There are still a few minutes left before the cultural exam.

Aoyama No. 1 Middle School.

In one classroom, there are rows of computers, quiet and tidy.

Different from the previous monthly exam, a panoramic camera is placed on each seat, which is jointly controlled by artificial intelligence and related staff to monitor the candidate's every move at all times.

Once cheating is discovered, not only will the results be invalidated, but the qualification for the college entrance examination will be deprived thereafter.

Moreover, there is also serious legal responsibility.

Prison terms start at three years!

Cap the death penalty!

The federation does have some dark sides, but the college entrance examination involves too much.

To exaggerate, it is directly related to the future rise of mankind, and there can be no problems!

Forty students sat next to each other, constantly taking deep breaths to adjust their mentalities, and attached great importance to this exam.

For many people, the results of this college entrance examination directly determine their future!

Maybe it can become a dark horse, and the future will be brilliant and dazzling!

It may also be reduced to a cow and horse, spend an ordinary life, and have no highlights!

Ning Chuan sat in the window position, his back straight, his eyes solemn, and he also attached importance to this exam.

However, he did not panic and calmly waited for the exam to begin.

His state of mind, after killing the Tianwu spies, fighting against the Wei Foundation, and fighting with fierce beasts in the Mountain and Sea Genius Training Camp, he was already extremely powerful, and an exam could not affect him.

Moreover, Ning Chuan has confidence in himself, which is the confidence that his strong strength brings him!

Jingle bells....

Nine o'clock in the morning.

The exam begins.

While thinking, Ning Chuan answered the test papers of various subjects, and his mind quickly immersed himself and plunged into the exam.

Although he has been busy hunting fierce beasts in recent days, he has not reviewed much, but the dragon-elephant ancient scripture that has entered the micro realm has a very comprehensive tempering of him, not only simple muscles and bones, but also brain and nerve cells.

Most of the knowledge I have learned before has been integrated.

Reflected in this exam, it is a problem that once felt obscure, but now if you think about it, you can sort out the clue to solve it.

Of course, there are still a few difficult problems that cannot be written.

Ning Chuan did not get entangled and quickly skipped.

Previous college entrance examination champions, cultural courses full scores are not nothing, but they are always rare cases.

The college entrance examination should be counted as the total score, and the big head is still in the martial arts exam!

Ning Chuan calmed down and answered the test paper in an orderly manner.

Time passed little by little, a famous candidate tried his best to answer, and at three o'clock in the afternoon, the exam came to an end.

Ning Chuan got up and left his seat, took the mobile phone handed in from the invigilator, opened it, and received a text message that the artificial intelligence had completed the marking of the papers, and the scores were sent by the Education Department.

285 points!

This score, which is quite high, can be admitted to the colleges of science and technology of key universities and even famous universities.

Looking at the previous college entrance examination champions, they are all high.

Ning Chuan smiled calmly, did not get excited, did not participate in the discussion of the scores by the surrounding students, directly put away the mobile phone, and walked away.

The cultural class exam is just an appetizer.

The next 700-point martial arts exam will determine the direction of the college entrance examination.

According to Donglin practice in previous years, with the combat power of his five-rank martial artist, he was qualified to attack the seat of the top of the college entrance examination.

But, as for whether it can be done.

Ning Chuan was not absolutely sure.

In some types of martial arts exams, luck is also very important, not to say that if you have high strength, you will definitely be able to rank first.

"I hope that Donglin's martial arts examination this year can be simpler, and it is best to be similar to the monthly examination of Qingshan No. 1 Middle School in the past, which is the most direct fight!"

Ning Chuan secretly said in his heart.

In this way, he can give full play to his advantages of superior physical strength.

The government kept the test extremely secretive.

Don't say what way, just where it is held, until the last moment, it will not be leaked.

Walking out of the school gate, Ning Chuan swept his gaze and clearly saw that a large road in front of him had been pulled up with a conspicuous fluorescent color warning belt.

