Blue Star.

Emperor Xinghui found Qin Hao who had returned early. When they met, he noticed that Qin Hao's face was not good and he couldn't help but ask: "How do you feel?"

What he was referring to was naturally the feeling when facing Fu Tian.

Qin Hao shook his head slowly, feeling powerless in his heart: "Too strong!"

"It's so powerful beyond imagination. I feel like even if I pull those Black Rock Army over, I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand his blow!"

"Our coalition forces may not have the slightest effect!"

Although he was reluctant to say this, Qin Hao had to admit that Fu Tian was powerful beyond imagination!

Feeling the heavy pressure on his shoulders, Qin Hao raised his head and looked at the Xinghui Emperor who was patting his shoulders: "Back then, the Holy Lord and the Buddha joined forces to gather the top experts in the universe, but they still could not defeat Fotian, even because he penetrated Destroy the universe and cause catastrophe in advance!”

"If he wasn't strong, he wouldn't be a god."

"So cheer up, we are not completely hopeless. The Buddha and the Holy Lord left many back-ups back then, and it is by no means a futile move!"

Emperor Xinghui patted Qin Hao's shoulder heavily.

"I'm going to inform Empress Xian and them to assemble the army now. Now that Fu Tian's identity is known, we can't let him recover from his injuries!"

With that said, Emperor Xinghui wanted to leave.

Qin Hao nodded dullly.

As soon as his figure flashed, he appeared outside the Blue Star, sitting cross-legged in the void, quietly looking at the huge Luoshengtian secret realm.

He was thinking, where is the way out?

The feeling that Butian gave him was just like the feeling when he used the Qingdi tag.

The power to tear apart the universe with one finger.

That kind of aura that transcends everything, crushes the virtual god for countless streets!

Qin Hao thought to himself.

Therefore, the most important thing is the label.

If he can get the Qing Emperor tag again, he won't be able to fight.

However, the more powerful the tag, the greater the consumption on him, so if he wants to control the powerful tag, he himself must become stronger as soon as possible.

Just when he was thinking about the powerful method.

Suddenly, there was a violent vibration in the sky, as if the sky was collapsing.

Qin Hao released his spiritual thoughts and saw an endless army of black mist gathering outside Luoshengtian, almost surrounding the entire maelstrom.

The leader was the Eternal City Lord. Beside him, Qin Hao also spotted several familiar figures.

Several gods of the Scarlet Empire.

No wonder he ordered people to search everywhere in the universe but could not find them. It turned out that they had already united with the Eternal City Lord.

Qin Hao had a thought, and a clone appeared outside the maelstrom, notifying everyone in the alliance at the same time.

"Qin Hao, you have done many evil things, slaughtering the creatures of the empire with ruthless hands, and even destroying the universal parliament that maintains fairness. Your crimes are too deep to be described in words. Today, I and many of my colleagues are here to arrest you!"

"Do it!"

The ancient god looked at Qin Hao with unconcealable hatred in his eyes.


A woman with a smoky look and charming appearance suddenly appeared beside Qin Hao, spitting out a stream of light smoke towards Qin Hao, and at the same time, all kinds of sweet laughter appeared in Qin Hao's ears.

At this moment, he seemed to see all kinds of women who fit his taste.

Thousands of people, thousands of faces.

Every one of them was so fascinating that he couldn't bear to look at them.

Qin Hao suddenly froze, and the Thunder God behind him snorted coldly and jumped up high.

The Thor hammer in his hand, which was as huge as his own, was filled with endless lightning, and he smashed it down hard!

Qin Hao's body disintegrated almost instantly.

"It's just a clone, let's work together to break this Luo Shengtian secret realm!"

The ancient god shouted lowly, and all the gods suddenly understood.

The god in the image of a young man suddenly appeared above the maelstrom, his broad robe surged out, and tens of thousands of puppet arms were stretched out, each of which was imprinted with dazzlingly dense runes.


The young god shouted lowly, his eyes gleaming.

At this moment, bursts of rolling sounds were heard from the large whirlpool, and the slowly rotating large whirlpool gradually came to a standstill.

Immediately afterwards, the puppet's arms came together and turned into a huge drill, which was suddenly inserted into the center of the vortex, and then expanded!

In the center of the maelstrom, he tore a crack open.

"Hit me!"

Thor leaped up and struck the crack with his heavy hammer.


The crack instantly expanded by two points.

Seeing that the gods of the Scarlet Empire were working together to tear apart the maelstrom, a clear beast roar suddenly came from it.

Immediately afterwards, a beast claw covered with scales and as big as the sky came out of the whirlpool, and flicked away the Thor's hammer. Then, with a wave of the giant claw, it tore apart thousands of puppet arms.

But after this blow, large scorch marks appeared on the claws of the golden-horned giant beast.

Forcibly activating the secret method and breaking through the attacks of the two veteran virtual gods, even today's golden-horned behemoth is extremely difficult.

However, Qin Hao had no intention of fighting with the opponent.

He did this just to interrupt the opponent's rhythm.

See you next second.

Fifty black shadows flew out of the maelstrom and fell into the Annihilation Legion.

With a wave of his hand, he reached for the stars and the moon, smashing hundreds of thousands of annihilation legions into pieces.

Several people from the Black Rock Army flew out to confront the Ancient God and the others.

The Ancient God had fought against the Black Rock Army a long time ago and knew that they had a secret method for a combined attack. He immediately informed the other people and everyone spread out far away, not giving the Black Rock Army a chance to join forces!

And with this moment of delay, not long after, the void opened in the distance.

The reinforcements informed by Qin Hao arrived.

Thousands of warships were teleported one after another and joined the battlefield.

Under the covering artillery fire, the Annihilation Corps was instantly beaten into a mist.

But no one was happy.

Because anyone who had fought with the Annihilation Corps knew that the Annihilation Corps was immortal!

They were just puppets of the Eternal City Lord.

"Silver-white Blade, go to battle!"

On the planet-like epoch-making heavy weapon, a thousand silver-white mechas took off into the air, manipulating the blazing energy flow and appearing out of nowhere!

Each mecha had a power close to the realm master level.

They rushed into the revived Annihilation Corps, releasing a huge net of light to cover the Annihilation Corps.

This was their latest weapon invented to deal with the Annihilation Corps.

It didn't have much attack power, but the super-strong magnetic field it emitted could firmly bind the scattered Annihilation Corps to the ground and prevent them from recovering.

Now that it has appeared on the first day of the new year, it has shown results.

Seeing this, the Eternal City Lord hummed, and his thoughts were divided into thousands, descending into the body of the Annihilation Corps.

In an instant, the Annihilation Corps, which was divided by the mecha army, regained its power support and struggled to break through the blockade.

The war that broke out outside Luoshengtian shook the entire universe.

At this moment, countless forces turned their attention to this place, paying close attention to it. They had a premonition that this war would affect the future of the entire universe!

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