
At this moment, the voice of heaven came from the sky above the secret realm...

【Challenge reminder: The guardian spirit 'Washen' has appeared! Special God King Ten-level, Eleven-level, Twelve-level challenges, please make your choice!】

【Reminder: The strength of the guardian spirit will be different depending on the challenge level! Contestants only have one chance to choose, please choose carefully!】

"The challenge is finally about to begin!"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he was about to make a choice.....

At this time, the voice of God Wa sounded in the field

"Qin Feng! I suggest you choose the eleven tripod level! Although your combat power exceeds 20 trillion and can activate the Twelve Cauldrons, the possibility of you breaking through the Twelve Cauldrons is extremely slim!"

"To tell you the truth, the little girl is now a guardian spirit of the Shiding level, which is the weakest state. If you choose the Twelve Cauldron level, my strength will be blessed by Heaven. By then, I'm afraid you are no match"

"Based on my analysis of you, I suggest you choose the eleven tripod level challenge! That is your best choice! Remember, you only have one choice, so be careful!"

God Wa's response to QinThe impression was good, and he actually took the initiative to tell some secrets.

She also wanted to end her days of lonely guardianship as soon as possible so that she could merge with her evil corpse spirit.

Even if he became this young man's pet, it would be better than staying here all the time.

What's more, this young man is the only disciple of the Judgment God Realm who has been able to step into this place in so many years.

She doesn’t want to miss it either!

After hearing those words, Qin Feng also pondered!

According to what God Wa said, her current status is that of a ten-level guardian spirit.

The challenge threshold for the Shiding level is 5 trillion combat power, but Wa Shen has 10 trillion combat power.

Based on this calculation, God Wa's strength will reach an extremely terrifying level when challenged by the Twelve Cauldrons!

Does he really want to follow God Wa's suggestion and choose an eleven-cauldron-level challenge?

At this thought, Qin Feng hesitated!

What he wants is the Twelve Cauldron Level!

If you miss this village, there won’t be that store!

What's more, he didn't believe he couldn't challenge it.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was ready to choose the challenge of the twelve tripods....

At this time, God Wa’s voice sounded again in the field

"Qin Feng, you have to remember! You have to defeat me in 3 minutes! As long as you make a choice, I will abide by my oath and will not let you go. Don't overestimate yourself and make choices beyond your capabilities!"

God Wa gave another earnest advice.

Defeat it within three minutes?!

Qin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath and hesitated again.

With the time limit, the difficulty of the challenge doubled!


That’s it!

Seeking wealth and wealth from danger makes him become some conservative players, which is not in line with his character!

Qin Feng's heart skipped a beat and he immediately made a choice...


Soon, an announcement came from the sky above the secret realm.....

Wa Shen quickly raised his head and sounded....

【Challenge reminder: Contestant 'Qin Feng' chose to challenge the Twelve-Tripod God King!】

【Reminder: After 30 seconds, the challenge starts! Please both sides be prepared!】


God Wa was stunned!

It took a long time for her to recover!

That extremely beautiful face showed disappointment

"Hey~! You!"

God Wa looked at Qin Feng with some resentment.

She didn't expect that Qin Feng didn't listen to her persuasion and still chose the most difficult twelve tripod level challenge!

"It seems that you can't get me!"

God Wa shook his head in disappointment.

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"Not necessarily! How did you know that I couldn't reach the twelfth level?

God Wa sighed:"Confidence is a good thing!" Blind confidence is not a good thing! I will go all out for the next challenge! Be careful!"


As soon as the words fell, the sky shook!

A purple beam of light fell from the sky!


God Wa's momentum suddenly soared!

In the blink of an eye, her momentum reached 20 trillion stars!

20 trillion!!

The threshold of Wujue's combat power is this level!

This is also the strength of the eleven tripod-level guardian spirits!


Before Qin Feng could think about it, the second purple beam of light fell from the sky, thicker and brighter than the first beam of light. , the momentum is stronger!


God Wa's momentum also skyrocketed crazily again!

The increased momentum was even more intense than the first time!

In the blink of an eye, God Wa's momentum was completely increased!

She thought with a thought , the momentum instantly enveloped the entire audience, suddenly reaching 40 trillion stars, which was extremely terrifying!

Seeing this, Qin Feng's face changed slightly!

He originally guessed that the battle power of God Wa might be increased to 30 trillion stars, but he didn't expect It has reached 40 trillion!

And the combat power threshold for activating the Twelve Cauldron-level challenge is 20 trillion!

This is exactly twice! It turns out that all the rules have been hidden for a long time!

Qin Feng couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, his throat was a little dry.

In fact, he also guessed this possibility, but he was still reluctant to miss the opportunity of the Twelfth Cauldron.

Now that he cannot borrow the combat power of his subordinates, he cannot use the Six Prisons to control the sky.

And his current combat power is 28.37 trillion stars. Level, far worse than God Wa!

What's more, he had to defeat God Wa within 3 minutes, which was even more difficult.

At this moment, God Wa opened his eyes and looked over with some resentment.