Many army soldiers dressed in urban camouflage uniforms patrolled back and forth, armed with live ammunition, sweeping a sense of solemnity.

On one side of the road, a row of military buses is neatly parked.

In front of each military bus, there is a sign with the range of the candidate's number.

These military buses will transport students to the venue of the martial arts examination.

Unlike cultural exams, students can be dispersed.

Wukao is the same arena.

Just like the Donglin martial arts examination the year before last, tens of millions of students crossed the Longji Mountain Range together, spectacular and intense!

"Please remember that any electronic products must be handed over to the military!

The weapons you carry are limited to cold weapons and original weapons!

Ban all thermal weapons!

Including but not limited to mecha, fighters, strategic bombers, space-based weapons, meteorite spacecraft..." The vehicle-mounted

loudspeaker was broadcasting the regulations of the martial arts, followed by a series of various thermal weapons, one or two hundred.

Ning Chuan did not laugh.

He knew that this was not a spoof by the Education Department.

Each rule represents something that has happened at least once in the past.

The federation has just decided on the college entrance examination for a period of time, because the rules are vague, and it involves the massive investment of the high-level government, resulting in a dance of demons, in order to win by any means, there are really children of the family who have done these things!

Several nuclear bombs have exploded!

It is seriously unfair to ordinary candidates, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dimensionality reduction blow.

Fortunately, it was later banned by the government.

As for the original weapon, it is still unfair to most students due to the high price.

But there is no way.

It makes sense for the martial arts examination to target personal combat strength and use financial resources to improve combat strength.

Just like cold weapons, there are also high and low differences.

However, the Confederation has a policy to prevent the misuse of original weapons.

During the college entrance examination, students are allowed to use original weapons, but with one point, the property is not protected by federal law.

In other words, any candidate can grab it and take it for himself.

In this way, a sword can be hung above the heads of candidates with strong family status, so that they do not dare to use too many original pattern weapons.

In case of being robbed, the flesh hurts a lot!

"I don't know, can I run into a rich second generation who has a space storage ring."

Ning Chuan muttered to himself.

Saying that, he found his military bus, handed over his mobile phone, and found a window seat in the back row.

At dusk, dozens of military buses started and moved quickly along the road.

"Where will the location of this martial arts examination be?"

"According to the street sign, we are heading to the north of Donglin, but as for the specific location, the devil knows!"

"I'm from Yucai Middle School, what about you!"

In the bus, many students exchanged ears, talked to each other, introduced themselves, or listened to other people's scores, and quickly became familiar.

Ning Chuan was still silent, not saying a word, closing his eyes and raising his mind.

He is full of energy, but this college entrance examination, he is the first person seat, and he needs to face it in the best condition!

Seven or eight hours later, the military bus pulled into a military base.

"Don't sleep! Get off them all! Wait for instructions!

A soldier shouted.

On the eve of the martial arts examination, no candidate slept soundly and woke up quickly.

Ning Chuan followed the crowd and left the bus.

He looked around and saw thousands of buses and nearly a million students parked nearby.

However, compared with the number of college entrance examinations in Donglin, it is still much worse.

"It should be a transit station."

Ning Chuan speculated in his heart.

Sure enough, immediately afterward, the soldiers shuffled and reorganized the students and brought them back to the military bus again.

Ning Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly, thoughtfully, this move, aimed at a very strong meaning, obviously separated the students who might be acquainted.

"If you fight in the ring, it won't be like this, this martial arts examination should involve some kind of chaotic battle!" Ning Chuan's thoughts were like electricity, and he quickly analyzed it: "The purpose of disrupting the reorganization is to prevent the students who know each other from joining forces.

"It's kind of exciting!"

Ning Chuan showed a calm smile.

Not long after, someone shouted his candidate number, and Ning Chuan followed the soldiers who led the way and boarded a new military bus.


As soon as he got into the car, Ning Chuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He met two acquaintances in the car.

Bai Xiuxiu and Xu Shanyi.

However, this occasion is not suitable for greetings, Ning Chuan just nodded, just said hello, then found a place to sit, closed his eyes again and waited.


