At the same moment, around the Star Square.

Hundreds of thousands of people were watching nervously.

In the crowd, Qingdi and Raffi were already waiting impatiently.

Looking inside the Starry Sky Square, Yuan Feng was looking at the center of the square anxiously, his anxiety palpable.

She was naturally worried that Qin Feng would not be able to inherit.

In addition to her, the other ninety-eight contestants were also waiting silently.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps behind her.

Yuan Feng turned around and saw Territory Lord Lucun walking over with a worried look on his face.

"Lord Yuanfeng, Lord Qinfeng have been inside for six and a half hours, and I don’t know what the outcome is?"

Lucun said carefully.

He gave Qin Feng a Dao Crystal, and finally hugged Qin Feng's thigh. Naturally, he hoped that the thigh would be as thick as possible.

If Qin Feng can be inherited, his backing will be stronger Yes!

Yuan Feng took a deep breath and said:"The longer Qin Feng stays with you, the greater the possibility of getting the inheritance. If he stays there for more than ten hours, it is basically certain that he has received the inheritance!"

Lu Cun nodded slightly, deeply agreeing with it.

Everyone knows that it takes a lot of time to pass the last step of the assessment and then integrate the inheritance.

Especially the integration of inheritance takes the longest time.

With the soul power of the middle-grade Taoist level, It will take at least seven or eight hours to integrate the inheritance, or even longer.

In their opinion, Qin Feng's soul power is only at the level of a middle-grade Taoist master.

Calculating this, if Qin Feng gets the inheritance, he will stay there for ten More than an hour is considered normal.

They didn't know that Qin Feng's soul power had reached the level of a high-grade Taoist king, and the fusion speed was far faster than expected.

Thinking of this, Lucun muttered:"It seems that we have to wait another three days." Four hours!

Yuan Feng took a deep breath and said,"The longer the better!" That’s only safe!"


As soon as those words were said, there was a clear sound in the center of the square, and a white light door slowly opened!

Everyone was startled and turned their heads to look!

Is Lord Qin Feng coming out?

So soon?!

Everyone was thinking This thought came to mind.

Yuan Feng's expression changed slightly.

She didn't want Qin Feng to come out so early!

That meant there was a high possibility of failure!

But as soon as this thought came up, a handsome and tall figure emerged from the It was Qin Feng who walked out of the light door!


Yuanfeng's face changed slightly when he saw Qin Feng, and the whole place was even more uproar!

"It's Master Qin Feng who's coming out!"

"It’s finally out! Has he received the inheritance?"

"Not so fast! Is it so easy to integrate the Zixiao inheritance? Even for a middle-grade Taoist master, it would take seven or eight hours!"

As soon as these words were said, many people had strange looks on their faces. Many players suspected that Qin Feng had failed to obtain the inheritance.

At the same time, there was a commotion around the square, and everyone looked at Qin Feng curiously.

Qing Emperor He Lafei opened his eyes wide, worrying about gains and losses.

On the other side, Chenghuang recognized Qin Feng at a glance

"Out! Lord Maitreya, Qin Feng is out!"

As soon as he saw Qin Feng, Chenghuang's eyes were filled with hatred

"I saw! He finally came out!"

Maitreya also stared at Qin Feng closely, swallowing his saliva and looking a little uneasy.

"Lord Maitreya, do you think this little thief has received the inheritance? Chenghuang asked uneasily.

Maitreya said coldly:"It has only been less than seven hours and he came out!" Do you think it's possible for him to be passed down? Unless his soul power reaches the middle-grade Eternal Great Perfection or above, he can hope to come out so soon! Does he have such strong soul power? Chenghuang's eyes lit up:"

So, there is a high probability that he has not received the inheritance?"

Maitreya sneered:"I guess so!" Just wait and see!"

As soon as these words were said, both of them held their breath and looked at the square in front of them....

At the same moment, after Qin Feng came out of the light gate, Yuan Feng and Lucun hurried towards him.

The players around him looked at him in awe.

Soon, Yuan and Feng came closer

"Qin Feng, what's wrong?"

Yuan Feng asked impatiently.

Lucun also watched eagerly.

Both of them looked extremely worried. After all, Qin Feng came out too early.

The players around him also looked on with curiosity.

But some people began to shake their heads secretly. Lu regretted it.

Those people, like Maitreya, thought that Qin Feng came out too early and 90% of it was a failure.

At this moment, Qin Feng smiled slightly:"Good luck! Lucky enough!"


As soon as these words were said, the whole audience was in an uproar!


