Qin Feng's aura is getting brighter and brighter!

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling green light also lit up between his eyebrows, and the Seal of the Universe emerged!

The next second, the forty-first petal began to condense.

It turned out that what Qin Feng awakened this time was the innate way - the way of the saint!

His ninth breakthrough is imminent....

At the same moment, in the main hall of Zixiao Palace.

The big guys are discussing it constantly!

Everyone's topic is about Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's previous breakthrough was so shocking that it made them unable to calm down and made them feel even more jealous!

At this moment, many people are worried that Qin Feng has passed the ninth level again.

In that case, the blow to them will be even greater.

"Everyone, almost 40 minutes have passed since Qin Feng passed the eighth level. I wonder how the kid is doing?"

At this time, someone in the crowd murmured.

Soon someone echoed

"Ah! What else? You don’t really think that kid can break the ninth level, do you? What you need to understand in the ninth level is the innate avenue!"

"yes! The difficulty of comprehending the innate path is several times that of the acquired path! Let me tell you, the possibility of that boy passing the ninth level is pretty good if he can reach level 3!"

"Thirty percent?! Brother, you think too highly of that kid! If I look at it, he doesn’t even have a cent! To be honest, if he could get the Eight Cauldron God King, that would be his limit!"

"That's right! That boy took the Eight Cauldron God King, which proves that his understanding is stronger than Lord Luohu! It would be too exaggerated to take another Jiuding Divine King! I don't believe that his understanding is two levels higher than Lord Luohu!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone smiled and shook their heads!

They also didn't believe that Qin Feng's understanding was two levels higher than Luo Hu's!

You know, Luo Hu is recognized as the strongest person in this universe.

If Qin Feng's understanding is better than Luo Hu's If it were two levels higher, it would be endlessly terrifying!

They simply didn’t believe that Qin Feng’s enlightenment could reach that level!

At the same moment, in the center of the hall,

Daojun Lu Ya and Ancestor Xuan were also muttering in a low voice.

At this moment, Xuanzu sighed with emotion:"Master Daojun, now I finally understand why Dajitian wanted to get rid of Qin Feng! That boy's understanding is stronger than that of Dajitian, and he poses a threat to Dajitian!"

Master Lu Yadao has always had a gloomy face from the beginning to the end, looking very unhappy.

For a person like him, the last thing he wants to see is his juniors who are more talented than him!

For such juniors, he usually kills them in the cradle in advance. In this world , Eternity is numbered, and the resources of the universe are limited!

If Qin Feng steps into the eternal realm in the future, his qualifications will definitely overwhelm him.

This is definitely not what he wants to see!

Thinking of this, Lu Ya smiled coldly:"I also want to do this. I understand why that kid dared to be disrespectful to me before! It turns out that there is something extraordinary about it, especially in terms of understanding!

Xuanzu hurriedly said:"Master Dao, although that boy's talent is high, his level is too low after all." He dares to be disrespectful to Dao Lord, he is really stupid! After he comes out, I will take action for Daojun first and try his strength!

Lu Ya nodded slightly:"That's fine!" I just don’t know what kind of strength he will have when he comes out this time?

Xuanzu smiled slightly:"How strong can a god king be?" Even if he is the Badin God King, he is still a God King after all! From my perspective, it would be great if his strength could reach half a step of eternity!"

Lu Ya took a deep breath and said:"Currently, I am worried that he can win the Jiuding God King! If he is promoted to the Jiuding God King, he is expected to reach half of his peak strength!"

Hearing this, Xuanzu's face changed slightly, and jealousy flashed across his eyes.

Immediately, he smiled and said:"Master Daojun, the Jiuding Divine King must realize an innate way! Let me tell you, that little thief's understanding has not reached that level yet! It's impossible for him to get the Nine Cauldron God King...."

Before he finished speaking, the sky above the hall roared again!

The whole audience was shocked and looked up.....

Then the voice of heaven came.....

【Zixiao Announcement: Congratulations to player 'Qin Feng' for winning the Jiuding-level God King, setting a record in this universe, and receiving a record-breaking reward! 】


The whole place was shocked again!

Everyone was completely dumbfounded!

Xuanzu opened his mouth even more!

The next second, his face turned red and he was extremely embarrassed!

This slap in the face was too timely!

At this moment, the whole place fell into a dead silence, and not even a breath could be heard!

On the other side, there is Yunxiao Palace, inside the Mountain and River Sheji Map.

Above the clouds in the ninth world.

The seal of the universe between Qin Feng's eyebrows has condensed into a complete new petal, turning into a flower with forty-one petals, exuding an extremely sacred aura!

At the same time, Tiandao also sent a reminder....

【Assessment reminder: Congratulations on gaining insights from this world and suddenly realizing the innate way - the way of the saint.….】

【Congratulations to player 'Qin Feng' for completing the Jiuding-level God King assessment and receiving the Jiuding-level God King promotion reward…】

【Reward players with +1 trillion stars in combat power!】

【Reward players with luck + 170,000 times the value!】

【Reward players with God King Strengthening (Jiuding Level)!】

【Reminder: It was detected that player 'Qin Feng' was the first player in our universe to obtain the 'Jiuding Divine King', so he received a record-breaking reward....】

【Record reward: that is, the promotion reward is tripled, so the rewards for this round are changed as follows....】

【Reward players with +3 trillion stars in combat power!】

【Reward players with luck + 510,000 times the value!】

【Reward players with 3x God King Strengthening (Jiuding level)! 】


3 trillion combat power reward!

