"The winner, Ning Chuan, get 18,000 points!"

Bai Xiuxiu said loudly and announced the results of the martial fight.


Everyone came to their senses when they heard the sound, and began to discuss, and the training ground gradually became noisy.

"Three minutes, Ka Dian defeated Jiang Moyu, obviously, Ning Shen has not used his full strength!"

"There is no doubt that Ning Chuan is the first among the hundred trainees!"

"I, 18,000 points, converted into money, at least 200 million!"

Most of the hot topics discussed by the staff watching the battle and the students of the Awakening Realm were mainly shocked and envious.

And the martial arts trainees who fought with Ning Chuan were all restless.

Especially those trainees who were at the top of the battle order were even more terrified and their faces turned pale.

They all borrowed the highest amount of points to fight with Ningchuan martial arts.

Once you lose, you can't afford it at all.


Ning Chuan's eyes were ruthless, and he raised the silver-blooded combat knife and pointed it at the martial arts trainees on the sidelines.

The men looked at each other, and none of them stepped forward.

At this moment, they already have a pressure in their hearts.

With the combat power shown by Ning Chuan, he couldn't beat it!

To go up is to throw in the towel!

" Li Feiran, who ranked second in the order of the covenant battle, within one minute, if he does not play again, he will lose by default and deduct all martial arts points!"

Bai Xiuxiu's cold voice spread throughout the training ground.

Hear this.

In the crowd, Li Feiran's face froze, and he could only reluctantly step forward.

"Instructor Bai, can you give me some time, I want to have a few words with Ning Chuan."

Li Feiran owed himself and pleaded, "It will end soon."

Bai Xiuxiu bowed: "Say it." When

Li Feiran heard this, his expression relaxed.

He turned his body and faced Ning Chuan, "Let's make a deal."

I don't need you to make a move, I admit defeat on the spot!

You just need to give me back the 5,000 points I borrowed.

I earned those points myself, and all of them go to you!

Saying that, Li Feiran explained the reason: "Indeed, your strength is very strong, Jiang Moyu can't beat you, let alone me as a first-grade beginner martial artist."


You are not only fighting against me, there are more than sixty cadets behind me to fight you.

Your physical strength can't hold it.

When the time comes, you will lose one after another! The

words fell.

The crowd was in an uproar.

I can't see that Li Feiran is quite witty and can actually make this kind of operation.

The trainees who were at the top of the battle order heard this, and the panic in their hearts dissipated for the most part.

Compared to taking on a huge loan, it is not unacceptable to hand over the points you have earned.

It even feels like there's a little bit of a little profit.

And those trainees who are lower in the battle order have the opposite attitude.

One by one, with dark faces, they frantically greeted Li Feiran's family women in their hearts.

They originally wanted to win a point from Ning Chuan.

But now, as long as Ning Chuan agrees.

They don't say that they win points, they also have to take out loans, and they lose their money.

"Ning Chuan, how about my proposal!"

A confident smile appeared on Li Feiran's face and said, "Everyone is almost an adult, we must be realistic in doing things, focus on interests, and only if there is sacrifice can we gain!"

"Not how."

Ning Chuan shook his head lightly, smiled and said, "Only the weak make choices, and I want them all!" "

It's just a wheel battle of more than sixty cadets.

Stamina is not a problem.

Before, he stayed in the fierce beast hunting ground for seven days without sleep.

Kill more than 100 general-level ferocious beasts!

Li Feiran's face changed drastically in an instant.

The same is true of those students who are at the top of the order.

This exceeded their expectations.


Li Feiran was just about to open his mouth to continue persuading, but Bai Xiuxiu no longer gave him a chance, waved his jade hand, and said coldly: "The martial fight begins!" "


Ning Chuan cast three thousand wind shadows, his figure brought a violent wind, and in less than a second, he flashed in front of Li Feiran, and a knife swung out quickly, dragging out dazzling silver light.

Li Feiran frantically urged the Force to confront.

But it didn't work.

Seriously fall behind.

After a few moves, the Force was shattered.


The thunder exploded, and Ning Chuan swung out the silver-blooded combat knife, like a bolt of lightning breaking through the air, and slashed at Li Feiran's body.

Large splatters of blood splashed out.

Li Feiran flew backwards.

Ning Chuan's sense of him was not as bad as Jiang Moyu's, so he didn't step forward to make up for it.

However, Li Feiran was not in much better condition, lying on the ground and unable to get up, and his mouth constantly hummed in pain.

"Third place!"

Ning Chuan raised the silver combat knife with a finger, and his voice was cold.


A trainee came forward and fought with Ning Chuan after Bai Xiuxiu's announcement.

He, like Li Feiran, is also a first-class martial artist.

The result is similar.

After a few moves, he was slashed by Ning Chuan.

The other martial arts trainees stepped forward in turn.

Without exception, all fiasco!

"Ning Chuan's strength is really strong, but he is too arrogant to make a deal with those warriors who fought in front!"

"Even if he is a dragon king body, at most twenty more trainees, his physical strength will be exhausted!"

"Hehe, I'm in the sixtieth place, but unfortunately, I pressed 4700 points!"

Many trainees who were at the back of the battle order talked, and their expressions were a little happy.

But this whispering did not last long.

When they saw that Ning Chuan had lost 30 trainees in a row, and there was not even sweat on that handsome face, they completely panicked.

What kind of physical strength is this?!

It's too long-lasting!

"To be honest, what is the difference between you and fools, after being yin by Ning Chuan, you still feel that you can fight back!"

Shi Feng squinted at those warriors, his eyes contemptuous.

"How to sweat on the forehead, wasn't it quite arrogant before, mocking Ning Shen for hunting fierce beasts is taking advantage of the dragon king body!"

"It is estimated that they are also ferocious beasts, and they have been coerced by the dragon king body!"

Many Awakening Realm trainees were extremely refreshed in their hearts.

One of them completely defeated the superiority of these warrior trainees.

"Go on!"

After splitting another trainee into the air, Ning Chuan's eyes were like electricity, and he drank coldly.

More than thirty battles completely stimulated his desire to fight, and the battle intent in his heart burned like a flame, blazing incomparably.

A girl stepped forward with a sword.

She has fair skin and picturesque eyebrows, which is very beautiful.

Tang Chuxue, a second-grade high-level martial artist, has strong strength, and Jiang Moyu is on par.

"It's a big guy, it's worth three laps!"

Song Shiyu said with a smile, bending down to pick up the alarm clock that Ning Chuan had placed before, and flipped the second hand three times.


After the martial fight began, the second circle was not finished, and with a bang, silver light flashed.

The air seemed to be cut apart.

A large blood flower appeared on Tang Chuxue's chest and flew out upside down.

The same fiasco.

Thirty-six slashes of heavy rain, once superimposed, the speed is too fast, and it is crushing for second-grade high-level martial artists.

Can't stop it!

That is, Jiang Moyu fought the water technique and lasted a little longer.

Time passes.

Outside, the sun rises higher and higher.

Training ground.

One by one, more and more trainees fell to the ground.

Ning Chuan's eyes rose with fighting intent, standing with a knife, and his momentum was incomparable!

"Who else!"

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