Lord Qin Feng succeeded?!

Yuan Feng was even more surprised:"Qin Feng, did you really succeed?!"

Until this moment, she still couldn't believe her ears.

Qin Feng smiled:"Of course it was successful! Could this be a joke?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand.


Suddenly, the entire Starry Sky Square was shaking violently!

All the players were shocked and didn't know what happened.

The onlookers around the square were even more excited. Shocked!

They saw the shocked expressions of all the great masters. It seemed that the young strong man who had just come out had obtained the inheritance!

Of course, these were all their guesses!

After all, there was a protective light shield in Starry Sky Square that could isolate the sound. They could only pass through The expressions of all the powerful people were guessing how things would develop!

Maitreya and Chenghuang suddenly panicked when they saw this scene.

"Lord Maitreya, look at the shock on the faces of the adults. Could it be that Qin Feng's child has inherited it?"

Chenghuang looked uneasy.

" could it be so easy! They must be shocked by Qin Feng's failure, so they can also please Qin Feng. Now, that little thief has grown into a giant, and no ordinary big shot dares to offend him!"

Maitreya said self-righteously.

But his tone of voice was a little weak, his voice was trembling, and he even stuttered a little!

Obviously, he also began to doubt that Qin Feng had inherited it.


It's right here. At that moment, he saw Qin Feng wave his hand, and the entire Starry Sky Square trembled.

This surprised Maitreya!

The onlookers all around were also stunned!


But before everyone could think about it, the huge Starry Sky Square turned into a burst of energy. The white light suddenly disappeared.

At this time, the whole audience was dumbfounded!

Even Yuanfeng, Lucun and other Half-Step Eternal bosses were dumbfounded.

The Starry Sky Square is the transfer point to Zixiao Palace. For countless years.

Now that it has disappeared, how will everyone go to Zixiao Palace in the future?!

Especially those who want to be promoted to God King, they can’t find a way in.


But the next second, all the big guys reacted They came over and looked at Qin Feng in great astonishment.

Yuan Feng even looked at Qin Feng with surprise on his face:"It turns out that...It turns out that you have really obtained the Zixiao inheritance!"

Lucun was already so excited that his face turned red.

"Ha ha! Very good! Master Qin Feng really got the inheritance! I would like to congratulate Lord Qin Feng!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lucun stepped forward to pay his respects!

He could make the Starry Sky Square disappear automatically with a wave of his hand. Only the Lord of Zixiao Palace could do that!

In other words, Master Qin Feng had obtained the inheritance of Zixiao!

Soon, everyone The guys also reacted and came forward to pay their respects!

"Let me congratulate Mr. Qin Feng! Get the Zixiao inheritance!"

All the big guys cheered in unison, with extremely respectful expressions!

Everyone in the audience heard this!


Everyone was shocked!

Oh my God!

Master Qin Feng has really received the Zixiao inheritance!

That has been the case for countless years. The inheritance that even Dao Lord could not get was actually obtained by Lord Qin Feng!

Everyone looked at Qin Feng in disbelief, and even held their breath!

At this moment, the whole place became extremely quiet!

In the crowd, Maitreya and Chenghuang felt as if they were struck by five thunders!

They were completely stunned on the spot, with their mouths open!

At the same moment, Qin Feng couldn't help but smile when he saw all the big guys coming to greet him.

"Everyone! Free of charge!"

After hearing this order, all the bosses stood up tremblingly and looked at Qin Feng with extremely respectful eyes.

At this moment, Yuan Feng was pleasantly surprised to find that Qin Feng had already entered half a step into eternity.

"Qin Feng! Your realm has been broken through!"

She couldn't help but exclaimed.

The big bosses also noticed immediately, and they all looked horrified again.

When Lord Qin Feng was in the God King Realm, he had the strength of a middle-grade Taoist Lord.

Now that he has broken through to half-eternity, I'm afraid he can't stand it. Even better than a high-grade Dao Lord!

A high-grade Dao Lord!

There are only thirteen people in the entire Hongyuan universe.

Lord Qin Feng has already entered the top ranks of Hongyuan Territory Lords!

At this moment, a burst of destruction came from not far away. There was an empty sound.

Qin Feng couldn't help but look up and saw Qingdi and Raffi flying towards him with faces full of ecstasy!

In just a moment, the two of them flew in front of Qin Feng

"Congratulations to Mr. Qin Feng for obtaining the inheritance!"

Qing Emperor was so excited that he could hardly speak.

Rafi followed him, his face flushed with excitement.

