Global High Martial Arts: I can draw endless labels

Chapter 36: The Power of the King, the Appearance of the Giant Beast

The white fog gradually dissipated.

Only then did everyone rush over and look at Qin Hao, who was standing on a giant whale-like corpse.

Their hearts could not stop beating.

The giant beast was fierce and powerful, but under that figure, everything seemed to be worth mentioning.

The King of the Bay and Sea, who was comparable to a seventh-level heavenly warrior, easily cut into two pieces!

When the thunder dragon shone, everyone realized that they were already filled with enthusiasm.

The awe in my heart is unspeakable!

"Only when you feel the power that is difficult to see directly at close range can you understand what the power of a king is."

Bu He put down Bai Ze and gently let out the turbid air that had been held in his chest for a long time.

Bai Ze was trembling with excitement, and little stars seemed to appear in his eyes.

He rushed towards Qin Hao like a fanboy:

"Captain, captain, please sign your name for me. I have a hunch that it will be very valuable in the future!"

Only in the contrast with that behemoth, the invincible power possessed by the tiny Qin Hao became more and more apparent!

This is far more exciting to everyone's hearts than his killing of the Bai Family Martial Lord!

Qin Hao raised a finger and poked Bai Ze's forehead to stop his gay hug, then looked at the crowd and said:

"Li Xiang, you lead the crowd to take out the precious materials, and Nuomi you are responsible for keeping watch."

"I will protect you."


Li Xiang nodded enthusiastically.

Such a huge Gulf whale has a lot of valuable things on it!

"Oh, by the way." Qin Hao suddenly said: "You are all warriors of our country, and I am honored to be able to walk with you. Therefore, the spoils of this trip are 50-50."

"My companions of the Twelve Pillar Gods and I will take five points, and all of you colleagues will take five points."

After saying that, Qin Hao turned around calmly and alerted everyone.

Li Xiang paused and stared blankly at Qin Hao's upright figure.

After a moment, a roar sounded:

"Captain is mighty!"

Lena and others took a look, with wonder flashing in their eyes.

If they hadn't seen Qin Hao's information with their own eyes, they would never have thought that Qin Haocai was just an eighteen-year-old boy.

Such a way of doing things is unbelievably sophisticated.

Between kindness and prestige, everyone's military morale was mobilized to the highest level, and they worshiped him even more!

In the rear combat hall.

The atmosphere was deathly peaceful.

After a moment, Song Yangqiu burst out laughing, the sound shaking the eardrums of all the soldiers.

"Hahahaha, Xu, as I said, this kid will definitely surprise you!"

"With a strike of one billion lightning, it is as powerful as thunder, like the blazing sun entering the sea, destroying sea beasts in an instant, it is simply a magical skill!"

Captain Xu Long's eyes flashed with surprise.

He never imagined that this young man could have such strength.

"It's hard to believe that this young man can burst out with such power. Lao Song, you hid it well!"

Next to Colonel Xu Long, a soldier with gray hair on his temples and a straight face from beginning to end showed a smile for the first time.

"Hahaha, so happy!"

"I didn't expect that even you, Lao He, would say that. I'm happy, very happy!"

Songyang Qiu becomes more and more proud.

The frustration that had just been held in my heart was completely released now!


It was no wonder that the urine he had been holding in for most of the day was waiting here.

"What a Sichuan Army!"

"If a flower grower has a son like this, why should he be unhappy?"

Another general with a star on his shoulders applauded.

Soon, there was a burst of warm applause in the hall.

Everyone looked at the tall figure on the screen in awe.

Off the stage, among the crowd, Yan Yiyi's beautiful eyes were shining brightly.

Staring at Qin Hao closely, he quickly cut and copied the footage captured by the drone and saved it.

"I've been hearing rumors about you, and now I can finally see it with my own eyes. You are indeed very strong."

"Captain, the autopsy of the giant whale has been completed. We took some of the most precious things. We can't take the rest with us."

Li Xiang and others quickly finished their work and patted their arms boxes.

"Well, let's go then."

Qin Hao casually beheaded a shark that was attacking under the water, and sheathed the knife.

"Lan Bingtong."

Lan Bingtong nodded, raised his hand and enveloped several people in it. After a few flashes, he sent them to the other side of the sea.

After several trips back and forth, everyone was transported.

Standing on the scorched earth caused by the shells, there was an endless stream of terrifying atmosphere hidden on both sides.

Although they couldn't see it, the aura that made them feel on pins and needles let them know that as long as they took one more step forward, they would be greeted by a violent attack from the ferocious beast!

"The next step is to form a sharp arrow formation, with me at the tip and Lena and Li Xiang, you guys on the flanks. According to the strength, we will advance inwards to protect the weakest among them."

"Follow my lead!"

"Understood!" Everyone shouted.

At this time, they will listen to whatever Qin Hao says unconditionally!

Qin Hao showed a smile and slashed with his knife: "Let's go!"


A wild python suddenly bit from the top of a giant tree.

However, as soon as the huge mouth opened, what greeted it was a cold blade and the bright electric light on it.


The giant python struggled a few times and then lost its life.

Qin Hao's steps were not slow and he moved forward quickly.

The green-haired Fang Ping stood between Le Na and Li Xiang, throwing out an emerald green bead from time to time.

The beads exploded as they hit the ground, erupting into a cloud of smoke.

All ferocious beasts rushing through the smoke will slow down.

It made things much easier for Li Xiang and Le Na.

Bai Ze followed behind Fang Ping and kept praising him.

Finally, Fang Ping felt embarrassed because of the praise, and whispered: "My poison should have killed them, but now it just slowed down a little, so don't praise me anymore."

Bai Ze's expression froze, and he retreated silently.

He began to focus on watching Qin Hao's performance.

Because he was in the circle of fierce beasts, his invisibility had no effect.

At this time, he became the most useless one, and was protected by everyone.

He was bored and began to guess what his captain would do next time he showed off.

After so many things, Bai Ze had already recognized Qin Hao's strength, and never mentioned that his position was still before Qin Hao.

Qin Hao is now his big brother!

Whoever dares to say he is not, he will be angry with him!

"Brother Qin, the energy reaction ahead is intensifying, and there are large creatures!"

Suddenly, Nuomi in the team gave a reminder.

A rumbling sound sounded at the same time as Nuomi's voice.

The earth rumbled, and a huge rock suddenly shot out from the deep forest in front.


Qin Hao suddenly shouted.

The long sword sparked with dazzling lightning, and it chopped down with one sword!

The huge rock instantly broke into small pieces and hit behind him.

Bu He extracted the elements of the earth and arranged a heavy shield to block everyone.

Suddenly, crackling sounds sounded like raindrops.

And in the horrified eyes of everyone, a huge beast stepped on the air wave and slowly walked out!

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