At this moment, in the Qin Yuan universe.

Qin Feng finally refined the drop of true dragon origin blood, but something strange happened to him. At this moment, in the secret room.

Qin Feng's momentum has skyrocketed, and his strength has greatly improved!

Not only did it come from refining the blood of the True Dragon Origin, but the Phantom Mirage clone also comprehended the Eternal Light Wheel, which brought him a large increase in combat power.

In addition, he also had a hot air about him.

At the same moment, Heaven also sent a reminder…

【Reminder: You have refined 99% of the true dragon's source blood, and the remaining 1% is the pure yang energy of the true dragon! You need to integrate the pure Yang Qi to refine this blood…】

"It turns out to be the pure Yang energy of the real dragon! No wonder I’m so hard!"

Qin Feng muttered in his heart, feeling that his whole body was feeling hot, but he could not let it go. It is unimaginable that such a strange phenomenon would appear in a being like him!

It can be seen from this that the pure Yang Qi is not simple!

"strangeness! Why does the true dragon origin blood contain pure Yang energy? This seems to be difficult to refine!"

Qin Feng sighed in his heart, closed his eyes and continued to refine...

Time is precious!

He must speed up the refining progress!

When he thought that he would be surrounded by two giants in three days, Qin Feng felt urgent!

He at least Only by reaching giant level strength can we hope to solve the crisis!

In this way, it is not enough to just break through to the low-grade Dao Lord.

Therefore, Qin Feng is very concerned about refining this drop of true dragon origin blood!

How about he refine that pure ray of blood? Yang Qi cannot completely refine the source blood, which is a big hidden danger!

What's more, the pure Yang Qi remaining in the body will always bring some negative effects to his body!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng regained his mind Immerse yourself and continue refining...

1 minute passed...

His refining made no progress!

10 minutes passed...

Still no progress!

On the contrary, Qin Feng became more and more irritable under the interference of the pure Yang energy. The whole body is getting hotter and hotter...

In the blink of an eye, an hour has passed!

Qin Feng opened his eyes from meditating, and his breath became more restless.

"Weird! eccentric! Why is this pure Yang energy so difficult to refine? I refined it for an hour, but made no progress. Could it be..."

Qin Feng couldn't help but ponder!

Hey! That's right!

Suddenly, his eyes lit up!

If the yin does not grow, the yang will not grow!

That true dragon's yang energy is so pure! It's true! It's strong! It's yang!

He wanted to forcibly refine it, but it seemed impossible.

But he could use yin to transform yang, and use the method of combining yin and yang to fuse the pure yang energy!

At this thought, Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he felt that this method was feasible.!

However, if he wants to use this method to refine pure yang energy, he needs a female helper who has mastered the 'Hehe Avenue'.

Hehe Avenue is one of the innate avenues, and it is extremely difficult to awaken!

Among his confidants, none of them have yet awakened this path. The Dao!

It seems that he can only go to Yuanfeng for help.

But this time...

Qin Feng is a little hesitant!

Last time, he and Yuanfeng practiced together in order to awaken the Hehe Dao.

So how should he speak this time? ?

Yuanfeng seems to have no reason to help him!

Having said that, he and Yuanfeng have a close relationship, but they have not confirmed any relationship or status. Whether to help or not depends on Yuanfeng's wishes.

Anyway, He wanted to ask.

This time, only Yuanfeng could help him!

"Hey~! The time seems to be coming."

Suddenly, Qin Feng felt something in his heart, and disappeared in a flash...

The next second, he returned to the sky above Sanshengshi Square! He saw that on the square, everyone's enlightenment was coming to an end...

What made him happy was that , 73 eternal light wheels appeared behind the head of the phantom mirage clone!

In other words, he only needs to refine 127 eternal essences to break through to a low-level Taoist master.

And he has 210 essences in his hand, which is equivalent to saving 83 essences.

These 83 essences can help him speed up his breakthrough to the middle-level Taoist master! After sorting out these, Qin Feng was extremely satisfied!

Then, he looked at everyone in the field! He saw Nuwa, Houtu Jinji Seven rays of light were perceived!

