At this moment, Shi Yuan rushed to Zhan Meng's side

"Fellow Taoist, how is the situation? How many ruin demons are left? Are there seventy or eighty?"

Shi Yuan asked impatiently.

Only then did Zhan Meng regain his composure.

He looked at Shi Yuan with a strange expression and said in a dry voice:"Fellow Taoist, the one just now is the last one! The market demons have been killed!"


Shiyuan was like thunder, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Immediately, he shook his head repeatedly:"Impossible! This is impossible! We just killed one, why is it gone?!"

Zhan Meng opened his mouth and was about to explain:


But at this moment, a rumbling roar came from the sky above the entire secret realm....

The two of them were startled and couldn't help but look up...

Tiandao also sent a prompt....

【Reminder: All the ruin monsters in this secret area have been killed! Points ranking list automatically opens...】


As soon as this prompt came out, the whole secret realm went crazy!

All the players thought they heard it wrong!

Shiyuan was stunned on the spot!

Soon, everyone was informed that the points ranking list was opened....

Everyone started checking it out!

Shiyuan and Zhanmeng were also immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness and hurriedly checked the list....

【Guixu points ranking list...】

【Reminder: When the points are the same, they will be arranged in the order of entering the secret realm....】

First place, Qin Feng, 443 points (past state), 790 points (total score), second place, Zhan Meng, 1 point (past state), 18 points (total score), third place, Shiyuan, 0 points ( past transit), 13 points (total score).....


As soon as this list came out, everyone was dumbfounded again!

Judging from this list, almost all the ruin monsters in the secret realm were killed by Qin Feng alone!

Zhanmeng only got 1 point by killing one low-level ruin demon!

Everyone is confused!

They really couldn't imagine how Qin Feng did it.

Zhanmeng and Shiyuan were also stunned on the spot, their mouths wide open.....

After a while, the two of them came to their senses, and their hearts surged with overwhelming anger!

"damn it! Sure enough, it was the little thief who did it again! Zhanmeng couldn't help but curse!

Shiyuan also said gloomily:"Yes!" How on earth did he do it?

Zhan Meng smiled bitterly:"I guess that little thief has mastered the secret of searching for the ruin monster!" By the way, have you counted the number of people on this list? It seems there are 8 fewer than last time!"

Shiyuan nodded slightly:"Count it! There are indeed 8 missing! Now there are only 378 people! This thing is a bit weird too!"

Of course these two people didn't know that those 8 people were all killed by Ji Yin's body.

It's just that this time, Qin Feng focused on dealing with the two top ruin monsters. He had less time to kill the players, so he only killed 8 people!

In this way, he killed a total of 39 powerful people from the outer universe, and he was still 61 people short of the mission goal!


At this moment, Tiandao sent another prompt....

【The reward list is now distributed....】

【Reward player Qin Feng +443 drops of Immortal Holy Dew...】

【Reward player Zhan Meng + 1 drop of Fairy Spirit Holy Dew...】.....

This time, the reward list is even smaller!

There are only two!

All the players have mixed feelings!

Zhanmeng and Shiyuan felt even worse!

They are all top Taoist masters, and such a rare harvest is really not worthy of their status!


But before they could think too much, Tiandao sent another reminder.....

【Announcement: It was detected that the total score of player 'Qin Feng' exceeded 700 points, and his performance was extremely excellent! Therefore, the reward was doubled!】

【The rewards for player 'Qin Feng' have been changed as follows:....】

【Reward player Qin Feng +886 drops of Immortal Holy Dew....】


As soon as this announcement came out, everyone was dumbfounded again, and everyone opened their mouths!

The two people in Zhanmeng suddenly felt even more uncomfortable!

Until this moment, they didn't know that the total score had such a magical effect!

As long as you break 700 points, the reward will be doubled!

But how many people can achieve such abnormal results?!

Maybe Qin Feng is the only one!.....

At this moment, the long river of time zone.

Qin Feng has collected the three life stone fragments and returned to the shore!

At this moment, he heard the announcement of double rewards and was suddenly pleasantly surprised!


