In just a moment, Qin Feng drew a golden rune in the air and pressed it towards Di Jun's eyebrows.…

【The sharing of insights was successfully established! You are sharing the insights of the avenue with your battle pet 'Emperor Jun'…】

【Sharing success! You gain insights into the"Forbidden Avenue" from Di Jun, and you begin to awaken to the acquired avenue - the Forbidden Avenue.…】

【Sharing success! You gain insights into the"Dao of Wen" from Di Jun, and you begin to awaken to the acquired avenue - the Dao of Wen.…】

【Sharing success! You gain insights into the 'Dao of Martial Arts' from Di Jun, and you begin to awaken to the Dao of Houtian - the Dao of Martial Arts.…】



At this moment, Qin Feng's body lit up one avenue after another, and his momentum was also increasing...

Just like that, he and the four little guys began to share their insights!

After a moment, all sharing ends!

Qin Feng's fingers moved away from Yaochi's eyebrows!

Yaochi is the last shared object!

As soon as he opened his eyes, Qin Feng's eyes filled with joy.

These four new little guys enabled him to awaken 19 more acquired avenues, bringing the number of avenues he has mastered to 1,917!

His basic combat power has also been increased to 21.54 trillion stars!

This is a very good progress!

What's even better is that the four little guys have become his envoys and can currently sacrifice about 90 billion combat power to him.

As long as it is cultivated a little more, the combat power of the sacrifice will be increased several times.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked at the four little guys

"You are too young! They are only at level 1 now! Then, the four of you will retreat here and refine the resources I gave you!"

Speaking of this, Qin Feng waved his hand, and the four storage rings flew towards Di Jun and the four others.

The four little guys subconsciously caught the storage rings, and they all looked confused.

They had just been born and didn't know much about this world. There are so few that I don’t even know what the storage rings are for.

Qin Feng smiled and said:"Little guys, these four storage rings contain a lot of creation-level resources, as well as energy stones to help you upgrade. , and the Taiqing Dao Crystal suitable for your refining!"

"When you refine the resources of the storage ring, not only will your level reach level 60, but your combat power will also reach 50 billion stars. At that time, dad will let you out and let you take the God King assessment!"

After hearing these words, Di Jun and the others nodded in understanding.

Qin Feng smiled and waved his hand, and four mental bodies appeared out of thin air.

The next second, he dodged and left directly. Okay...

The next thing will be left to the four mental bodies.

Under the guidance of the four mental bodies, the growth rate of the four little guys must be extremely fast!

After all, there is no need for the growth of the first-level Lord God Realm. The bottleneck is easy to improve, and its combat power will skyrocket, just like a volcano erupting.

Qin Feng is still looking forward to them.

If the four of Di Jun can also break through to the God King Realm, then the combat power he obtains will be sacrificed. It can add hundreds of billions of stars.

It’s exciting to think about it!


With a flash of white light, Qin Feng returned to Yunxiao Palace!

At this moment, he looked up at the map of mountains and rivers in front of him, and his heart was full of expectations. …

Next, it’s time for him to take the God King assessment.

I hope that this time, he can pass the final level!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng stepped into the air and floated into the air…

Then he looked towards the scroll again He took two steps in the direction and arrived in front of the scroll...

When he was less than a hundred feet away from the scroll, he suddenly turned into a white light and was sucked into the scroll...

After a while, he arrived in the sky above the world, standing in a Above the sea of ​​clouds...

Qin Feng looked below the sea of ​​clouds. Below were flowers, plants, trees, insects, fish, birds, birds and beasts...

It was a world full of vitality!

But the life levels of those creatures were extremely low, and they were all at the mortal level, not even one It's not even at the earth level!

In addition, Qin Feng stood on the clouds and could clearly see everything below... and the various creatures and plants below were completely unaware of Qin Feng in the sky.

He seemed to be a god, overlooking the ants and all living beings.

Soon, Qin Feng withdrew his gaze and looked around the clouds...