Fuxi, Dijiang, Jumang and others perceived six rays of light.

Qingchengzi, Hongyun, Qiyue, etc. perceived five rays of light!

The rest of Longyuan's disciples perceived two to four rays of light. Great improvement in strength!

After this, Nuwa broke through to the half-step peak, Houtu, Dijiang and others broke through to the half-step eternity, and their strength skyrocketed!

So far, none of his envoys are below the half-step eternity realm.

Again. Look at the masters of the three thousand stars, there are dozens of people who have reached the quasi-half-step eternity!

Liu Xuan, Lei Jue, and Long Shan are among them!

In fact, Qin Feng’s current state is also the peak of the half-step!

The Phantom Mirage clone has realized 73 The Eternal Light Wheel directly allowed him to break through a small realm, and his strength has skyrocketed!

It's just that the improvement of such a small realm has not changed completely!

If he wants to make a big improvement in strength, he has to break through to a low-level Taoist master!

In short, , Qin Feng is extremely satisfied with the current improvement!

Looking at other players, Yuan Feng has also realized the Five Light Wheels, and his understanding is astonishing, not worse than Feng Xi, Xiao Luan'er and others.

This somewhat surprises Qin Feng!

Having said that, Yuan Feng is a direct descendant of the Zhen Feng clan!

Zhen Feng is also a big clan in the Origin Realm, so his talent and understanding are naturally not bad. Just like the background of Long Yuan's children, they are all extraordinary!

Then, Qin Feng looked at those Hong Yuan The Tao Lord of the universe!

Some of these people have perceived three wheels of light, some have perceived one wheel of light, and there are even several low-grade Tao Lords who have not perceived even one wheel of light!

The most outstanding Tao Lord Taihao also Only then did he realize that the four light wheels can only be compared with Liu Xuan, Lei Jue and others!

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng was a little sad, but at the same time he was very happy!

The children of Long Yuan have extraordinary potential, and they will eventually become like dragons!

He suddenly remembered that there were legends such as Nuwa, Fuxi, and Dijiang in the Longgu myth.

Now, he saw Nuwa, Fuxi, Dijiang, and others in this world.

Is there a possibility that these people also Just like him, he stepped into this world from the Blue Star in the parallel universe just to resurrect Dragon Ancestor.

But they all failed and were finally reincarnated in this universe!

Fortunately, Qin Feng appeared!

From now on Judging from the results, everything went smoothly!

However, Qin Feng was the last chance for the Long Guo people, and there was no way out...


Just as Qin Feng was thinking wildly, there was a sudden roar over the square!

Everyone was startled and opened their eyes one after another. Open your eyes...

Tiandao also sent a reminder about this…

【Reminder: The opening time of Eternal Gate is over! All entrants, please be prepared. The news will come out of this square in ten seconds.…】

"It's finally over!"

Everyone sighed!

At this moment, some were happy, some were sad, and some were secretly relieved!

Everyone in Longyuan was naturally overjoyed!

This time, their strength has improved a lot!

Looking at Taihao and other Dao Lords, one Everyone looked at the people in Long Yuan silently, sighing in their hearts.

Especially those Dao Lords who had just realized the two light wheels below were a little ashamed.

They were not even as good as the worst disciples of Long Yuan!

At this moment, Qin Feng fell from the sky, falling Next to the phantom mirage clone.

With a wave of his hand, he put away the phantom mirage clone!

Yuan Feng also opened her eyes at this time. When she saw Qin Feng, her bright eyes lit up and her face showed joy!

Qin Feng hesitated to speak.!

He wanted to ask Yuan Feng for help, but there were too many people in the venue, so it was difficult to say it clearly...

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

Soon, the time was up!

Everyone turned into white light one after another and was forcibly teleported out...

After a moment, Qin Feng is the only one left in the field!

He is the gate of eternityThe person who is in absolute control will not be forced out of the eternal gate and can enter and exit freely!

It's just that like everyone else, he can no longer borrow the Three Life Stones!

After everyone left, Qin Feng also stepped out...

The next second, he also walked out of the gate of eternity and returned to Hongyuan Universe...

