Soon, Qin Feng entered the light gate and disappeared into the real world.

The next second, he entered an endless void...

As soon as I entered, there was a reminder from Heaven.....

【Reminder: You have entered the past state! The power of heaven begins to forcibly bless you! Your strength will temporarily return to a thousand years ago! 】


As soon as the prompt came out, an invisible force of heaven fell from the sky and landed on Qin Feng...

Qin Feng was shocked!

Has the strength returned to a thousand years ago?

Thousands of years ago, he did not exist!

Soon, the invisible force swept over him and disappeared without a trace!

Qin Feng hurriedly checked himself and found that he was not affected at all and his strength was still the same!

Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief this time!

At the same time, he was also very surprised, why did the laws of heaven fail to work on him?

At this moment, a reminder came from Tiandao....

【Reminder: It has been detected that player 'Qin Feng' has awakened the innate avenue - Sansheng Avenue! Immune to the influence of the Millennium Rule! 】

I see!

Qin Feng suddenly realized! I feel very happy!

Fortunately it is not affected!

Otherwise, he doesn't know what state he will be in at this level?!

Whoever comes back, I'm afraid not many of those players will be immune to the impact!

After all, Sansheng Avenue is an innate avenue, and it is also a rare avenue that few people study!

As a result, most players will lose strength!

As for how much they will decline, it depends on how much they have improved in a thousand years.

The more players improve in these millennia, the more their strength drops.

Of course, this blessing is only temporary!

After leaving this secret realm, the players can return to normal again!

"No wonder this place is called"Passing the Border"! Such a rule is not good for the players, but it should have no effect on the Fairy Demon. That is, it is good for the Fairy Fairy!"

Qin Feng couldn't help muttering in his heart.

By lowering the player's strength, it would be more difficult to kill the Ruin Demon.

However, this had no impact on him!

At this time, another reminder came from Tiandao....

【Reminder: There are 100 ruin demons hidden in this secret area, including 13 high-level ruin demons and 2 top-level ruin demons!】

【Reminder: After killing all 100 ruin monsters, the entrance to the next secret realm will automatically open! 】


The number of top-level and high-level ruin demons has increased!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up!

This matter is both good and bad for him!

The good thing is that you can get more points by killing high-level and top-level ruin monsters, and you can also explode more eternal essence!

The bad thing is that if there are two top-level ruin monsters guarding the fragments of the Three Life Stones, it will be a bit troublesome!

With one on two, there is no problem in defeating him!

But if you want to kill him, it will be a bit difficult!

Thinking about this, Qin Feng felt a little worried! never mind!

Don’t think about it so much, time is precious!

I'm afraid Zhan Meng and other players will come in soon!

He had to take advantage of the limited time to search for the target! correct!

This 'past state' must have been a long time!

The fragments of the Three Life Stones he wanted must also be in the long river of time, and that is also the home of the Ruins Demon!

As long as he finds the correct position in the river of time, he can not only collect the fragments of the Three Life Stones, but also happily kill the ruin demon.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but his eyes lit up!

But how should he find the river of time?

In the present world, the long river of time lies in the eastern region.

In the past, it was not necessarily in the east.

Should we blindly guess two directions?

Qin Feng thought about it and felt a little anxious.

He was afraid that the players behind him would arrive and make him lose the opportunity!

"Huh! correct! There is a way!"

Suddenly, Qin Feng's eyes lit up, as if he thought of something.

The next second, he turned his palm over, and there was a stone slab about a foot in size in his palm, which was the fragment of the Three Life Stone that he had obtained before....

Then, he made a seal with his hand and activated the fragment!


The fragments vibrated and lit up, full of spirituality!

Then, it automatically fled towards the north direction...

Qin Feng is overjoyed!

At that time, the direction of the long river was actually north!

This is completely different from the current world!

It turned out that Qin Feng used the induction between the fragments of the Sansheng Stone to directly lock the position of another fragment, waiting to rush straight to the lair of the Ruins Demon!

Such efficiency is terrifyingly high!

At that moment, Qin Feng was ready to take action...


But at this moment, there was an earth-shattering roar in his body!

Heaven also sent reminders....

【Reminder: Your Creation Jade Disc (Tao Weapon) has been completely integrated with the Alien Soul Bead (Tao Level)...】

【The fusion of the alien soul beads was successful! Your jade dish of creation is being promoted to a semi-source weapon...】

【Promotion successful! Congratulations on your creation jade dish being promoted to a semi-source weapon. You have permanently received 5 trillion star combat power in return!】

【Promotion successful! Congratulations on the increased power of your creation jade disc! Its attack, defense, and soul power are all increased by 100%! 】


At this moment, Qin Feng's momentum soared crazily!

His eyes even shone! Lots of surprises!

Speaking of which, he had almost forgotten about the Strange Soul Bead.

Unexpectedly, it was successfully fused at this moment, which increased his combat power by 5 trillion!

In this way, his basic combat power reaches 375.47 trillion.

What surprised him even more was that after the Jade Disk of Creation was promoted to a semi-source weapon, it had an additional soul power increased by 100%!

