After a long time, all the visions disappeared!.Qin

Feng slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy...

In just a moment, his combat power surged to 21.52 trillion stars!

If we add in the sacrifices of fourteen envoys and more than 600 star domain lords, his combat power can be close to 25 trillion stars!

25 trillion!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up!

This exceeds his goal of 23 trillion stars!

Then the chance of him getting the inheritance this time should be more than 50%, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly made seals with his hands and began to deduce.

The next second, the hexagram on his fingertips appeared, and the heavenly secret began to move....

Not long after, the deduction was completed!

Qin Feng opened his eyes in shock, his eyes full of disbelief.

The derivation result this time is actually very different from before!

Before that, he deduced that with the combined strength of his combat power and the sacrifice power of his subordinates, there would be a 50% success rate in reaching 23 trillion stars.

But the derivation result this time is that it has to reach 40 trillion stars to have a 50% success rate!

What's even more terrifying is that he is still in danger of death in Zixiao Palace!

If he doesn't improve his strength as soon as possible, he may fall into it.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath and look into the distance silently!

It seems that someone wants to attack him in Zixiao Palace, and that person has the strength to kill him!

"It is forbidden to fight each other in Zixiao Palace! If there is any violation, you will be punished by heaven! However, most of the people who can enter the Zixiao Palace are experts who are above the half-step eternal realm, and many of them are in the eternal realm!"

Qin Feng murmured in his heart.

He had seen before that the Taibai Territory Master withstood a natural punishment.

If the Taibai Territory Master fouled again, he would suffer a second natural punishment, with the power increased tenfold.

According to this rule, The half-step Great Perfection can withstand the first divine punishment!

The five-level strength can withstand the second divine punishment!

The low-grade eternal-level strength can withstand three natural punishments!

The middle-grade eternal-level strength can withstand four natural punishments!

With Qin Feng With his current strength, he can withstand up to two blows against a low-grade Eternal Realm powerhouse.

A low-grade Eternal Realm powerhouse can withstand three heavenly punishments and attack him three times in a row.

In other words, if that low-grade Eternal Realm powerhouse , if you have to take action against him, he will most likely perish!

As for the middle-grade eternal-level powerful man, I am afraid that he can be killed instantly with just one move!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng became a little anxious again.

It seems that it is the great sacrifice to heaven and Luo Hu Taking action has caused huge changes in the entire situation!

Therefore, the results he deduced have undergone huge changes!

"strangeness! With my current attack amplitude, if my combat power and the sacrifice power of my subordinates reach 30 trillion, I can withstand three attacks from the low-grade eternal realm!"

"If this can withstand three strikes, then the low-grade Eternal will not dare to take action against me, because they cannot withstand the fourth level of heavenly punishment!"

"But why did the result of my deduction turn out to be a combat power of 40 trillion? Could it be that a middle-grade Eternal Realm expert will appear in this assessment?"

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air!

He felt that this should be it!

Only with the emergence of a middle-grade eternal power, he would need a total combat power of 40 trillion to get rid of the fatal disaster!

It's really shocking It’s unexpected!

According to the past rules, in each inheritance assessment, only one or two eternal realm powers will appear, and they are all low-level powers.

But this time, there will be a middle-level eternal realm power. I’m afraid no one would have thought that. , and no one dares to think like that!

The Eternal Realm that breaks through within a thousand years wants to reach the middle level of strength. It seems that there is no such outstanding monster in the Hongyuan Universe!

Could this person be from the outer universe?

This reasoning, Qin Feng had already guessed it!

A sense of urgency surged in his heart!

The situation had become so critical, and he had to find a way to save himself.

The only way was to quickly improve the strength of himself and his subordinates!

He The improvement of his strength is naturally the most important.

The skyrocketing strength of his subordinates can also sacrifice a large amount of combat power to him, which is of great help to him.

After all, the rules of this assessment are extremely beneficial to the judge, allowing the judge to bring subordinates Assistance.

