With just one punch, Qin Feng blasted Fuyao!

The whole audience was stunned instantly!

Everyone’s mouths opened wide!

Hong Yun even opened her eyes wide in horror, her eyes filled with disbelief!


At this moment, another group of golden true spirits rushed out of the blood mist in great panic and fled out of the universe!

That is the true spirit of Saint Fuyao!

"Huh! Only the fifth level of Dzogchen!"

Qin Feng saw the level of his true spirit at a glance, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

Although the realm of Fuyao Saint is high, his true spirit is still one step away from the sixth level!

In fact, Fuyao has only barely reached the primary level of the Holy Saint.!

In this way, Qin Feng is expected to eliminate the hidden danger!

Thinking of this, he quickly stepped into the air and swoosh


As soon as his figure flashed, he teleported to the true spirit, raised his hand and punched it. go....


That punch blasted away, causing the void to tremble and the heavens to tremble!

The aerial force that erupted above it locked the true spirit tightly, making it impossible to escape!

"big....grown ups! Spare your life! Spare me!"

At the same time, Fuyao's begging for mercy came from the spirit!

At this moment, Yaoyu realized that he had kicked an iron plate.

He never expected that a high-grade Taoist master would have such terrifying strength. I was afraid that the master of his universe would n't be able to do it! But everything was too late. Qin Feng ignored his plea for mercy and punched the true spirit directly!


A muffled sound!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

Dense cracks suddenly appeared on the group of true spirits!

The whole audience gasped when they saw it!


Before anyone could think about it, Qin Feng punched again for the second time!

"No~~! Spare your life! Sir, have mercy! I was wrong! grown ups....ah~!"

Fuyao howled in despair!

Its Qi machine has been completely locked, and there is no way to escape!

In the blink of an eye, that punch hit the true spirit!

Click~! Cha~!

A crisp sound!

That true spirit exploded to pieces!

Turned into countless fragmented crystals!

A shrill roar! Echoing in the void!

Oh My God!

In just two or three encounters, Master Qin Feng killed a holy junior powerhouse!

At this moment, the whole place was completely silent!

Everyone held their breath and stared at Qin Feng's back, not even daring to take a breath!

But Qin Feng just waved his hand casually and put away Fuyao's storage ring.

After doing this, he slowly turned around and looked at Hongyun.....

At this moment, Hongyun's face had already become extremely ugly!

When he saw Qin Feng, he suddenly became more frightened.


The next second, he fell to his knees.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded again!

This Hongyun is really a piece of shit blown by the wind, without any backbone.....

"Qin...Lord Qin Feng! I...I...."

Hongyun was so frightened that she couldn't even speak!

He wanted to find some excuse for himself and beg for his life....


But before he could finish speaking, Qin Feng struck down with a horizontal palm!


A crisp sound!

Flesh and blood splattered!

That palm blasted Hongyun to pieces and destroyed the true spirit as well!

Hongyun didn't even have time to scream, and died completely!

Everyone was frightened and looked at Qin Feng with great awe!

Qin Feng waved his hand again and put away Hongyun's storage ring!

Then, he slowly raised his head and looked at everyone.

Everyone suddenly felt an invisible pressure coming over them, and they were all trembling with fear!

Especially the God Kings who had complained about Qin Feng before were trembling with fear and feeling extremely regretful!

They were really looking down on others before!

Those Dao Lords and Half-Step Eternal Powerhouses are equally brave and dare not breathe!

Qin Feng silently glanced at the audience before nodding slightly:"Very good! All the gods and kings in our universe are here, and not a single one is missing!"

At this time, Taihao mustered up the courage to say:"Qin Feng Sir, I wonder why you summoned everyone here?"

As soon as those words were spoken, everyone looked at Qin Feng cautiously.

They were also curious as to why Master Qin Feng summoned everyone here.

Qin Feng looked down at the crowd:"I have summoned everyone here to tell you! From now on, I am the Lord of Hongyuan Universe! All beings above God King must sign a master-slave contract with me!"

"If you don't want to, you will be responsible for the consequences!"


As soon as those words fell, everyone's hearts were shaken!

But the next second, Taihao's voice sounded in the field

"Return to Master Qin Feng! I am willing to sign the contract!"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone immediately reacted

"Master Qin Feng, Cang is also willing!"

"grown ups! I do too!"

"grown ups! This little girl wants to be your concubine!"

At this moment, everyone in the field expressed their willingness to sign the contract, and they rushed to express their attitudes. No one objected!

Signing the master-slave contract means that their fate is tied to Qin Feng!

And Qin Feng has completely become theirs. Backer!

With a powerful Lord of the Universe like Qin Feng as their backer, what else could they not want to do?

Seeing the increasingly heated atmosphere in the venue, Qin Feng’s lips curled up slightly, revealing a satisfied smile.

The next second, Yue Ling , wood spirits, and ice spirits split into tens of thousands of fission mutants, and began to sign contracts with those Hongyuan disciples.....

These trivial matters of signing the contract will be handled by the clone.

Having said that, after these hundreds of thousands of Hongyuan children sign the contract and let them go back to preach, the mentality of the entire Hongyuan universe will change.…..

At that time, the trillions of awe powers will be gathered together, and he will be able to condense the merit pool of Qin Yuan Universe.....

