When Qin Feng turned around, he saw thirty or forty figures chasing after him...

All of those people were middle-grade Dao Lords and high-grade Dao Lords!

Qin Feng had already expected the tracking of these people!

It turned out that when he was exchanging Saint Origin Beads at Qisha Square, he was targeted by these Taoist Lords...

How could a low-grade Dao Lord not make people jealous when he had so many Holy Origin Beads on his body?!

Naturally, they will catch up with Qin Feng and kill people to seize the treasure!

In fact, this was not done intentionally by Qin Feng!

At the moment, Qin Feng stayed where he was, waiting silently...

Seeing this, the thirty or so Taoists chased after him with excitement...

At this moment, their eyes lit up!

Looking at Qin Feng is like looking at a large moving treasure house!

One Holy Origin Bead is 10 points!

This guy, who is only a low-level Daojun, actually exchanged more than 700 Holy Origin Beads, which is more than 7,000 points!

Low-level Dao Lords like them, who are middle-grade and high-grade, spend countless efforts and can't earn 100 points in a year!

If they could steal this boy's Holy Origin Bead, they would make a lot of money!

"Everyone! The boy stopped!"

Someone in the crowd murmured excitedly!

"Ha ha! Let's go quickly!"

Everyone was so excited!

In just a moment, the more than thirty Dao Lords chased closer and stopped one after another!

The two sides could not help but confront each other in the wind and sea.…

"Boy! Why don't you run away?!"

In this confrontation, the several high-grade Dao Lords headed by them looked at Qin Feng with a proud look on their faces! The middle-grade Dao Lords behind them all also showed a joking look, as if they were sure to take Qin Feng!

Qin Feng! Feng Leng smiled coldly:"You guys will catch up! Why?!"

A fat, high-grade Taoist gentleman said with a playful smile:"It's no big deal! I just want to borrow your Holy Origin Bead for use! If you want to survive, hand over all the Holy Origin Beads you have!"

After saying this, another skinny old man with a treacherous face said:"Brother Wan! What if I just want the Holy Origin Pearl?! You know, this kid exchanged more than 700 Holy Origin Beads in one move, and his financial resources are astonishing!"

"There must be many treasures on him! If you wanted to rob him, you would rob him of his storage ring too!"

At this reminder, everyone's eyes lit up!


Since we are here to rob, we naturally want to rob it thoroughly. How can we only grab the Holy Origin Bead!

The fat Taoist patted his thigh:"Yes! Brother, you are right to remind me!"

Then, he looked at Qin Feng with a fierce look on his face:"Boy! If you want to survive, hand over the storage ring! Qin

Feng sneered:"You are really here to rob!""

The fat Taoist master said impatiently:"Nonsense! If it weren't for robbery, we would chase you as a low-grade Taoist?! If you don’t want to die! Hand over the storage ring quickly! As soon as he finished speaking

, the thin old man said coldly:"Brother Wan, do you still plan to stay alive?"! Since the robbery has begun, it is natural to kill people and silence them, lest the forces behind this kid know about it and it will be detrimental to us!"

At this reminder, the fat Taoist Master suddenly said:"Yes! Brother, you are very considerate!"

But at this moment, another exclamation sounded from the crowd

"Huh! Look, everyone! This kid has never used the Lunbo Pan!"

After this reminder, everyone was shocked to find that Qin Feng had been standing alone in the wind and did not use the Lunbo Disk at all.

Before, they only thought about catching up with Qin Feng and grabbing the treasure, and did not think too much at all.

After catching up, After that, everyone was so excited that they didn’t notice this detail! It wasn’t until this moment that anyone discovered this!

Suddenly, the expressions of everyone in the field changed!

The only one who dared to cross the wind and sea with only the body without the help of the Lunbo Pan Only a strong man above the level of Taoist Master can do it!

Could it be that this kid... thinking about this, everyone looked at each other, vaguely uneasy!

