Later, Qin Feng clearly sensed that Yuan and Zhao released their spiritual consciousness and swept it over his body...

These two wanted to spy on his realm!

Qin Feng smiled slightly and didn't take it to heart at all.

If you want to see through his camouflage of Vientiane Avenue, only the true spirit must reach level six or above.....

In other words, only beings above the Holy Saint level can see through his disguise.....

The two super-grade Taoists in front of me certainly don’t have that kind of ability!

I'm afraid there is no such existence in the entire Zhentian Divine Realm.....

Qin Feng didn't know that there were two powerful saints hidden inside Zhentian Divine Realm.....

However, the two most holy men were in the heaven and could not sense the situation in the Heaven-Suppressing Divine Realm!

Unless Qin Feng enters the heaven, his identity will be revealed!

At this moment, both parties are unaware of each other!

In just a moment, Yuan Zhao and the two men finished spying.

Yuan Zhao looked at Qin Feng from afar and nodded slightly:"This person is not bad! He has the strength of the Five Ultimates!"

Tai Ming also smiled and nodded:"It is indeed not bad! If I remember correctly, this person's name is Lucun! I Before the seclusion, he was only half a step to the peak, and now he is already at the Five Ultimate level!"

Yuan Zhao's eyes lit up:"Then this person's talent is very good! In such a short period of time, he can reach the Five Ultimate level from the half step peak The level is definitely a top talent in Half-Step Eternity!"

Tai Ming also sighed:"That's true! This person is a rare talent!"

The two of them murmured in a very low voice.

Qin Feng naturally eavesdropped clearly.

He wants to laugh a little now!

Lu Cun's talent is indeed good!

In the Zixiao Palace assessment, Lucun even took third place, which shows that his talent is among the best among the half-step experts in Hongyuan Universe!

Since he joined Qin Feng, he has become even more comfortable, and now he has broken through to the level of a low-grade Dao Lord.

The speed of its progress is definitely far beyond the imagination of Yuan and Zhao!

Qin Feng didn't want to be suspected, so he pretended to be at the level of Wujue.

Nothing more than that, his luck is incredible!

Even those who followed him were blessed with good fortune and made extremely rapid progress.

If you lower your level unreasonably, it will inevitably attract attention.

In this way, while Qin Feng was thinking wildly, he followed the god prince and fled towards Yuan Zhao and the two of them......

After a while, the two sides met!

The god king quickly introduced him!

"Lord Lucun! These two are Lord Yuan Zhao and Lord Tai Ming. They are the two most trusted envoys of Lord Luohu!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng suddenly understood!

Immediately, he saluted Yuan and Zhao.

"Lucun has met these two adults!"

Yuan Zhao nodded slightly as if he had seen 550 before, and his expression was lofty.

He is a super-grade Taoist. In normal times, he would not even look at these half-step eternities!

Nodding to Qin Feng in greeting is considered good.

Tai Ming But he smiled:"Lucun, I have seen you many years ago. At that time, you were only halfway to your peak, but now you are progressing very quickly! It is already at the Five Ultimate Level!

Qin Feng quickly said modestly:"Thank you for your concern, sir!" Lu was just lucky and got some opportunities, and he was lucky enough to break through to the five absolute levels!

Tai Ming quickly smiled and said:"Luck is also a part of strength!" Having said that, this Pindan event is also an opportunity. If you are lucky, you might be able to break through to the Dao Lord realm in the conference!

Yuan Zhao also agreed:"That's right!" As long as you have enough understanding, this event will definitely enhance the true meaning of eternity and allow you to break through the bottleneck in one fell swoop! Qin Feng pretended to be overjoyed:"

That's great!" Lu will definitely cherish this opportunity!"

But he secretly thought, can this grand event really improve the true meaning of eternity?

If so, he would have to study it carefully!

Having said that, he is already 93.8% of the middle-grade eternity, and is not far from breaking through.