Qin Feng is a max-level Hongmeng Supreme. He has the advantage of vocation, which is naturally more advantageous.

In short, improving the strength of his subordinates is also one of the channels for him to save himself! He doesn’t want to think about it so much!

He first quickly increases his strength to 30 trillion stars. Besides!

With his comprehensive combat power reaching 30 trillion, he is no longer afraid of the low-grade eternal realm. At least he doesn’t have to worry about being killed by the low-grade eternal realm in Zixiao Palace.

Now, his basic combat power is 21.52 trillion stars!

Dijiang, The power of sacrifices by Gou Mang and other envoys can reach about 2.1 trillion.

The power of sacrifices by Liu Xuan, Lei Jue and more than 600 star domain lords can be close to 1.4 trillion.

Calculated in this way, the comprehensive combat power That’s 25 trillion, which is still 5 trillion short of the goal of 30 trillion!

So what should he do to break through to 30 trillion as soon as possible?

By the way!

God King Assessment!

If he, Di Jiang and others all break through to God King Realm, there is great hope to break through 30 trillion combat power.

In addition, Liu Xuan and others should also be promoted to the Lord God Realm!


Thinking of this, Qin Feng dodged and disappeared out of thin air!

Next In seconds, he appeared above a large hall. In the center of the hall, there was a huge tower suspended to the sky, connected to the sky and the earth. The end of the tower top could not be seen at a glance!

The height of each floor of the giant tower was comparable to the diameter of a moon. , extremely majestic and majestic!

Looking at the tower body, it is completely black, with its own colorful glow, blooming with endless power of heaven!

Qin Feng is extremely satisfied!

This is the pagoda of Qin Yuan's universe!

According to the normal process, Qin Yuan The people of the universe enter the pagoda and complete the corresponding assessments to obtain the title of Lord God.

But for the children of Long Yuan, there is no need to be so troublesome!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng waved his hand, and white light flashed in front of him!

The next second , one hundred thousand Longyuan disciples appeared one after another!



As soon as all the disciples saw Qin Feng, they stepped forward to pay homage.

The next second, they saw the pagoda and showed joy again.

Liu Xuan flew to Qin Feng with excitement on his face.

"Boss, is this the Pagoda? Then when I enter it, can I start the knighthood assessment?

Qin Feng shook his head:"No need to bother!""

As soon as he finished speaking, he made a move!


Suddenly, the sky above the hall shook, and a huge projection appeared in the air.

The disciples couldn't help but look up and saw that the projection was extremely huge, shaped like a wooden whip. There are twenty-one chapters in total, each section has four sides, and each side has a talisman. Each talisman exudes a shocking spiritual light!

That is the projection of Qin Yuan Universe's 'God Whip'!

All the disciples were amazed when they saw it!

"Boss, what are you doing?..."

At this time, Liu Xuan looked at Qin Feng curiously.

All the disciples also looked at Qin Feng!

Qin Feng said hurriedly:"You guys, prepare quickly! I'm going to activate the 'God Beating Whip' and integrate the power of the Grand Seal into your bodies so that they can quickly advance to the realm of the Lord God!"


As soon as he said this, the whole audience cheered!

Ha ha!

This is so great!

They can be promoted to the main god without taking any assessment!

This is the benefit of being a descendant of Qin Feng!

Originally, many Long Yuan disciples were still worried that they would have difficulty passing the examination, but now they no longer have to worry.

At this moment, all the disciples no longer thought about it and sat on the ground one after another!

Qin Feng quickly moved the seal...


Suddenly, the projection of the divine whip trembled and lit up with a spiritual light reaching the sky.

Then, the talismans on the projection of the divine whip lit up with dazzling golden light one after another...

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

Next, the power of the talismans turned into thousands of light pillars and was projected on the disciples...

Some disciples projected the power of eight talismans, some sixteen, some twenty, and so on. foot!

Qin Feng tried his best to improve the level of the Lord God title of his disciples, so that they could obtain the highest strength improvement...


