"You want money crazy?!"

Wei Bohu stood up with a loud voice.

Fortunately, this is a limousine, the roof is relatively high, so he did not reach his head.

Twenty million, the Wei consortium can afford it.

However, it will not be for him Wei Bohu out.

He wasn't that important yet.

The Wei consortium has a strict internal structure, and the resources of each family member are scored according to talent and performance, and strictly distributed.

His dad is not the chairman.

The chairman is only the executive elected by the family and does not own the consortium.

"Fighting Tiger!"

Wei Qiance pressed his hand and motioned for him to sit down.

As soon as the words fell, Wei Qiance looked at Ning Chuan and said with a smile: "Twenty million, for a place in a mountain and sea genius training camp, there is a lot of premium.

However, who makes it impossible to buy in the market, scarce is expensive.

For the price, I agreed! Hearing

this, Ning Chuan was stunned.

Did you really agree?!

A huge joy surged in his heart, and he was immediately pressed by Ning Chuan.

Don't write empty checks.

"When will the transfer be made?"

"Twenty million cash, which is not a small amount for the cash flow of the Wei consortium, and it will take a few days to turn around." Wei Qiance said with a smile.

Wei Bohu listened with an anxious expression.

"Then contact me when you are ready."

Carrying the cloth bag, Ning Chuan stood up and prepared to leave.

If the money is not in the account, nothing is good.

"Don't rush to go!"

Wei Qiance stopped Ning Chuan and raised his hand to press a button on the armrest of the seat.


A dark cabinet hidden in the car body opened, and a few wisps of condensed white fog dispersed, and inside were rows of test tubes, containing dark red liquid, bubbles churning, and there were hundreds of them.

It's all a hundred beast nutrient solution!

Wei Qiance took out three test tubes and handed them over: "A little gift, you are welcome."

Ning Chuan looked at Wei Qiance and did not take it.

Wei Qiance smiled and said, "This has nothing to do with me personally.

Ning killed the Tianwu spy and maintained peace in Qingshan City.

As the star group of Qingshan City, the Wei Foundation naturally has to express something.

These three hundred beast nutrient liquid are the intention of the Wei Foundation. Hearing

this, Ning Chuan dispelled the doubts in his heart.

Yesterday, several businesses in Aoyama City also gave money.

This kind of behavior can increase the favorability among the public and the city government.

"Thank you for the reward of the Wei Foundation."

Ning Chuan took the Hundred Beast Nutrient Solution, owed Wei Qiance, and pushed the door to leave.

Seeing Ning Chuan get off the car, Wei Bohu finally couldn't hold back his anxiety and said, "Dad, it is impossible for the board of directors to approve 20 million for me!"

Also, why did you give that kid a hundred beast nutrient solution?

Or three!

Even if you want to enhance the image of the Wei Foundation, just give a meaning!

Wei Qiance smiled but did not answer, and asked rhetorically: "How much is three hundred beast nutrient liquid?"

"Market price, one 180,000, three 520,000!"

This simple calculation is naturally not difficult for Wei Bohu.

"It's higher than my two-month cultivation share, it's better to give him than to cheapen me!"

Wei Bohu complained.

Wei Qiance ignored him and said to himself: "Article 319 of the Federal Criminal Law, stealing more than 500,000 yuan of public and private property, is an exceptionally large amount, and is punishable by more than ten years in prison, up to the death penalty.

"And the three hundred beast nutrient solution just exceeded this amount!"

Wei Qiance showed a smile.

Compared to before, it is not mild, but palpitating.

"You mean..."

Wei Bohu instantly understood what his father meant, and couldn't help but get excited.

Wei Qiance glanced at him obliquely, and said unhurriedly: "I have told you many times that in the face of ordinary people, there is no need to rely on force to suppress, the efficiency is too low.

The federation has its own rules in.

People of our class, who master the rules, have too many ways to make them bend as long as they are good at using their strengths.

"Yes, Dad!"

Wei Bohu said quickly.

"Ning Chuan, Ning Chuan, you don't want to give you a face, if you can't see it in a million, then don't ask for a penny!"


Road to the old town.

A driverless taxi sped fast.

Ning Chuan sat relaxed in the back row, took out his mobile phone, and pressed the screen.

It's the recording interface.

Ning Chuan thought about it and saved this recording.

Twenty million is not a small amount.

