
At this moment, Tiandao sent another reminder....

【Reminder: The entrances and exits on each floor of Zitian Palace have been automatically opened! Player Qin Feng can enter freely before entering the core area....】


As soon as the prompt came out, a light door leading to the fourth floor appeared in the square.....

Qin Feng's eyes lit up! correct!

He has awakened the forty-nine innate avenues, and can let the 'Green Lotus of Creation' recognize its master!

In this case, he will go to the third floor to find Creation Qinglian!

That is a Tao-level wonder of Hongyuan Universe!

If he succeeds in recognizing his master, his strength will definitely be greatly improved!

With this in mind, he walked towards the entrance of the fourth floor....

In just a moment, Qin Feng passed through the light door and entered the square on the fourth floor.

He looked around the empty square and soon saw the light door leading to the third floor.....

He quickly walked towards the light door....

After passing through the light door, Qin Feng returned to the square on the third floor!

He looked up and saw a dark void lingering at the edge of the square, filled with endless great winds.

In that sea of ​​wind,A blue lotus flower with forty-nine petals is quietly suspended in it, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

That is Qinglian, the creation of Hongyuan Universe!

Unknowingly, Qin Feng has successively obtained the title of four Tao-level wonders from the Hongyuan Universe, including the Heavenly Monument of Fengchan, the Divine Whip, the Qiankun Cauldron, and the Book of Three Worlds!

If this 'Green Lotus of Creation' is recognized as its master again, it will be five pieces!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng strode towards the edge of the square....

Before long, he reached the edge of the square.

The distance from the edge to the Creation Qinglian is still three thousand steps, separated by the terrifying Great Wind!

If you want the Creation Qinglian to recognize you as your master, you must get close to the Creation Qinglian!

After Qin Feng took a deep breath, he stepped into the great wind!

When he took the first step, his heart moved....


A Dao Lotus, as white as jade and one meter in diameter, rose from under his feet, capable of supporting his body.

At the same time, the lotus emitted holy white light, wrapping his body and resisting the violent Datong wind around him.

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily!

Although the third round of assessment is over, the rule of one step and one lotus set by Tiandao is still there.

In this way, he can get close to the Creation Qinglian.

With this in mind, Qin Feng continued to move forward....

In a moment, he grew lotuses step by step, and approached the green lotus of creation step by step.....

The white lotus appeared all the way along with his steps!

The scene is extremely spectacular and extremely beautiful!

It didn't take long for Qin Feng to take 2965 steps, and he was still 35 steps away from creating Qinglian!

He didn't dare to go any further!

If he takes another step forward, he will no longer be able to summon Daolian and will be swallowed up by the great wind at any time.....

"If I want the created Qinglian to recognize me as its master, I must let it swallow my essence and blood. There are still 35 steps to go, I don’t know....."

Qin Feng directly broke his finger to coagulate the blood, and squeezed out a drop of crystal clear blood, which glowed with golden light and emitted a strange fragrance.....

The next second, Qin Feng flicked his index finger!


That drop of divine blood immediately turned into a rainbow light and shot towards the Green Lotus of Creation......


But as soon as the essence and blood rushed into the sea of ​​wind, it was like a stone being thrown into the lake, immediately arousing Datong Feng's violent suppression!

Tsk~! Tsk~! Tsk~!

In a short time, the drop of essence and blood was being killed by the Datong Wind at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming smaller and smaller.

The essence and blood only traveled three steps before disappearing without a trace left!

Qin Feng was stunned!

The power of Datong Wind is truly terrifying!

His essence and blood can only penetrate three steps, but he and Qinglian are thirty-five steps apart!

If he wants to rely on the method of ejecting semen and blood to make Qinglian recognize his master, it seems that it is not feasible for the time being!

However, he still has 33 Dao Crystals in his hand that can be refined!

After those Dao Crystals are refined, he will be able to take 2998 steps and be only 2 steps away from Qinglian.

At that time, he can use this method to recognize the Lord!

After thinking about it, Qin Feng felt that the method was feasible, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, just as he was about to turn around and go back, his eyes couldn't help but fall on those Datongfeng....

As the saying goes, thieves don't leave empty-handed, they come, and he just took the opportunity to collect Datongfeng.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly made seals with his hands and began to collect Datong Feng.....

Not long after, the collection was completed!

Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile on his face.

This time, he had a strange item on his body and collected five rays of Datong Wind.

Four rays are hidden in his small universe.

The fifth ray is hidden in the Seal of the Universe between his eyebrows, which is the green lotus created by Qin Yuan's universe.

With these five rays of Great Harmony Wind, his confidence in dealing with the Three Phase Dragon God has increased.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng returned with satisfaction....

After a while, he returned to the square and disappeared in a flash.....

The next second, Qin Yuan Universe, in a certain secret cultivation room....

With a flash of white light, Qin Feng appeared out of thin air!

He looked up and saw one of his mental bodies sitting cross-legged.

In front of the mind body, there are Pantian Dao Armor and Dragon Turtle Mysterious Shell suspended, all of which are shining brightly.....

