After defeating the organization headed by the Salvation Society, the federal army from all over the world was dispatched to prepare for a new round of large-scale cleanup operations!

A certain European country.

Under the bustling night lights, a team of warriors sang loudly with their arms around each other.

Their city had just raided a den of fierce beasts and killed all the fierce beasts, with an extremely rich harvest.

Everyone could get tens of millions of federal coins.

In the past era of various countries, this was equivalent to more than 100 million purchasing power!

So everyone came out excitedly to drink and blow up the streets.

"Let's do it!"

"Hahaha, drink happily!"

"Don't go home until you are drunk tonight. After drinking, go to the little red building to find a few women to have fun."

Several men laughed heartily.

Pedestrians on the roadside looked at these warriors and were very envious.

But among this group of excited warriors, a tall and thin white man was a little nervous.

He drank the wine in his hand with a dry laugh, then wiped his mouth and said, "Brothers, I may have to go first. Something happened."

"I can't accompany you to get drunk today."

The white man patted the shoulders of several colleagues, and after saying that, he was ready to leave regardless of his colleagues' pulling.

However, as soon as he turned around, he stopped.

In the blue pupils, a figure in a well-dressed suit was reflected.

The other party appeared behind him at some point, as if he had followed him all the way.

Seeing him turn around at this moment, he couldn't help but smile:

"Mr. Ross?"

The suit man asked with a smile, and at the same time raised his hand, and the personal terminal on his right arm projected a portrait that was exactly the same as the white man.

"It seems to be you."

Confirmed the target.

The suit man immediately stopped smiling and attacked in an instant.

The cold light cut through the night and suddenly attacked.

The white man panicked and grabbed his colleague beside him, hoping that they would stop the other party.

And the people around him were also in chaos.

At the current juncture, someone actually committed a crime in the street!

However, none of this happened as fast as the knife of the man in the suit!

A flash of cold light.

The white man who was shrinking into the crowd froze, lowered his head blankly, and looked at the bloody blade piercing from his chest.

"How could it be..."

The white man was dead.

The blood dyed the earth red, and the people around him screamed in fear and scattered like birds and beasts.

There were also a large number of warriors who surrounded him and wanted to catch the murderer.

However, the man in the suit didn't care at all, and took a photo of the white man's death and uploaded it back.

Looking at the warriors rushing around, the man in the suit straightened his sleeves and took out a certificate.

"Military special service, all outsiders, please leave!"

His voice was spoken in the most orthodox Xia Guoyu, and at the same time it was translated into several languages ​​by the personal terminal and spread out.

The people rushing over stopped instantly.

He looked at the ordinary military green certificate with a look of astonishment.

Military special service, a military force independent of the federal system, is said to be composed of the top strong men of the former Xia Guo military!

Each of them is a strong man who can control a city by himself!

Everyone dared not move.

They slowly retreated.

The drunken buddies were also sobered by this stimulation.

"This man is a small leader of the new church, the Star Worship Cult. He should have promoted something to you, right?"

The man in the suit put away his ID and asked with a smile.

The faces of several people turned pale, and the man in the suit patted their shoulders as if to comfort them: "Don't worry, as long as you don't get brainwashed, we won't find you."

After that, the man in the suit turned and left.

Soon a team of federal soldiers came from the street and cleaned up the scene.

This scene did not only happen in this small town.

It happened simultaneously all over the world.

South America, North Africa, Western Europe...

Some, like this white man, can be easily solved.

But there are still some people whose strength should not be underestimated.

For example, at this moment, a leader of a force hiding in Cuba, they are related to the previous Solomon, and seem to be the remnants of Solomon.

The strength was very strong. The Federation sent out three military special agents, but all of them failed.

One of the special agents was seriously injured.

After that, Bai Ze led the team directly.

That night, there was no darkness in Cuba.

The bright and dazzling light shone in every corner of Cuba. Bai Ze, who had always been weak, finally showed the horror of his ability.

Temperature control, thought distortion, and even ray attack.

It was as terrifying as a human-shaped self-propelled nuclear bomb, or a light nuclear bomb!

After that, a legend about the "God of Light" was passed down in Cuba.


It took eight months.

All the forces on Blue Star that were unfavorable to Blue Star were found out and destroyed one by one.

This day.

Lan Bingtong, who received the notice of project completion, exhaled heavily, leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

The big cleanup was ordered by Qin Hao, handled by Lan Bingtong, and assisted by Song Yangqiu.

But after issuing the order, Qin Hao became a hands-off boss.

Song Yangqiu also said, "How can I, a rough man, understand these urban warfare? I'll give you the soldiers, you can do whatever you want." Then he disappeared.

So, all the things fell on Lan Bingtong's shoulders.

At this moment, it was finally completed successfully, and Lan Bingtong was of course relieved.

After a break, Lan Bingtong sorted out the documents on the table, and then changed into a casual uniform and prepared to leave.

"General, where are you going?"

The assistant who just walked in asked hurriedly.

Lan Bingtong paused, turned her head and asked: "Where is Qin Hao now?"

The assistant said quickly: "Mr. Qin is now on Madai Island, with Commander Song, General Fang and others."

"I heard that Mr. Qin took them to Madai Island three weeks ago on the pretext of discussing future development."

Madai Island?

Lan Bingtong's eyebrows were raised. Madai Island is a world-famous resort newly built in the past two years!

Discussing future development there?

Leaving me to work, but a lot of you went on vacation instead?

Lan Bingtong instantly felt a surge of anger.

She turned her head and stared at the assistant: "Did they mention anything else?"

"Yes, Mr. Qin said that he would notify you after you finish your work, and they will wait for you in Madai."

"I came to you for this matter."


They even specifically told me to wait until I finish my work!

These bastards!

Lan Bingtong looked extremely unhappy, and said directly: "Arrange a plane for me immediately, I want to rush to Madai immediately!"

"General, are you not going to take care of the Federation's affairs?"

"Where is Zuo Lao? Leave it to him."

The assistant lowered his voice: "Zuo Lao also went..."

Lan Bingtong: "!!"

"Who else is here now?"

"General Li just came back from outside, he should not have left yet."

"Then go and pull him over, take a look for me!"

Five minutes later.

Li Nuo stood in front of the desk with a confused look on his face, looking at the thick pile of documents on it.

In the distant sky, the sound of fighter planes taking off came.

Aside, Lan Bingtong's assistant pushed the file: "General Li, General Lan said that I would like to trouble you to help deal with it, she will be back soon..."

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