Global Killing: Awakening SSS-Level Talent At The Start

Chapter 400 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 399th chapter is monstrous anger! Lost the top three!

"Hey! This ninth place is not the Yaotian family!"

Xing Gu was a little surprised and put down the wine bottle in his hand.

Xingjin was also a little surprised: "Yes! Could it be that the Yaotian family won the eighth place?

Xing Gu frowned slightly: "The top ten mysterious forces are stronger than each other, and the gap is bigger than each other. It is acceptable to say that the Yaotian Clan surpassed the Blood Moon Clan. But this time, they actually surpassed the Wuyang Clan. That's kind of amazing!"

Xing Jin nodded: "Yes! The Wuyang Clan is much stronger than the Blood Moon Clan, and the Yaotian Clan's performance this time is too extraordinary! However, they can also get the eighth place, and it will not be too much to surpass this ranking. It's possible."

The eighth "name! That should be the limit of the Yaotian clan! However, for my clan, the mere eighth place is nothing.

Having said this, Xing Gu smiled proudly.

Xing Jin also smiled and said: "Of course! My clan can 100% take the third place this time and get the first-class reward. Even if the Yaotian clan's performance is extraordinary, it will not affect our clan's reward!

"Haha! That's true!"

Xing Gu picked up the restaurant with a big laugh, and took a sip of wine.

Up to now, they still thought that the change in ranking was caused by the Yaotian family.

They are full of absolute confidence in the Xinggu clan winning the first-class reward...

At the same moment, in the Yaotian Hall.

Yao Ji and the others were extremely shocked.

"What's the matter?! The ninth place is not Longyuan Town! Are they the eighth place?!"

Yao Ji had a look of astonishment on his face.

Yao Tianchen is also unbelievable.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and said, "Patriarch, it should be because Longyuan Town was so lucky that he was lucky enough to surpass the Wuyang Clan."

Afterwards, he said sourly: "Patriarch, I want this old man to see that Longhu Town's eighth place is the limit!"

Hearing this, Yao Ji turned gloomy and looked towards the direction of Area 1.

The higher the ranking of Longhu Town, the more jealous he became.

At the same time, he also felt that Longhu Town could only be ranked eighth at most.

Just a challenge force!

No matter how lucky you are and how extraordinary your performance is, it can only be like this.

This idea came to me, and Tiandao began to announce the next ranking.

[The eighth place in this round..

Yao Ji and the others quickly held their breath and listened.

[Ten Ominous Clan (mysterious forces), 111,300 points.


The eighth place is not Longhu Town!


Yao Ji and the others are full of drama!

One by one, their eyes widened in astonishment!

At that moment, the hall became extremely silent!

At the same time, in the hall of the Xinggu clan.

Xing Gu and Xing Jin are stunned again!

The eighth place is not even the Yaotian family.

"Strange! Why isn't the eighth place the Yaotian family?"

Xing Gu looked puzzled.

Xing Jin also frowned and said, "Patriarch, could it be that this time, the Yaotian family's ancestral tomb has smoked blue, and they are going to get the seventh place?"

Xing Gu smiled coldly: "It seems that most of it is like this! This Yaotian clan has really had shit luck!

As soon as he finished speaking, he picked up the wine bottle and was about to taste the wine again.

At this moment, Tiandao announced a new ranking.

[Seventh place in this round: Dragon Clan (mysterious force), with 132,400 points. "

Xing Gu is stunned again!

No way?!

The seventh place is not even the Yaotian family!

Xing Jin on the side was also confused.

This time, the two couldn't help looking at each other on the ground.

Soon, Tiandao will continue to announce new rankings...

[Sixth place in this round: Tongkong clan (mysterious force), with 151,100 points. "

It's not even the Yaotian family!

Xing Gu silently put down the wine list!

The penalty is also speechless!

The two began to feel that something was not right.

Tiandao continues to announce results...

