The air in the field seemed to be frozen!

Everyone's eyes were full of disbelief.

81 points!

Mr. Qin Feng actually scored 81 points!

After deducting 10 realm correction points, it is equivalent to getting 71 points!

You know, you can only get those points by killing the middle-grade eternal guardian demon within 10 minutes!

Lord Qin Feng has that kind of strength?!

At this thought, the venue became even quieter!

All the players even stopped breathing!

Yan Feng, Jun Tian, ​​and Lu Ya's minds have been blank for a long time!

Even Yuan Feng and Tian Kui Territory Lord were so shocked that they opened their mouths wide and couldn't make a sound from their throats! breeze! Move lightly!

The whole place was dead silent!

At this moment, if a pin falls, it will make a huge noise!


At this moment, the sky above the square shook, and another reminder came from Heaven.

【Reminder: The points ranking is completed and ranking elimination will be implemented soon! Those ranked below 1,000 will be eliminated directly......】

As soon as this prompt came out, the whole audience was shocked!

Qin Feng's heart moved, and he quickly waved his hand and took the Azure Dragon Territory Master into the small universe.

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

At the same moment, white lights flashed in the field!

Those contestants who were ranked outside the top 1,000 were all eliminated!

Even the Tiankui Territory Lord was eliminated!

In just a moment, the elimination is over!

There were only a thousand people left in the audience!

This time, everyone finally came to their senses!

I saw them looking at each other, still immersed in the shock brought by Qin Feng.

The three of them also looked at each other, with pain in their eyes.

They cannot accept the facts before them!

Even more unacceptable, Qin Feng took first place again!

"You two, why is this the case?"

Yan Feng's voice was extremely dry.

He never expected that he would be deeply hit by Qin Feng in the most confident level!

Jun Tian and Lu Ya's faces were also extremely ugly.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Ya smiled bitterly. :"Why! Lu couldn’t figure it out either! From my point of view, there is no way that thief has the strength to pass the test, let alone get 81 points. Jun

Tian also said with a gloomy face:"You two, could it be that the little thief cheated?""

As soon as these words were said, all three of them looked strange.

They were more willing to believe that Qin Feng cheated than that Qin Feng could get the first place!

Until now, they are still unwilling to accept the fact!

For their Qin Feng heard the whispers clearly.

He couldn't help but smile coldly!

These three guys really looked down on him!

Even now, they are still so stubborn!

At this moment, Yuan Yuan sounded beside him. Phoenix's voice

"Qin Feng, did you really get first place?!"

Qin Feng looked back and saw Yuan Feng looking at him blankly.

He smiled slightly:"Isn't it shown on the ranking monument?"

After hearing this, Yuan Feng suddenly came to her senses.

Immediately, she said with great excitement:"Great! It made me feel sorry for it for so long!"

At the end of the sentence, Yuan Feng spoke with a hint of coquettishness, but the eyes she looked at Qin Feng were already full of pride and fascination.

The man in front of her always refreshed her knowledge time and time again, making her gradually admire him.

Before I missed her, it was so worth it to entrust my perfect body to such a man!

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng asked curiously:"Qin Feng, how did you do it?"


As soon as those words were spoken, the Ranking Monument lit up again......

Everyone was startled again and looked up one after another....

Qin Feng and Yuan Feng also looked up....

I saw the information on the monument began to change...

1st place, Qin Feng, 81 points (strength), 178 points (total score)

2nd place, Yan Feng, 62 points (strength), 113 points (total score)

3rd place, Juntian, 37 points (strength) ,

4th place with 76 points (total score) , Lu Ya, 32 points (strength), 68 points (total score)

, 5th place, Yuan Feng, 31 points (strength), 66 points (total score)........

Seeing this, Qin Feng suddenly felt enlightened!

It turns out that the total scores of the four assessments are out.

His total score is still far ahead!

At the same moment, Yuan Feng also showed surprise.

Her total score is only 2 points behind Lu Ya and 10 points behind Jun Tian.

In the final round of assessment, if she performs exceptionally well, she is still expected to get the top three overall scores.

The rewards for the top three in total scores are much richer than the rewards for the top three in each assessment!

On the other side, after Yan Feng and the other three saw the total score, their expressions became even more ugly.

Especially Lu Ya, he was extremely upset!

His total score was left aside by Qin Feng, and he was closely pursued by Yuan Feng!

What made him even more distressed was that in this round of strength test, Yuan Feng actually scored 31 points, only 1 point less than him!

Didn’t that woman just break through to the eternal realm?

Could it be that his overall combat strength is only 1 point worse than his own?

