Qin Feng smiled slightly!


But before he could finish being happy, the sky trembled again...

【Assessment announcement: All demon gods in the southern examination area have been killed! The four great demon gods of town and gate, Baxia, are about to arrive in the southern examination area!】

【Ba Xia: One of the Nine Sons of the Dragon, middle-grade Eternal Realm, no true spirit, one of the four major demon gods in this test area, you can get 30 points for killing them!】

【Reminder: From now on, you can know the location of Baxia by entering the southern area!】

【Reminder: Baxia only appears for 1 hour. If it is not killed within 1 hour, it will leave the test area! 】

Qin Feng is overjoyed!

The Zhenguan Demon God in the southern region has also appeared!

His chance to score points has also arrived!


As soon as this thought came up, a white light fell from the sky in front of me!

Then a heaven-reaching demon god slowly descended along the white light.....

Qin Feng quickly looked at the demon god...

I saw the demon dragon-headed tortoise shell, who was ten thousand feet tall, dragging a wordless monument that was hundreds of millions of feet tall. He was extremely domineering!

【Demon God]: Baxia (one of the Nine Sons of the Dragon)

【Realm]: Middle-grade eternal realm

【Combat power]: 240 trillion stars

【Characteristics]: One of the four major demon gods in this examination area

【Remarks]: There is no eternal-level true spirit. Kill it once and you can pass the level!

"Sure enough, he is the boss!"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up when he saw it!

This tyrant appeared in front of him, and he didn't have to look for it, which saved a lot of time!

Having said that, the combat power of this tyrant reached 240 trillion, which is more than the prisoner cow. With 10 trillion stars, it is estimated that it will be stronger than the first line!

However, Qin Feng's strength is much stronger than that then.

At this moment, Baxia has descended!

Its expression is extremely aloof!

I saw it looking around , and soon saw Qin Feng!

Hey! Is this human only in the God King realm?

After seeing Qin Feng’s cultivation level, Ba Xia frowned slightly!

When will the God King be able to reach the last level?!

Hey! The children of Hongyuan Universe are really inferior to each other!

If this continues, when will this universe be able to produce a genius capable of inheriting Hongyuan's mantle?!

Thinking of this, Baxia is quite upset!

It It was quite disappointed with the children of Hongyuan Universe!

At that moment, it didn’t even bother to look at Qin Feng, and its spiritual consciousness swept around.....

A little god-king!

What qualifications does it deserve to pay attention to?

Is it better to look again to see if there are any decent players nearby?

After so many years, it also hopes that Hongyuan Universe can produce a decent genius! such a pity!

Since the beginning of the Zixiao inheritance, there has not been anyone whose strength can reach the threshold level of a middle-grade Taoist, let alone be on par with it.

Naturally, it would not look down upon a little god-king like Qin Feng, and even thought that it could kill Qin Feng with just a spit of spit!

Thinking of this, Ba Xia looked around.

The next second, a look of surprise appeared on its face.

Within a radius of tens of billions of miles, it didn't see a single player!

The demon gods in the southern region were all killed by the players, and God only allowed them to come!

Why is there no one at the moment?!

This is unreasonable! wrong! You can’t say there’s no one!

There is also a little ant from the God King Realm!

Ba Xia suddenly thought of Qin Feng again and couldn't help but look down.

At this sight, it was slightly startled!

I saw Qin Feng quietly coming under it, holding a giant ax in his hand, looking eager to try!

Ba Xia suddenly laughed angrily!

"hehe! You little ant-like thing! Seeing that I didn't run away, I actually dared to sneak up to me. I was so stupid!"

Qin Feng was stunned when he heard this!

Immediately, he felt a little speechless! He looked murderous. Can't this guy see it?

Why does it feel like this guy has the same virtue as Qiu Niu, both crazy ? Arrogant!

These two are indeed brothers!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng shook his head secretly.

However, he did not want to waste time. Daojia, Donghuang Bell, and Good Fortune Jade Disc were all secretly sacrificed.

After all, he killed Baxia , there is only one hour!

If the guy is not killed within the time limit, this guy will disappear, and he will not get 30 points!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng wants to take action!

But at this time, Baxia has already stopped. I got impatient.

I saw it cursing:"Little thing! Still not going away?! Ha~bah~!"

As soon as it finished speaking, it spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm towards Qin Feng!


Suddenly, a fishy wind blew up and the stench filled the sky!

That big mouthful of green thick phlegm was as big as a house and had an extremely stench. Wherever it passed, evil mist rolled in and the heaven and earth trembled!

The power of the explosion of thick phlegm suddenly reached the level of the Five Ultimates. It could definitely spit to death a half-step Dzogchen expert. It was so terrifying!

In the blink of an eye, the thick phlegm arrived in front of Qin Feng and enveloped his whole body!

Qin Feng's expression changed drastically!

Naturally, he is not afraid of the thick phlegm, but if he is hit by the thick phlegm, he will be sickened to death!

Having said that, this boss is so arrogant that he actually wants to spit on him to death! It’s too much to look down on him!


With this in mind, Qin Feng teleported and disappeared out of thin air!