Within thousands of miles, there were twelve figures sitting cross-legged on the clouds, overlooking the millions below. All living beings frowned, with thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Those twelve figures were Di Jiang, Jumang, Yu Xuanji and other twelve people.

At this moment, they were enveloped by twelve golden light pillars, and everyone was They entered a race against time assessment state.

Even when Qin Feng came above the clouds, they did not notice it. At this moment, Di Jiang and others could only see the flowers, plants, insects, fish, birds and animals below...

They seemed to be trying hard to find the laws of the road....

Seeing this, Qin Feng looked away from his subordinates and looked up to the nine heavens.

Above the nine heavens, there was a projection of a giant cauldron suspended.

The projection of the giant cauldron was extremely huge, with a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles, and could Compared to a continent.

What's strange is that the creatures below can't seem to see the projection, only they, the examiners, can see it.

Looking closely at the projection of the giant cauldron, it is completely black, with Tai Chi, Liang Yi, Si Xiang and other Taoism on it. The pattern is engraved on the bottom of the tripod, forming a yin and yang fish pattern!

Looking at the body of the tripod, there are eight sides, and there are eight hexagrams engraved on it: Qian, Kun, Dui, Li, Kan, Gen, Zhen and Xun.

Look again at the tripod. The lower part has four legs, each engraved with wood, fire, gold, water and other patterns, symbolizing spring, summer, autumn and winter.

At this time, the projection of the giant cauldron projected twelve golden light pillars, respectively covering the Di Jiang and other twelve people.

Qin Feng can sense that those golden light pillars contain endless Taoist charm...

But he has not yet understood what the projection of the giant cauldron in the sky has to do with this God King assessment. What about the connection?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng peeked at the giant cauldron projection.…

【Tao-level projection: This projection comes from the cross-border projection of the 'Qiankun Ding'!】

【Qiankun Ding: Tao-level wonder, the only one in the universe!】

【Reminder: The Qiankun Cauldron controls the universe of heaven and earth, and can have a glimpse of the three thousand avenues. With the blessing of the light of its spiritual cauldron, the player's understanding can be increased a hundred times! ]

Seeing this, Qin Feng suddenly realized!

It turns out that the projection of the giant cauldron in the sky is the projection of the Dao-level wonder object 'Qiankun Cauldron'!

The Qiankun Cauldron is one of the sharp tools to improve your understanding and explore the three thousand avenues.

This made him understand that the twelve golden lights projected by the giant cauldron were the light of the spiritual cauldron.

Under the light of the spiritual cauldron, the understanding of the twelve people in Dijiang increased a hundred times, making it easier to comprehend the great road.


As soon as this thought came up, Qin Feng's consciousness came with a reminder from Heaven.…

【Assessment reminder: Welcome contestant 'Qin Feng' to enter the first-level assessment area!】

【Nine levels of Tao! Nine points of heaven and earth!】

【The realization of the Three Thousand Great Ways has its difficulties and differences, and can be divided into nine levels!】

【The Houtian Avenue, ranked 3000 to 2500, is the easiest avenue to comprehend, and is also called the Yiding Level!】

【All living things in the world below contain a cauldron-level avenue, which is the easiest to understand!】

【With the blessing of the 'Light of the Spiritual Cauldron', the players' understanding increases a hundred times. Then they observe all things in the world and understand the great path of a cauldron.】

【If the contestant comprehends a 'Yiding-level avenue' within 10 hours, he or she will pass the assessment and will be rewarded with promotion to the God King!】

【The rules have been announced! Players please be prepared! When the light of the spirit cauldron comes, the assessment timer begins...]

Qin Feng suddenly realized!

No wonder Di Jiang and others were looking down at the creatures below. It turned out that they wanted to understand the first-level avenue from those flowers, insects, birds and fish.

Qin Feng did not dare to neglect, and quickly sat cross-legged in the clouds, getting ready...


At this moment, the giant cauldron projected a clear sound and cast a dazzling golden light pillar, directly covering Qin Feng's body... As soon as the light pillar enveloped him, an invisible force poured directly into the sea of ​​​​consciousness and into his soul. body!