This Jiuding level reward is so generous!

Qin Feng was overjoyed!


At this moment, a purple beam of light was projected from the shadow of the Qiankun Cauldron, pouring directly into the top of Qin Feng's head...

The next second, the divine golden wheel appeared behind Qin Feng's head, and the divine golden lotus appeared under his seat. , ninety-six divine seals of title appeared around him, and eight Dao tripods appeared behind him...

At this time, the ninth Dao tripod slowly condensed out of the center of the eight Dao tripods.....

Looking at the appearance of the ninth Dao tripod, it is obviously larger than the other eight and has a stronger momentum.....

At the same time, Qin Feng's momentum also skyrocketed crazily....

【Success in aspiration! Congratulations on your promotion to Jiuding level God King....】

【Promotion successful! You get +3 trillion star combat power blessings....】

【Promotion successful! You get +510,000 times luck value blessing....】

【Promotion successful! Increase your life span to 1 billion years.....】

【Promotion successful! Your compatibility with the Dao is greatly improved, and your understanding is permanently increased by 50%....】

【Promotion successful! Your body, soul, and blood are greatly strengthened (three times strengthened).....】

【Promotion successful! Your Daoxue level has reached the eternal level (lower level)....】

【Promotion successful! Your soul level has reached the eternal level (lower level)....】

【Promotion successful! Your physical body level has reached the eternal level (lower level)....】

After a long time, the promotion ends!

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy!

He was finally promoted to Jiuding God King!

What he didn't expect was that the triple strengthening of the Jiuding God King would actually allow his Dao blood, soul body, and physical body to reach the low-grade eternal realm level!

In other words, in addition to his combat power, his Dao blood, soul body, physical body and Lu Ya are at the same level.

This kind of transformation has endless magical effects, and it also greatly improves your strength!

After all, as the Dao blood, soul body, and physical body advance, their combat power and momentum will also increase.....

Thinking of this, Qin Feng wanted to know how much his strength had improved.....


But at this moment, Heaven sent another reminder....

【Assessment Reminder: It was detected that contestant 'Qin Feng' passed the level in this round with a time of 47 minutes and 39 seconds, less than 1 hour, so he received the genius-level reward!】

【The genius level rewards are as follows:...】

【Reward players with 300 billion stars for combat power!】

【Reward players with 50 Taiqing Dao Crystals! 】

Hearing the prompt, Qin Feng showed a thankful smile!

The genius reward for the ninth level has finally been obtained!

This was somewhat beyond his expectation!

Having said that, it took him 47 minutes and 39 seconds to pass the ninth level, which was less time than the eighth level!

All this was due to the fact that he had read the Tao Te Ching in Longguo!

If he hadn't read the Tao Te Ching, he would probably have spent more time to realize the great truth!

In that case, he will probably not get the genius reward of the ninth level!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt very lucky!

In the dark, there is God’s protection!


At this moment, a reward beam fell from the sky and landed on Qin Feng's head....

Combat power rewards are on!

It didn't take long for Qin Feng to absorb all the rewards and get another 300 billion star combat power!


At this time, the second beam of light fell...

Another 50 Taiqing Dao Crystals slowly fell along the light beam!

With these 50 Dao Crystals, Qin Feng's cumulative harvest of Dao Crystals has reached 197!

After collecting the Dao Crystal, Qin Feng couldn't wait to open the panel to check his latest progress.....

【Luck]: 2.47 million times

【Reputation]: 7.29 million points

【Xiantian Avenue]: 41

【Total number of avenues: 1926

【Basic combat power]: 28.37 trillion stars

, very good!

The combat power has reached 28.37 trillion!

Qin showed a satisfied smile!

When his combat power reaches 30 trillion stars, he will hopefully be able to withstand three attacks from the Eternal Realm!

Now, he is not far away from 30 trillion, only about 1.63 trillion.

If you include the feedback from his subordinates, he has already achieved his goal!

Of course, Qin Feng’s goal is not just 300,000 stars, but 40 trillion stars!

According to his previous deduction, a mid-level eternal power will appear in this assessment, and it will be directed at him.

If he wants to survive in the hands of the middle-grade eternal power, he must have at least a combat power of over 40 trillion!

With his current strength, even with the sacrifices of his subordinates, he is still far behind!

However, his opportunity is not over yet!


As soon as this thought came up, a huge roar sounded above the clouds!

Qin Feng looked up and saw that the projection of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' was slowly disappearing and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

Immediately afterwards, a huge light door slowly opened at the place where the projection disappeared, and

Heavenly Dao also sent a prompt....

【Opportunity reminder: Congratulations to contestant 'Qin Feng' for passing the Jiuding-level assessment and gaining the opportunity to take the special God King assessment!】

【Opportunity reminder: Players are asked to enter the Tianmen within a quarter of an hour to activate the special opportunity...】

Qin Feng raised his head with a smile and looked at the Tianmen above.....

