Time passed slowly.

three months later.

Saint Huixin and the others were very surprised. They never imagined in their dreams that Zhou Yi actually used the formation to forcibly block the dark demon for a full three months!

And what's even more outrageous?

During these three months, they often inquired about the external situation, and it seemed that they found that the dark magic had no way to take the formation barrier, and there was no sign of it being cracked for such a long time, which shocked them very much.

You must know that within these three months, not only the ordinary dark magic attack formations, but also the captains of the dark demons and even the leaders of the dark demons have all descended. Under their attack together, the barriers and formations can actually block the formation. Three months old and showing no signs of splintering.

"Great Sage Huixin, I just received news from the Great Sages of Hunyuan that the third line of defense has basically been established, and our drills in the past few months seem to be meaningless." said the Great Sage Yunyi.

"That's right, since the third line of defense has been established, we'd better select outstanding human masters and take refuge in a special small world during this period of time," said the Great Sage Kan Xin.

"I've discussed this matter with Zhou Yi. He doesn't seem to have any intention of participating in our elite selection plan, but he let us pick people from White Jupiter at will." Said the Great Sage Huixin~.

In this way, the goal of the three great sages has changed from the original rehearsal to the selection of human geniuses and elites, so as to leave the fire of civilization for human beings.

If it's about picking talent, who's the first they'll find?

A sage called Bogusla among the planets of White Jupiter!

This Bogusla once gained a great reputation in the cosmic sea of ​​stars, and the most important thing is that there seems to have never been heard of such a person in the cosmic holy sea.

Soon, they found Bogusla, and when they proposed to let Bogusla retreat to the last line of defense and enter a special space, a scene that surprised them appeared...

"Sorry, I won't be relegated to the last line of defense," Bogusla said.

Why? Although the dark demon is temporarily blocked, it is best to keep the fire and continuation of mankind. Although you are a saint, you are powerful and have unlimited prospects. When the universe is shattered and restarted, you will definitely be able to contribute to mankind. "


I don't know why, Bogusla suddenly felt funny when he heard this... After all, he is famous as a devil, but the wise saint and others seem to think that he will definitely contribute to human civilization

"Will Zhou Yi go to the last line of defense?" Bogusla asked suddenly.

"He won't go. We have discussed it with him, but he doesn't seem to agree with our proposal and approach." Huixin Shengren said.

"Then there is no need to go." Bogusla said, "I believe Zhou Yi will be able to solve the current matter."

"This..." Huixin Shengren and others looked at each other in blank dismay. They never imagined that Zhou Yi would have such weight in Bogusla's mind.

In the end, the two parties failed to reach an agreement, and the wise sage and others did not insist, and continued to search for more human geniuses...

After the wise sage and others left, Bogusla sneered.

"The so-called special world can only accommodate 100,000 people. How many people are there in the entire universe? They actually thought of restarting the universe to cause a calamity, as if the special space must be safe." Pogusla secretly thought.

"The crisis of the universe, if Zhou Yi can't solve it, I believe...the so-called special space will be useless!" After Bogusla finished speaking, he looked into the distance.

He thought of a place that might actually survive the crisis.


This is where Zhou Yi told him that he could avoid a real crisis when he encountered a real crisis. As for the Great Sage Huixin and the others? He would not believe even the conclusions drawn by the sage Hunyuan and the special space set up by him.


Because when the dark demon attacked, he participated in the defense from the first line of defense, and witnessed the tragic death of the Hunyuan saint-level Great Sage Fengyuan with his own eyes.

Time passed slowly.

Another three months.

Bai Juxing's formation barrier is still unbreakable.

At this moment, the wise sage was also stunned... The dark demon has never been blocked in one place for so long!

However, the long-term tranquility will eventually be broken.

After resisting the barrier for six months, the number of Dark Demon's leaders increased to three, and at least a hundred at the captain level. The barrier that Zhou Yi had set up finally began to waver.

When gaps began to appear in the barrier, Zhou Yi finally made a move!

0…ask for flowers……………

From everyone's point of view, Zhou Yi seemed to attack when the barrier was unable to resist, but in fact it was just the opposite.

The power that Zhou Yi possessed was completely beyond their imagination. If he wanted, Zhou Yi could even use a barrier to permanently stop the dark demon.

But Zhou Yi didn't do that, because in six months he had basically figured out the existence form and essence of the dark demon, the captain, and the leader!

Therefore, Zhou Yi decided to open a gap in the enchantment formation, so that all the dark demons would gather in this place.

This makes it easier for Zhou Yi to do it!

He wants to completely eliminate these dark demons, and go to the land of chaos in the holy sea of ​​the universe to completely solve the dark demons and find out the truth of the universe.

It's just that Zhou Yi's plan obviously no one can think of.....

"The Dark Demon is coming!"

"Are we going to withdraw?"

"Master Zhou Yi can't seem to stop it."

"It's time to retreat!"

Many people began to panic... The wise man discovered that at this time, it seemed easier for them to recruit those geniuses who gathered on Bai Jupiter.

this day.

The dark demons all over the sky broke through the barrier and came to the sky above Bai Jupiter. This was actually the first time many people on Bai Jupiter saw the dark demons.

When they felt the terrifying breath and power of the dark demon, they really felt what fear is.

However, in the face of the dark demons all over the sky, Zhou Yi soared up into the sky, watching them quietly. In the hearts of many people, Zhou Yi seemed to be a man who faced thousands of troops alone.


However, only those who really understand Zhou Yi will understand that Zhou Yi is the mighty army. Although there are many dark demons, he is at best a lonely general.

"Zhou Yi...what are you thinking about?"

Maybe everyone doesn't understand, but Bogusla has doubts.

Because his strength and wisdom roots have been greatly improved, the form of power in his body has also undergone major changes because of Zhou Yi's guidance.

He could feel that the enchantment was not eroded by the dark demon, but a gap left by Zhou Yi on his own initiative...

The dark demon is like a simple child... who fell into Zhou Yi's trap and died. .

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