That thought body is merging two things!

Qin Feng smiled slightly and walked forward.

I felt something in my mind, body, and heart. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my true body.....

The next second, his figure gradually faded and disappeared.

When the mental body disappeared, Qin Feng took over the position of the mental body and began to merge the two things.

He personally performed the fusion, which was naturally much faster than the mental body.....

In this way, Qin Feng opened the retreat.....

At the same moment, outside, next to the Judgment God’s Domain.

Around the Starry Sky Square, the onlookers were staring at the square below and talking constantly.....

I saw that many contestants had appeared in the square below, it was Yuan Feng and others.....

Players who pass the level will be teleported to the square and receive various protections.

The eliminated contestants will be teleported outside the square!

At this moment, the onlookers looked at the contestants below and couldn't help but start talking.

"Everyone, the adults are out!"

"yes! This time he was teleported into the square! It seems that the assessment of Zixiao inheritance is over!"

"It can’t be considered completely over! Have you counted them? There are only ninety-nine adults below, not a hundred! In other words, there is an adult who has obtained the qualification to enter the core place!"

"Huh! It’s true!"

"Hiss~! No wonder these adults didn't leave directly after they came out. It seems that they are waiting for the result of the last person!"

"yes! So many years! Finally, an adult can break into the core place. Which Tao Lord do you think it will be?"

"I don’t know! In my opinion, that Lord Dao Lord should have the strength of the middle-grade eternal realm!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone nodded.

In their eyes, only the middle-grade eternal realm can break into the core land......

At the same moment, among the crowd.

Qingdi and Raffi opened their eyes wide and counted the number of people in the square.

After a while, both of their faces showed joy.

"Ha ha! Lord Qingdi, there are ninety-nine people below, one person is missing! Master Qin Feng is not among them! It seems that he has entered the core place! Qingdi also breathed a sigh of relief:"

Yes!" I really didn’t expect that Lord Qin Feng would really go in! Our Judgment God Realm finally sees hope!

Rafi also sighed:"Yes!" It’s been so many years! We, the judges, finally have hope to get back what is rightfully ours."

As soon as these words were said, the two people's eyes were filled with excitement.

The last Lord of the Universe was the ancestor of the Judgment Disciples!

This cosmic inheritance should have belonged to the Judgment Disciples!

I hate that Luo Hu and Dajitian colluded with a mysterious person from the outer universe. The substitute for heaven plotted against the previous Lord of the Universe.

In the end, Luohu and Dajitian occupied the hell and heaven realms, and snatched away part of the control of the universe.

The mysterious substitute for heaven, snatched half of the power from the previous Lord of the Universe. A mysterious treasure.

As for what kind of treasure it is, Qing Emperor and the two naturally don't know!

That mysterious treasure seems to be very important to the Heaven Replacement, and seems to have become one of the key treasures of Heaven.

Before entering the Zixiao Palace, Qin Feng activated the SSS level The mission of 'Revenge of the Divine Realm'.

After completing the SSS-level mission, he can obtain the other half of the mysterious treasure as a mission reward!

However, he has not even completed the first step of the mission.

The third step of the 'Revenge of the Divine Realm' mission The first step is to obtain the Zixiao inheritance and control the Zixiao Palace!

Qin Feng is not far away from completing the first step of the mission!

Just when Qingdi and Rafi were sighing, on the other side, Maitreya and Chenghuang's expressions were a little bit... It doesn't look good.

At this moment, Maitreya frowned.

Chenghuang even smiled bitterly and said:"Master Maitreya, Qin Feng's son did not show up. It seems that he has entered the core place. Maitreya also felt that his throat was a little dry, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Then, he said:"Don't worry!" Even if Qin Feng'er enters the core area, he may not be able to pass the final test. Besides, Master Yan Feng and Master Lu Ya have already gone to the Qinglong Star Territory!"

"Maybe by the time Qin Feng is halfway through, those two adults will have destroyed the Blue Star Realm. At that time, Qin Feng will lose his identity as the Lord of the Holy Domain and will be forcibly eliminated by Heaven!

Chenghuang took a deep breath:"I hope so!" It would be bad if Qin Feng's son really got the inheritance!

Maitreya sneered:"Don't worry!" It’s not easy for him to imagine! Let’s take a look! When will the little thief come out? The earlier he comes out, the more likely he is to be eliminated!

Chenghuang nodded slightly:"That makes sense!""

At this moment, the two of them stopped talking and started paying attention silently.....

The entire audience was also paying attention to the square, waiting for the last person to appear.

In the square, Yuan Feng and other ninety-nine contestants were also waiting silently.....

Time passes minute by second....

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed!

Qin Feng did not appear.

Yuan Feng, Qing Emperor, Rafi, and even the Lucun Territory Lord felt a little more at ease.

The longer Qin Feng stays inside, the higher the possibility of successfully breaking through.

Maitreya and Chenghuang were naturally a little anxious!

Calculating the time, it would take Yan Feng and Lu Ya 6 hours to reach the Qinglong Star Territory.

They had no choice but to secretly curse Qin Feng for his failure while waiting anxiously......

