Tutor Zhang can only be said to be decent, and now seeing that he took the initiative to be accosted by the beautiful teacher, the whole person was stunned at the same time, and he also immediately said: "No, it was Jiang Yun who invited me to dinner." The

beautiful mentor was stunned, thinking what kind of relationship this is, Jiang Yun, the champion, actually took the initiative to invite Mentor Zhang to dinner, and immediately dressed up a cute and said: "Then you can take me a no." Mentor

Zhang did not immediately agree, but looked at Jiang Yun's body.

"Jiang Yun, this is Teacher Han from my group."

["Ding" system prompt: help Mentor Zhang pretend to be forced in front of beautiful women, task reward: random attribute point by point. ] Hearing

this system prompt, Jiang Yun was stunned, and wanted to help people pretend, is there still a reward to take?

Immediately, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and at the same time he was a little excited, he also immediately said to the beautiful mentor Han in front of him: "Of course, no problem, my relationship with Mentor Zhang, that's called a no, because if it weren't for Mentor Zhang, I wouldn't be able to come to Jiang Province Wuda, so Mentor Zhang's friend, that is my friend Jiang Yun, besides, everyone eats together, and it's a little lively." "

Jiang Yun's words, that is to make Mentor Zhang a little afraid to behave, because Jiang Yun did not come to Jiang Province Wuda, but it has nothing to do with him at all, he can only be regarded as lucky, followed Luo Yang to Jiang Yun's home, let Jiang Yun sign the guarantee agreement.

But this Teacher Han doesn't know this, plus Jiang Yunke took the initiative to say that he can come to Jiang Province Wuda, but Mentor Zhang is related, so this Teacher Han also thinks that this is Teacher Zhang's power.

Immediately, he immediately turned to Mentor Zhang and sent a very appreciative look: "Wow, I really didn't expect Mentor Zhang to be so powerful, and you can become good friends with Jiang Yun, Mentor Zhang, it seems that in a while, I have to have a drink with you~." "

Although I was in a group with myself, Mentor Zhang and this Teacher Han had almost not had much communication before, but what I didn't expect was that I was so active now.

And this, all thanks to Jiang Yun, who gave him a big face just now, and helped him pretend to be forced out.

Otherwise, how can he make such a beautiful teacher take the initiative.

Therefore, Mentor Zhang was in his heart at this time, and he was grateful to Jiang Yun for Dade.

[The "Ding" mission is completed, and you gain a little power attribute.

Not far away, when I saw Teacher Han who had just finished dinner, and turned back, some students who knew this Teacher Han were somewhat incomprehensible.

"What's the situation? Didn't Teacher Han just eat it? "

Stupid thing, didn't I see Jiang Yun coming, in the end, as long as I can eat with Jiang Yun, don't say eat another meal, I will go after eating ten more meals, after all, this is the national martial arts champion."

"I also want to go, but we don't have that relationship, I really envy the people who can eat with Jiang Yun."

"Don't say that you eat together, you can take a photo with Jiang Yun, send a circle of friends, it's all cool to death, when the time comes, we can also pretend to be forced, saying that today I met a national martial arts champion, hee ~."


On the side, Luo Yang and the others saw Jiang Yun giving such a face, and really agreed to Teacher Han.

They who originally promised their goddess in WeChat immediately became a heavy punch!

"I asked Jiang Yun just now, he said that there was no problem, said that my friend is his friend, you come now!"

However, after sending WeChat like a heavy punch, Luo Yang turned into a promise again: "Jiang Yun, I have a classmate, I also want to come over and eat, you see this..."

["Ding" system prompt: Agree to Luo Yang's pretending request, task reward: random attribute point a little. As

soon as the pretending task came out, Jiang Yun immediately said that there was no problem: "Senior Luo Yang, who of us is with whom, just ask me here, just let people come over." "

[The "ding" mission is completed, and you have gained a little bit of intelligence attributes. Moving

his mouth, he directly got another attribute point in his hand, which made Jiang Yunna almost die.

So after that, Jiang Yun looked at the other people on the side, thinking that you guys should quickly speak out and help brother trigger the task.

After that, a classmate said with a weak face, after all, the cow had already blown out to the girl just now:

"Jiang Yun, I also have a classmate who wants to come, she is in front, can she come?"

["Ding" system prompt: Agree to Wang's pretending request, task reward: random attribute point by point. ]

Jiang Yun: "Of course, no problem. "

[The "Ding" mission is completed, and you have obtained a little bit of the qi and blood attribute. It

is precisely because of this that the original invitation to dinner for two people turned out to be more than a dozen people in the end.

And with everyone in the back, all kinds of friends pretended to be forced, saying that today in the cafeteria a little chance met a national martial arts examination champion, and then a little meal with him pretend words.

In the end, some middle and senior managers of Wuhan University in Jiang Province actually came to the canteen to "meet" Jiang Yun.

Tutor Zhang: "Jiang Yun, this is Director Li of our grade department, he happened to come to the cafeteria to eat just now, and I bumped into him, so I called him over." "

For this, Jiang Yun just wants to say, are you a liar, a middle and high-ranking school at the level of this director, why do you come to the cafeteria to eat?"

It's a licking dog!

The key is that you lick it, and forget it, you haven't triggered the task for your brother, it's really speechless.

Although he thought so in his heart, on the surface, Jiang Yunke absolutely could not say so, he could only say that there was no problem, and asked the waiter to quickly add chairs and tableware.

After that, Director Li directly poured himself a glass of white wine, and then toasted to Jiang Yun and said: "Jiang Yun can come to our Jiangda this time, it is definitely our honor of Jiangsu, and finally, as the director of the grade department of Jiangsu University, on behalf of our grade department, I would like to welcome Jiang Yun's arrival!"

After that, this Director Li directly drank the liquor in his hand.

["Ding" system prompt: accompany the proud Director Li to have a drink, task reward: random attribute point a little. ] When

Mentor Zhang saw this scene, his expression was a little embarrassed, but he still had to say: "Director Li, Jiang Yun will have to accept the challenge of martial artists from all sides at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, so I look at this wine, it's better not to let him drink it." When

Director Li heard this, he immediately slapped his head hard, thinking that this could not be because of this wine, Jiang Yun, and even the school's major event.

After all, tomorrow's challenge, but to be broadcast live throughout, if something goes wrong, he is an ancient sinner of Jiang Da!

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