As a result, now, looking at Jiang Yundu has already run forty laps, and there is still spare strength, Luo Yangxin believes.

At the same time, he was even more shocked, Jiang Yun's physical strength was powerful!

"The hundred points I said earlier, wouldn't it be a little conservative."

Because Luo Yang felt that Jiang Yun's physical strength, this had to go straight to 150, or maybe 150 was more than that.

Non-martial artist with 150 physical fitness!


When he thought about this, this couldn't help but make Luo Yangdu gasp fiercely, and then thought, you let those real martial artists who don't have 150 physical strength, how should they live.

In addition, after becoming a real martial artist, the physical strength of normal people will almost double, now Jiang Yun 150, when the time comes directly 300.

Luo Yang smiled bitterly: "This is almost catching up with me, this kid, it's too terrifying, it's really worthy of being the captain's own brother." "

Because the stadium is air-conditioned and the temperature is suitable, it is only about eight hundred meters down in one lap, plus the reason why Jiang Yun's physical fitness has risen sharply in the past few days, so this hundred laps of running, the overall is relatively relaxed.

During this period, Luo Yang threw a few bottles of water to Jiang Yun to replenish, but it was just that, and he didn't trigger the reward of that physical energy pill again.

[The "Ding" mission is completed, you have obtained five points of strength attribute, five points of agility attribute, five points of qi and blood attribute, five points of physical attribute, and five points of one-pin forging body dan! ]

"I went, Jiang Yun actually ran a hundred laps in one go!"

"Is this the strength of physical talent! That's pretty awesome.

"I estimate that if I run fifty laps, I will have to be completely exhausted, but if you look at Jiang Yun, he seems to have spare strength."

"No wonder Senior Luo Yang would say that Jiang Yun is a martial arts genius, now I can be considered to have completely understood."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Luo Yang said to Jiang Yun, who had just finished a hundred laps: "Jiang Yun, you go and rest for a while now, and in an hour, come and report to me." [

"Ding" task trigger prompt: According to the requirements of Senior Luo Yang, work and rest are combined with an hour of rest, the task is completed, and two points of strength attributes are obtained.

"I'll go! Unexpectedly, the rest mission was triggered again! And it also adds two power attributes, which is also too cool!

"If every task is like this, if lying down can increase my strength, wouldn't I be able to become a martial arts grandmaster lying down!"

Jiang Yun began to have unlimited lust.

After looking at the sweaty Li Qian and the others, sweating like rain in cultivation, none of them lying down to increase their strength, Jiang Yun couldn't help but sigh again, the power of his system.

I don't know how long it took, Yang Tao in the force gauge area was completely tired and paralyzed on the ground: "No, no, I have to rest for a while."

Wang Kang: "Me too, I just punched more than 2,000 punches, and my arms are a little sore."

Li Qian: "Then we will take a temporary rest, just like Jiang Yun, cultivation should pay attention to the combination of work and rest." Saying

that, Li Qian also subconsciously looked at Jiang Yun's body.

And what about Jiang Yun at this time.

[After the "Ding" rest and the mission is completed, you have obtained 2 strength attribute points reward. Hearing

the prompt to complete the task, Jiang Yun, who looked good, put down the snack in his hand, and then walked towards Luo Yang's side.

When Luo Yang saw Jiang Yun coming over, followed by Li Qian and the others, who had already reached the limit of their cultivation, he also signaled everyone to rest collectively, and then said to Jiang Yun: "You come with me."

After that, Luo Yang took Jiang Yun to the actual combat area in the gymnasium.

At this time, several teaching plasterboards have been arranged in this actual combat area.

"I'll teach you a leg martial art now, called whip leg, you are optimistic."

Saying that, Luo Yang jumped directly into the air and kicked a leg towards one of the plasterboards.

The speed and force are so fierce that it is like a real whip, and it all forms an afterimage in the air.

After that, the sound of crackling whipping legs appeared, and before Jiang Yun could react, he saw that the plasterboard had been completely shattered.

Immediately followed by the second piece, the third piece.

The last six pieces in a row, all of them!

During this period, Luo Yang's legs, Jiang Yun did not see clearly at all, all of them were afterimages, and as long as the afterimages appeared, the plasterboard would be broken.

The speed was so fast that Jiang Yun's eyes couldn't catch it.

Finally, it wasn't until Luo Yang smashed all the plasterboard and took his legs back that Jiang Yun saw clearly.

"I'll go!"

Jiang Yun's whole person was confused at this time, thinking that this move is too powerful, not to mention the speed, this power is also fierce enough.

If he learns it, won't he have to completely change his skills.

Just as Jiang Yun secretly thought about this, the system suddenly gave a cold prompt.

["Ding" system prompt: After observation, you have obtained three points of whip leg proficiency.

Jiang Yun: "? "

Think this can also gain proficiency?

Yesterday, when I watched Luo Yang release punching martial arts in the class, there was no such hint at all.

"Is it because of that little bit of understanding?"

Jiang Yun suddenly thought of this stubble.

Immediately, it became more and more excited.

"I'll go, this understanding value is too good!"

And Luo Yang, after completely releasing the whip leg martial art, gave Jiang Yun a "slow release".

"Jiang Yun, the whip leg just now, you probably didn't see it clearly, I'll use half the speed now to show you again."

Just as Luo Yang finished speaking, Zhu Qiang, who had been waiting on the side, had quickly replaced the six teaching plasterboards.

Then Luo Yang slowed down and faced Jiang Yun again, demonstrating the whip leg martial art just now.

This time, Jiang Yun completely saw Luo Yang's leg action trajectory, so not to mention, but also from Luo Yang's whip leg action, he saw Luo Yang's whip leg power point.

"It turned out to be the heel, and with the force of the waist area, it instantly whipped out a leg."

Luo Yang: "Feet, waist, body sinks, and then the strength bursts out, out of the legs!" Jiang Yun, did you see clearly just now? [

"Ding" system prompts: After observation, you have obtained ten points of whip leg proficiency.

Jiang Yun nodded: "See clearly, the waist exerts force, and the whole person forms a leg attack, and finally bursts out of strength to attack the leg, Senior Luo Yang, your whip leg martial art is also too powerful." Seeing

Jiang Yun say the core of the release of the whip leg martial art, Luo Yang couldn't help but nod his head in satisfaction.

"Good, since you have only seen it twice, you have some understanding, then you come over now to demonstrate, and I will help you correct it."

As a result, I don't know why, Jiang Yun actually refused: "Senior Luo Yang, although I have rested for an hour, but after those hundred laps of running, my legs are still a little sour, in addition, can you show me the whip leg martial art from the side, I want to observe and observe from a different angle."

Jiang Yun thought to himself, if brother can gain martial arts proficiency as long as he looks at it, brother will still go to practice, and it will be over if he looks at it directly.

Therefore, I want to continue to go to Xue Luoyang's wool.

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