The Judgment God Realm had waited for so many years and finally got back what belonged to him.

Seeing the two of them, Qin Feng also Showing a warm smile:"You two have been waiting outside for a long time, right?"

He has never put on airs with people of his own clan.

But Qingdi was a little cautious and said:"My lord, it won't be long! The time you came out was far less than I expected! Rafi also said:"

Yes!" We thought it would take more than ten hours for the adults to come out!"

As soon as these words were said, all the big guys also showed strange expressions.

That's right!

Master Qin Feng obtained the inheritance much faster than everyone expected. I don't know how he did it?!

"correct! Lord Qin Feng, you have obtained the inheritance! Then come with me to see Lord Tianzun. He has been waiting for you for a long time! Qingdi said again respectfully.

Yuanfeng also said:"That's right!" Senior Tianzun wants to see you! I'll go with you in a moment!"

These words made the big guys around look weird.

This has made it clear that Lord Qin Feng is related to Tianzun.

Yuan Feng is also a member of Tianzun!

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"Senior Tianzun, I will go see you! However, I have to take care of a little thing first!"

Having said this, Qin Feng raised his head and looked in the direction of the Azure Dragon Star Territory.

Counting the time, Yan Feng and Lu Ya were about to arrive at the Azure Dragon Star Territory.

Seeing this, Yuan Feng was curious:"Qin Feng, I saw you looking at the Azure Dragon Star Territory from a distance. Direction, is it possible that there is someone who wants to attack the Qinglong Star Territory?

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"That's right!" Yan Feng and Lu Ya were unwilling to give in and were on their way to the Qinglong Star Territory! Yuan Feng's face changed slightly:"

These two people are so despicable!" Qin Feng, I will go back to the Qinglong Star Territory with you!

Qin Feng smiled and said:"No need!" I can go and get back quickly by myself, it only takes less than an hour!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was surprised again.

"correct! Lord Qin Feng, among the people watching this time, I saw people who were offering sacrifices to heaven...."

At this time, Qing Emperor seemed to have remembered something and hurriedly stepped forward and whispered in Qin Feng's ear.

After Qin Feng finished listening, he looked in a certain direction of the crowd of onlookers.

The direction where his eyes fell was exactly where Maitreya and Chenghuang were.

Qin Feng recognized Chenghuang at a glance!

When Cheng and Huang saw him, their faces turned pale with fright, and they involuntarily shrank back into the crowd.

Qin Feng sneered and walked away.

The next second, he teleported to the sky above Maitreya.

Before the two of them could think about it, Qin Feng flicked it with two fingers....

Phew~! Phew~!

Two rays of white light shot out from the fingertips and instantly bombarded the two Maitreyas!

Bang~! Bang~!

Before Maitreya and the two could even scream, they were blasted on the spot, turning into blood mist, and even their souls were wiped out.

That Maitreya has already reached the quasi-half-step of eternity, and has initially condensed the prototype of the true spirit.

But with that blow, the prototype of his true spirit was wiped out!

The onlookers around were stunned again!

It is absolutely impossible for a middle-grade Dao Lord to destroy the prototype of a true spirit with one finger, and even the threshold for a high-grade Dao Lord is a bit difficult!

Then what kind of strength is Mr. Qin Feng?!

In the next breath, Qin Feng dodged again and teleported back to Qingdi.....

At this time, the big guys looked at him with more awe.

Qin Feng ignored it, but looked at Qingdi and said:"Go back and tell Senior Tianzun! I will visit him after I finish handling the trivial matters in the Qinglong Star Territory!" As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng flashed again and headed towards Flying in the direction of Qinglong Star Territory....

His speed is amazing!

In just a few seconds, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

Everyone stared blankly at Qin Feng's disappearing figure, all sighing!

The famous flower of Zixiao Heritage finally has an owner!

Perhaps in the near future, Hongyuan Universe will have another giant, that is, Qin Feng!

In the future Hongyuan Universe, the four giants Qin Feng, Tianzun, Dajitian, and Luohu will coexist.

These four people have all received a part of the cosmic inheritance!

Having said that, the Zixiao inheritance that Qin Feng obtained is the most valuable among all inheritances!

The Zixiao inheritance accounts for two-fifths of the universe's inheritance!

And controlled the promotion of the God King of the entire universe!

From now on, if the people of Hongyuan Universe want to be promoted to God King, they will have to look at Qin Feng's face.

Without his consent, they wouldn't even have a way into Zixiao Palace!

This thought made everyone even more emotional!

The eyes looking at Qin Feng's back became even more awed!....

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