That mouthful of thick phlegm was emptied out, causing the void to crack and the space to vibrate slightly!

This time, Baxia was stunned!

It didn't expect that Qin Feng could avoid that mouthful of thick phlegm!

It has locked onto Qin Feng's aura, and even a low-grade eternal power cannot avoid it!


But before it could think any further, a white light flashed before its eyes!

Qin Feng appeared out of thin air!


With this appearance, Qin Feng became full of momentum!

Man and machine in one! Seven-kill divine body! Good luck! All done!

At that moment, his momentum exploded to 150.39 trillion stars!

But it's not over yet!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng's body lit up with countless white lights!

That's all the subordinates sacrificing their combat power!

In the blink of an eye, the sacrifices of Qinglong, Dijiang and other envoys, as well as the domain lords, were completed!

During this period of time, the number of Territory Lords under Qin Feng's command has reached more than 2,300.

The strength of the envoys such as Di Jiang, Ju Mang and others has also been improving!

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng's combat power surged to 190 trillion stars, which is not far from the threshold of mid-level eternal realm combat power!

"Huh! This is..."

Ba Xia suddenly felt bad!


But before it could react, Qin Feng slashed at it with all his strength....


At that moment, Qin Feng's Taoist weapon amplification was all activated!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

The celestial phenomena of the Six Hells also appeared behind him!

The six prisons and the sky are also activated simultaneously!

The ax blade suddenly lit up with a dazzling spiritual light!

The attack momentum that erupted on it suddenly reached 1235 trillion star levels, exceeding the attacks of most middle-grade eternal powerhouses!

"this...How can this be!"

Ba Xia was horrified!

At this moment, its eyes were wide open and filled with disbelief!

It never expected that this humble little god king could actually perform such a terrifying attack! It was even more terrifying. What's terrible is that it was completely defenseless!

Now that the attack was approaching, it didn't even have time to react.

Damn it!

At that moment, Baxia was so anxious that he screamed in his heart, and his body spontaneously lit up with spiritual light.

A prototype of a protective light shield, just in time. It needs to be condensed!

But before the light shield is formed, Qin Feng strikes down with an axe!


The axe struck the dragon's head hard, causing the gray dragon scales to fly, and there was a hint of blood! Xia Geng roared miserably, and was struck so hard that he vomited blood and flew backwards!

The ax did not split its head, but only made a big bloody hole on the dragon's head, and also split the keel under the scalp. The injury was severe. It’s also extremely heavy!

"What a strong defense!"

Qin Feng exclaimed in his heart and dodged to pursue him!

Na Baxia roared in pain, rolled in the air and flew a million miles away before he stabilized his figure.

Once he stabilized, he was covered in blood and his momentum was strong. It was sluggish, and its combat power plummeted by 30 trillion!


It quickly thought, and the light on its body lit up, preparing to repair the injury....

But in the next breath, it discovered to its horror that the irrecoverable injury was due to the influence of the Eternal Avenue.


Before Ba Xia could react, Qin Feng struck again, and the giant ax kept slashing at him!

Ba Xia had no choice but to take action to resist despite his injuries!

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Suddenly, the field was filled with massacres!

The giant ax and the sky monument keep colliding!

Ba Xia was never Qin Feng's opponent, and now that he was seriously injured, he was even less of a match.

In just a moment, it was killed by Qin Feng until it screamed and sustained injuries.

His momentum plummeted all the way!

At this moment, Ba Xia felt extremely regretful!

If it hadn't underestimated the enemy before, it might have been able to last longer, or even survive an hour of mission time!

Now it seems that it has no chance!

Because its injuries are getting worse and worse, but it cannot recover, it will be a matter of time before it dies.....

At the same time, a great war was taking place deep in the western region.

Yan Feng was fighting fiercely with a demon god.

The demon god was covered in blue dragon scales, but he had a big toad mouth, and his eyes were round and big, much like toad eyes!

That is Pulao, one of the Nine Sons of the Dragon!

As soon as Heaven made the announcement, Pulao came to Yanfengnearby.

It can be said that Yan Feng also started fighting with Pulao right away.

However, he was not as lucky as Qin Feng and let Pulao be careless.

After Pulao appeared, he found that he was a middle-grade eternal powerful man, so he fought with all his strength, not daring to be careless at all.

In this way, both sides will go all out when fighting!

After dozens of rounds, Yan Feng gained the upper hand and beat Pulao back steadily!

Yan Feng gets more and more excited the more he kills!

According to the current situation, he can kill Pulao within ten minutes!

30 points are coming!

After he killed Pulao, he immediately went to the southern area and killed Naha as well.

In this way, he can score another 30 points!

The goal of breaking 300 points is expected to be achieved!

Thinking of this, Yan Feng speeded up and attacked Pulao wildly.....

In the blink of an eye, seven minutes passed!

Pulao was seriously injured by him, his momentum plummeted, and he began to show signs of reaching the end of his strength.

This surprised Yan Feng!

Things developed more smoothly than he expected!

Having said that, like Qin Feng, he also mastered the Eternal Avenue!