"Did you see that? This is the result of your disobedience!"

Goddess Wa showed her momentum and couldn't hide her disappointment.

She really wanted to be accepted by Qin Feng, but this guy didn't listen.

Then, she stopped talking and waved again.....

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

Suddenly, white light flashed behind her, and all six artifacts appeared!

Qin Feng quickly looked at the six artifacts.....

The first one is a yellow spiritual stone, but it emits colorful divine light. Its name is Nuwa Stone!

The second piece is a delicate long sword with a golden light all over its body. Its name is Wahuang Sword!

The third item is a magic lamp, which is as white as a lotus in full bloom. Its name is the Lotus Lamp!

The fourth piece is an hydrangea, with its whole body covered with pearls. Its name is the red hydrangea!

The fifth piece is a pole flag with black and white qi billowing on it. It is called the demon-beckoning flag!

The sixth item is a gourd with a picture of ten thousand demons worshiping the moon. It is called the Demon Refining Pot!

Look at these six artifacts, each of them exudes dazzling auras of creation. Each one contains more than five avenues, and their aura is extremely extraordinary!

Those were actually six artifacts at the pinnacle level of creation!

Qin Feng was a little surprised!

God Wa waved her hand, and the Emperor Wa's sword flew into her hand.

Five other artifacts at the pinnacle of creation poured into her body.....

In just an instant, she completed the integration of human and machine, and her momentum soared to 41 trillion stars!

With this preparation completed, Wa Shen's eyes became more confident and determined!

With the help of those six artifacts at the pinnacle of creation, she was getting a great instrument to help her!

This is her strongest state!

At this moment, there are 5 seconds left in the countdown!

Qin Feng stopped delaying and hurriedly waved....

Click~! Click~! Click~!

Suddenly, white light flashed on his body!

Pantian Dao Armor is put on instantly!

The Pantian Dao Ax also appeared in his hand....

In just one moment, the integration of human and machine is completed!

Qin Feng's momentum skyrocketed to about 28.6 trillion!

God Wa saw everything in his eyes without any expression.

Although she could see that the two pieces of equipment Qin Feng sacrificed were both powerful tools, she still couldn't change the situation!

The gap between the two sides is too big!

God Wa felt sorry in her heart!


But at this moment, Qin Feng's murderous intent shot up into the sky, connecting the sky and the earth!

Damn it! Kill the ground! Kill all living beings!

Seven-kill divine body! Activate instantly!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

In just an instant, Qin Feng's body exploded, and his momentum doubled instantly, reaching about 57.2 trillion stars!

God Wa was stunned immediately!

She didn't expect that Qin Feng had this skill!

But all this is not over yet, Qin Feng's body lights up with a dazzling light of luck again!

2.47 million times the power of luck, blessing again!

Qin Feng's momentum skyrocketed again to 59.67 trillion, far stronger than Wa Shen's 41 trillion!

God Wa was shocked again!

The next second, her eyes showed joy:"Qin Feng! No wonder you dare to challenge the twelve-cauldron-level God King! You do have the qualifications! With your current strength, you have a 50% chance of getting me!"

Qin Feng He was stunned:"Only 50%?!"

God Wa said proudly:"The content of the challenge is to kill the guardian spirit within three minutes! Even if your combat power is so strong, I'm afraid you can't exceed 50%! Say you have 50% , I have overestimated you as much as possible!"

Qin Feng took a deep breath:"You are so confident! It seems that I have to win today!"

Goddess Wa smiled charmingly:"If you win, I will Yours! I'm afraid you can't do it!"

Qin Feng took a deep breath:"Then I'll try!"

"correct! There is no real life or death in this battle! Even if you are killed, you can still be resurrected, but you will completely lose this opportunity! So, go all out and don’t hold back at all! Me too!"

God Wa couldn't help but remind him again.

Qin Feng nodded slightly:"I know it well!"

At this moment, a reminder came from Tiandao....

【The countdown is over! Challenge start time: 00....】


As soon as the prompt came out, God Wa jumped out of the way and took action first!


A flash of light and shadow!

The god Wa came to the front instantly and slashed with all his strength with his sword!


When that sword struck, the whole body lit up with a dazzling spiritual light, and emitted a shocking sword cry, like a roar from heaven and earth!

At this moment, the cold sword blade lit up with a cold sword light!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

Wherever the sword light passed, time stopped and the years were reversed!

It was as if one sword cut off the reincarnation of heaven and earth and annihilated the end of the universe!

The attack momentum of that sword was extremely terrifying, suddenly reaching 170 trillion star levels!

Look again at God Wa's beautiful pupils, which are full of fierce color!

Everything is as she said!

Once she takes action, she will never show mercy!

She will try her best to win this round of challenges!

This is her duty!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

That sword that shattered the sky and destroyed the earth struck down with all his strength!

In the eyes of God Wa, the power of this sword is unstoppable for eternity!

I wonder if Qin Feng can stop it?!

In the blink of an eye, that sword was approaching!

Qin Feng is about to be hit!

At this moment, Qin Feng took action!