The more Lu Ya thought about it, the more unconvinced he became, and the look he looked at Yuan Feng became unkind!

Soon, the total score will be updated!


The sky above the square shook, and another reminder came from Heaven....

【Reminder: Start implementing the second elimination mechanism! Those who accumulate less than 20 points in the four categories will be eliminated directly....】

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

As soon as the prompt came out, the field flashed with white light again, and more than 200 people were eliminated!

After a while, there were only 763 people left in the field!

All the remaining contestants looked at each other with great excitement!

They finally passed the fourth level!


At this time, another reminder came from Tiandao....

【Announcement: Players 4th to 763rd please be prepared! After 1 minute, the clearance reward will be distributed....】

As soon as the prompt came out, the players started talking excitedly.

Completion rewards are about to be distributed!

The rewards in this round will definitely be richer than in the previous round.

After this chat, everyone's mood became even higher!

In the corner, Yan Feng and the other three were still discussing Qin Feng

"Fellow Taoist, Qin Feng, the little thief, is definitely cheating!"

Jun Tian murmured in a low voice, and his tone was a little angry.

It was as if he saw Qin Feng cheating with his own eyes!

Yan Feng's voice was dry:"Jan also thinks it is very possible! Anyway, the first place in this round was deceived by that little thief again!

Lu Ya sneered and said,"Don't worry, you two!" The first four rounds of tests and assessments were all conducted in the safe zone, and heaven prohibited fighting!"

"When we reach the fifth round of testing, we will leave the safe zone! Players can fight at will, and if they die three times in total, they will be eliminated!"

"When the time comes, the three of us will join forces to kill the little thief. Kill him three times and everything will be fine!"

As soon as these words were said, all three of them showed a knowing smile.

That's right!

Regardless of Qin Feng's current glory, as long as they eliminate Qin Feng in the last round, they will still be the final winners.

In the crowd, Qin Feng willed the three of them His private chat was clearly eavesdropped.

He was sneering in his heart!

These three guys began to plot against him.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, moved his lips slightly, and sent a message to Yuan Feng....

"Let me ask you something, is it true that in the fifth round, players are allowed to fight each other, but there will be no deaths?

Yuan Feng quickly sent a message and replied:"That's right!" In the fifth round of testing, if the players fight to death, God will resurrect them, and there will be no real death."

Qin Feng nodded slightly:"In other words, real death can only exist in the safe zone. If we want to kill a Dao Lord, do we have to do it in a safe zone? Hearing this

, Yuan Feng was greatly surprised and looked at Qin Feng in astonishment:"Do you want to...."

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"After the rewards are distributed, we will deal with them."...."

Qin Feng's lips moved slightly and he quietly transmitted the message.

The more Yuan Feng listened, the more frightened he became!

After a while, she took a deep breath and said:"Qin Feng, do you really want to take the initiative?"

"Um! This time, will you help me again?"

Qin Feng looked at Yuan Feng silently.

Yuan Feng nodded slightly.

Qin Feng smiled immediately!

Yuan Feng sighed deeply in his heart, feeling a little uneasy.

She knew very well that the next move would be a huge risk.

She She and Qin Feng have already violated the rules twice, and they can take one more shot at most.

Can the man be killed with just one shot?

She doubts it deeply!

If the kill fails, the man will have one minute to fight back.

The two of them have one minute to fight back. People can't take action and can only resist passively. The situation is not good!

What's more, there are two Dao Lords around that person to help!

Thinking about this, Yuan Feng feels that the risk is extremely high!

But Qin Feng, an enemy, takes the initiative Asked her for help, but she couldn't bear to refuse!

I hope it goes well this time!

Yuan Feng quietly looked at Xiang Yanfeng and the others with an uneasy mood.....


At this moment, the sky shook, and the voice of Heaven came from above....

【Announcement: Clearance rewards are now distributed! The reward content is as follows...】

【Reward each player with +20 billion star combat power!】

【Reward each player with +20,000 times luck value!】

【Each player will be rewarded with +20 Taiqing Dao Crystals! 】


As soon as the announcement came out, the whole audience burst into cheers!

Knew it!

The rewards just got bigger!

Even Yuan Feng showed a hint of joy, secretly thinking that the reward for completing the level was very good!

It can be seen that Qin Feng’s ranking rewards will also be extremely generous!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

Soon, 760 reward light beams fell from the sky and fell on the contestants one after another.....

Not long after, the rewards were distributed!

All the half-steppers were overjoyed!

Lu Ya's face was extremely gloomy.

From the assessment to now, he has not even entered the top three once, and he has gained the least among the Dao Lord-level experts present.

Like Yuan Feng and Jun Tian, ​​each got third place twice.

