat must be found for me!"

Song Yangqiu was furious and waved his men away.

Looking at Qin Hao who was intact, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, you are okay."

Qin Hao nodded: "Don't worry, Commander Song, they misjudged my strength, and the bomb they brought was a little less powerful and didn't hurt me."

Qin Hao smiled.

Although he was practicing at the time and didn't notice the movement outside.

But when the bomb exploded, he was already alert.

At that time, he rescued several families around him as quickly as possible.

This is also the reason why his house was bombed so thoroughly.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be no trace left.

"Commander Song, don't check it, this matter should have nothing to do with our people."

Song Yangqiu raised his eyebrows: "Why, did you find anything?"

Qin Hao nodded and handed the ring in his hand to Song Yangqiu: "This thing is called a space ring, which can only be used by high-level figures of alien forces."

"If you hide the bomb here, it will be easy to hide it from the guards."

"They have a cognitive gap, and our soldiers can't be blamed."

Song Yangqiu and everyone else stared at the ring in surprise.

"Space ring?"

"Is this the kind of storage equipment that has its own space inside?"

"If that's the case, it would be really easy to fool our search."

"But how come the Salvation Society has such equipment?"

"Don't you even think about it? It must be funded by alien forces!"

Bu He's words became a prophecy, and everyone suddenly realized.

When the United States Federation was still there, it was involved with alien creatures in subspace. It is obviously not difficult to maintain this relationship now!

"These rip-off bastards!" Song Yangqiu shouted angrily.

Everyone is working hard to resist the invasion of alien forces so that our compatriots will not become prisoners and slaves.

But as a result, there are still such bastards who are willing to be slaves in their own rear area!

This makes everyone not angry!

"They're just a bunch of clowns." Qin Hao said calmly: "Commander Song, please arrange for people to treat the wounded first and rebuild this place."

"Leave it to me about this salvation society."

"They've all hit me on the head. If I show up again, they really think I, Qin Hao, can be bullied!"

"You want to take action yourself?!"

"Well, I'm going to meet these alien lackeys."

Qin Hao's eyes filled with anger.

He didn't want to think that there was still such a group of garbage on the Blue Star that he worked so hard to protect!

"Okay, then I will ask Li Nuo to cooperate with you. He is currently in charge of the Salvation Society. He knows the most about this force and should be able to provide you with a lot of help."

Qin Hao did not refuse.

Having a well-informed person help save him a lot of trouble.

However, I just don’t know if the forces behind this Salvation Society are the same ones that came to attack.

If so, that would be interesting.

After all, No. 1 said that the force that attacked Blue Star seems to have some connection with the Eternal City!

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