
At this moment, Qin Feng's sea of ​​consciousness roared continuously!

Heaven also keeps sending reminders.

【You have been successfully promoted to the lower level Eternal Realm! The upper limit of longevity is increased to the limit of this calamity....】

【You have been successfully promoted to the lower level Eternal Realm! Your physical body has been greatly strengthened again, and your combat power is +200 trillion stars....】

【You have been successfully promoted to the lower level Eternal Realm! Your soul body has been greatly strengthened again, and your combat power is +200 trillion stars....】

【You have been successfully promoted to the lower level Eternal Realm! Your bloodline has been greatly strengthened, and your combat power is +200 trillion stars....】

【You have been successfully promoted to the lower level Eternal Realm! Your true spirit has been promoted to the fifth level of perfection, your holy power has been improved, and your combat power has increased by 200 trillion stars....】

【Successfully advanced to the fifth level of Dzogchen True Spirit! Your body has been sanctified at the perfect level, and your combat power is +100 trillion stars....】

【Successfully advanced to the fifth level of Dzogchen True Spirit! Your soul body has been sanctified at the perfect level, and your combat power is +100 trillion stars.....】

【Reminder: Your true spirit has been promoted to the fifth level of Dzogchen! To advance from low-grade eternity to mid-grade eternity, you need 400 eternity essences.....】


At this moment, Qin Feng's physical body, soul body, true spirit, and momentum are all increasing crazily.....

In the blink of an eye, his combat power increased by 1000 trillion!

Such a violent improvement surprised him!


At this moment, the Turtle King came again and stabbed Qin Feng's chest with his sharp dragon horns!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

Wherever the dragon's horn passed, the space exploded and everything turned into powder!

The dazzling cold light once again lit up on the tip of its horn, and the attack momentum erupted on it once again reached 44,000 trillion!

The Turtle King and all the turtles didn't believe that the humans in front of them could always have the upper hand!

In the blink of an eye, the tip of the dragon's horn pierced close to him!

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth curled up slightly, and he was about to take action again....


But at this moment, another reminder from heaven came from within his sea of ​​consciousness......

【You have been successfully promoted to the lower level Eternal Realm! The power of your Tianwei (Substitute for Heaven) increases....】

【Reminder: Your divine power can suppress 10% of the combat power of level 5 source beasts, 20% of the combat power of level 4 origin beasts, 30% of the combat power of level 3 origin beasts, and so on......】

Qin Feng is overjoyed!

It turns out that breaking through the realm can also increase the power of God!

Tianwei is a powerful weapon to suppress the source beast!


Thinking of this, Qin Feng burst out with endless power!

In just an instant, the power of God filled the entire place, enveloping the Turtle King and all the turtles!

As soon as the power of heaven arrived, the Turtle Emperor suddenly felt palpitated and his eyes could not help but look horrified!

It was horrified to find that, under the shroud of Heaven's power, its combat power had dropped to 90%!

The turtles are even more miserable!

The combat power of the two turtle kings dropped to 80%, and the remaining snapping dragon turtles dropped to 70%!

This immediately caused the momentum of Longjiao's attack to continue to decline, and in the blink of an eye it fell to 3.7 trillion trillion stars!

The turtles were extremely horrified!


But before they could think about it, Qin Feng slashed down with his ax with all his strength!


At that moment, the Panlong Dao Ax shone with a shocking aura!

The attack momentum that erupted on it suddenly reached 72,700 trillion (Thanks to the book friend for reminding me, I missed some combat power yesterday, and it has been slightly adjusted today)!

Wherever the blade passed, all laws were annihilated, and all heavens collapsed. It was so terrifying that it was beyond words!

The Turtle King and all the turtles sensed it instantly, their eyes showed fear and disbelief!

But it's too late!

In the blink of an eye, the attacks from both sides collided!


A crisp sound!

The Panlong Dao Ax cut off the dragon's horn!

The light of the ax continues to chop down!


There was another crisp sound of meat being cut!

The Turtle King's head was chopped into two halves!

The blood surged!

The light of the ax continues to chop down!


A crisp loud noise!

The ax light finally struck the huge turtle shell!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

For a moment, the turtle shell continued to crack, and the heavenly formation on it was broken!

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

The two turtle kings and one hundred and six alligator turtles were shaken from the air so much that their bodies exploded, like giant blood lotuses blooming!

The shrill roars came one after another!

In the blink of an eye, the two turtle kings and one hundred and six snapping dragon turtles all exploded and died!


But at this moment, the Turtle King, whose head was split in half, turned around and fled towards the bottom of the abyss, holding the cracked turtle shell!

This guy is actually not dead!


Qin Feng followed up with an ax and slashed away!

The light of the ax instantly turned into billions of feet, crossed the sky and the earth, and fell down!


There was another crisp sound!

The blood keeps gushing!

The mountain-like turtle body was split in half!

The screams echoed endlessly!

The Turtle Emperor fell!