If it can really It would be great to enhance some eternal true meaning from this conference.

At this time, Tai Ming smiled again:"No more words! Lucun, bring your communication jade talisman! I still have to go through the identity verification process! Hope you can understand!"

"This is natural!"

Qin Feng quickly took out Lucun's communication jade talisman and handed it over!

Tai Ming took the jade talisman casually and took a look at the communication content inside. Sure enough, there was an invitation from Zhentian Divine Realm.

The name was consistent with the person invited!

Look again The soul aura hidden in the jade talisman was consistent with the person in front of him!

It was indeed him who came to attend the meeting!

There was no problem with his identity!

After verification, Tai Ming nodded with satisfaction and handed the jade talisman back to Qin Feng.

Then he , he told the disciples beside Qin Feng:"Go! Take fellow Taoist Lucun to the reception room!

The disciple quickly agreed:"Yes!" Lord Lucun, please follow me!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly!

As expected, Tai Ming and the others couldn't detect his disguise.

Then, he handed over to Tai Ming and the others:"Two adults, Lu will leave first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he followed the Tianzhen disciple and flew towards the main star of God's Domain......

Tai and Ming looked at his back in silence...

It wasn't until he walked away that Tai Ming said with regret:"This man is also a rare talent! What a pity! He... ugh!"

Yuan Zhao But he said softly:"This man's talent is indeed good! But the little thief Qin Feng is on the way here, and I don't have time to choose someone! The first priority is to gather the number of people as soon as possible and start the blood sacrifice!"

Tai Ming He nodded slightly:"That's right! If this person's sacrifice can help the master break through the realm, his death will be well deserved! Besides, there are endless things like talent! If this group dies, a new one will be born!"

Yuan Zhao He smiled and said:"My brother is right! Yuan is very cold to so-called geniuses! He is young and ignorant! Ridiculously ignorant! Just like that Qin Feng, everyone praises him as a genius! But if he dies, the name of genius will no longer exist What’s the point?!"

"In short, a dead genius is like dust and worthless! No matter how high your talent is, it is not as good as your level! The realm is high, but it is not as strong as the strength! Strength is the placeAnd the basis of survival!"

Yuan Zhao's tone was sour, degrading the so-called genius as worthless.

Having said that, when he learned that Qin Feng was in the Taoist realm, he could compete with Luo Hu, and his heart was filled with jealousy.

Tai Ming The same is true!

He smiled and echoed:"Brother looks at the problem very sharply! Don't look at Qin Feng's reputation now resounding throughout the Hongyuan universe! If he dies this time, how many people will remember him a few years from now?

Yuan Zhao stroked his beard and said with a smile,"That's right!" History and memory are written by the victors! When the master becomes the master of Hongyuan Universe, Qin Feng's name will fall into the dust! When the time comes, demonize him again and serve as a warning to future generations!"

As soon as these words were said, the two of them showed a knowing smile.

Looking at Lucun's back again, he was far away from the sight of the two and had arrived near the main star....

Yuan Zhao and Yuan Zhao withdrew their gaze one after another, no longer paying attention to Lucun, but continued to preside over the identity identification work.....

As long as five or six more people are gathered together, the blood sacrifice can be started!

Qin Feng's son must have been too late to arrive!

Thinking of this, the two of them became more optimistic about the next situation.....

They didn't know that Lucun, who had just been invited in, was Qin Feng in disguise......

At this moment, Zhentian Divine Realm is over the main star.

The leading disciple enthusiastically introduced Qin Feng

"Lord Lucun, below is the main star of our Heaven-Suppressing Divine Realm! I'll take you to the reception room!

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"Let's go!""

As soon as he finished speaking, the disciple took the lead.

Qin Feng turned around and glanced at the backs of Yuan Zhao and the others, with a sneer on his lips.

Just now, Yuan Zhao and Yuan Zhao had been muttering in secret.

The muttering was very quiet, and the two sides were very far apart. Far away.

