After the Li Chaoge VS Wujo Taoxiang match ended.

The audience in Fusang Kingdom fell into a dead silence.

Each of them had a look of despair written on their faces.


I also sensed the low-pitched ridicule and ridicule from many audiences around, which made them even more ashamed.

But soon, no one cared about the audience of Fusang Kingdom.

Because the game started again.

But for many viewers, there is no expectation on their faces.

Because in their hearts, it seems that they have already made a conclusion about the result of the next game.

The facts were as they had guessed.

In the third game.

Norton still directly showed the real body of the Chaos Demon, and then crushed Charlotte's sister Bonnie Atherton with an unreasonable gesture of crushing thousands of troops.

He just didn't dodge or dodge, using his physical strength to confront Bonnie, the mighty destroyer.

In a life-threatening battle like you punching me.

Bonnie fell first.

Immediately afterwards, Norton did not kill Bonnie.

But after dismantling Bonnie's contract beast into eight pieces...


Under the unbelievable eyes of everyone, Norton crushed Bonnie's head with one foot and won the victory.

This suffocating power and frightening brutality made every audience shudder.

It is worth mentioning that…

Until now, Norton still has not let his contract beast come to power.

Subsequently, the fourth game was also a very tight start.

Princess Saint Luni vs Lorna Silver.

One is the princess of the Holy Light Empire.

One is the princess of the elf forest.

Both of them are fair-skinned and beautiful big beauties.

And Lorna once studied in the Royal Academy of the Holy Light Empire.

The two formed a close friendship.

It is precisely because of this...

This fourth fight seemed mild.

The two sides competed peacefully, and even when they finally stepped down from the stage, these two charming and charming beauties walked off the stage holding each other's arms.


The final result was not what the audience expected, and Princess Saint Luni won.

At this point, the list of the semi-finals is also officially released.

Ling Zhan.

Li Chaoge.

Norton Lane.

Princess Saint Luni.

"Currently, there are only two players who have not allowed their contracted beasts to appear on stage."

"Besides Norton, there is Princess Saint Luni."

"Does this mean that these two players are stronger than Li Chaoge and Ling Zhan?"

"Hard to say…"


Along with the audience's discussion, the official commentary also announced the entry of the break time.

Perhaps it is to allow players to compete at their peak.

The official gave enough rest time for two hours.

Audiences from all over the world laughed and left their seats, and went to gourmet shops outside the Super Arena to replenish their energy.

At this time, everyone suddenly realized that they were very hungry.

Compared with yesterday's tight schedule, today's schedule is undoubtedly much easier.

But for some reason, viewers found themselves expending more energy than they had yesterday.

Maybe it's because today's schedule is indeed more exciting than yesterday's.

Especially the individual player from Longguo, who really gave the audience a big surprise.

They never dreamed that this unemployed individual, who was completely underestimated at the beginning, would be able to make it to the semi-finals all the way.


This made them look forward to the next semi-finals.

in addition…

Compared with the relaxation and freedom of audiences from various countries.

The audience of Dragon Country was very nervous.

Because the probability of civil war is very high!

"God bless, there must be no civil war!"

This is the inner prayer of all Dragon Kingdom viewers.

"If we meet later, I won't show mercy."

At this time.

Li Chaoge, who came to the water bar side by side with Ling Zhan, also said seriously.


To this, Ling Zhan only responded indifferently.

In fact, Li Chaoge didn't need to remind him at all.

No matter what opponent he met, Ling Zhan never underestimated the enemy.

All are taken seriously.

It's just that Ling Zhan's seemingly indifferent response made Li Chaoge angry and laugh at the same time.

This guy…

Really do not eat oil and salt!


At this time, there was a sudden noise at the entrance of the water bar.

Ling Zhan looked out of the corner of his eye.

But he was slightly taken aback.


The figure that appeared at the door was none other than Princess Shengluni!

Of course, there is also her sister Saint Lucy, and the elf princess Lorna Silver who is her close friend in the boudoir.

No wonder it caused an uproar.

Because of the arrival of these three beauties, the water bar, which had few customers, was instantly full.

Many spectators who wanted to take a group photo were blocked by Princess Saint Luni's personal maid guards and could not get close.

And these audiences are half male and half male.

It seems that these three princesses are not only popular among boys, but also very popular among girls.

"Three cups of coconut milk tea."

A maid with the power of three ranks walked slowly to the bar and placed an order.

Longguo's milk tea has already captured the hearts of girls from all over the world.

Even these three princesses are no exception.

But when she turned her head to look, she found that the entire water bar was full.

The dumbfounding thing is...

Many tables were deliberately left with three empty seats.

Its intentions are self-evident.

"All three cups of milk tea are packed and taken away."

The maid had no choice but to add this sentence.


The words of the maid just fell.

The entire water bar resounded with sighs of disappointment.

Princess Saint Lucy, who was holding her sister's arm, looked around indifferently with a pretty face.

Looking at this group of frustrated men and women, I couldn't help but sneer in my heart.

Um! ?


Her gaze stopped.


In a certain corner, she saw the familiar figure crawling over her mind like a bug.

"Don't pack it, drink here."

Almost subconsciously, Princess Saint Lucy spoke hastily.


The audience, who had lost their vitality, came back to life like a fish in water!

Sheng Luni and Lorna followed Sheng Lucy's unobstructed gaze.

Then I saw Ling Zhan and Li Chaoge who looked like Bi people.

What's more terrible is...

All the audience in the water bar also followed Princess Shengluni's gaze and looked towards a certain corner.

Look at it this way...


The whole crowd was excited again!

I rely on!

what happened?

A small water bar unexpectedly gathered five geniuses!

But compared with the high-profile of those three.

These two Tianjiao from the Dragon Kingdom kept a low profile.

If I hadn't followed Princess Saint Lucy's line of sight, I'm afraid I wouldn't have noticed it.

"Well, let's drink here."


Princess Saint Luni's crisp voice sounded.

Princess Sheng Lucy let go of her sister's arms, and took lotus steps towards the corner where Ling Zhan was.

This kind of can't wait can be seen by others, but Sheng Luni and Lorna are slightly puzzled.


Why did Sheng Lucy, who was always extremely indifferent to men in the past, become so eager all of a sudden?

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