Thousands of military buses drove out of the base like a long dragon.

Another few hours passed.

The night receded.

The sun rises over the eastern sky.

"We're not in the city anymore, it's the wilderness!"

Someone exclaimed.

Outside the car window, it is no longer a clean and tidy road, but a desolate land, wind and sand, magnificent and boundless.

Soon after, at the end of the horizon ahead, a small black dot emerged.

Ningchuan's eyesight was amazing, and through the car window, he could clearly see that it was an ancient giant city with a huge moat wall, hundreds of meters high, reaching into the sky.

It's just that it's already very dilapidated and dilapidated.

"Tianshui City!"

Ning Chuan recognized this ancient city, which was reduced to ruins in the Shuangwu Star War thousands of years ago.

After the establishment of the Confederation, it was regarded as a monumental city.

On the one hand, the great war of that year was too tragic, Tianshui City was seriously damaged, and the environment was almost irreversibly damaged, as evidenced by the surrounding wilderness.

The cost of repairing is too high, it is better to build a new city in an intact area.

In addition, Tianshui City has special significance.

It was the last ancient city in the Gaowu Realm to be destroyed, but unlike the previous ancient cities, Tianshui City did not fall.

Other words.

Since the Battle of Tianshui City, the Gaowu Realm officially sounded the clarion call for a counteroffensive and began to gain the upper hand, advancing bravely all the way until the Tianwu Realm was expelled.

The military bus drove fast, shuttling through the wilderness like a long dragon, and was getting closer and closer to Tianshui City.

The other students in the car gradually recognized the ancient city, and there were no small waves.


Bai Xiuxiu got up, scanned the students in the car, and said, "Tianshui City, this is the arena for this martial arts exam, you have to survive in the city for seven days!" Hearing

this, many students lifted their spirits, stopped being distracted, and hurried to listen carefully.

The martial arts exam can't just be as simple as survival.

For students in the high stage of awakening, it is easy to carry seven days without food or drink.

"As for the specific way..." Speaking

of this, Bai Xiuxiu took out a black watch, pressed it a few times, and a light curtain was projected.

Judging by the appearance, it is the three-dimensional map of Tianshui City.

"Watch out for this red circle!"

Bai Xiuxiu raised her hand and pointed to a red circle around Tianshui City, and said, "This is the venue of the martial arts examination, it will be reduced once a day, and the circle is the examination area, if you can't enter it in time, you will be regarded as a failure and directly withdraw from the martial arts examination!"

"Later, each of you will receive a watch."

Xu Shanyi took the conversation and introduced: "In addition to displaying maps, it is also a defensive original pattern weapon, which can emit a light shield to envelop you when it senses that your life is in danger."

"But remember, once the light shield is activated, you will be considered out!"

Xu Shanyi grinned and said, "As for why it is stimulated, because, beating other candidates, you can get the corresponding score!"

"The more candidates you beat, the higher your score!"

The words have not fallen!

The car seemed to explode, and there was an uproar.

Obviously, the rules of this martial arts examination are to encourage candidates to fight, and even, fight for their lives!

"In addition, in addition to beating the candidate, each additional contraction of the red circle also has a corresponding score bonus."

Bai Xiuxiu added.

After that, she twisted her watch, adjusted the three-dimensional map of Tianshui City, and said, "See the location of the green light!"

"It's important there, there are score cards, the brighter the light, the more points it means, and after you get it, you can also get the corresponding score!"

Bai Xiuxiu reminded the students in the car.

Xu Shanyi smiled and said, "The score card can not only add points, but also allow your personal sub-channel to appear on the advertising space and drain traffic, which is a real banknote!" "

Hearing this, most students don't pay much attention, they value grades more.

The so-called live broadcast income is only equivalent to the mirror, and only a few strong people can get a considerable fee.

However, Ning Chuan's eyes flickered slightly.

This is good news for him!

He didn't have many demands for the college entrance examination, only two.

Take the top seat!

Earn great fortune!

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