Soon, a beam of reward light fell from the sky and landed in front of him!

Those 886 drops of fairy holy dew slowly fell along the light beam.....

Qin Feng was extremely excited!

It didn't take long for the holy dew to arrive in front of him. The drops were like rain and dew, and the drops were fragrant......

Qin Feng opened his mouth and sucked in all the holy dew....

In a moment, more than 800 pieces of holy dew turned into 800 streams of cool energy, rushing towards his true spirit.....

Heaven also sent a reminder….

【You absorbed 1 drop of Faerie Holy Dew! Your true spirit is strengthened, your combat power is +10 billion stars, and the efficiency of refining eternal essence is improved....】

【You absorbed 1 drop of Faerie Holy Dew! Your true spirit is strengthened, your combat power is +10 billion stars, and the efficiency of refining eternal essence is improved....】.....

In just a moment, more than 800 pieces of holy dew were absorbed!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy....

In just a moment, his combat power increased by 8.86 trillion, and his basic combat power reached 384.73 trillion stars!

This makes Qin Feng very satisfied!

But before he could finish being happy, his true spirit began to alienate!


The next second, his momentum began to surge wildly, and it was even more powerful than absorbing eight hundred drops of holy dew....

Tiandao also sent a prompt simultaneously....

【Your true spirit has been strengthened enough and is in the process of automatic advancement....】

【Congratulations, your true spirit has been promoted to the fifth level of primary level!】

【Successfully advanced to the fifth level primary true spirit! Your true spirit has produced primary holy power! You gain +30 trillion combat power increase!】

【Successfully advanced to the fifth level primary true spirit! Your physical body has been nourished by primary holy power and is in the process of being sanctified....】

【Successfully advanced to the fifth level primary true spirit! Your soul body has been nourished by primary holy power and is in the process of being sanctified....】


As the prompt sounded, a strange energy flowed from Qin Feng's true spirit to his soul and limbs....

Suddenly, every cell in his soul and body was crazily strengthened by that strange ability!

His momentum skyrocketed crazily!

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

【Congratulations on the completion of the sanctification of your body! You have obtained the Primary Holy Body! You have received a +100,000 combat power star upgrade!】

【Congratulations on the completion of the sanctification of your soul! You have obtained the primary holy soul! You have received a +100,000 combat power star upgrade!】

【Reminder: The primary holy body and primary soul body are not afraid of the erosion of the great wind of the universe and the water of time! 】

After a long time, everything is over!

Qin Feng opened his eyes again, a little unbelievable!

His true spirit quality has actually reached the fifth level!

That is a level only possessed by super-level Taoists!

Qin Feng also didn't expect that after absorbing so much 'Fairy Holy Dew', there would be such a big change!

This increased his combat power by 50 trillion in one fell swoop, and his basic combat power soared to 434.73 trillion!

He finally broke 400 trillion!

In this way, he has met another condition for the intermediate ranger's title assignment.

Right now, all he has left is his reputation and the number of kills that have not reached the target.

"I really didn’t expect that before I could break through to the low-grade eternal realm, my true spirit quality would advance! Even the physical body and soul have been sanctified at the primary level!"

At this moment, Qin Feng muttered excitedly.

By the way!

Just now Tiandao reminded that with the primary holy body and holy soul, you are not afraid of the great wind and the water of time. Is this true?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng He looked at the long river of time aside.

Then, he took a deep breath, stretched out his finger, and slowly inserted it into the dark water of time.....

After a while, his index finger entered the water, and the coldness penetrated into his bones, but there was no sign of erosion!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he put his whole fist into the water again, still unscathed.

He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily.

Knew it!

After he obtained the holy body and holy soul, he could cross the wind and sea of ​​the source world with his body like a super-grade Taoist king.

Of course, what he obtained was the primary holy body and holy soul! correct!

Why is his true spirit at the beginning of the fifth level, not the fifth level?

Could it be that after the fifth level, true spirits are graded?

Qin Feng thought about this detail issue again....


At this time, Tiandao also sent a reminder....