Qin Feng suddenly felt that his understanding had increased rapidly, and it had increased a hundred times in the blink of an eye...

A kind of artistic conception of knowing one's mind and one's nature was quietly born!

He seemed to be about to enter a state of enlightenment in the next moment...

At this moment, a reminder from heaven came…

【The assessment timer starts: 0...1...]

Qin Feng did not dare to delay, and quickly sent out his spiritual thoughts, overlooking the world below...

According to the assessment rules, naturally the faster the test, the better.


In just an instant, Qin Feng's consciousness swept across the entire world below...

Soon, his attention fell on a patch of weeds.

Under the slightly yellow weeds, there is a pile of small soft soil bags!

Under the earth bag, there is another small cave.

At this moment, a group of black ants the size of rice grains are moving in and out of the cave.

It turns out there is an ant nest!

Qin Feng thought, and his consciousness penetrated into the nest...

He saw the queen ant laying eggs, the busy worker ants, the soldier ants patrolling back and forth, and the newly hatched young ants...

Unknowingly, Qin Feng felt something in his heart...

At the same moment, above the clouds.

Di Jiang, Gou Mang and others also sensed QiankunSeeing the projected movement, I couldn't help but look back at the source of the movement, and naturally I saw Qin Feng.

Di Jiang, Ju Mang and others all showed happy expressions.

Dad finally entered the examination room!

They had already been taking the exam for a quarter of an hour before their father arrived. He didn't know what he was busy with outside.

Having said that, they tested for a quarter of an hour and still got nothing!

This God King's assessment focuses on understanding, which is extremely difficult!

Even with the blessing of the Qiankun Cauldron, their understanding increased a hundred times, and it was still difficult for them to comprehend the cauldron-level avenue from this world.

You know, the Yiding-level avenue is still the easiest to understand!

If you switch to the second tripod-level avenue at the back, it will be even harder to comprehend!

At this moment, Di Jiang and others realized that the battle prowess of this god-king was the threshold, and understanding was the foundation!

This thought made them feel even more stressed.

Then they did not dare to waste time or disturb Qin Feng. They all withdrew their gazes and once again devoted themselves to observing the world...

The moment they withdrew their gazes, Qin Feng made some movement.

At this moment, Qin Feng's eyelashes trembled, and there was a sudden look in his eyes.

The next second, he closed his eyes and entered a state of ethereal enlightenment...

After just one minute of observation, he gained some insights from a nest of ants...

This level of understanding is truly terrifying!

Qin Feng's understanding is already extremely strong, and if Qian Kun's understanding is improved a hundred times, it will naturally become even more terrifying!

In this way, Qin Feng quickly entered a state of enlightenment, and his mind completely reached an ethereal state...

While Qin Feng was conducting the God King assessment, something was also happening in the Zixiao Palace.

At this time, there were more than two hundred players in the Zixiao Hall, and the scene was gradually becoming lively. Many people were still talking about Qin Feng!

"Everyone, what do you think the boy who entered Yunxiao Pavilion is going to do?"

"hehe! What else can you do? He must be promoted to the God King Realm! Didn't you see that that boy only masters the divine realm?!"

"That’s right! I really didn’t expect that a player in the Main God Realm could become the Lord of the Sanctuary. I don’t know how he did it?"

"Hey~! I guess he just got lucky! Otherwise, how could a person in the Lord God Realm become the Lord of the Holy Realm? To be honest, I didn't think that boy was that strong, he was only at the God King level!"

"What I said makes sense! However, if he is promoted to the God King Realm, he is expected to reach the strength of the quasi-half-step eternal realm. If you can get the Seven Cauldron-level God King, you will have more hope of reaching half-step eternity!"

"Seven tripod level god king? Go ahead and dream! That is the highest level God King that has ever appeared in this universe. So far, only three people have obtained it, namely Tianzun, Dajitian, and Rahu. Can that kid compare with the three of them?"

"That’s right! I feel that if that kid can obtain the Five-Tripod God King, that is already the limit!"