But at this moment, the skinny old man sneered again:"What are you afraid of?! Do you really think that a low-grade Dao Lord can have super-grade strength?!"

The fat Taoist Lord hesitated and said:"But this guy really has no use for the Lunbo Pan!

The skinny old man said indifferently:"Who said that only Lunbo Pan can withstand the Great Wind?"! Maybe the robe this kid is wearing can withstand the great wind!"

At this reminder, everyone's eyes lit up!

That's right!

Lunbo Pan is not the only one who can withstand the great wind!

Thinking about it, this kid is only a low-grade Taoist, and there is no way he has super-grade strength!

It seems that he is He relied on other methods to withstand the Datong Wind, such as the robe on his body!

At this time, the skinny old man said again:"Besides, I am waiting for so many middle-grade Dao Lords and high-grade Dao Lords, how can I be afraid of a low-grade Dao Lord?" Taojun?!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone nodded, and everyone felt that there was no need to worry!

Qin Feng was also a little impatient!

"You guys are really noisy!"

I saw him flipping his palm, a flash of white light, and the Tai'a Sword was in his hand...

Seeing this, everyone was stunned!

Before they could take action, this kid was about to take action first.

"Boy! You..."

The skinny old man looked at Qin Feng even more arrogantly.

But before he could finish his words, Qin Feng suddenly struck out with his sword...


At that moment, the sword light shot up into the sky, brightening the wind and sea!

Click! ~!Click~!Click~!

In the next breath, the sword blade glowing with cold light split open the layers of wind and sea and slashed towards the whole place!

The momentum that erupted on it suddenly reached the level of a lord-level giant, terrifying Extremely!

"Huh! This is…"

"not good!"

Everyone instantly sensed the momentum of the sword light, and they were all scared out of their wits!

The skinny old man even widened his eyes in horror!

But everything was too late!

Swish~! A flash of cold light!


A crisp sound!

Bloody light Splash!

The skinny old man was the first to be split in half, and he didn’t even have time to scream!

The sword light continued to slash down!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

There were crisp sounds!

There was blood in the field. Continuous splashes!

Miserable roars! One after another! With just one sword, Qin Feng split everyone in the audience into two halves, and even the true spirits exploded!

No one in the audience survived!

Only the blood mist floating in the sky was left!


The next second, more than thirty white lights flew out of the blood mist and poured into his body...

Tiandao also sent a prompt.…

【Reminder: You successfully killed the alien invader (Gen Lao)! The kill progress of the advanced ranger mission has been increased to 103/300】


In just a moment, the advanced ranger's killing progress soared to 139/300...

Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile!

These guys wanted to mess with him, but they didn't want to, but instead they made his mission progress!

Now, he has 161 targets left to kill and can complete the Advanced Ranger mission!

Completing this task is one of the necessary conditions for promotion to the Creator!

"There are still 161 left! It seems that I have to put some thought into it!"

Qin Feng was a little unfinished!

Then, he looked up and looked at the blood mist ahead... and saw more than thirty storage rings floating in the blood mist!

Qin Feng quickly waved his hand, put away the trophies, and began to take stock....

A moment later, he found a lot of Source Power Beads and Super Source Power Beads from those storage rings.

But the combined value was only comparable to 6 Holy Source Beads!

"These guys are so poor!"

After Qin Feng sighed, he gave those Source Power Beads to the small universe...

After the mind body used up those Source Power Beads and super assistance, the progress of his small universe was increased to level 3 99.9929%.

Anyway, the progress of his small universe Finally improved a bit!

By the way!

He had refined 100 eternal essences before. Before he could check the changes in strength, those guys were chasing him.

Now, he can check...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng opened the panel…

【Luck]: 71 million times (source world)

【Reputation]: 63 million points (source world)

【Basic combat power]: 3052 trillion stars

【Realm Progress]: The low-grade eternal 97.5% combat power has been increased again!

Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile again!

Looking at these data, his realm and small universe are about to break through!

No matter what breakthrough he makes, his strength will be greatly improved!

Qin Feng is looking forward to this!

He didn't think about it so much anymore, it was time for him to return to Hongyuan Universe...

Thinking of this, he closed the panel... shua~! Huh~! Huh~!

At this moment, from the depths of the windy sea ahead, there was suddenly a rapid sound of breaking through the air!

Judging from the direction in which those noises were coming, it seemed that they were coming towards him!

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment!

The more than thirty people he just killed were pursued from the direction of Tongtian City!

Now, there was someone coming towards him from the front, obviously coming to intercept his way!

That means that before he leaves Tongtian City, someone will deal with him! strangeness!

He didn't seem to have offended anyone in Tongtian City, so how could someone ambush him in advance?

Qin Feng felt confused!

After a moment, dozens of figures finally appeared in front of him!

Qin Feng couldn't help but stare, and saw an old man with yellow hair, leading more than thirty people, rushing towards him...

When he looked carefully, he realized that the old man with yellow hair was a super Taoist master!

Of the thirty or so people behind him, about ten are quasi-super-grade Dao Lords, and the rest are all high-grade Dao Lords!

This strength is much stronger than the group just now!

In just a moment, the group of people arrived nearby!

They also saw Qin Feng's appearance clearly, and they all showed excitement.…

"Lord Huangqi! He should be Qin Feng! It looks exactly like the picture!"

Behind the yellow-haired old man, someone whispered, with excitement in his tone.

The yellow-haired old man also smiled and said:"It should be him! I'm waiting to judge whether he will take this route! It seems that I guessed it right! By the way, inform fellow Taoist Baizhu and Ganlin that we have found the target!"

Hearing this order, someone behind the old man immediately took out a communication talisman and sent a message to the outside...

Their mutterings were extremely small!

But Qin Feng was so powerful that he had already eavesdropped on their mutterings clearly.

Hearing them Qin Feng was even more surprised that he was being called out by name.

You know, not many people in Tongtian City knew his name!

Even among the more than thirty people he had just killed, no one knew his name.!

Why do the group of people in front of him know his name?!

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

Before he could figure it out, there were countless rapid sounds of breaking through the air at the same time from the depths on the left and right sides of the sea of ​​wind.!

Qin Feng felt confused again!

At the same moment, someone behind the yellow-haired old man muttered excitedly

"Lord Huangqi! Master Baizhu and Master Ganlin also came with their people! They were also alerted by the sword energy and came one step ahead! There is no need for me to wait for notification!

The yellow-haired old man was delighted:"This is the best!""

While speaking, he continued to lead people towards Qin Feng...

And Qin Feng listened to all their mutterings and showed a look of surprise!

It turned out that it was the sword energy he had just released that would This group of people has been attracted!

Of course, it is not only this group of people who have been attracted, but also two other groups of people!

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

At this moment, more than thirty groups of people appeared first from the left direction. The figure...

Qin Feng couldn't help but turn his head and saw a man in white, leading more than thirty people towards him... Looking carefully, he saw that the man in white was also a super-grade Taoist, and the person behind him was also a top-grade Taoist. Dao Lord and Super Grade Dao Lord... the strength of this group of people is comparable to that of the yellow-haired old man and others!

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

At this moment, a group of people also appeared on the right, also three people. More than ten people!

The leader was a beautiful woman, wearing a close-fitting green palace robe, outlining a beautiful figure... The people following behind her were all quasi-superior and high-grade Taoist monarchs!

In just a moment, three people The group of people took the initiative to gather together and rushed to Qin Feng!

The two sides faced off!

But on Qin Feng's side, he was the only one, and he seemed to be alone!

There were over a hundred people in the three groups gathered opposite!