The method of increasing soul power is extremely rare!

Others ask for it but cannot get it, but he has two kinds of things!

One is the powerful celestial dragon supernatural power, and the other is the soul power increase of the jade plate of creation.

Even better, he could use it right now!


Thinking of this, Qin Feng's consciousness spread out and swept across a radius of 900 trillion miles in an instant.

This is 300 trillion miles more than he was in the current world, but the efficiency has increased five times!

You know, for every 10% expansion of the scope of spiritual consciousness, the search efficiency can be doubled....

What's more, Qin Feng has two bodies!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng split into two and formed two main bodies!

Afterwards, Jiyang's body controlled the fragments of the Sansheng Stone and rushed towards the long river of time....

I saw him divided into seven and rushing in seven directions!

It turned out that just by releasing his spiritual consciousness just now, he had already discovered seven targets....

In order to speed up the killing, he transformed into seven extremely yin fission mutants and killed the target at the same time.....

In this way, Qin Feng began to harvest resources in the past realm....

At the same moment, in the present world.

The 385 players rushed towards the border entrance one by one!

They all know that if they rush over a minute earlier, they will have more opportunities to obtain resources!

Otherwise, with Qin Feng's perverted methods, he might finish all the meat without even leaving a mouthful of soup....

At the same time, in the present world, near the east.

Zhan Meng and Shi Yuan are rushing to the entrance at full speed....

It's just that the two of them were complaining as they walked on!

"Fellow Taoist, this time the rules of chance are beneficial to Qin Feng in every way! This really pisses me off!"

At this moment, Shi Yuan was extremely angry!

Zhan Meng also sighed:"Hey! The entrance to the past realm actually appeared next to the little thief! Fortunately, you and I are fast enough, and we can arrive in five minutes at most!

Shiyuan nodded slightly:"Yes!" This time, I hope that after we enter the past realm, we will not let the resources be robbed by the little thief like the current realm! Zhan

Meng sneered and said:"In the last game, I was about eight minutes behind that little thief, and fellow Taoist was about ten minutes behind." There is only five minutes left in this game. Even if it is worse, it will not be worse than the previous game!

Shiyuan nodded:" That's right!" Having said that, when it comes to competing for resources with that little thief, I'm afraid we don't have as many tricks as he does. Killing him now is the best option!

Zhan Meng said coldly:"That's right!" Just kill him! Everything he has gained before will be ours!"

As soon as these words were said, the two of them couldn't help but look at each other, and both showed knowing smiles....

It turned out that the two of them had such a plan!

It's just that they never thought that they would make a mistake this time....

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, five minutes passed!

The two of them finally arrived at the entrance of the 'Past Realm'!

They were also the second and third people to arrive....

The next second, the two of them entered the past realm one after another!

As soon as they entered, they were blessed by the power of heaven, and their momentum dropped one after another, and their strength returned to that of a thousand years ago!

Both of their expressions changed slightly!

Especially Shiyuan, his strength dropped even more!

He only had his big breakthrough recently!

However, what makes the two of them happy is that they still have the strength of the best Taoist masters!

After all, it has been thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, since they reached the level of the ultimate Tao Lord.....

After some shock, the two of them heard Tiandao's prompts, and then they showed signs of realization.

"It turns out that this is the past state! It can actually make our strength return to the state it was a thousand years ago! This is a disguised form of favoring the ruin demon! Zhan

Meng had a look of emotion on his face!

Shi Yuan nodded slightly:"If one thing disappears, the other will not change, it will naturally be beneficial to the ruin demon!" By the way, fellow Taoist! Now that you enter this state, your strength will go back a thousand years, which is very detrimental to the little thief Qin Feng!

Zhanmeng was stunned:"It's not good for him?"! Then, an idea flashed in his mind:"

Yes!" This year's rules are very unfavorable to geniuses! That little thief has only half-stepped into the eternal realm, but he has the strength close to that of a supreme Taoist king. He is the best among monsters!"

"For others, strength may not change much in a thousand years. To him, it's just the difference between heaven and earth! If my prediction is correct, he was definitely in the realm of the God King a thousand years ago, or even just the threshold of the God King!"

"No matter how strong a person in the God King realm is, he is not much stronger. If he has the strength of a low-grade Dao Lord, he is already as strong as the sky! Ha ha!"

After thinking about this, Zhanmeng laughed excitedly.

Shiyuan also stroked his beard and smiled:"That's right! I think so too! This is also the best time for us to kill him! Zhan Meng's eyes lit up:"

Yes!" Fellow Taoist, it seems things are changing. This time, it's our turn to be lucky! Let's take action!"

At that moment, the two of them excitedly started sweeping....

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, five minutes passed!

Zhan and Meng got nothing!

The two of them did not believe in evil and thought there was something wrong with the search direction, so they changed the direction....

In the blink of an eye, another five minutes passed!

The two of them still found nothing!

They started to feel something was wrong!

This was completely beyond their expectations.

According to their assumptions, this game is not good for Qin Feng, so there should be many ruin monsters waiting for them to harvest!

