"Mo Yuyan, you are the first in line."

Ma Fengxing stretched out his hand to one of the girls among the trainees and said, "Tell me about your fist power and the body and martial arts of cultivation." "

Fist power can reflect a person's physical fitness very well.

Ma Fengxing can control his strength in this way.

Mo Yuyan stepped forward and replied, "My current fist power is 5400kg, and my body martial arts is a B-grade Moon Shadow Step!"

Many students were shocked when they heard this.

The fist power exceeds 5000kg, and the cultivation must be the S-level breathing method.

This girl's background is absolutely scary!

Ma Fengxing's face remained unchanged, but he just nodded and said, "I know, come with me." The

two entered the glass room with machine guns hanging from them.

"It's time to get started."

Ma Fengxing looked through the glass, looked at the staff outside, and ordered: "The initial machine gun, set to three, every minute, add a machine gun."


A staff member nodded and clicked quickly on the tablet in his hand.

Huh, huh,

huh... Under the rotation of the automatic mount, three machine guns from the ceiling strafed up.

The number may not seem like much.

However, this is a six-barreled revolver machine gun, three of which are eighteen barrels, and the sound of firing rubber bullets is almost a dense line.

Most importantly, the glass room is not that big, only 30 meters square.

The fire coverage can be called turbulent.


Mo Yuyan's figure was like the wind, and she quickly dodged.

Her Moon Shadow Step is a mastery realm, and the level of actual combat use is also very high, and the rubber bullets fired by 3 machine guns at the same time hardly pose a threat.

However, compared with Ma Fengxing not far away, it immediately pales in comparison.

Mo Yuyan dodged rubber bullets and moved throughout the glass room.

Ma Fengxing only stayed in a corner, with his hands behind his back, and his speed was far less rapid than Mo Yuyan's.

But rubber bullets were avoided.

There is a very relaxed sense of freehand!

"Is this a moon shadow step that enters the micro realm, or a micro limit!"

Some students marveled.

Looking at the two people in the glass room, Song Shiyu sighed with emotion: "Don't say that Instructor Ma's Moon Shadow step is a realm, that is, he is also proficient, and Mo Yuyan is not his opponent."

The combat level, nerve reaction speed, and sensitivity of the five senses of the nine-rank martial artist are far beyond us in the Awakening Realm! "

Ma Fengxing suppresses strength, and can only actively control strength and speed.


Ning Chuan nodded in agreement.

Dodging rubber bullets fired at high speed, five senses and nerve reaction speed are a little stronger, are all great advantages.

Three minutes later.

The sixth machine gun turned, and rubber bullets poured out of the barrel.

The onlookers immediately found that Mo Yuyan was stretched.

Although she was still not hit, rubber bullets would occasionally graze the corners of her clothes and long hair.

Should have reached the limit.

Sure enough, a minute later, seven machine guns turned at the same time, strafing.

Mo Yuyan didn't hold out for a few seconds when she was hit in the shoulder by a rubber bullet from the direction of the diagonal upper angle, and her figure staggered back.

"Stop launching."

Ma Fengxing waved his hand outside.

Seven machine guns immediately stopped turning.

Ma Fengxing looked at Mo Yuyan and said with a smile: "The performance is okay, and 2 points will be awarded."

Saying that, he moved his gaze, looked at the staff, and ordered: "Record it, Mo Yuyan, the level of body skills, the power of six machine guns." Hearing

this, the eyes of the trainees on the scene suddenly lit up.

Using the power of a machine gun to measure the level of body technique is too graphic.

These people, the cultivation realm, level, are all different.

There is also a gap in physical fitness.

Actual combat experience is even more varied.

Looking at the data on the surface, it is almost impossible to tell the difference.

The power of the machine gun is different.

Whether you have it or not, the more machine guns you can withstand, the higher your body level.

Many trainees' desire to win or lose was instantly aroused.

"Huang Xitao, you are second in line, come in."


As soon as Ma Fengxing's words fell, a trainee couldn't wait to break into the glass room.

Unfortunately, less than two minutes.

He walked out dejected.

The level of body technique, only the power of four machine guns.

I didn't even earn points!

Subsequent trainees entered the glass room one after another.

Soon, an hour later.

Most of the students have tried their skills with Ma Fengxing.

Without exception, all lost!

The trainee who was not convinced before also appeared.

His strength is very strong, his fist power is not inferior to Mo Yuyan, his body is in the realm, and he has received the evaluation of the power of seven machine guns.

However, it still lost.

Ma Fengxing's body martial arts is the realm of experts.

Many trainees gathered around the glass room, and they had no idea of defeating Ma Fengxing, and their only goal was to get as much machine gun power as possible.

"The 19th cadet, Xia Xi."

Ma Fengxing casually fingered.


Xia Xi strode forward, and when passing by Ningchuan, his footsteps paused and said coldly: "Keep your eyes open, look carefully, I will let you know the gap between us!"

"The gap between us is not small."

Ning Chuan looked at Xia Xi, the corners of his mouth turned up, and his smile was slightly meaningful.

"Count you as self-aware!"

Xia Xi snorted coldly, withdrew his gaze, and walked away.

Song Shiyu looked at Ning Chuan, his eyes were suspicious, and said, "How do I think you kid has something to say!"

Ning Chuan smiled and said nothing.

His goal.

It's never as simple as how much machine gun power you get!

No student has beaten Ma Fengxing in decades.

Then it's up to him.

Be the first man!

Glass room.

"My body martial arts is snake gliding, and the fist power is 5500kg!"

As soon as Xia Xi entered the door, he said aloud.

Obviously, the cultivation is also the S-level breathing method.

The fist force of the Class A breathing method does not exceed 4400kg.

Glancing at the onlookers, Xia Xi looked proud and said, "Instructor Ma, I don't need to adapt to time, I start directly with six machine guns!" "

There was a sudden uproar outside.

Some trainees were not angry.

You know, of the 18 trainees tested, most of them have a body level, and they are only the power of four or five machine guns.

"Quite confident!"

Ma Fengxing smiled and signaled that the staff could begin.

Huh, huh,

huh... Six machine guns were fired, and bullets rained down.

The two immediately dodged.

Xia Xi moved quickly, dodged, and did not feel any difficulty.

Snake sliding is just a C-level martial art.


However, Xia Xi cultivated it to the subtle realm, and when he cast it, it was like a spirit snake sliding and very agile.

"Subtle body technique, no wonder he is so crazy!"

Some students secretly marveled.

Micro is a watershed in the six realms of martial arts, and it is extremely difficult to cross.

These top geniuses usually can only practice one martial art to the micro realm, and in order to be more cost-effective, most of them choose offensive martial arts.

After all, when it comes to improving combat power, the role of offensive martial arts is the most direct.

Martial arts such as horizontal training and body techniques are all side enhancements.

Song Shiyu pondered for a moment and said, "The trainee who didn't convince the instructor of the gas horse before is also a C-level body technique that has entered the micro realm, and he has not carried the strafing of eight machine guns, and Xia Xi should not be able to do it."

"Not necessarily, maybe he has some hole cards?"

Ning Chuan said with a casual smile.

Song Shiyu glanced at him and confirmed his previous conjecture.

Ning Chuan did not confess to Xia Xi before.

Instead, he was confident that his body skill level surpassed Xia Xi's.

Just, one awakening six stages, on what basis?

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