At this moment, something is happening in Qin Yuan's universe.


At this moment, in the secret room where Qin Feng was, the heaven and earth roared continuously!

Qin Feng was looking ahead happily!

In front of him, he saw a black divine armor, exuding the majestic aura of the avenue, filling the entire secret room, making the heaven and earth tremble.…..

Tiandao’s prompts also came simultaneously....

【Reminder: Your Pantian Dao Armor (Dao Weapon) has been completely integrated with Dragon Turtle Black Shell (Dao Level)....】

【Fusion of Dragon Turtle Black Shell was successful! Your Pantian Daojia automatically obtains the Innate Dao - the Immortal Dao!】

【Fusion of Dragon Turtle Black Shell was successful! Your Pantian Daojia automatically obtains 37 Houtian Dao....】

【Fusion of Dragon Turtle Black Shell was successful! Your Pantian Dao Armor is being promoted to a Half-Source Weapon.....】

【Promotion successful! Congratulations on obtaining a semi-source weapon - Panlong Dao Armor!】

【Reminder: After the human and machine are combined into one, this object can give back to the owner 300 billion star combat power!】

【Reminder: After combining man and machine, attack will increase by 100%, defense will increase by 100%, and physical injury recovery will increase by 100%! 】


After listening to the prompt, Qin Feng's whole body was shaken and he was ecstatic!

It turns out that between the Dao Weapon and the Daoyuan Weapon, there is a Half-Source Weapon.

Now, he possesses the first semi-source weapon - Panlong Dao Armor!

Compared with the Pantian Dao Armor, the attack increase of this Panlong Dao Armor has been increased from 50% to 100%!

In addition, Panlong Dao Armor has another physical injury recovery function, and the speed is increased by 100%!

This should be the impact of the Immortal Avenue!

What's even better is that after it merges with humans and machines, its combat power will be increased from 100 billion stars to 300 billion stars!

Qin Feng is extremely satisfied with it!

With this Panlong Dao Armor, his overall strength has improved a lot!

"It turns out that it contains an innate avenue and is the weapon of the avenue. It is a semi-source weapon that contains two innate avenues! Containing three principles is the source of Tao!"

Qin Feng waved his hand and pulled the Panlong Dao Armor in front of him. He couldn't put it down and watched it.

With this thing, he was more sure of defeating the three-phase dragon god!

Qin Feng smiled and put it away. Panlong Dao Armor!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

But at this moment, more than thirty avenue auras suddenly lit up on his body!

In just an instant, those dazzling auras filled the entire room!

Its momentum It also started to skyrocket!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed again.

It turned out that the 34 Dao Crystals he had obtained were all refined at this moment!

So far, he has mastered 2998 Dao Crystals!

Then he can try to get them 'The Green Lotus of Creation'!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng turned into white light and disappeared into the secret room.

The next second, he returned to the square on the third floor and stood at the edge of the square.

Looking at the Green Lotus of Creation in front of him , he took a short breath and stepped towards it.....

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

Suddenly, one holy white lotus after another bloomed at his feet!

The beautiful scene reappears again!

In just a moment, Qin Feng took 2998 steps and was only two steps away from creating Qinglian!

He could even smell the elegant fragrance emanating from the green lotus!

Qin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling slightly nervous.

Whether he can deny the success of the Lord depends on the next operation.....

Thinking of this, Qin Feng cut his finger to coagulate the blood and squeezed out a drop of crystal blood.


Then, he flicked his fingers, and the blood beads turned into a rainbow light and rushed into the wind and sea.....

Tsk~! Tsk~! Tsk~!

As soon as Jingxue rushed into Fenghai, he was heavily surrounded and suppressed, shrinking to half of its original size in the blink of an eye!


There was another soft sound!

The blood droplet penetrated the heavy wind curtain and got into the halo emitted by the Green Lotus of Creation.....


Finally there was another soft sound!

Blood drops fell on the green petals!

The next second, the shrunken blood droplets were completely absorbed by the petals at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The green lotus also lit up with a faint red light!

Qin Feng vaguely sensed that there was a soul bond between himself and the creation Qinglian!

He was immediately overjoyed!

This method works!

However, the essence and blood absorbed by Qinglian is insufficient and needs to be replenished!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng once again broke his fingers and coagulated blood, and ejected away again and again.....

Poof~! Poof~! Poof~!

Drop after drop of essence and blood bounced away.....

Snap~! Snap~! Snap~!

Drop after drop of essence and blood fell!

The Green Lotus of Creation continues to absorb it, and the spiritual light it emits becomes brighter and brighter!


After Qin Feng injected the thirtieth drop of essence and blood, the green lotus of creation suddenly let out a shocking roar, and the blooming aura was even more dazzling, brightening the void in the sky!

Tiandao also sent a prompt.....

【Successfully recognized the master! Creation Qinglian (Hongyuan Universe) has recognized you as its master!】......

Qin Feng was immediately ecstatic!

Finally, the recognition of the master was successful!

The next second, the benefits of successfully recognizing the master began to arrive......

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