When he appeared, he saw everyone in Longyuan talking excitedly.

Everyone has gained a lot and is in a good mood!

"Huh! The boss is here!"


As soon as everyone saw Qin Feng, they came forward to greet him happily.

Qin Feng also smiled and said hello, and accepted Long Yuan's children into Qin Yuan's universe.

At that moment, only Taihao and other Dao Lords, as well as Yuan Yuan, were left in the field. phoenix!

"Lord Qin Feng, thank you for giving me this opportunity! I can't thank you enough!"

At this moment, Taihao thanked Qin Feng with his words full of respect.

All the Dao Lords agreed one after another.

They were indeed full of gratitude to Qin Feng!

At the same time, their awe of Qin Feng had reached an unreachable height, and they even felt despicable..

There are so many geniuses under Lord Qin Feng!

They are ashamed of themselves and even feel that they are not qualified to be Qin Feng’s subordinates. It is inevitable that they will feel inferior.

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"You and I are both Hongyuan disciples, so you should be Share eternal opportunities with you! Taihao took a deep breath and said:"Lord Qin Feng, all previous gates of eternity are controlled by guardians!" Only those approved by the guardian are eligible to enter. People have always tried to make progress, but they have spent countless efforts!"

"It's a great opportunity for you to let us in. How can we not be grateful!"

As soon as these words came out, all the Dao Lords nodded.

Qin Feng smiled and said nothing!

Taihao hesitated for a while and said:"Master Qin Feng, five hundred years later, the gate of eternity will open again! I wonder if I can bring some descendants in with me at that time?"

As soon as these words were said, the eyes of all the Taoist Lords lit up!

That's right!

Five hundred years later, the door of eternity will be opened again!

God-King Dzogchen can enter!

Taoist Lords like them will have some God-King Dzogchen Heirs and subordinates.

They also want to bring them in for training!

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"This is a trivial matter! Five hundred years later, you will bring your own qualified disciples and subordinates, and I will allow you to enter. Not only you, but all fellow Taoists present can do this!"


As soon as these words were said, the whole audience was ecstatic!

What Qin Feng promised was exactly what they asked for!

"This...this is great!"

"I will thank Lord Qin Feng!"

At this moment, all the Taoists expressed their gratitude to Qin Feng.

After the two sides chatted for a while, the Taoists said goodbye to Qin Feng one by one.

Their inner recognition of Qin Feng became stronger.

After a while, all the Taoists said goodbye to Qin Feng. They all left.

Looking at the departing figures of all the Dao Lords, Qin Feng felt emotional and at the same time had some expectations.

He expressed goodwill to these Dao Lords because he would become the master of the Hongyuan Universe in the future.

Here we are. At that time, he also needs the support of these Dao Lords and the forces under their command!

In other words, these people may be his future subordinates, but they are not direct descendants.

"Qin Feng! Everyone is gone! When will we go find Lord Tianzun?"

At this time, Yuan Feng's voice sounded next to Qin Feng.

He turned back to look at this beautiful woman, hesitated for a while and said:"Sister, I need your help with something, I don't know..."

At this point, Qin Feng He hesitated to speak.

Yuan Feng smiled and said,"Why do you and I have to be so polite? If you need any help from me, just ask!

Qin Feng hesitated and said,"Let's do this!" Sister, please relax and let me send you into my space first! Wait a moment and I’ll tell you in detail!"

"good!", Yuan Feng happily agreed.

Qin Feng quickly waved his hand and took it into the small universe.

After doing this, he waved his hand again, and a white light flashed in front of him...

Then, two little milk babies who looked like two or three years old appeared. Appearing out of thin air, they all have black hair and black eyes, and have extraordinary auras!


As soon as they saw Qin Feng, they rushed towards him happily.

Qin Feng also touched the heads of the two little guys lovingly.

They were Zhu Jiuyin and Shebishi who were the last to be born!

As soon as the two little guys were born , is the Great Perfection of the God King!

This time, they all broke through to half-step eternity at the Gate of Eternity.