Except for the yellow-haired old man, the man in white, and the beautiful woman in palace attire who are super-grade Taoists, there are about thirty people in the field who are quasi-supergrades, and the rest are all top-grade Taoists!

If so many powerful people join forces, they will definitely be able to I fought against a giant-level powerhouse!

It can be seen that the opponent is not a small force, but someone from some big force!


Why did these people stop me?

Qin Feng frowned slightly, thinking a lot in his heart.

At the same moment, The yellow-haired old man, the man in white, and the beautiful woman in palace clothes were also sizing up Qin Feng!

After sizing up, the three of them showed strange expressions.

Then, the three of them moved their lips slightly and transmitted the message secretly.

Qin Feng's heart moved. , also secretly eavesdropped…

"Brother Huangqi! Fellow Taoist Baishu! This Qin Feng is really a low-grade Taoist, just like the rumors say!"

The first person to speak was the beautiful woman in palace attire!

The old man responded quickly:"What Fellow Taoist Gan Lin said is right! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. He was really just a low-grade Taoist!"

Speaking of this, the old man was filled with emotion.

At this moment, Qin Feng figured it out.

The old man with yellow hair is called Huang Qi, the man in white is called Baizhu, and the beautiful woman in palace clothes is called Gan Lin!

At this time, the beautiful woman Gan Lin sighed with emotion:"In this world There are countless strange people, and Qin Feng is one of them! Huang

Qi nodded slightly:"For a low-grade Taoist master to have giant-level strength is indeed a miracle!""

After saying this, Bai Shu said:"You two! How can you be sure that this kid must have giant-level strength!"

Baizhu's tone was a little sour, and he was actually jealous of Qin Feng.

Huang Qi pondered:"This is the result of the evaluation of three adults! Besides, this kid can stand upright in Fenghai without using Lunbo Pan! This alone makes it extraordinary! Bai

Shu didn't take it seriously:"I can't cross the wind and sea with my body, and the three of us can't do it!" Maybe, this kid is just like the three of us, and has the strength of a super-level Dao Lord!

Huang Qi was stunned:"Uh~!" This..."

Being mentioned like this by Bai Shu, he also felt that it made sense.

To put it bluntly, he still couldn't believe that a low-grade Taoist master could have giant-level strength!

Gan Lin said:"You two don't need to argue! My mission is to hang on to this kid until the three adults arrive! There’s no need to rush into conflict with this guy!

Huang Qi nodded repeatedly:"That's right!" This approach is safer! If he really has giant-level strength and angers him too early, I'm afraid he will run away! Bai Shu still didn't care:"

If Bai comes to see it, don't be afraid if you get angry!" With the combined strength of hundreds of people like me, we can stop him even if he really has giant level strength!"

After eavesdropping here, Qin Feng suddenly realized!

It turns out that these people are here to intercept him!

There are three stronger people behind him who want to deal with him!

After thinking about this, he looked at Huang Qi and the other three people coldly.

"Why did you intercept me?"

After hearing Qin Feng's question, he looked calm and calm, not at all like an ordinary low-grade Taoist when meeting a super-grade Taoist!

Huang Qi didn't dare to neglect!

At that moment, he smiled slightly:"This fellow Taoist! My family wants to see you, so I ask you to wait here!"

Baizhu sneered:"There's more! My adults also want to see you!"

Gan Lin also said:"Fellow Taoist! My mother-in-law also wants to see you!"

"Mother-in-law?", Qin Feng was confused!

Immediately, his eyes lit up:"Is the mother-in-law you are talking about Si You's mother?!"

Hearing this, Gan Lin's eyes showed surprise!

She obviously didn't expect that Qin Feng guessed it right so quickly!

Seeing this, Qin Feng suddenly understood:"It turns out that you are sent by Langao, Tunqi, and Siyou! How dare those three guys block my way! hehe!"

Speaking of this, Qin Feng had murderous intentions in his heart!

He naturally guessed what Langao and the other three were going to do.

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