【Reminder: After the True Spirit is promoted to the fifth level, each level is divided into primary, intermediate and advanced levels!】

【Reminder: Your true spirit has been promoted to the fifth level of primary level! For you to advance from half-step eternity to low-grade eternity, you need 48 channels of eternity essence....】

Qin Feng was stunned again!

When he advanced to a higher level, the amount of energy he needed doubled from 24 to 48!

However, the amount he collected was only enough!

In the current world, he has harvested a total of 29 essences and 7 essences!

In this past state, he has harvested a total of 34 essences and 3 essences. The two secret realms have accumulated 64 essences, which is enough for him to break through!

"Fortunately, there are only 48! According to this doubling progress, if I were a fifth-grade intermediate true spirit, I would probably have to reach 96 levels!"

Qin Feng muttered in his heart.

Fortunately, he hasn't reached that level yet!

Otherwise, the eternal essence in his hands would not be enough!

Having said that, after Qin Feng's true spirit reaches the fifth level, he can refine the eternal essence. The speed has also been greatly improved.

Before, it took him about 12 days to break through to the eternal realm!

Now, he only needs about 7 days! Such a huge change is very beneficial to Qin Feng, and he is extremely satisfied! Boom!


At this time, the sky above the secret realm roared again...

【Announcement: The entrance to the 'Future Realm' will open in 30 seconds, all players please be prepared....】

【Countdown: 30...29....】

A new secret realm is about to open again!

Qin Feng became excited again.

Then, he glanced at the mission time of the 'Three Life Stones' and began to feel anxious again.

Before you know it, 1 hour and 53 minutes have passed!

He still hasn't got two pieces!

It seems that he has to speed up the progress of the next secret mission!

Qin Feng quickly drove the green lotus and rushed towards the shore.....

At the same moment, in every corner of the secret realm, the contestants gradually recovered from their shock.....

Go to the border, eastern area.

The two Zhanmeng looked at each other with gloomy expressions on their faces!

After a long time, Zhanmeng sighed:"Hey! Fellow Taoist! This time, the little thief took advantage of him again!"

Shiyuan also sighed:"Yes! We and others are just like foils!"

Zhanmeng smiled bitterly:"It's just that I'm afraid I'm not even as good as a foil!"

Shiyuan was speechless, feeling even more aggrieved!

Huh! correct!

Suddenly, Shiyuan's eyes lit up, as if he thought of something, and he quickly looked at Zhanmeng

"Fellow! I have a clever idea! But deal with that little thief!

Zhan Meng was startled:"What's the trick?"! Fellow Taoist, please tell me!"

Shiyuan quickly came close to his ear and whispered something in a low voice.

After Zhanmeng heard this, his eyes lit up!

Then, he was overjoyed:"Haha! wonderful! It’s really wonderful! It’s a pity that fellow Taoist people can think of such a plan!"

At this moment, Zhanmeng was full of praise!

Shiyuan also said proudly:"Fellow Taoist, this plan is coming out! There is a 90% chance of success! As long as it succeeds, Qin Feng's son will be like a wedding dress for us!"


Just after saying this, there was another roar in the air, and there was a reminder from Heaven....

【Announcement: The entrance to the future has been opened! The entrance has appeared next to contestant 'Qin Feng'....】

【Reminder: Every time the secret realm opportunity ends, the next opportunity entrance will appear next to the person with the highest points!】

【Reminder: The entrance location coordinates have been sent...】

"Fellow! The entrance location is out! Huh! It's actually in the northern region, no wonder we can't find the river of time!"

As soon as he saw the position clearly, Zhanmeng complained in annoyance.

Shiyuan urged:"Now is not the time to talk about this! Let's go there quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, the two of them rushed towards the entrance.....

At the same moment, players from all corners of the secret realm rushed towards the entrance.....

At this time, beside the long river of time.

Qin Feng is walking towards the entrance light door...

In just a moment, he stepped through the light door and disappeared into the past.....

PS: National Day is here! The young author here wishes all readers a happy holiday!

It's the beginning of the month again. I would like to ask for a monthly ticket. Thank you very much!...

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