[Fifth place in this round: Wanlingzu (mysterious forces), with 168,700 points. "

Wanling clan is only fifth?

This time, Xing Gu couldn't sit still.

You must know that the Wanling Clan has always been ranked fourth, and the Xinggu Clan has always been ranked third.

Could it be that their Xinggu clan will be ranked fourth?

How can this be!

"Elder Jin, this is a little weird! Could it be that the Yaotian family is going to be fourth? They shouldn't be so strong, right?"

Xing Gu murmured.

Xing Jin also pondered: "Patriarch, the old man also thinks it is unlikely. Could it be that Longyuan Town surpassed the Wanling Clan?"

"Longhu Town?" Xing Gu wondered.

Xing Jin hurriedly said: "The patriarch, in the initial ranking, squeezed into the tenth place in Longhu Town. It is they who squeezed the Yaotian family out of the top ten in the initial ranking."

Xing Gu suddenly said: "I remember! That Longhu Town has also completed a B-level mission. However, Longhu Town is only a challenge force after all, can they really be stronger than the Yaotian family?"

Xing Gu looked disapproving.

In fact, he didn't take Longhu Town to heart from the beginning to the end.

If it wasn't for the penalty, he almost forgot.

This integral hegemony has always been the protagonist of mysterious forces.

The guardian forces are supporting roles, and the challenging forces are just cannon fodder.

Thinking of his dignified leader of a mysterious force, how could he take a challenging force to heart!

At this time, Xing Jin also said: "This old man also thinks it is unlikely!"

Xing Gu sighed: "Forget it, I don't think so much anymore. The fourth place will be announced soon. Whether our clan can get the first-class reward depends on the results announced this time!

As soon as these words fell, the senior members of the Xing Clan in the entire hall became a little nervous.

This is in their vital interests!

Xing Jin smiled slightly: "Patriarch, the fifth-ranked Wanling Clan only has 168,700 points. My clan has 201,100 points. We are 32,400 points higher than them."

"Such a big gap in points is definitely not the gap between fourth and fifth. It should be the gap between third and fifth. It shouldn't be a problem for my clan to win third."

As soon as these words fell, the senior members of the Xing Clan all smiled.

Xing Gu smiled slightly: "I hope so!"

In fact, deep down in his heart, he already felt that this time was almost certain.

In fact, at this moment, all the forces are listening nervously.

The fifth place has been announced!

Next is the announcement of the fourth place!

This fourth place is extremely important!

As long as the fourth place is out, the list of the second and first prizes will basically come out.

At this moment, in the Longhu Town chat channel, everyone was extremely nervous.

"Brothers, the fourth place will come out soon! We will know whether Longyuan Town can get the first-class reward or not!"

"Yeah! I'm really nervous!"

"I hope we can get a first-class reward!"

"Shh! Stop talking! The more you talk, the more flustered I get!"

As soon as these words fell, the audience fell silent.

Everyone held their breath and listened anxiously.

Just at this moment, a reminder came from Tiandao.

[The fourth place in this round

As soon as this information came out, everyone in Long Yuan's ears perked up.

Even Qin Feng held his breath...

He is also a little nervous!  …

At the same time, in the hall of the Xinggu clan.

The senior members of the Xing Clan also held their breaths and pricked up their ears nervously.

That Xinggu was holding up the wine bottle and wanted to drink.

As soon as he heard this, his hand stopped in the air, and he also listened.

At the same time, there was a faint smile on his face.

That's a confident smile..

The information of Tiandao is also continuing to be announced...

[Xinggu clan (mysterious force), 201,100 points.

[Congratulations to the above six forces for winning the second-class reward in this round.


Second Class Rewards!

Xing Gu shook his hand!


The restaurant is down!

Spirit wine spilled all over the place!

The smile on his face instantly froze!

The whole audience was completely dumbfounded!

At this moment, the whole place was dead silent!

In the hall, even the air is incomparably breathless!

And the announcement of Heavenly Dao is still going on...