That is also one of his trump cards that makes him superior to his peers!

What's more, with the help of Zhutian Qingyun, his defense is extremely strong. He can almost give up defense and just attack wildly, which naturally kills enemies faster.

"Judging from the situation in Pulao, we can still hold on for at most one minute!"

At this moment, Yan Feng was fighting while muttering in his heart, with a proud smile on his lips.

By the way!

I just killed all the demon gods here and summoned Pulao.

Then Baxia was summoned in the southern area!

Why ?Will the south be that fast?!

Could it be that there is strength in numbers?

After all, more than three hundred players went to the south!

Lu Ya also went to the south!

Yan Feng looked at the southern area with doubts and was slightly surprised.

However, he didn’t take it too seriously!

With the strength of Lu Ya and others, they would definitely not be able to kill Ba Xia.

At that time, Baxia's points will still belong to him.

The only person who can pose a threat to him is the little thief Qin Feng.


Qin Feng and Yuan Feng went to the eastern region!

The two of them are not weak, so why haven't they summoned the Eastern Region's Demon God?

In other words, the two people have never acted separately!

Qin Feng was dragged down by Yuan Feng's speed. At this time, he was unable to kill all the demon gods in the eastern region, so naturally he could not summon the Zhenguan Demon God.

If so, Qin Feng's points gained this time will definitely be far inferior to his!

At this thought, Yan Feng's eyes lit up and he felt very proud!

He seemed to see hope of surpassing Qin Feng!


But just as that thought came to mind, the sky above the examination area suddenly started to vibrate!

The voice of Heaven resounded throughout the entire examination area.....

【Assessment announcement: Contestant 'Qin Feng' has killed the Zhenguan Demon God in the southern examination area - Baxia, and gained +30 points! 】


As soon as this announcement came out, all the contestants in the examination area were shocked!

Yan Feng was completely dumbfounded!

Qin Feng killed Ba Xia?! impossible!

This is impossible!

Isn't that little thief in the eastern region?!

Could it be that when Lu Ya and other players were besieging Baxia, he took the opportunity to take advantage?!

At this moment, it is difficult to see each otherHear everything yourself!

What he couldn't accept the most was that he had summoned Pulao first and fought against Pulao first.

As a result, in the south, Qin Feng actually killed Ba Xia first!

Does this mean that Qin Feng's strength has surpassed him?

He found it difficult to accept this fact.

He would rather believe that Qin Feng cut off the peaches of Lu Ya and others and killed Ba Xia by luck.

"That damn little thief! How could he kill Ba Xia faster than me? That little thief...Huh! Pulao! Don't run away!"

Yan Feng suddenly yelled!

The next second, his figure flashed and he chased forward.....

Just now, Yan Feng was so shocked by Tiandao's announcement that he was stunned for a moment!

Seeing this, Pulao quickly took the opportunity to escape with his seriously wounded body in his arms.....

How could Yan Feng let it go and quickly chased it away!

In this way, a big chase was staged....

At the same time, the southern region.

Qin Feng looked at the blood mist ahead with excitement!

That was the transformation of Ba Xia's demonic body.

In just 7 minutes and 43 seconds, he beheaded Ba Xia, much faster than when he killed the prisoner cow.

You know, he didn't use Datongfeng this time!

This is enough to show that his strength is one level stronger than before.

At this time, Tiandao announced to the entire district that he had killed Ba Xia.

At the same moment, the reminder from Heaven also came to his mind....

【Reminder: You killed the Demon God of Zhenguan - Baxia (mid-level eternal realm) and gained +30 points!】

【Reminder: You killed the Demon God of Zhenguan - Baxia (middle grade eternal realm), and exploded the spiritual material - Dragon Turtle Black Shell (Tao level)...】

Huh! Tao-level items were actually revealed!

Qin Feng was a little surprised!

However, he did not collect the spoils immediately. Instead, he made a hand seal and activated the luck-devouring secret technique....

The invisible devouring power instantly enveloped the entire audience....

【Luck Devouring Success! You have swallowed up all the luck of Ba Xia, and your luck value is +270,000 times...】

【Reminder: It is detected that your luck value has reached 10 million times, reaching the full level of Hongyuan Universe's luck. Your luck will no longer increase in the future!】

【Congratulations on getting the full-level luck reward: combat power + 3 trillion stars! 】


Qin Feng is overjoyed!

Luck has finally reached its maximum level!

In this way, he has reached another condition for promotion to the ultimate substitute!

What surprised him even more was that the reward for reaching the full level of luck was actually 3 trillion combat power!

This is much more powerful than full-level reputation!


Before Qin Feng could think about it, a beam of reward light fell from the sky and poured into the top of his head...

The next second, his momentum skyrocketed crazily...

When the reward was over, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with Happy.

In just a moment, his basic combat power increased to 73.03 trillion stars, which was a huge improvement! correct!

He has other harvests that he has not yet collected!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng raised his eyes and looked at the blood mist ahead.

There was a huge dragon turtle shell suspended in the blood mist, emitting an amazing aura.....

PS:The author wishes all readers a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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