How come they didn't meet any of them?!

Naturally, these two guys didn't know that Qin Feng had another way to increase his soul power, and his extremely Yin-fissured mutants had already cleared away the ruin demons near the entrance!

The two Zhanmeng still refused to give up and continued to search hard....

At the same time, more and more players have entered the past realm, reaching fifty or sixty people....

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed...

All contestants have entered!

The two Zhanmeng still found nothing!

This made the two of them a little dumbfounded!

They didn't know why the situation was worse than the previous game.

What happened?!

At this moment, go to the northern area of ​​the border, the deepest part.

The body of Jiyang finally arrived at the bank of the long river of time and found its target.....

At this moment, he was looking at the middle of the river, his eyes full of excitement...

I saw a huge gray reef in the middle of the river. It was the same as the one seen in the real world, but the shape was slightly different!

That is the second fragment of the Sansheng Stone!

Looking at the rock, there are ten ruin monsters sitting cross-legged, all meditating with their eyes closed!

Eight of those ten ruin demons are high-level ruin demons, and two are top-level ruin demons. Their overall strength is extremely amazing!

If ten ruin monsters join forces, Ji Yang himself is worried about whether he can take it in his complete state?!

Thinking about this, Ji Yang's body felt a little worried!

He just checked the mission time of 'Three Life Stones' and it has already taken 1 hour and 17 minutes!

He still has 1 hour and 43 minutes of mission time left!

If he fails to collect the four three-life stone fragments on time, he will be judged to have failed the mission, and all previous efforts will be in vain.

Now that the time is almost over, he has only gotten 1 fragment. The progress is a bit slow!

Therefore, he must get the fragment in front of him as soon as possible!

So what should we do to kill all the ruin monsters in front of us?

They must not be allowed to join forces!

"Huh! That is...."

Suddenly, Ji Yang's body seemed to have discovered something, and looked at the center of the reef with some surprise....

I saw a red spiritual flag stuck somewhere, emitting a red light like fire, and holding up a red protective light shield to protect the demons....

Jiyang's body quickly spied on the spirit flag.....

【The Flame Flag from the Ground (South): One of the Five Innate Flags, formed from the lotus leaves of the Green Lotus! 】


Jiyang's eyes lit up, he was surprised and happy!

The green lotus leaf he was looking for finally found another one.

Unexpectedly, it was actually in the hands of the Xu Demon!


At this moment, within the sea of ​​consciousness of Ji Yang's body, a reminder from Heaven suddenly came...

【Ji Yin's body successfully killed a high-level ruin demon! Exploded an eternal essence (semi-source level)!】

【Ji Yin's body successfully killed a high-level ruin demon! Three secret crystal fragments exploded!】

【Ji Yin's body successfully killed a high-level ruin demon! Earned 10 Guixu points!】

【Reminder: The points you have earned in your past trips have accumulated to 263 points, with a total score of 610 points!】

【Reminder: There are 11 ruin monsters left in this secret realm! 】

After listening to the prompt, Ji Yang’s body was surprised and happy!

It turns out that the information of the two major ontologies is shared!

Just now, Ji Yin's body killed a high-level ruin demon!

"Huh! Only 11 left? Counting the 10 in front of me, is there only the last one left in the entire secret realm?"

Ji Yang's body couldn't help but murmured in his heart....

At this moment, on the reef, the ten ruin monsters finally sensed something, and they all slowly opened their eyes.

As soon as they opened their eyes, all the demons saw Ji Yang's true form, and they were all a little shocked!

It was only half a step into eternity when Ji Yang's true form was clearly seen, and all the monsters showed disdain!


But at this moment, Ji Yang's body suddenly burst out with momentum, then turned around and ran away....

He seemed to be afraid of the monsters and ran away as soon as he saw them!

But the momentum and speed he exploded reached the threshold level of a high-grade Taoist master, which is exactly the level of strength of a high-level ruin demon!

This scene made all the monsters dumbfounded, and all of them showed shock in their eyes!

How could a half-step eternity human be able to exert such strength?

In the blink of an eye, Ji Yang's body escaped hundreds of millions of feet away.

The two top market demons reacted immediately!

This human has invaded their territory and discovered the location of their old nest. They must not be left alive!

Otherwise, it will bring great hidden dangers to them!

Thinking of this, one of the top market monsters let out a strange low roar!

Eight high-level ruin monsters immediately received the order, jumped off the rocks one after another, and chased towards the shore together....

Huh~! Huh~! Huh~!

For a moment, there was a continuous sound that broke through the air!

The two top-level ruin demons breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the eight demons chasing after them.

Then they continued to meditate with their eyes closed!

In their opinion, with eight enemies against one, they can definitely destroy that human being!

At the same moment, Ji Yang's body heard the sound of breaking through the air behind him.

He quickly looked back and saw the eight demons chasing after him, his eyes suddenly lit up with joy...

Tune the tiger away from the mountain successfully!

After he kills these eight demons, it will be easier to deal with the remaining two top-level ruin demons.....

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