At this moment, the big guys were talking a lot, and most of them were sarcastic about Qin Feng, just to please Lord Lu Ya.

However, they all believed that Qin Feng was definitely not as good as Tianzun, Dajitian, and Luohu.

Among the crowd, the Lord of Qinglong Territory listened. to these, the corner of his mouth curled up, feeling very unhappy.

These guys underestimate Lord Qin Feng!

In his mind, Qin Feng's potential is probably better than Tianzun, Dajitian, and Luo Hu!

This time, Master Qin Feng should be expected to obtain the Eight Cauldron-level God King, surpassing the achievements of the three Tianzuns, and setting a new record in this universe!

Thinking of this, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord looked towards Yunxiao Pavilion, his eyes full of expectation!

He hopes Qin Feng can be promoted early so that he can slap these people in the face!

At this moment, the voice of Territory Lord Tiankui sounded in his ears

"Brother Qinglong, what results do you think Qin Feng can achieve?"

Hearing those words, Qinglong Territory Master couldn't help but look back at Tiankui Territory Lord.

He pondered for a while, and then whispered:"Brother Tiankui, if I say that Qin Feng can get the Eight Cauldron-level God King, you Believe it or not? Tiankui was stunned!

Immediately, he smiled and shook his head:"Brother, you are joking again!" How could that kid get the Bading? Could it be that his talent surpassed that of Tianzun, Dajitian, and Luohu? hehe!"

At the end of the sentence, Territory Lord Tiankui shook his head repeatedly with a look of disapproval.

Obviously, he didn't believe it at all!

Seeing this, Territory Lord Qinglong sighed in his heart and said no more.

He knew that it would be useless no matter how much he said. Just wait for Master Qin Feng's results to come out so that these self-righteous guys can take a look.

With this in mind, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord continued to look at Yunxiao Pavilion and paid attention silently... At the same time, Yunxiao Pavilion, in the Shanhe Sheji Map.

Above the clouds in the First World.

Qin Feng closed his eyes and meditated, still immersed in the state of enlightenment!


Suddenly, Qin Feng's body lit up with a dazzling Dao light, and a new Dao aura emanated from him...


Tiandao’s prompt also sounded at the same time…

【Reminder: Congratulations on gaining insights from this world and suddenly realizing the path of acquired heaven - the way of ants.…】

【Congratulations on successfully passing the 'Aspirational Avenue' assessment and being promoted to the First Level God King! 】

Hearing these prompts, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy!


At this moment, above the clouds, the sky roared continuously!

Di Jiang, Gou Mang and others were alarmed one after another and raised their heads to look at the sky...

Tiandao's voice also sounded!

【Congratulations to contestant 'Qin Feng' for completing the first-level divine king assessment and receiving the promotion reward for first-level divine king.…】

【Reward players with +5 billion stars in combat power!】

【Reward players with luck +5000 times the value!】

【Reward players with God King Strengthening (Yiding level)! 】


As soon as this prompt came out, Di Jiang and others were shocked!


Dad is so awesome!

Before they even got into the groove, Dad passed the test!

Before they could think too much, another reminder came from Tiandao…

【Reminder: It was detected that player 'Qin Feng' spent 9 minutes and 37 seconds, and passed the first-level assessment, setting a new record for the best score in the universe and receiving double rewards.】

【Therefore, player 'Qin Feng''s rewards for this round will be changed as follows:…】

【Reward players with +10 billion stars in combat power!】

【Reward players with luck +10,000 times the value!】

【Reward players with double God King Strengthening (Yiding level)! 】

As soon as this prompt came out, Di Jiang and others were in an uproar again!

The eyes looking at Qin Feng became even more admiring.

Qin Feng was also surprised and happy!

He didn't expect that refreshing the assessment results at each level would give him double rewards!

He is destined to gain a lot from this assessment.


Before Qin Feng could think about it, a purple beam of light was projected from the shadow of the Qiankun Cauldron and poured directly into the top of Qin Feng's head...

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