But they never thought that Qin Feng, who was already at the intermediate level of the Holy Saint, could eavesdrop on their whispers clearly.

Everything was as he expected!

It would not be a good idea!

Luo Hu really did not act on his good intentions!

He He wanted to sacrifice the blood of the inviter so that he could break through the realm!

What a pity!

This conspiracy was broken by Qin Feng. Naturally, he couldn't let Luo Hu succeed!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng followed the leading disciple and stood calmly. Towards the main star.....

A quarter of an hour later, the two of them arrived at the reception area! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It was a huge garden, full of exotic flowers and plants, as well as spiritual springs and spiritual ponds.

In the courtyard, the spiritual energy is rich and has condensed into a light white mist, just like the curls of fairy energy, making the surroundings look like a fairyland!

At this moment, thousands of cloud beds were placed in the center of the courtyard.

In front of each cloud bed, another desk is placed!

Those desks are filled with all kinds of fruits, nectar, spiritual liquid, fairy wine and spiritual dew.[]

The field is filled with fragrance and the air is sweet!

Look behind those desks, thousands of half-step eternal experts, all sitting on the cloud bed...

Some are tasting spiritual fruits, some are tasting fine wine, some are absorbing spiritual dew, and some are chatting enthusiastically....(agcg)

The atmosphere in the venue is very lively and harmonious!

Qin Feng's arrival quickly shocked the entire audience.....

"Isn’t this Fellow Taoist Lucun!"

"Ha ha! Fellow Taoist Lucun is here too!"

Fellow Taoist Lucun! long time no see!"

At this moment, when all the half-step eternal experts saw Qin Feng, they all stood up and saluted, and their attitudes were very respectful.....

Since the Zixiao inheritance assessment, Lucun has been regarded as the first person in Half-Step Eternity by default!

Of course they were very respectful!

In addition to those Half-Step Eternals, there were also some middle and lower-grade Dao Lords in the field, as well as two high-grade Dao Lords.

The middle and low-ranking Taoists all nodded and smiled at Qin Feng.

The two high-ranking Taoists just nodded arrogantly, indicating that they had seen each other before.

In this world where strength is respected, strength is status!

Qin Feng didn’t take it seriously!

After all, these people didn't know his identity and thought he was really Lucun!

Speaking of which, after experiencing Zixiao's assessment and the opportunity to return to the ruins, he basically knew all the Ban Bu Yongheng and Dao Lords in the field!

These people also know him!

If he reveals his identity, the whole audience will tremble with fear!

At that moment, Qin Feng imitated Lucun's demeanor and returned the favor with a smile!

After a while, he was led by the leading disciple and came to a deserted cloud bed.

That's his place!

Judging from its location, it is very close to the chief office!

The person who sat next to him was a low-grade Taoist.

Sitting beneath him was an old acquaintance—Lord Chang Geng.

This person performed well in the Zixiao assessment, but overall he was not as good as Lucun.

Under Chang Geng, there is an old acquaintance sitting, his name is Taibai Territory Lord!

Both of them are half-step Dzogchen and are the best in the half-step realm.

It can be seen that these seats are based on strength.

As soon as Qin Feng sat down, Chang Geng and Taibai came forward to greet him warmly.

"Brother Lucun! haven't seen you for a long time!"

Chang Geng and the others were all smiles.

Qin Feng also smiled and said:"It's been a long time indeed!

Chang Geng said again:"Brother ,.....Huh! Oh My God! Bro! You have broken through to the five absolute levels!"

Halfway through the words, Chang Geng discovered Qin Feng's realm and suddenly exclaimed.

Reminding him, Taibai quickly looked at Qin Feng.

He was also stunned when he looked at him! Oh my god!

It's really five unique skills. What a level!

For a moment, the two of them looked at Qin Feng with great emotion, their eyes filled with envy....

