Among the five people, except Zuo Ci and Zuo Mu, who are from the leading compressed capsule manufacturers in the universe, the other three are not simple either.

Dion, the young man, is from an arms group.

The other two women are named Caroline and Aisi.

Caroline is a saint of a religious sect, so her temperament is the most outstanding among the few people, and she is also the most silent and quiet one.

With a tall figure and a veil covering her face, she adds a bit of mystery.

Aisi is a very lively half-orc girl with a pair of cat ears on her head and a few subtle beard-like patterns beside her mouth.

She is also the one who is most interested in Qin Hao among the few people.

Qin Hao can feel that her eyes fall on him eight out of ten times.

The other two times they fall on the delicacies that Zuo Ci brings out from time to time.

Zuo Mu drives the spaceship, and there is a table in the middle, on which are placed some delicacies unique to Zuo Ci's planet.

The few people are eating happily.

The atmosphere is harmonious.

Yuntian sat aside, holding a scroll and studying it.

"Brother Yun, you've been studying it for a long time, what are you reading?" Vaishya finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and leaned over to ask.

He had some knowledge of history, but when he saw the words on the scroll, he was suddenly confused.

It was a completely foreign language that he had never seen before.

"What kind of words are these?"

"A kind of secret code." Yuntian said.

"Amazing, you know this rare secret code, Brother Yun!" Vaishya said admiringly.

Yuntian's fat face turned red, "I only know a little bit, otherwise I wouldn't have not turned the page for a long time."

"Hahaha, brother, don't be so anxious, the scroll is here and it won't run away, there's no need to rush."

Zuo Mu switched the spacecraft to automatic driving and walked over with a plate of fruit.

Yuntian waved his hand to refuse, saying, "This scroll was found together with the bamboo slip, so it may contain secrets about the bamboo slip."

"Oh?" Zuo Mu was shocked.

The rest of the people stopped eating and came over.

"Is it related to the Heart of the Epoch?" Ai Xi asked, squatting and stretching her neck.

"Does it describe how to use the bamboo slips? Or how to find the Heart of the Epoch!"

"It may directly record the hiding place of the Heart of the Epoch!"

"It may also be an essay."

Several people started a heated discussion.

Yuntian pinched his eyebrows: "I don't know why this author named Jin Chi used this kind of cipher to record it."

"Obviously, the things are all placed together with the bamboo slips, why do they have to write it in cipher?"

Qin Hao, who was sitting quietly on the side, suddenly opened his eyes.

"What did you just say?" Qin Hao stared at Yuntian.

Everyone separated.

"Qin Hao, what do you know?"

"What's wrong is this..."

Yun Tian scratched his head blankly, "I said, this thing is related to bamboo slips..."

"The previous sentence, who is the author of this notebook?"

Yun Tian looked down and said, "A historian I haven't heard of, Jin Chi."

"It's strange, if it can record things related to the Heart of the Epoch, it must be a famous person. I have never heard of this name." Yun Tian muttered.

Qin Hao was not calm.

He walked over to take the notebook and looked at it carefully.

Sure enough, in the lower left corner of the first page of the notebook, there were four small ancient characters-Jin Chi Suibian.

"Qin Hao, you don't know this person, do you?" Lolita asked.

The others felt the same way.

Otherwise, why would Qin Hao react so strongly.

Qin Hao was a little absent-minded: "More than knowing."

"I also... fought side by side with him."

Several people didn't hear Qin Hao's second sentence clearly.

But they heard the first sentence clearly.

Yuntian was immediately shocked: "Brother Qin, do you know him?"

"Who is he? Tell me!"

When it comes to history, Yuntian's eyes suddenly light up and his interest doubles.

Qin Hao shook his head and said, "He is not sacred."

"He is just an ordinary soldier on the battlefield."

Yuntian was stunned: "Ah this..."

At this time, Qin Hao looked at the notebook with an inexplicable look, muttering to himself: "If it is him, then maybe we need to change a way to interpret this notebook."

As he said, Qin Hao took out the Buddha bone and put it on the notebook.

Suddenly, the Buddha bone emitted a faint light.

A layer of water light appeared on the notebook.

Then a drop of blood slowly seeped out from it and floated up.

Immediately afterwards, the words on the notebook disappeared quickly, and a distorted voice appeared simultaneously.

"... Failure... Sacrifice... The treasure of the era... Luofengpo... Guarding..."


With a sharp sound, the sound disappeared, and the notebook turned into a piece of hand card and fell to the ground.

"Is this... the end?" Zuo Mu was somewhat amused.

"Did you hear clearly what he said just now?"

Several people shook their heads.

"It was intermittent and very blurry."

"The note should be a disguised form of this recording card. After so long, its function has long been damaged and it is difficult to convey the complete meaning."

Yuntian picked up the note and put it away.

"I didn't expect that Brother Qin actually knew this kind of cracking method." Yuntian was a little surprised.

Qin Hao was silent. He just happened to be lucky.

Because, if it was really that Jin Chi, then the only connection between him and the other party was the Buddha bone.

As expected, the other party's message should be sent to himself.

Otherwise, he would not have to spend so much effort to pass on a message to future generations.

Because they should not be able to escape the fate of all death under the circumstances at that time.

Except for the fifty Black Pan Army!

"I guessed." Qin Hao said lightly, and then said: "A place was mentioned in the message just now."

"Luofengpo." Yuntian nodded.

"Do you know where this is?" Qin Hao looked at several people.

"I know that place is 3,000 miles to the right of Death Valley. It is a barren land. It is on the map."

Yuntian opened an electronic map and found a place the size of a fingernail in a corner.

The three words "Luofengpo" were written on it.

"You know such an inconspicuous place?!"

Zuo Mu looked at Yuntian in disbelief.

This map is owned by everyone. It automatically appeared in their electronic devices after they came in.

However, they did not study it in depth at all, and only paid attention to important places such as Death Valley.

A place the size of a fingernail like this is really too inconspicuous.

Everyone didn't expect it.

Yuntian smiled and said, "I'm not as strong as you. I relied on studying the map all the way and came all the way from the low-risk area, so I studied more."

"Great!" Zuo Mu and Dion both gave a thumbs up.

If it were them, they would never do this.

On the one hand, it's laborious, and on the other hand, it's unnecessary.

But it's precisely because of Yuntian's special existence that they didn't miss this place.

Qin Hao looked up at everyone: "Then what's next..."

Everyone looked at each other.

In unison: "Let's go to Luofengpo first!"

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