Yan Feng finished second 4 times.

Qin Feng even won the first place 4 times!

Lu Ya felt stuffy in his heart just thinking about it!

Even if he can't compare to that freak Qin Feng, he can't even compare to Yuan Feng who just broke through. It's really annoying!


Soon, the voice of Heaven came from the sky again.....

【Reminder: Ranking rewards are now distributed! The third place reward content is as follows:...】

【Reward player 'Jun Tian' + 400 billion star combat power!】

【Reward player 'Jun Tian' with +200,000 times luck value!】

【Reward player 'Jun Tian' + 70 Taiqing Dao Crystals! 】

This reward comes out!

The whole audience was amazed!

Lu Ya is even more greedy!

At the same time, he also hated Qin Feng even more.

In his opinion, if Qin Feng hadn't appeared, he would have finished third at least 4 times!

Soon, the rewards will be distributed!

Tiandao sent another reminder....

【Reminder: The second place reward starts now! The reward content is as follows....】

【Reward player 'Yan Feng' with +750 billion star combat power!】

【Reward player '阏 meet' + 500,000 times luck value!】

【Reward player '阏昏' with +150 Taiqing Dao Crystals! 】

Another exclamation!

Everyone is extremely envious!

It didn't take long for Yan Feng to get all the rewards.

Tiandao sent another reminder....

【Reminder: Ranking rewards are now distributed! The first place reward content is as follows:....】

【Reward player 'Qin Feng' with +1.5 trillion star combat power!】

【Reward player 'Qin Feng' with +1 million times luck value!】

【Reward player 'Qin Feng' +300 Taiqing Dao Crystals!】......

【Reminder: It was detected that player 'Qin Feng' performed extremely well in this round, so a special reward was awarded! That is, the rewards for this round will be doubled, and the content will be changed as follows:...】

【Reward player 'Qin Feng' with +3 trillion star combat power!】

【Reward player 'Qin Feng' with +2 million times luck value!】

【Reward player 'Qin Feng' +600 Taiqing Dao Crystals! 】


As soon as the announcement came out, the whole place was in an uproar!

"Oh My God! The reward is doubled again!"

"Master Qin Feng is too strong, right?"

"yes! 3 trillion rewards! Tsk tsk! So enviable!"

At this moment, all the contestants were amazed!

However, Yan Feng and the other three were so jealous that their throats went dry and their faces became uglier than the last!

On the other side, Yuan Feng's eyes shone with joy!

She was happy for Qin Feng!

Having said that, Qin Feng has gained another 3 trillion combat power, and his strength will definitely improve a lot.

That will be of great help to the next actions!


Soon, a reward beam fell from the sky and fell on Qin Feng...

The next second, his combat power and luck began to skyrocket....

After the reward was over, Qin Feng opened his eyes with a happy face....

At this time, the second reward beam fell, and another 600 Taiqing Dao Crystals fell in front of him....

After counting the Dao Jing, Qin Feng happily put it away.

This time, he got 61 refinable Dao crystals out of 600 Dao crystals. Adding the 37 Dao crystals he had exchanged before, there were a total of 98 Dao crystals.

As for the extra Dao crystals, they will be used to train subordinates....

Thinking of this, Qin Feng secretly checked the latest status...

【Luck]: 8.2 million times

【Reputation]: 10 million points (full level)

【Xiantian Avenue]: 48

【Total number of avenues]: 2804

【Basic combat power]: 69.92 trillion stars. After reading the data, Qin Feng silently closed the panel!

This time it was very impressive!

His basic combat power is infinitely close to 70 trillion!

The luck value has soared to 8.2 million times, which is not far away from the full level of 10 million times....

Thinking of this, Qin Feng turned to look at Yuan Feng and saw the woman looking at him, as if waiting for instructions.

Qin Feng quickly hinted with his eyes and quickly got ready.

As soon as the rest period starts, they will take action!

Yuanfeng understood and nodded slightly.

The next second, she held her breath, tensed her whole body, and quietly prepared for battle.


At this time, the sky above the square was shaking, and there was a reminder from Heaven....

【Reminder: Rewards have been distributed! Now enter the 3-minute rest period! After 3 minutes, the final round of testing begins!】

【Rest time: 0...1...】

Entering the rest period!

Yuan Feng immediately looked in the direction of Yan Feng and the others!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

Qin Feng was even more inspired!

The Dao Axe, Dao Armor, and Donghuang Bell were sacrificed, instantly completing the integration of human and weapon!

The whole audience was stunned!


But the next second, Qin Feng took the initiative to kill a Taoist Lord!

This sudden change made the whole audience gasp in surprise!...

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