This time, the whole place was surprisingly quiet!

The atmosphere has also become a bit depressing!


Suddenly, there was a roar in the sky above the square, and the voice of Heaven was heard..

【Reminder: The rest period is over! All contestants are requested to go to the fifth examination area within ten minutes! Those who fail to enter within the timeout period will be deemed to have automatically given up the assessment authority! 】

Click~! Click~! Click~!

As the prompt sounded, a white light door slowly opened in the center of the square.....

Everyone was secretly relieved!

The last round of assessment was finally about to begin, and they no longer had to endure the depressing atmosphere in front of them.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at the light gate one after another!

Yan Feng also came to his senses at this moment.

As soon as he saw the light door open, he walked towards the light door without saying a word.....

Lu Ya quickly followed!

Now that things have happened, he is ready to follow the horse's lead and no longer dares to act alone.

After all, he has completely offended Qin Feng and Yuan Feng!

Soon, Yan Feng and the two entered the light gate.

All the players looked at Qin Feng again....

Qin Feng hasn't entered yet, how dare those players enter?

Just like this, everyone looked at Qin Feng with awe.

Even Yuan Feng looked at Qin Feng.

Seeing this, Qin Feng said quietly:"You go in first!"

Upon hearing this, all the players saluted Qin Feng.

The next second, they moved slowly towards the light door....

Not long after, the whole place was gone, leaving only Qin Feng and Yuan Feng.

Seeing that there was no one in the field, Yuan Feng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she looked at Qin Feng with curiosity:"Qin Feng, what kind of magical power did you use before, and why can you change the direction of everyone's attack?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"Reverse cause and effect! That is derived from the avenue of cause and effect. My magical power!"

He had nothing to hide from Yuan Feng.

After Yuan Feng heard this, her beautiful eyes widened.

Then, she exclaimed with a look of amazement:"Oh my god! The Avenue of Cause and Effect! That is the number one avenue among the three thousand avenues! Rumor has it that Rahu is the only one who has awakened in the entire Hongyuan Universe! You should be the second to awaken!"

Speaking of this, Yuan Feng sighed with admiration in his tone.

And she looked at Qin Feng with even more admiration, and her fascination with Qin Feng deepened in her heart.

Facing such an outstanding man, it was difficult for her not to be conquered.

What's more, her body and mind have been completely conquered!

At this time, Qin Feng looked surprised:"Sister, what do you mean, Tianzun and Dajitian have not awakened to the avenue of cause and effect?"

Yuan Feng sighed:"Yes! As far as I know, those two great powers have not awakened. Come out. However, it is unclear whether they have awakened now. In short, you and Luo Hu may be the only ones in this universe who have awakened."

"However, Rahu’s awakened magical power of cause and effect should be different from yours. I have never heard that Rahu’s magical power of cause and effect is called reverse causality. As for what kind of magical power it is, I don’t know!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

The same avenue, but different magical powers, this is a common thing!

At this time, Yuan Feng said again:"By the way, Qin Feng, how did you kill the eternal level true spirit? You know, even high-grade eternal realm can’t do it!"

When mentioning this, Yuan Feng showed admiration again.

Qin Feng smiled:"To be honest, I controlled the great wind of the universe to kill Juntian's true spirit!"

He has nothing to hide about Yuan Feng.

The relationship between this woman and him is extraordinary!

Sure enough, Yuan Feng was shocked when she heard about it!

She said with disbelief:"Oh my God! Can you control the great wind of the universe? As far as I know, many super-grade eternal realms can’t do it!"

Speaking of this, Yuan Feng was filled with emotion.

She admired the man in front of her even more, and the love in her heart could no longer be suppressed.

Qin Feng smiled bitterly:"I am only temporarily controlling! What's more, I no longer have Da Tongfeng in my hands. It will not be easy to kill Dao Lord in the future. Unless, I can find a secret place with great winds"

"That's it!" Yuan Feng frowned slightly and showed a sad look.

She also realized that without Da Tong Feng, Qin Feng would lose a big trump card.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up:"That's right! Qin Feng, you don’t have to worry so much! As long as you obtain the Zixiao inheritance and become the master of the Zitian Palace, you can go to any secret realm here at any time!"

"The third level of the secret realm of the Purple Heaven Palace is where the Green Lotus of Creation is located, and there is the great wind of the universe you need!"

Qin Feng's eyes also lit up.


If he becomes the master of the Purple Heaven Palace, he can indeed go to the third floor at any time.