【Second prizes are now awarded!】

[Second-level reward: faction members will receive 10,000 attribute rewards.

[Second-level reward: faction members get 2 intermediate-level soul essence pills. "

0…………For flowers…………

(Second-level reward: faction members gain access to the Points Mall.”

[Second-level reward: The leader of the force will receive 90,000 attribute rewards. "

[Second-level reward: The leader of the force will get 6 intermediate soul essence pills. "

[Second-level reward: The leader of the force has the permission to enter the points mall. "


As soon as the information was announced, white reward beams of light descended over the Xing Clan's station and fell on the Xing Clan people.

Suddenly, earth-shattering mourning sounded from every corner of the entire station!


They Xinggu Clan actually only got one fourth place!

How can this be?

This is their best result ever!

It still only took fourth place!

In the hall, Xing Gu's expression froze!

He was completely bewildered!

Haven't recovered for a long time!

At the same moment, there were earth-shattering cheers from up and down Longfor Town.

"Haha! We surpassed the Xinggu clan! We finally won the first-class reward!"

"Excited! It's so exciting!"

"My God! Brothers! Look, there are 10,000 light attribute points for the second-class reward!"

"Wow! Really! 10,000 attribute points! That's about 200-star combat power!"

"Fuck! If I get 10,000 attribute points, I will be able to pass the mid-level foundation building 100%!"

"Haha! If I get 10,000 attribute points, I will dare to challenge the top-rank foundation building!"

"Brothers, the second-tier reward has 10,000 attributes, isn't the first-tier reward more powerful?"

"That's for sure!"

"Haha! When you say that, I'm looking forward to it!"

"Haha! Me too! My top-grade foundation building may have to rely on this kind of reward!"

At this time, the heads of Liu Xuan, Lei and others jumped.

Liu Xuan: "I'm really looking forward to the first-class reward! I don't know how many attribute points will be awarded? My best foundation building relies on it!"

Lei Jue: "To each other! To each other! Whether I can complete the best foundation building depends entirely on this reward."

Liu Xuan: "Haha! Lao Lei, let's wait for Tiandao to announce it!"

At this moment, the top and bottom of Longhu are full of infinite expectations for the first-class rewards!

Where are they all gearing up, looking forward to it.

Qin Feng watched all this silently, feeling excited and looking forward to it.

At the same moment, in the Xing Clan Hall.


A loud bang!

The hall shakes!

Xing Gu glared at the crown, and smashed the banquet in front of him with one palm.

Drinks and dishes are splashing everywhere!

A mess in the field!

This celebration banquet prepared in advance is a joke!

It is also a mockery of the Xinggu clan's Chi Guoguo!

"damn it!"

Xing Gu slowly raised his head.

Those red eyes were surprised by the endless anger!

At this moment, he is a lion suppressed on the brink of eruption, and he will choose someone to devour at any time!

The senior members of the Xing Clan were shocked, and they were too frightened to speak out.

"Who?! Who stole the third place in my clan?!"

Xing Gu roared loudly!

The penalty is trembling.

He hesitated for a while before saying: "Patriarch, who took the third place from our clan, either the Yaotian clan or Longhu Town!"

Xing Gu was furious: "Dare to grab the third place of our clan! If the Yaotian clan did it, the deity would destroy the Yaotian clan! If Longhu Town did it, the deity would destroy Longhu Town!"

Xing Jin hurriedly said: "Patriarch, which force is it, we will know soon. Tiandao will announce the list of first-class rewards soon.

The words just fell, and Tiandao began to announce new information...

[Second-class rewards have been distributed!)

【Rank 1 to 3 in points, you can get first-class rewards.

[The list and points of the first-class rewards will be announced next!」

As soon as the news came out, the audience fell silent.

Everyone held their breath again and listened carefully..

Even Xing Gu had a gloomy face and pricked up his ears.

This time, he must find out which force stole his third place, +

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