Qin Feng took a quick look and was delighted to find that Shebishi’s combat power reached 7.4 trillion stars, and Zhu Jiu Yin Geng has reached 7.6 trillion stars!

The combined combat power of the two little guys is 15 trillion stars.

If these two little guys are recruited as messengers, the power of sacrifice he obtains can That’s an extra 15 trillion!

Now, Qin Feng is eager to improve his strength!

Naturally, he will not let go of any opportunity!

"Two little guys! Close your eyes! Dad wants to recruit you"

"OK! dad!"

The two little guys were overjoyed and closed their eyes one after another.

Qin Feng didn't waste time and directly broke his finger to coagulate blood...

In just a moment, a sacred messenger seal condensed out.

The next second, Qin Feng pressed it with one finger Xiang Zhu Jiuyin's eyebrows...

Tiandao also sent a prompt…

【Reminder: You are recruiting Zhu Jiuyin to be the 'Eternal Guardian of Qin Yuan Universe'’…】

【Recruitment successful! Zhu Jiuyin has become the 'eternal guardian' of the 'Qin Yuan Universe', and it can sacrifice all its combat power to you!】

【Reminder: You are recruiting Shebishi to be the 'Eternal Guardian' of 'Hongyuan Universe'’…】

【Recruitment successful! Shebishi has become the 'eternal guardian' of the 'Hongyuan Universe', and it can sacrifice all its combat power to you! 】

The two little guys were successfully recruited and became the eternal guardians of the two universes respectively!

Qin Feng also had 15 trillion more combat power to sacrifice!

He showed a satisfied smile!

At this moment, Zhu Jiuyin and Shebishi also slowly opened their eyes!

The two little guys also looked happy!

They can finally help their dad like older siblings!

"OK! You go back to the small universe first and continue practicing!"

"Um!", the little guys nodded obediently.

Qin Feng waved his hand and took them back to the small universe.

Then, he summoned the Phantom Mirage clone.

The next second, Qin Feng disappeared from the place, leaving only a space node.

Phantom. After the mirage clone opened its mouth and swallowed the space node, it also disappeared...

But on the other side, after Yuan Feng was sent into the Qin Yuan universe, she appeared in a clean secret room. She looked around and felt that something looked familiar here!

It was the place where she and Qin Feng practiced the 'Hehe Dao' last time!

Why did Qin Feng arrange her here?

Could it be...


At this moment, a white light flashed in the center of the secret room, and Qin Feng appeared out of thin air!

When Yuan Feng saw him, he smiled and asked:"Qin Feng, what do you want me to help you with? Just say it! Qin

Feng said with a little embarrassment:"Sister, I came to you this time because I want you to use Hehe Avenue and do me a favor!""

"Hehe Avenue?" Yuanfeng was stunned!

"This avenue! If we haven’t already achieved perfection in cultivation, why do we still need it?"

Suddenly, Yuan Feng's heart moved, and she seemed to have thought of something.

She blushed slightly and said,"Did you come to me because you needed something? But I...that’s all! Since you need it, I will help you!

Qin Feng smiled bitterly:"Sister, you misunderstood!" Actually I..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he no longer suppressed the True Dragon Yang Qi in his body and suddenly released it…

"Huh! This is..."

Yuan Feng was shocked!

The next second, she looked at Qin Feng in surprise

"Qin Feng, have you refined a drop of true dragon origin blood? Qin Feng was surprised:"

Hey!" how do you know? Yuan Feng breathed a sigh of relief:"

No wonder you need my help!" This dragon blood Yang Qi cannot be refined normally. Even if there is Hehe Dao, it may not be possible to refine it!

Qin Feng was surprised:"Is this Yang Qi so difficult to transform?"

Yuan Feng sighed:"The dragon gave birth to nine sons, and the nine sons are all different!" Why are they different? It’s because their mothers are different! Back then, the Dragon Ancestor spent endless energy refining Yang Qi. If you just choose the wrong object, the refining effect will not be ideal!

Qin Feng was curious:"Who is the best candidate for refining?" Yuan Feng proudly said:"

Of course it's our True Phoenix clan!" Qin Feng's eyes lit up:"

Sister, it seems I have found the right person!""

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