In this way, he will not worry about the source of Datong Feng.

In addition, as long as the conditions Reached, he can make 'Good Fortune Green Lotus' recognize its master at any time!

After all, he has activated the opportunity of 'Good Fortune Green Lotus' to recognize its master! If he wants 'Good Fortune Green Lotus' to recognize its master, he must awaken all the innate avenues!

Currently, he The only thing missing is that the innate 'Dao of Faith' has not yet awakened!

However, he has awakened 97% of that avenue and is not far from being fully awakened.

As for the Dao of Faith, Yan Feng has already mastered it!

I wonder if he can get the final power from him. Enlightenment?

Qin Feng's eyes showed deep thought!

At this time, Yuan Feng said again:"Qin Feng, in fact, in the last round of assessment, even if you have Datong Feng, you will not have the chance to kill Lu Ya and Yan Feng. In the last round, Tiandao allows the players to fight each other, but it will also protect the players from death!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly:"I know! The final round of killing is impossible. My only goal is to win the Zixiao inheritance! Yuan

Feng smiled and said:"Qin Feng, your current total score is 178 points. You are the most promising player to obtain the inheritance since the Zixiao inheritance was opened." From what I can tell, you have a great chance of gaining inheritance!"

Qin Feng took a deep breath:"I hope so! Only by obtaining this inheritance can I have a steady supply of Datong style in the future! By the way, sister, you are now only 2 points behind Lu Ya, and you have great hope of winning third place! Yuan Feng's eyes lit up:"

Yes!" Why didn't I think of that!

Then, she said excitedly:"Qin Feng, it seems that you killed Jun Tian, ​​which will be of great benefit to me!" If he were still alive, neither Lu Ya nor I would have a chance to get third place! Qin Feng smiled and said:"

Yes!" The top three in this final round will be judged by their total points, and their rewards will be much more generous than in any round! Sister needs to take hold of it!

Yuan Feng smiled and said:"Actually, it doesn't matter whether I can get the ranking reward or not." I just hope you get the legacy!"

At the end, Yuan Feng's voice gradually became gentle.

Obviously, Qin Feng's weight in her heart became heavier and heavier.

Qin Feng also heard the affection in it.

Before he could think more, Yuan Feng smiled again:" OK! Qin Feng, let’s go in!"

Qin Feng took a deep breath:"You go in first! I still need to take care of some chores!"

"OK! Then I'll go first! Yuan

Feng smiled slightly and walked straight to the light gate without asking any more questions.

Soon, Yuan Feng entered the light gate.

Seeing this, Qin Feng no longer wasted time.

As soon as he waved, 410 appeared in front of him. The Dao Crystal fragments were made from Juntian's true spirit fragments.

After taking stock, Qin Feng only picked out 33 of them that could be refined.

Now, it is becoming more and more difficult for him to find usable Dao Crystals.. However

, Qin Feng was already very satisfied!

Adding these 33 to the 98 available before, the total was 131 that could be refined.

Then, he turned his palm over again, and there was an extra storage ring in the palm of his hand.

Then It's Juntian's storage ring!

After getting the storage ring, Qin Feng looked through it.

Next, a delighted smile appeared on his face.

I saw that there were more than 130 Taiqing Dao Crystals in the storage ring, which should be Juntian's harvest from this assessment.

After all, that guy came in third place twice and received a lot of rewards, but in the end he got the better of Qin Feng!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng happily took stock.

After a while, he picked out 8 Dao crystals that could be refined!

As a result, the total number of Dao crystals that can be refined in his hand reached 139!

If all 139 Dao Crystals are refined, the number of avenues he has mastered will reach 2943, and he will not be far from completing the Three Thousand Avenues.

"The more Dao you master, the harder it becomes to obtain useful Dao crystals!"

Looking at the storage ring in his hand, Qin Feng sighed! There are more than 130 Dao crystals, but only 8 are available, so the difficulty naturally becomes greater!

It can be seen that the closer the Three Thousand Dao is to perfection, the more opportunities and luck will come. The more important it is.

Otherwise, after harvesting a bunch of Dao Crystals and not having any usable ones, it would be a waste of time!

However, Qin Feng is still very satisfied!

At least he has been having smooth sailing so far.

With this in mind, he He picked up the Dao Crystal and the Storage Ring and let his mind body refine them.

After doing this, he waved his hand again, and a black giant cauldron appeared in front of him. It was the Dao Dao weapon-Haotian Cauldron!