Suddenly, all the disciples lit up with golden light, and their momentum skyrocketed crazily!

A quarter of an hour later, the promotion ceremony ended!

All one hundred thousand disciples have been promoted to the realm of the Lord God!

Qin Feng also put away his shadow and looked at the disciples...

After looking at them, he showed a happy smile.

I saw that each of the 100,000 disciples has greatly improved in strength, and the weakest have a combat power of more than 1 billion stars!

Looking at the more than 600 domain lords, the weakest ones have 30 trillion star levels, and the strongest ones have exceeded 10 billion, which is comparable to the god king level.

In this way, the total combat power that the domain lords can sacrifice to him exceeds 2 trillion!

Qin Feng was very satisfied with this!

Based on this calculation, he is only about 4.5 trillion away from his goal of 30 trillion.

"Huh~! Finally done!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly and walked away!

The rest of the trivial matters were left to the mind body to handle. It's time for him to go to Zixiao Palace and participate in the God King's assessment.

That is the most urgent matter!

Count the time, The entrance to Zixiao Palace is about to open!

Soon, Qin Feng returned to Starry Sky Square!

As soon as he appeared, he looked around and saw thick white mist and triple protective light shields.

That was A protective mask formed by three square flags!

At that moment, Qin Feng thought, his eyes penetrated the mask and the fog barrier, and saw the situation outside! He saw that the number of players outside had reached one hundred There are many people, all of whom are half-step eternity or above.

Only two people have reached the half-step perfection!

It can be seen that the half-step perfection is considered the strongest among all the contestants!

Qin Feng’s strength has surpassed the Five Jue , and is the strongest among the strong.

His opponents are only those who are powerful in the eternal realm.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng waved his hand and put away the plain cloud realm flag, cyan Baolian flag, and Zhenwu soap carving Flag.

As soon as the spiritual flag was withdrawn, it immediately caused the fog to tremble!

The outside world, the players immediately sensed it.

For a moment, all the powerful players opened their eyes one by one and looked in the direction of the fog.…

"Huh! There is finally movement in the fog!"

"yes! The person inside should be coming out. I don’t know which fellow Taoist it is?"

"He must be a half-step Dzogchen master! Only such a strong person can release this level of white mist barrier, making it impossible for our spiritual senses to spy on it!"

At this moment, all the great masters kept mumbling and stared at the fog group curiously.

They all felt that the player in the fog group was a half-step Dzogchen strongman.

These great masters arrived later, so naturally they didn't know The truth inside the fog.

Qinglong, Tiankui, Taibai and other domain lords who knew the truth showed strange expressions.

At this moment, the white fog rolled violently.

The next second, the white fog rolled out at a speed visible to the naked eye. Quickly shrinking...

All the players opened their eyes curiously!


Soon, the white mist cleared away, and Qin Feng appeared.

The big guys saw Qin Feng at a glance, and they only felt that this man was looking at him. He looked very young and unfamiliar!

But the next second, they were shocked to find that Qin Feng was actually just a Lord God!


The big guys were dumbfounded!

Their eyes were full of disbelief!

Lord God Realm?!

They You read that right?!

When will the Lord God Realm be able to enter the Starry Sky Plaza?

"Brother Qin Feng!"

But at this moment, the voice of the Qinglong Territory Lord rang out in the field.

The next second, everyone saw the Qinglong Territory Lord getting up and walking towards Qin Feng with a look of joy...

The Qinglong Territory Lord had been sitting in the square for four hours, and finally When Qin Feng came out of seclusion, the big guys were even more surprised when they saw the Azure Dragon Territory Lord greeting Qin Feng warmly...

But before everyone could think about it, a cry of surprise suddenly sounded in the sky above the square.

"Huh! Look! Mr. Lu Yadao has arrived!"

"Mr. Lu Yadao?! Oh My God! That is the existence of the eternal realm!"

Hearing these calls, the big guys were startled and looked up one after another...

Qin Feng was also shocked and quickly looked up...