The next second, a dazzling white light flew from the corpse and poured into Qin Feng's body......

【You killed a level 5 source beast for the first time and received +4 million reputation points as a reward....】

【You killed the level 5 Source Beast (Crocodile Dragon Turtle King) and exploded +10 Holy Source Beads...】

【You killed the level 5 source beast (Crocodile Dragon Turtle King) and exploded +1 level 8 source beast inner elixir....】

【You killed the level 5 source beast (Crocodile Dragon Turtle King) and exploded +1 Evil Dragon Horn (source level material)...】

【You killed the level 5 source beast (Crocodile Dragon Turtle King), and the advanced hunter mission progress increased to 153/300....】

The eighth-grade inner elixir has been revealed!

The mission progress has increased by 100 points!

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

At this moment, another 108 rays of white light poured into his body....

【You killed the level 4 source beast (Crocodile Dragon Turtle King), the progress of the advanced hunter mission was 163/300, and you exploded +1 holy source bead and +1 ninth-level source beast inner elixir....】

【You kill the level 4 source beast (Crocodile Dragon Turtle King), the advanced hunter mission progress is 173/300, and +1 holy source bead and 1 ninth-level source beast inner elixir are exploded....】

【You kill the level 3 source beast (crocodile dragon turtle), the advanced hunter mission progress is 174/300, and +10 super source power beads are exploded....】.......

In just a few moments, the mission progress reached 289/300, only 11 progresses away from completing the goal.

Qin Feng is extremely satisfied!

Then, he looked at the audience again and saw that everything in front of him was trophies......

He quickly cleaned up the loot!

After a while, the loot was collected!

He obtained a total of 1 evil dragon horn, 1 eighth-grade inner elixir, 2 ninth-grade inner elixirs, 12 holy source beads, and 1060 super source power beads....

The harvest this time is so rich!

Sure enough, only by wiping out a whole clan can we gain more profits!

Qin Feng happily sent both the Holy Source Bead and the Super Source Power Bead into the small universe.....

After a moment, his body was roaring!

The Holy Source Beads and Super Source Power Beads have been used up!

The little universe has been promoted to level 3 by 0.0042%, and the progress is as slow as a turtle!

However, Qin Feng doesn't care!

When the time comes, there will be opportunities to accelerate the upgrading of the universe, such as the opportunity of creation!

After dealing with the Holy Origin Bead and the Super Source Power Bead, Qin Feng turned his palm over, and an extra spiritual bead appeared in his palm!

The spirit bead is about the size of a fist, is milky white, contains a ray of golden light, and exudes endless eternal true meaning.....

【Origin Beast Inner Pill: Grade 8, it contains endless eternal true meaning!】

【Reminder: This inner elixir can be refined, and the eternal true meaning contained in it is comparable to 30 eternal essences! 】

Comparable to 30 eternal essences!

This is exactly what you need!

Qin Feng was overjoyed!

He has broken through to the low-grade eternal realm!

The next step is to break through to the middle-grade eternal realm!

It’s just that his true spirit level is too high, and it actually requires 400 eternal essences to break through to the middle level of eternity!

Fortunately, he has many methods, and now 210 eternal essences are being refined simultaneously.....

It is estimated that he will be able to finish refining it when he returns to Hongyuan Universe!

In addition, he also has a mind body, which can comprehend the true meaning within the gate of eternity, and can perceive at least fifty more eternal light wheels.

Based on this calculation, he still lacks about 140 eternal essences before he can break through to the middle-grade Taoist master.

The eighth-grade inner elixir in front of him can provide him with 30 of them!

Coupled with the two ninth-grade inner elixirs, it can provide a total of 40 essences!

Based on this calculation, he is only 100 eternal essences away from being a middle-grade Taoist king.....

All this developed very smoothly, beyond his expectations!

Qin Feng smiled and sent the eighth-grade inner elixir and the two ninth-grade inner elixirs into the small universe.....

After doing this, he waved his hand again, and a huge dragon horn appeared in front of him......

【Evil Dragon's Horn: Source-level material, can be used for weapon refining...】

【Reminder: This object can be integrated into an offensive half-source weapon to promote it to a source-of-principle weapon!】

【Reminder: The explosion rate of a level 5 source beast when it explodes source level materials is 1%...】

The 1% explosion rate actually exploded!

It seems that my luck is indeed good!

Qin Feng was very happy!

Having said that, with this Evil Dragon's Horn, he no longer has to collect 3 Heavenly Crystals.

If you directly fuse the Evil Dragon's Horn with the Panlong Dao Axe, you can get a Dao source weapon!

With this in mind, Qin Feng sent the Coiling Dragon Dao Ax and the Evil Dragon's Horn into the small universe and let his mind body merge with them.

Then, a white light flashed in his hand, and he replaced it with Tai'a Sword!

Tai'a Sword's attack amplitude is also 20%, which does not affect his burst of combat power.....

At this point, the loot is cleared!

"Huh~! It’s finally done!"