I wonder how much his strength will increase after he takes down that special God King?

It must be higher than the reward of Jiuding-level God King!

This thought made Qin Feng feel more excited!

However, he did not go to Tianmen immediately!

According to Tiandao’s instructions, entry within a quarter of an hour is valid!

In this case, he might as well deal with another thing first!


Thinking of this, Qin Feng turned into white light and disappeared above the clouds.

The next second, he entered Qin Yuan's universe....

At the same moment, in the main hall of Zixiao Palace.

The big guys also regained their composure again!

At this moment, they became taciturn and looked a little gloomy!

In the corner, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord kept sighing with emotion!

He was worried that Qin Feng wouldn't be able to get the Nine Cauldron God King!

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng not only got the Jiuding God King, but he also got it faster than he expected!

It seems that he still underestimated Master Qin Feng!

At this time, Territory Lord Tiankui on the side was also sighing, and his mood was very complicated.

Now that things have happened, he no longer dares to underestimate Qin Feng.

At the same time, in the center of the hall.

The faces of Daojun Lu Ya and Ancestor Xuan were extremely ugly.

Xuanzu no longer wanted to say anything more.

He's been slapped once.

At this time, Daojun Lu Ya suddenly spoke:"Xuanzu, this kid Qin Feng's understanding is astonishing, even Luo Hu can't compare! There are rumors in the outside world that this year's inheritance meeting has a winner. Could it be that this rumor has something to do with Qin Feng's understanding? Is it related to the wind?"

Xuanzu was startled and quickly looked at Daojun Lu Ya, with a hint of surprise deep in his eyes.

On the surface, Xuanzu said that he had no desire for inheritance!

In fact, he is also extremely jealous of inheritance!

With Daojun Lu Ya's reminder, he suddenly felt that Qin Feng was probably the one who could inherit this term.

"Mr. Dao, if you say so, that little thief is quite possible! In terms of understanding alone, he will be favored by the inheritance."

Xuanzu whispered.

Lu Ya suddenly frowned, murderous intent emerging from his eyes.

He had endured it for so many years and only came to take part in the assessment this time because he was determined to win the Zixiao inheritance!

He would never tolerate anyone threatening him in the fight for inheritance.

Thinking of this, he sneered:"So! Then Qin Feng's child cannot be kept!"

Xuanzu nodded slightly:"Your Excellency, you are right! Qin Feng's child is a hidden danger and must not be allowed to participate in the inheritance assessment.! By the way, that kid has become the Nine Cauldron God King and will probably leave Yunxiao Palace soon. Xuan Mou will go and kill him now!"

Lu Ya's eyes lit up:"This is so wonderful! After a while, when the little thief came out , you just attack with all your strength, while I, the Taoist, is watching for the opportunity! If you fail to succeed in one move, I, the Taoist, will give him the second decisive blow!"

Xuanzu was overjoyed:"With Taojun's help, that little thief will definitely die!"

Having said this, Xuanzu beamed with joy.

Killing Qin Feng is not only his heart's wish, but also the task assigned by Dajitian. This will allow him to get generous rewards, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

At that moment, the two ended their secret conversation.

Xuanzu turned around and looked at the crowd and said:"Everyone, please step back! Especially the players near the entrance of Yunxiao Palace, stay away from the entrance! Qin Feng is coming out, and I want to meet him for a while!" As soon as he finished speaking, Xuanzu walked towards the entrance of Yunxiao Palace...

Everyone was stunned at first!

Then, they showed signs of gloating.

Those who were close to Yunxiao Palace even stayed away from Yunxiao Palace.

They knew that Xuanzu was going to attack Qin Feng.

Next, Xuanzu waited for Qin Feng to come out of Yunxiao Palace!

They love to see it!

If Xuanzu can kill Qin Feng, that would be the best!

Seeing this scene, Territory Lord Tiankui frowned slightly and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

"Why! Brother Qinglong! Little friend Qin Feng is afraid that something will happen! Xuanzu is really going to take action against him! This Xuanzu is one of the Five Ultimates, a being who can kill Dzogchen in half a step!"

Having said this, Tian Kui looked worried.

However, the Qinglong Territory Lord looked at Xuanzu's back with a strange expression, then looked at the gloating onlookers, and couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.


These guys are really awesome. You underestimated Master Qin Feng!

Master Qin Feng was able to kill Kun Zu before he was promoted to God King.

Now that he has been promoted to Jiuding God King, is he still afraid of Xuan Ancestor, who is weaker than Kun Zu?

I don’t know these people. What are you so proud of?!

Thinking of this, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord sneered in his heart!

Then, he turned his head and saw Daojun Lu Ya again.

He saw Daojun Lu Ya staring coldly at Yunxiao Palace, with the murderous intent gradually in his eyes. reveal....

This makes the Qinglong Territory Lord worried again!

He knew that Qin Feng was not afraid of the Five Ultimate Skills, but facing the might of the Eternal Realm, he was still far behind!....

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