In the starry sky in the distance, there was a strong man with a fairy gourd under his feet and a light behind him. The eternal light wheel is flying towards the Starry Sky Square at a leisurely pace! Before the strong man arrived, the supreme power of heaven that he inadvertently exuded enveloped the starry sky for tens of billions of miles, making everyone awe!

Even the arrogant Half-Step Eternal Powers stood up one after another, preparing to greet Dao Lord Lu Ya, with extremely awed expressions.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng was already used to it.

In this world where strength is respected, the strong No matter where they go, they will be respected by others.

What's more, in the next inheritance assessment, the eternal realm powerful ones will have three chances to take action.

Anyone who dares to offend them will be killed on the spot if they are in a bad mood.

Because of this, The players in the field stood up one after another, all wanting to give Lord Lu Ya Dao a good impression.

In fact, these players are not only afraid of the eternal realm powerful, but also afraid of the five masters and the half-step perfection!

These are all powerful people who can withstand the punishment of heaven. Those who are strong should not be offended easily.

Especially the strong ones above the Five Absolutes, they are extremely afraid! A strong person with the Five Absolutes can kill even half a step of Dzogchen. Naturally, all the players are extremely afraid!

However, Qin Feng does not have so many I am in awe!

With his current strength, if he performs the seven-kill transformation and the sacrifice of combat power, his comprehensive combat power can exceed 50 trillion star levels.

Coupled with the magical power of Six Hells to Suppress the Sky, and three Taoist tools, the other The attack can be multiplied by 5.5 times.

The attack of the half-step eternal realm is generally multiplied by more than three times.

The attack of the eternal realm is generally multiplied by more than five times.

Based on this calculation, the low-level eternal power can no longer kill Qin Feng instantly.

And Qin Feng looked at the momentum of Lord Lu Ya, and it seemed that he was of a lower level!

Lord Lu Ya?

What a familiar name!

Qin Feng's heart moved, and he couldn't help but think of a mythical figure in the myth of Long Guo, His name is also Lu Ya Daojun, and his origin is very mysterious!

There are even rumors: First there is Hongjun, then Tian, ​​and Lu Ya Daojun is still ahead!

Just from this information, we can see that Lu Ya is The extraordinary power of Dao Lord Lu!

Look at Dao Lord Lu Ya in this universe. He is already a powerful person in the eternal realm, which is not surprising. Just when Qin Feng was thinking wildly, the anxious voice of the Azure Dragon Territory Master suddenly came from the side.

"Lord Qin Feng! quick! Quickly salute Mr. Lu Yadao! Don't look directly at it! If you offend Lord Lu Ya, it will be very detrimental to your inheritance assessment!"

Speaking of this, the Qinglong Territory Lord's tone was a little anxious.

He was also concerned and confused.

Qin Feng couldn't help but turn his head and saw that the Qinglong Territory Lord had lowered his head, put his hands in a salute gesture, and respectfully Waiting for the arrival of Dao Lord Lu Ya.

Looking at the other Half-Step Eternal contestants, they all salute and wait on the spot, without exception.

On the contrary, Qin Feng stood there blankly, without any expression, which looked particularly eye-catching..

Because of this, the Azure Dragon Domain Lord anxiously reminded him not to offend an eternal power because of etiquette!

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng hesitated...

But before Qin Feng could think more, the person in the distance Two glances came to the starry sky.

It was Daojun Lu Ya who looked over!

Daojun Lu Ya was in a good mood!

Before others arrived, all the powerful people stood up to greet him. It can be said that it gave him enough face! It's just that He didn't expect that there was a young man among these people who froze on the spot and did not salute him!

This immediately made him a little unhappy!

Having said that, this young man looked very strange, not like one of the three thousand domain lords. Ah!

Then this person is...

Mr. Lu Yadao's gaze traveled hundreds of millions of miles in an instant and fell on Qin Feng like a real thing...

Boom~Long~Long~! At this moment, there was a continuous roar in the center of the square!

The golden door of light emerged, and the entrance to Zixiao Palace opened...

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