Qin Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief!

Hey! That's....

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, and he lowered his head and looked into the abyss below.....

I saw a mysterious altar at the bottom of the abyss, emitting a faint aura.....

Before, the Turtle King was still alive!

Its huge turtle body covered the sky and the earth, blocking all the scenes at the bottom of the abyss, preventing him from discovering the existence of the altar!

Now, the Turtle King has fallen, and the turtle body has been broken apart, naturally exposing the scene below....

Qin Feng was greatly surprised and couldn't help but stare at...

With only a brief glance, he saw that there was a Tongtian Crystal inside the altar.....

He quickly flashed his figure and quickly fled towards the bottom of the abyss.....

Tongtianjing is also of great use to him!

His Chaos Clock is still a semi-source weapon!

If he gathers three pieces of Heaven-Bearing Crystal, he can be promoted to the Principle Source Weapon, which will be of great help to his improvement of strength!

In addition, the Heaven-Slaying Sword Formation in his clone's hand can also be strengthened with Heaven-Bearing Crystals!

The Heaven-Destroying Sword Formation is a rare combination of equipment. If it is strengthened, it will be extremely powerful!

Soon, Qin Feng fell to the bottom of the abyss!

The bottom is desolate, exuding endless eternal aura, just like the prehistoric wilderness!

The altar is in the center of the site!

When Qin Feng approached the Lord, he found that the altar also exuded the aura of eternity, with a faint spiritual light emitting from it....

Inside the altar, there are three more grooves, each with a piece of Tongtian Crystal placed in it.....

Qin Feng could feel that one source of power after another was constantly drawing source power from the river through the three Tongtian crystals, and then inputting it into the altar......

Those three pieces of 'Tongtian Crystal' seem to be the power resources of the altar!

Looking at the center of the altar, there is a colorful fragment imprisoned, only the size of a fist.....

When Qin Feng saw the fragments for the first time, he felt very familiar.

He couldn't help but peep away....

【Strange Object]: Level 4 cosmic fragments

【Origin]: A Level 4 Master of the Universe violated the heavenly rules and was killed by a Heaven Holder with one palm....

【Origin]: After the death of the Lord of the Universe, his universe exploded and all kinds of fragments were taken away. Only this fragment remained, which was collected by the Turtle King!

【Reminder]: The Turtle King used the Babel Altar to activate this fragment and study the method of creating the universe day and night, but with little effect!

【Reminder]: Cosmic fragments are a great supplement to the universe. They can improve the level and progress of the universe. The effect is far more effective than all kinds of source power beads!

【Reminder]: Ordinary strong people cannot destroy the universe, only those who hold on to heaven can destroy the universe!

It turns out to be space debris!

It’s still from the Level 4 universe!

Seeing this, Qin Feng suddenly realized!

No wonder, when he first entered the abyss, he sensed a familiar aura!

That should be the palm left by the Heaven Holder, and the aura it contains has not dissipated for hundreds of millions of years!

The heaven-bearer is the advanced level of the ultimate heaven-substitute!

Qin Feng is the ultimate substitute!

He will definitely feel familiar!

Having said that, the universe is almost immortal!

Even if the Lord of the universe falls, the universe will still remain!

Only the one who holds the sky has the ability to explode the universe, and he has mastered the rules of heaven!

With this in mind, Qin Feng is full of expectations to become a Heaven-bearer.

The Heaven Holder is absolutely superior to the Lord of the Universe, and that is the most noble existence in the Source Realm! correct!

This message prompts,Cosmic fragments are a great complement to the universe. Could it be that.....

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly stepped forward and punched the altar mask!


A crisp sound!

The mask exploded!

The cosmic fragments escaped!

Qin Feng waved his hand, grabbed the fragment into his hand, and then sent it directly into the small universe....

Then, he clearly sensed....

As soon as the fragment entered the Qin Yuan Universe, it automatically decomposed into countless starlights and actively integrated into the Qin Yuan Universe.....


The next second, the aura of Qin Yuan's universe began to surge and made an earth-shattering roar.....

Tiandao’s prompts also came.....

【Reminder: Your Qin Yuan Universe has merged with a level 4 universe fragment, and its progress has been increased to level 3 37.1042%...】


Upon hearing the prompt, Qin Feng's whole body trembled and his mouth opened wide!

At this moment, he was a little dumbfounded!


Just after devouring a level 4 universe fragment the size of his fist, his universe progress skyrocketed by 37.1%!

You know, one Holy Origin Bead can increase the progress by 0.0001%!

In other words, the improvement of Qin Yuan's universe by that level 4 universe fragment is equivalent to 371,000 Holy Origin Beads!

After a long time, Qin Feng gradually came to his senses, with a look of ecstasy on his face!

Ha ha!!

This time, he made a lot of money!

Now, he also knows that the fragments of the universe are the great complement to the universe! correct!

There are also three Heavenly Crystals!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked at the groove of the altar again....

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