At this moment, the Pantian Dao Ax in his hand lit up with the Heaven-reaching Dao Light!

Pantian Daojia! The jade dish of good fortune! All are activated!

Three major weapons, the increase is activated at the same time!

That attack increase is 250%!

At the same time, Qin Feng's body also lit up with a dazzling light!

A knowing blow!

Activate instantly!

Attack power increased by another ten percent!

At that moment, the attack power of that ax increased by 350%!

At this moment, Qin Feng slashed away with his ax with all his strength!


The giant ax lights up with a light that reaches the sky, and the momentum continues from heaven to earth!

Wherever the ax light passed, time and space were cut off, the heavens were shaken, and the avenues were annihilated one after another!

At this moment, the momentum emitted by that ax suddenly reached about 268 trillion, which was far beyond the range of a half-step eternal attack!


At this moment, God Wa's long sword attacked!

One sword! An ax!

Instant attack collision!


A burst of gold and iron! Earth-shattering!

Click~! Cha~! Cha~!

The entire space, from where the two men attacked, exploded with countless cracks, and the strips were hundreds of millions of meters long!

The great laws of the heavens were also annihilated under the impact of the collision!

The next second, God Wa let out a miserable groan, and was struck without any suspense until he vomited blood and flew backwards!

Qin Feng didn't dare to neglect, he just dodged and chased after him!

This is a challenge, there is no life or death!

But Qin Feng only has 3 minutes!

He must defeat God Wa within 3 minutes, otherwise he will fail!


In just one thought, Qin Feng teleported a million miles away and appeared right behind God Wa.

At this moment, God Wa had just stabilized her figure, her expression was sluggish, and her momentum had plummeted!

Obviously, Qin Feng severely injured her with one axe, causing her strength to plummet!

The next moment, Goddess Wa suddenly sensed Qin Feng appearing behind her, and her expression suddenly changed. She waved her hand back subconsciously without looking back!

A red hydrangea flew out from her palm and shot toward Qin Feng's heart.....

Qin Feng subconsciously waved his hand and flew the red hydrangea away!

But the moment he knocked the hydrangea away, an invisible spiritual force came from the red hydrangea, followed his arm, and rushed into his consciousness.!

That kind of spiritual power makes people unstoppable and unavoidable!

In just an instant, the thought force rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness and hit Qin Feng's soul hard!

Qin Feng suddenly felt his heart and soul trembling, and his eyes were confused for a while!

At the same moment, the voice of Heaven also echoed in his sea of ​​consciousness.....

【Reminder: You have won the 'Red Hydrangea' for marriage! God Wa has made a lifelong commitment to you! You love each other dearly! 】


Qin Feng's eyes became clear again, but his eyes looking at the back of God Wa became a little complicated!

Do not know why?

He felt that the woman in front of him was someone he wanted to protect with his life!

How could he kill such a beloved woman?

Thinking of this, the giant ax in Qin Feng's hand can no longer chop down....

At this moment, God Wa turned around.

There was still blood hanging from the corner of her mouth, but her eyes were filled with joy, and her eyes looking at Qin Feng became softer!

The road to marriage!

It’s hard to say good or bad!

Once caught, both parties will be affected at the same time, that is, they will love each other!

Thinking of this, there was a hint of pride hidden in Wa Shen's soft eyes.

Qin Feng was hit!

She was the one who finally won the challenge!

How could Qin Feng have the heart to do something when they were in love with each other?

Once the time exceeds three minutes, Qin Feng will fail the challenge and she will win the challenge.

Tiandao will also help her and Qin Feng eliminate the influence of the marriage road after the challenge is over.

So, she wins!

At this moment, Qin Feng was still struggling in his heart.

His rational mind knew that all this was wrong and that he should have been tricked.

He underestimated the power of 'Red Hydrangea'!

Sometimes, the power erupted from the pinnacle artifact is even more incredible than the weapon of the Great Dao!

If he continues like this, he will fail the challenge!

But he can't control his behavior!

Qin Feng felt inexplicably painful in his heart!

He knew that all this was false, but he just couldn't control his heart.

Is this the power of the Avenue of Marriage?

Is it impossible to restrain it?

Huh! correct!

Suddenly, Qin Feng's heart moved, as if he thought of something!

The Avenue of Marriage is also a soul power attack, so....

Qin Feng quickly thought, the innate avenue - the avenue of soul, is operating at full strength!


In just an instant, his whole body lit up with dazzling soul light!

The Avenue of Souls!

Momentum with all your strength!

In the blink of an eye, the Avenue of Soul suppressed the Avenue of Marriage!

Qin Feng's eyes suddenly changed, and there was no trace of fascination in his eyes.

All those delusions that came out of nowhere were suppressed by him.

Instead, God Wa still looked at him with fascination!

Qin Feng took a deep breath, his eyes lit up with determination!

Everything is illusion!

He is going to pass this challenge!

We must also free God Wa from this secret realm!

If you want to do that, you must break and then build, kill and then regenerate!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's eyes became more determined.....

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