"Tsk tsk! Brother, I remember that during Zixiao’s assessment, you and I were both halfway to perfection! I didn’t expect that in just a short time, you would already be at the Wu Jue level!"

Chang Geng sighed!

In the past, the gap between him and Lucun was not big.

Now, the gap is too big!

There is a slight difference!

He didn't know that the real Lucun was already a low-grade Taoist. , much stronger than what he had seen.

Little did he know that the person in front of him was not Lucun, but Qin Feng!

At this time, Taibai also sighed:"Brother Lucun's progress is indeed amazing, you and I I can't even envy you. correct! Brother, did your breakthrough come from the reward of Zixiao's assessment?

Qin Feng smiled:"Relying on those rewards alone is not enough for me to break through to the Five Ultimates!"

Taibai's eyes lit up:"Is it Master Qin Feng's advice?"

Qin Feng was stunned:"How did you know that I am related to Master Qin Feng?""

Bai smiled and said:"The Zixiao assessment was over that day. You, Yuanfeng, Qinglong and others were waiting for Master Qin Feng. I knew that you had a relationship with Master Qin Feng. To be honest, I also wanted to join Master Qin Feng, but it's a pity. There is no way to ask for anything!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng's eyes showed a strange look.

At this time, Chang Geng also smiled and said:"Brother Lucun, let me tell you the truth! Before you came, Taibai and I had been discussing that after this conference, we would visit Master Qin Feng and switch to his sect!"

"such a pity! I didn’t have the means, and I didn’t have the vision that my brother had at that time. Now, we don’t know where Master Qin Feng is! Not to mention taking refuge! Taibai echoed:"Brother Lucun, just tell the truth!" Have you contacted Mr. Qin Feng? If there are any, I hope my brother can help us recommend one or two! Brother Chang Geng and I really want to join Lord Qin Feng!"

Speaking of this, Taibai's tone was full of sincerity.

Qin Feng's eyes were getting weirder and weirder!

He had just sat down, and the two of them were talking to each other, and they were rushing to join him!

If it weren't for him He was so determined that he almost thought his identity was exposed!

Otherwise, how could these two people believe that Lucun was related to them?!

Having said that, Qin Feng is indeed short of manpower now.

Especially in the human world of Feng Yuan Universe, there is a shortage of two people. Messenger.

The setting of the human world is extremely weird!

According to the rules of heaven, he must recruit two messengers from the human world before he can condense the heaven and earth furnace.

And with the heaven and earth furnace, Feng Yuan Universe has 5 strange objects, which can qualify for upgrades.....

Once Feng Yuan Universe is upgraded, his strength will skyrocket!

Looking at Chang Geng and Tai Bai, their talents and potential are no worse than Lucun. They are fully qualified to serve as messengers from the human world, which just meets their needs!

It's just that these two people took the initiative to come to the door and were so active, which is really abnormal!

As the saying goes, there must be a monster when something goes wrong!

He had to figure it out first, and then decide whether to accept these two people!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng asked:"Strange! Why do you two think that I am related to Qin Feng?"

"this....", Taibai hesitated to speak!

Qin Feng smiled again and said:"Also, why do you want to take refuge in Qin Feng? I think it is better to take refuge in that Qin Feng kid than to take refuge in Master Luo Hu! Master Luo Hu is recognized as the strongest person in the universe!"

Hearing this! Lucun called Qin Feng kid!

Chang Geng couldn't help but have a strange look on his face, and then looked at Taibai with questioning eyes.

Taibai was even more surprised!

Immediately, he took a deep breath and said:"Brother, are you really not related to Master Qin Feng? This shouldn't be the case!"

Qin Feng smiled:"It's not much related! However, I am very curious, you guys Why do you want to take refuge in Qin Feng?"


Taibai hesitated for a while, then sighed:"That's it! Since I want to ask, I will tell you a secret."...."

Speaking of this, he casually opened a soundproof barrier, then leaned into Qin Feng's ear and whispered softly......

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