Monday, March 28, 1099 AH.

Aoyama No. 1 Middle School ushered in the first monthly examination after the 100-day pledge meeting.

Many students arrive at school early and pay great attention to it.

Everyone adjusts their mentality in their seats.

The college entrance examination is approaching, their strength has basically been fixed, and the results of this monthly examination can roughly represent the results in the college entrance examination.

The monthly exam is divided into two parts.

Cultural classes and martial arts.

The cultural course examination is the same as the college entrance examination, which is divided into six subjects: mathematics, martial arts theory, biology, chemistry, physics, literature and history, with a total of 300 points; The martial arts exam of the college entrance examination is different every year, and the monthly examination of Qingshan No. 1 Middle School has always been set as a ring battle.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the exam begins.

In the classroom.

Ning Chuan calmed down, looked at the test paper on the computer screen, thought carefully, and answered carefully.

The original cultural class grades are already good.

Ningchuan is not deserted these days.

Even, because he didn't have to practice martial arts, he had a lot of free time.

More energy can be put into cultural lessons.

However, there are still some difficult problems that cannot be done, and Ning Chuan is not entangled, once it is determined that it is beyond his ability, he will immediately skip it.

Time passes little by little.

Jingle bells!

Ringing bells echoed across the campus announcing the end of exams.

As soon as Ning Chuan walked out of the classroom, he received a text message from the school on his mobile phone.

The federal science and technology are developed, all artificial intelligence to read the papers, and the results can be obtained in a few seconds, which is extremely fast.

"259 points, ranked 31st."

Ning Chuan looked at the phone and nodded in satisfaction.

The effort worked.

Before the original body, the results of cultural courses were all outside the 100th.

At the end of the text message, there was a URL link to the ranking of the results, Ning Chuan clicked in and took a look, and the first place was Tang Xiaowan, the class flower who was in the same class as him.

299 points!

Obviously, all the topics Tang Xiaowan will do.

The point that was deducted, Ning Chuan estimated that he had written the word "solution" less!

"Tang Xiaowan, a scholarly figure, the top ten famous schools in the Federation are stable."

Ning Chuan secretly said in his heart.

Tang Xiaowan is the fourth stage of awakening, if you add the total score of the martial arts examination, not to mention the top ten famous schools, the key universities are reluctant.

However, students with excellent grades in cultural courses can be specially recruited into prestigious schools and take the road of pure science in the future.

The federal government still takes science very seriously.

The annual allocation is in hundreds of millions.

"However, the most promising is still martial arts, Tang Xiaowan takes the scientific road, and the best result in the future is just to become the chief researcher of a large company, a year's salary plus share dividends, at most hundreds of millions... Well?!

Ning Chuan's eyes blinked twice.

It doesn't seem to be low!

Of course, Ning Chuan knew very well in his heart that this was only relative to ordinary people.

The ability of top martial arts powerhouses to absorb gold is far more terrifying than it.

In the Federation, super companies spanning multiple administrative regions must have a god platform behind them, otherwise they will be swallowed by their peers.

Those gods, at the end of the year, often do not have to do anything, and the dividends are hundreds of millions, or even billions.

And that's only part of God's income.


The venue for the martial arts exam is the training ground.

One by one, the rings have already been built.

Just after one o'clock in the afternoon, some time before the start of the exam, the training ground was already lively.

There are people everywhere, bustling.

There were students of the martial arts examination, people preparing to watch the battle, parents of students, and TV reporters who came to report.

Compared to the test paper that can only do questions, the bloody battle is obviously more attractive.

"This monthly exam, who do you say can reach the top! Last time, the first road president did not come due to injury.

"I think Ningchuan has hope!"

"Hehe, outdated, do you really think he is as strong as the news reports! An executive of the Wei Foundation spoke in his real name on the Internet, that Tianwu spy was seriously injured, and he didn't even have the strength of the Awakening Seventh Dan left, and Ning Chuan killed him, at most, it was a mending knife!

"Indeed, I have also heard about this, his classmate Zhang Wensi discussed this matter in the class group, and Ning Chuan was stunned and did not dare to speak!"

"This luck is also too good, first the epiphany lightning slash, and then ran into a seriously injured spy!"

"People who are not worthy of the name, naturally someone came out and hit him in the face!"

Many people are talking about it.

Because of recent reports, Ningchuan has become the main object of discussion.

However, driven by some well-intentioned people, most of them are more negative.

Ning Chuan stood under a tree on the sidelines and heard clearly.

He did not retort aloud, just as he had been watching the discussion in the class group before, indifferent to it.

The martial arts examination is about to begin.

Actions are more powerful than words.

Suddenly, a deliberately increased voice sounded, attracting the attention of many people.

"Ning Chuan, I heard that Zhao Weiping was seriously injured by Lu Mengyue, and then you picked up a big bargain for nothing, at first I didn't believe it, thinking that someone framed you, but now looking at your attitude, it's true!"

Wei Bohu came laughing.

Ning Chuan glanced at him and said lightly: "Now that you dare to speak, I thought you were scared stupid by Uncle Lu!" The

smile on Wei Bohu's face suddenly froze, and after a moment, he sneered: "Don't be proud, I ruined you on stage today, road battle... The owner will not stop it! The

road battle did not arrive at the scene, Wei Bohu hesitated, but still did not dare to call him by name.

The shadow of the tree, the name of the person.

The name of the peak knight is too heavy.

Ning Chuan thought for a moment and said, "Are you sure you can rank me?"

A trace of ferocity flashed in Wei Bohu's eyes, and he lowered his voice and said grimly: "Wait, no one can save you today!"

I'll break your bones one by one!

Those 20 million, I'm going to make you not even heal your wounds!" Hearing

this, the corners of Ning Chuan's mouth turned up slightly, and he no longer spoke.

Wei Bohu underestimated him, which was exactly what he wanted to see.

He was also worried that Wei Bohu would not know his strength and was too scared to appear.

After all, in a few days, he will go to the Mountain and Sea Genius Training Camp, and he will not have time to spend time with Wei Bohu.

The grudge between the two sides is over today!

"Pretending, wait on stage, I'll see how you still pretend!"

After releasing a few more cruel words, seeing that Ning Chuan had not answered, Wei Bohu felt a little bored, snorted coldly, and left with a big stride.

Seeing this, the nearby crowd did not disperse, but talked more intensely.

"Ning Chuan didn't refute it, it seems that what Wei Bohu said just now is true, killing the Tianwu spy really depends on luck!"

"Think about it, you also know how strong an awakening middle stage can be!"

"I dare to provoke Wei Bohu, it seems that I have seen too much news, I believe it, and when I meet Wei Bohu on stage, I will definitely be crushed!"

The sarcastic voices came one after another.

Ning Chuan's eyes lowered, still silent.

These countless mocking and questioning voices, on the one hand, were secretly promoted by Wei Bohu, Zhang Wensi and others.

On the other hand, he rose too fast!

From an obscure awakening fourth stage to a genius boy who killed the Tianwu spy, it was less than a month.

It's nothing short of miraculous.

Too many people find it hard to believe that there is a shady scene behind it.

At this time, they heard the provocation of Wei Bohu, Zhang Wensi and others, and naturally felt that they had discovered the truth and criticized it vigorously.

But, the tide will eventually recede!

Who's swimming naked, at a glance!

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