Haotian Cauldron and The Donghuang Bell is the same type of Taoist weapon, but its power is inferior!

After Qin Feng carefully observed it, he showed a happy smile.

He found that among the dozens of avenues contained in the Haotian Cauldron, two of them were his Those who have not awakened.

As long as he refines this giant cauldron, he can awaken two more avenues!

Qin Feng feels that every avenue that can be awakened now is hard-won!

The further he reaches the later stage, the fewer avenues he can awaken.

At that moment, Qin Feng put away the Haotian Cauldron with satisfaction and let his mind body refine it!

After handling these trivial matters, he walked towards the Light Gate....

Not long after, Qin Feng passed through the light gate and entered the new examination area.....

As soon as he entered, he found that it was a large closed square!

The square was surrounded by a huge white light shield, making it impossible to see what was going on outside the square!

In addition, there is a ranking monument in the center of the square, but there is no regular monument!

At this moment, more than 700 players are scattered in every corner, gathering in small groups to chat.

As soon as Qin Feng came in, the players consciously shut up and looked in awe.

It was like an adult suddenly entered the venue, and the whole place suddenly fell silent.

Qin Feng ignored those people and looked towards the left corner.

Yan Feng and Lu Ya were seen gathering there, looking gloomy.

Seeing Qin Feng, Yan Feng's eyes were filled with hatred.

Lu Ya looked frightened!

Qin Feng smiled coldly and didn't bother to look at the two of them anymore.

At this time, crisp footsteps sounded behind him.

Qin Feng looked back and saw Yuan Feng walking towards him with a smile.

She has been waiting for Qin Feng for a long time....


At this moment, the sky above the square suddenly shook!

Then the voice of heaven came....

【Assessment reminder: All contestants are welcome to enter the fifth assessment area - the points competition area!】

【Rules: Players enter the opportunity zone to find and hunt the demon god who protects the inheritance!】

【Reminder: The strength of the demons in this area ranges from half-step eternity to mid-level eternity!】

【Hunt down the half-step eternal demon and get 1 point!】

【Hunt down the half-step peak demon and get 3 points!】

【Hunt down the half-step Dzogchen Demon and get 5 points!】

【Hunt down the low-grade Eternal Realm Demon God and get 15 points!】

【Hunt down the middle-grade Eternal Realm Demon God and get 30 points!】

【Reminder: The number of guardian demons is limited and their distribution range is extremely wide. This level tests players' search, speed, combat power, luck and other abilities!】

【Reminder: This round of testing is based on total score!】

【Reminder: Those who reach the top 100 with total scores will receive clearance rewards!】

【Reminder: Those who reach the top three in total points will receive ranking rewards!】

【Reminder: If the total score reaches 300 points or more, you can obtain the inheritance qualification and take on the final inheritance challenge! 】

Hearing this, Qin Feng felt enlightened in his heart!

It turns out that only when the total score reaches 300 points or more can you obtain the inheritance qualification, it is not just about getting the first place in the total score.

His points are 178, which is 122 points away from 300 points!

This gap is not small!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

He was a little worried that he couldn't get 300 points.

However, you can get 30 points by killing a middle-grade eternal demon god!

As long as his efficiency in searching for the Demon God is high enough, he may not be able to reach 300 points!

This thought made Qin Feng feel a little relieved!

On the other side, Yan Feng's eyes gradually brightened after hearing the prompt! turn out to beIf you score 300 points, you will be eligible for inheritance!

In this way, he does not necessarily have to surpass Qin Feng, as long as his points reach more than 300 points!

With this in mind, Yan Feng suddenly became excited.

He seems to have seen hope again!

At this time, Tiandao’s reminders continued to come....

【Reminder: This round of assessment lasts 7 hours!】

【Reminder: After entering the chance zone, players are allowed to fight each other!】

【Reminder: If you are killed by the Guardian Demon or a player, you can be resurrected in the safe zone!】

【Reminder: If the cumulative number of deaths reaches 3, you will be eliminated!】

【Reminder: After resurrecting in the safe area, players must leave the safe area within 10 seconds. If they fail to leave after the timeout, they will be eliminated!】

【The assessment is about to begin, contestants please be prepared.....】


As soon as this prompt came out, a huge roar sounded over the square!

Everyone looked up and saw that the white light mask was slowly dissipating....

When the mask of light completely dissipated, the world suddenly became brighter and brighter!

Above everyone's heads, a whole new world is revealed!

The whole audience burst into exclamation!

Qin Feng was also surprised!....

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