Time passes slowly.

The next day, dawn.

When the morning glimmer fell on the earth, a large number of people in Jin Yibang gathered together and occupied a main road.

The protest began!

Everyone has all kinds of slogans in their hands that everyone is equal, we are not slaves! ‘, ‘The people of Jin Yibang are also people! Condemn the stall tax! ‘, ‘Please treat us as people, we don’t be ~ fourth-class citizens!’ ’

After the sign was erected, the protest began, led by many people and roared.

The protest soon attracted attention, and the Ministry of Defense and the police began to cooperate with the protest, and dredging and bribery began to play a role at this time.

At the same time, the minister of Jin Yibang also stood up and began a show operation, and he said on the spot that he was firmly opposed to this tax of the three countries…

For a time, many foreign media reported it.

What a righteous warrior!

What representatives of democracy, what courage to confront the Federation, etc., words of praise have poured out.

This protest quickly fermented internationally, and the United Nations also expressed its approval and support.


The other side.

The Tri-Arab Federation opened memories, and many parliamentarians discussed it.

“Now you all know the situation, and Kim Yibang’s march demands have now become bigger.”

“It’s like this, there is no way, this kind of thing cannot be held internationally.”

“We should immediately admit the mistake, then say there is a problem with the bill, find a scapegoat, and then amend the bill.”

“Drag! Just drag it on, and when the limelight passes, it’ll be fine. ”

“Damn fourth-class citizens, actually making trouble! When the limelight passes, give them a little taste! ”


The protests continued, and the action seemed to resonate with the entire Kim Yibang, and marches began in many places, and the procession once reached a million people, which was huge!

In the midst of this protest, under the covert manipulation of Sillick, slowly the wind of public opinion began to turn, and a voice began to appear.

Jin Yiguo’s accession to the Federation was a mistake!

Originally, no one dared to say anything about this matter, but now that someone has raised it, the storm immediately began to ferment and swept the whole state!

Jin Yiguo joined the rush was a wrong idea, almost the wind and clouds swept the whole state.

At this time, the top level of the federation sensed that something was wrong and began to press!

Minister Jin Yibang also felt that something was wrong at this time, and he hurriedly appeased, but with little effect.

Finally, in the protest of the next day, the voice of rebuilding the country of Jin Yi from the federation appeared!

After this voice appeared, Jin Yibang’s top management could not sit still.

Kim Yibang Chief Minister Niha’aru and Defense Minister Sunnir Khan immediately called a high-level meeting to try to end the protests immediately.

However, the vast majority of Jin Yibang’s parliamentarians actually opposed the repression, and even more opposed the termination of the protest, saying that this is a matter of international concern and must not be acted rashly and cause international dissatisfaction.

“You guys are talking nonsense!” When Defense Minister Sunnir Khan heard the words of the parliamentarians, he immediately roared to express his dissatisfaction.

“When is this, I’m afraid that if it goes down, I will really break away, and there will be a referendum at that time?” Is Kim Yibang really separated from the Union? Is that what you guys think? ”

“Minister Sunnir Khan, are you crazy, we are all sent by the three Arab countries to participate in politics, how can we support such a thing as a referendum? We occupy two-thirds of parliament and for a referendum to be held only if two-thirds of the parliamentarians agree and the consent signed by federal ministers. A lawmaker said.

“Do you think the referendum will meet all the conditions? Do you think two-thirds of MPs agree, or do you think Chief Minister Niha’aru will sign it? ”

“That is, Minister Sunnir Khan, don’t make a fuss, it’s just a protest.”

“Express dissatisfaction, just make a fuss.”

Many lawmakers echoed, and Minister Sunnir Khan snorted coldly without saying much.

At the end of the parliament, it seems that nothing has been taken seriously, they feel that at most it is a riot, and the real power is still in their hands.

With this momentum, a former high-ranking Jin Yiguo who is now a member of the parliament of Jin Yibang took the opportunity to propose a referendum to break away and restore Jin Yiguo!

After this issue appeared, it immediately attracted the dissatisfaction of the Federation, and he began to pressure Kim Yibang to suppress this voice.

Of course, the Federation did not actually take it seriously, after all, they understood the procedure of the referendum, they thought that such a procedure would definitely not be started, so they were not worried at all.

Not only that, but there was a similar mockery in the high-caste control of Kim Yibang, who felt that this matter was absolutely impossible, and that this parliamentarian was just a grand gesture to give himself future election votes.

Time passes.

Day 3.

The protests continued, demanding that they secede from the Tri-Arab Federation and restore the Kingdom of Jin, but no one really took it seriously.

However, according to the process, this issue was really submitted to Jin Yibang.

Kim Yibang’s ministers and numerous parliamentarians gathered.