If the Wei family father and son want to temporarily lower the price, this recording is the proof.

More than half an hour later.

Taxis are parked outside the gate of the Ningchuan residential complex.

"Near the destination, the fare is 103 yuan, I wish you a happy journey!"

The voice of artificial intelligence feminization sounded.

"It's really expensive, I already knew that I would hit an economy model!"

Ning Chuan, who was worth nearly five million, shook his head.

It's not that he's stingy.

Just don't think it's necessary.

He pays more attention to the practical value of objects.

Thousands of yuan a pound of fierce beast meat, forty or fifty thousand copies of the Vajra body medicine package, he placed an order, and his eyes did not blink.

In terms of personal enjoyment, it is much worse.

To this day, he still lives in the old city, and the clothes on his body are all the school uniforms of Aoyama No. 1 Middle School.

"Put the money and nutrient solution at home first, and then go to school and talk to Su Yun about the B-level breathing method."

Ning Chuan walked into the community with a cloth bag.

The house he rented was on fifteen floors.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Ning Chuan saw two policemen in black uniforms, wandering back and forth in front of his house.

"Didn't Zhou Wei say that the reward from the police station will be a few days away? Ahead of schedule?

Ning Chuan's thoughts rose.

The two policemen walked quickly.

"You are Ning Chuan?"

The younger policeman asked, very unkindly.

"It's not like I'm here to give a reward."

A speculation flashed in his heart, but Ning Chuan still nodded and said, "Well, it's me."

The elderly policeman next to him said coldly: "It's you, I announce now that you are involved in a theft case, come with us!"

Ning Chuan was stunned: "What did I steal?" The

elderly policeman sneered: "Still hard-mouthed, the Wei Foundation reported you for stealing three hundred beast nutrient liquid!" Hearing

this, Ning Chuan's heart flushed with a hint of bad luck, and he felt like he was shrouded in conspiracy.

The young policeman's eyes were sharp, and he pointed to the mouth of the cloth bag in Ning Chuan's hand, and said in surprise: "Team Liu, look!" The beast nutrient solution is in the bag!

"So many, more than three!"

Team Liu looked down and couldn't help but blurt out, and a hint of greed rose in his eyes.

Immediately, Team Liu said sharply: "What a big bold, still a habitual thief, give me an immediate head and squat!"

Ning Chuan frowned, thought about it, and still opened his mouth to explain: "These hundred beast nutrient solution and money were the rewards given to me by the government departments of Qingshan City and some private companies after I killed Tianwu spy Zhao Weiping.

If you don't believe me, just go online and look it up!

"That high school student is you!"

The young policeman was a little surprised when he heard this, but his attitude did not ease much.

Team Liu scolded and complained: "Damn, it's really unfair, Laozi also killed the gangsters, how come the salary has increased by several hundred yuan, the police are not worth rewarding!" Seeing

the attitude of the two, Ning Chuan's brows furrowed even tighter.

In fact, it was purely a coincidence that he could get such a rich reward.

The TV station reported Zhao Weiping for many days, accumulating a lot of popularity.

Wang Ershui's live broadcast.

As a high school student, he fought alone, suffered miserable injuries, and finally turned defeat into victory.

Gets too much attention.

After rummaging in the cloth bag, Ning Chuan took out three test tubes and said, "This is the Hundred Beast Nutrient Liquid of the Wei Foundation."

I didn't steal it, though.

Their chairman, Wei Qiance, gave it to me privately.

There may be some misunderstanding in this.

The young policeman sneered: "Three hundred beast nutrient solution, more than 500,000, you said that a gift is a gift?"

Team Liu glanced at the test tube and said coldly: "It's still cunning, the numbers are all correct, it is undoubtedly the stolen hundred beast nutrient solution!" "

Each hundred beast nutrient solution has a unique anti-counterfeiting number on the bottle.

Hearing this, Ning Chuan's eyes changed slightly, and the trace of luck that lingered in his heart completely dissipated.

The Wei family father and son are plotting him.

There is no normal intention to buy a place in the Shanhai Training Camp at all.

You know, after he got out of the car, he didn't hang around, and directly took a taxi to his home.

The two policemen had been waiting for him in front of his home.

Everything was premeditated.

Ning Chuan's heart gradually turned cold.

If he hadn't secretly recorded the sound out of caution, he wouldn't have been able to speak with eight mouths.


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