After Luo Yang listened, of course, he also knew the importance of the matter, and immediately went to find Jiang Yun's parents.

Sure enough, at this time, Jiang Yun's parents had been surrounded by a large group of teachers and admissions officers from famous schools.

"Uncle and aunt, I am a supernumerary teacher of Beijing Wuhan University, this time I specially came to invite Jiang Yun to join Beijing Wuhan University, and in the end, as long as Jiang Yun agrees, we will directly give you two Beijing hukou, a set of 300 square meters of housing, and 100 million in cash."

"I said that you Jingwu, it's too critical, there is no trace of sincerity at all, uncle and aunt, our treatment of Mowu is definitely ten times better than Jingwu, Tomson Yipin Villa is at your two to choose, one billion cash, as long as Jiang Yun signs, it will immediately enter the account of your two!" The most important thing is that we, the Demon Martial Arts, will give Jiang Yun all the cultivation resources to ensure that Jiang Yun will have a unique martial arts training environment in the next ten years, twenty years, and even thirty years!

"Blessed with a unique cultivation environment? The second oldest in Demon Wu, who doesn't know in Huaxia, just this, dare to say that it is blessed, uncles and aunts, we Jingwu, is the first martial arts university, Jiang Yun can only have a better future if he enters our Jingwu! "

Jingwu and Mowu, the super terrifying treatment of the two famous schools, the other so-called famous school teachers, directly did not dare to speak anymore.

Thinking that these two martial arts universities are really terrifying, and they are hundreds of millions of dollars in treatment.

As for Jiang's father and Jiang's mother, they were confused at this time.

At the same time, he also thought to himself, did his previous anxious signing delay Jiang Yun.

Because compared with Jingwu and Mowu, Jiang Province Wuda, it is simply not enough to see ah.

Coupled with two famous schools, one export is a reward of hundreds of millions, which makes the two adults who only have a few thousand yuan in salary on weekdays simply cannot resist.

"This, our family Jiang Yun has already signed an enrollment agreement with Jiang Province Wuda..." Jiang's

father said with a weak face, and at the same time, he naturally regretted it completely.

As for the two teachers of the Capital Martial University and the Magic Capital Martial University, they immediately said that this was not a problem at all.

"Uncle and aunt, we already know this, and we also know that you two must have been deceived by Jiang Province Wuda at that time, so this is a confused signature, so as long as you two agree, and Jiang Yun is willing to come, these things don't need you to worry, because we Jingwu, all of them will be dealt with."

When Luo Yang, who was not far away, heard this, his expression was directly frozen, and then he immediately ran towards Jiang's father and Jiang's mother's side, and said to those teachers of Jingwu and Mowu: "What are you talking about, we Jiang Da, but we didn't lie to Jiang Yun at all!"

"Didn't lie to Jiang Yun? Do you think that Jiang Yun's peerless genius will choose a third-rate school like Jiang University, you liar!

"Boy, I'll ask you personally, Jingwu and Jiangda, which martial arts university will you choose to attend."

Luo Yang didn't have a little temper when he was stunned, because if he really wanted to give him such an opportunity to make a choice, he would definitely choose the capital Wuda.

It's just, there is no if, but Luo Yang still has to fight for his own school: "You are a third-rate university, Jiang University is not as good as your Jingwu and Mowu, but last year's freshman competition, good villains also entered the top ten!"

Kyowu sensei: "Top ten? Not the first, then it's all garbage! Rubbish, do you think you are worthy of teaching a genius like Jiang Yun? In the end, if Jiang Yun is delayed, can you Jiang Da afford this responsibility!" Teacher

Mowu felt a little offended: "Who do you say is trash, this year we Mowu, we definitely want you to look good!" "

In the end, it is also a loss, this is Sucheng, within the sphere of influence of Jiang Province.

Finally, under the "maintenance of order" of the Su City official and martial arts alliance, these teachers of Jingwu and Demon Wu dispersed.

Later, in order to fear that Jiang Yun's parents would be "in danger", the members of the martial arts alliance in Sucheng immediately protected these two adults.

"Thank you Wang Bureau, if you hadn't just appeared, I wouldn't have known what to do."

Wang Bureau is an official member of the Sucheng Martial Arts Alliance.

Wang Bureau also did not expect that they Sucheng would appear such a peerless genius as Jiang Yun, and in addition to being excited, they naturally felt full of pressure, because they did not necessarily leave Jiang Yun.

"Soon, Lord Governor will also arrive."

Luo Yang looked surprised: "Isn't Lord Governor conducting an inspection outside the province today, the news has already come out."

"Directly canceled, because now, nothing compares to leaving Jiang Yun."

"It's just, the pressure is too great, it may not be possible, it is said that the two old men of Jingwu and Mowu are ready to personally come and recruit Jiang Yun."

Wang Bureau said while unconsciously lighting the cigarette.

Luo Yang swallowed his saliva again and again, and then looked at Jiang Yun, who slowly walked out of the examination room, thinking that this was the gold content of the champion.

"Champion! Champion! Champion!

As Jiang Yun walked out of the examination room, everyone in the entire Sucheng Sports Center shouted the word champion.

Jiang Yun looked inexplicable, thinking that this big exam, isn't it necessary to take the exam for three consecutive days, today is the first day, and the morning has not passed, how can this be the champion?

After looking at Luo Yang who was running towards him, Jiang Yun scratched his head at Luo Yang and said, "Senior Luo Yang, this champion in everyone's mouth seems to be a little early." Jiang

Yun felt that he was powerful, but with so many people in the country, there must always be someone more powerful than him.

As a result, Luo Yang replied directly to Jiang Yun: "Not early, not early, it can already be completely determined, because Li Xiao, who is second place, I should have told you before, he is this year's favorite, your current results, five or six hundred higher than him, so there will definitely be no one else, can surpass you, so congratulations Jiang Yun, lock in this year's national martial arts examination champion in advance!" Hearing

this, Jiang Yun's whole person was stunned, and then looked at the appearance of everyone standing up and shouting in unison in the sports center.

Jiang Yun thought to himself, this is the champion?

Sure enough, the saying that perseverance will reap the rewards is really not wrong.

"It seems that I have to get up at five o'clock every day, squat and do sit-ups! Strive to become a grandmaster one day!

"By the way, Jiang Yun, Lord Governor will come over soon, uncles and aunts have already gone to the hotel, do you want to go over now?"

["Ding" system prompt: You trigger the mission to the hotel, according to Luo Yang's requirements, go to the Sioux City Hotel, the task is completed, and the random attribute is rewarded a little. ] 】

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