“Today, the topic we are talking about is about Jin Yibang’s separation from the Three Arab States and the restoration of Jin Yiguo.” Kim Yibang Chief Minister Niha Aru said: “Next, the parliamentarian resolution begins, everyone can vote, start voting!” ”

“It’s really serious!”

“It’s just a show, which shows that we cherish the voice of the people of Jinyibang.”

Many people are very optimistic, they don’t take it seriously at all, and no one thinks that the number of people who can really support leaving the San’a Federation can exceed two-thirds.

However, for this matter, Jin Yibang’s media began to report it wildly.

Foreign countries are also extremely concerned, and many countries have expressed their appreciation for Jin Yibang’s behavior.

In this matter, the federal high-level of the three Arab countries also held an emergency meeting.

“Guys, what do you think about this?” The President of the Bundestag asked a number of parliamentarians.

“It’s just a cutscene, I received internal information from Jin Yibang, they said that they were just making a show for the people and showing it to people abroad.”

“That’s right, don’t say that two-thirds of the parliamentarians agreed, even if more than half of them are impossible.”

“I don’t think I need to pay attention to this matter.”

Bundeslators are expressing their views.

“That’s right, even if two-thirds of the parliamentarians really agreed, it is absolutely impossible for Kim Yibang Chief Minister Niha’aru to agree, if he does not agree, this matter cannot really be promoted, and the referendum is absolutely impossible to be born.”

“In addition to these, don’t we have one last layer of insurance? The Minister of Defense and the troops stationed there are all our people, really break away, do they have that ability? ”

The Bundestag nodded.

“In that case, let’s disperse!”

Ask for flowers…


The other side.

Kim Yibang, who was holding a vote at this moment, was anonymous because he was anonymous, so each member of parliament stole his vote into the ballot box on the spot.

Minister Sunnir Khan sneered.

“It’s nice to pretend, it’s really boring to do this one.” Minister Sunnir Khan said darkly.

It was at this time that Kim Yibang Chief Minister Niha’aru took out all the votes and began to count the votes.

Agree…… One vote.

Agree…… Two votes.

Agree…… Three votes!

When the number of votes in favor kept getting higher and the number of votes not to appear for a long time, Minister Sunnir Khan frowned, he felt that something was wrong!

At this moment, many of the parliamentarians present also felt that something was wrong.

At first, several people looked at each other, and there was an expression of I understand you…

But slowly, people sensed something was wrong!

All of them were yes votes? There is only one vote to disagree so far!

Twenty votes to one?

Because this scene was a live broadcast, it caused a sensation in Jin Yibang on the spot.

……. 0

The Federation of the Three Arab States was also paying attention to this matter at any time, the Speaker of the Federal Assembly was livid, and the Minister of General Defense of the Federation snorted coldly.

“Speaker, this matter is going to be reported to the high-level, these people are definitely not clean! They have no reason to agree unless someone buys them. ”

“If this continues, it is estimated that more than ninety percent will agree.” The speaker of the Federal Assembly said with a livid face: “I don’t know who is secretly doing it, but it is impossible to succeed!” ”

“That’s right.” The Federal Minister of General Defense nodded: “Chief Minister of Kim Yibang Niha Aru does not nod, everything is useless. ”


At this moment, the statistics continue, and after a while, the statistics are over!

One hundred and thirty-two votes in favor, twelve against!

More than ninety percent of the people are in favor of the referendum.

“Are you crazy?” Minister Sunnir Khan yelled! “Do you know what you’re doing!”

As soon as these words came out, many parliamentarians looked embarrassed, but they still had confidence!


Because this is their legitimate right! Because they feel that Kim Yibang Chief Minister Niha Aru will be fine without nodding!

So there was an immediate rebuttal.

“Minister Sunnir Khan please pay attention to your words, you are disrupting the parliament!”

“Minister Sunnir Khan, we are only responding to the demands of the people, why, as the Minister of Defense, do you want to stand against the people?”

Many of the parliamentarians looked righteous and awe-inspiring.

“Bah!” Minister Sunnir Khan said: “Did you receive any benefits? This thing is not played! I’m telling you! ”

“Minister Sunnir Khan, don’t spew blood!”

“That’s right, how can the parliament be noisy? If you talk nonsense, we are qualified to impeach you! ”

Many parliamentarians are very tough, they are now quickly united and joking! I really got it for the Minister of Defense.

At this moment, Chief Minister Nihaaru of Jin Yibang snorted coldly.


At this moment, all eyes were focused on him.

Because whether or not a referendum can be held now depends on whether he nods or not!

(Thank you for the tip, 7.29 is tomorrow, I will break out a wave, how much can I write.) Yu)_

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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