Once the merit pool comes out, Qin Yuan Universe and Hong Yuan Universe can merge with each other, and he can be promoted to the Lord of the Twin Universes.....

O Lord of the Twin Universes!

Rare in the world!

Qin Feng is looking forward to this!

At this time, the contract signing ceremony was already in full swing......

The four clones are already busy!

Gu Chen, Tuo Luo and Chang Ming are responsible for maintaining order!

Seeing such a scene, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile.


Then, with one step, he turned into a white light and disappeared from the place....

The next second, Qin Feng appeared outside Hongyuan Universe and came to the Source Realm!

Under his feet, there is a huge cosmic bubble, which is his Hongyuan Universe....

Looking at the Hongyuan Universe below, he felt deep in thought....


At this moment, there was a sudden roar in his sea of ​​consciousness! (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Tiandao also sent a reminder….

【Luck Devouring Success! The mirage clone swallowed up all the luck of Fuyao Saint (outer universe), and your luck value +11 million times...】

【Recruitment successful! The phantom mirage clone has recruited Taihao Daojun as the messenger of light....】

【Recruitment successful! Phantom clone has recruited Canghe Daojun as the messenger of darkness....】

【Recruitment successful! Phantom clone has recruited Feilong Daojun as the messenger of life....】

At this moment, messages came one after another....

Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile again!

At this moment, the Phantom Mirage clone is recruiting those high-grade Dao Lords and middle-grade Dao Lords as envoys....

In this way, a lot of the power of sacrifice will be available again....

Time flies!

Qin Feng continued to receive solicitation messages.....

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed.

Mirage recruitment is complete!

This time, he recruited a total of 7 high-grade Dao Lords and more than a dozen top middle-grade Dao Lords.....

The envoys of Hongyuan Universe and Fengyuan Universe are all fully recruited!

As a result, the power of sacrifice that Qin Feng can obtain has skyrocketed!

Coupled with the three thousand domain masters of Hongyuan Universe, they can sacrifice their combat power to him.

He made a rough calculation and found that the power of sacrifices from the subordinates of the three major universes suddenly reached 12,000 trillion!

This is really amazing!

With the power of so many sacrifices, he can crush the Lord of the Universe at the same level!

Qin Feng is extremely satisfied!

"There are nine lord places left! These nine people! I have to choose carefully!"

At this moment, Qin Feng was muttering in his heart.

There are still four lords left in the Qinyuan Universe!

There are four lords left in the Hongyuan Universe!

There are four lords left in the Fengyuan Universe!

Among these nine lords He did not give the position to Taihao and others easily!

The lord's authority is great, and the status is not ordinary!

He naturally wants to give it to the most trustworthy person, and the person with sufficient potential.

Therefore, the position of the nine lords is temporarily vacant for him Okay.

After figuring this out, Qin Feng looked at the Hongyuan Universe Bubble at his feet again, feeling a little worried.....

He has been hiding Qin Yuan Universe and Feng Yuan Universe in his body and has not released them.....

The way these two universes absorb source power is through the Zixiao Palace of Hongyuan Universe.....

According to the rules of heaven, once the cosmic bubble is released, it is extremely difficult to take it back into the main body of the universe!

At least, Qin Feng hasn't mastered the means of taking it back yet!

Therefore, he did not release Qin Yuan Universe and Feng Yuan Universe easily!

Having said that, if the cosmic bubble is released, it will be of great benefit.

The cosmic bubble is within the main body of the universe, so there is no way to absorb external source power. Only when it is released within the wind sea of ​​the source world can it absorb source power at all times!

Because of this, many Masters of the Universe have released bubbles!

Qin Feng doesn't want to release!

He is now eager to put away the Hongyuan Universe Bubble!

If the cosmic bubble is not put away, the position of Hongyuan Universe will always be exposed, and disasters will continue!

After all, he had killed Tianwei before, so Tianque would definitely know about it immediately.

And Tianque knows the location of Hongyuan Universe!

I'm afraid that at this moment, he is on his way to kill!

Tianque's strength is the best among the Holy Saints, and Qin Feng is not his opponent yet!

He must avoid its edge! correct!

In addition to Tianque, the forces behind Yu Ming are also expected to take action.

However, it will not be easy for them to find Qin Feng!

And the forces behind Fuyao Saint should also know the location of Hongyuan Universe. This is also a trouble!

In short, he had to quickly find a way to put away the bubbles of Hongyuan Universe!

As for not being able to absorb the source power from the source world, Qin Feng didn't care at all.

As long as enough cosmic fragments are obtained, the universe can be upgraded much faster than automatically absorbing source power....

".How should I put away this Hongyuan universe? How worrying!"

At this time, Qin Feng frowned and felt worried in his heart!

Boom ~ boom ~ boom ~!

At this moment, there was a sudden roar in his sea of ​​consciousness....

【Reminder: Your mind body has refined 387 Merit Source Pills....Your realm has been upgraded to top-grade eternity 42.23%, and your combat power is +387 trillion stars....】


Upon hearing the prompt, Qin Feng's eyes lit up with surprise!

He didn't expect that the merit source pill he got from Luo Hu would be so easy to refine.....

Only a few hours had passed and he had already refined everything!

This increased his combat power by 387 trillion in one fell swoop, and his realm progress skyrocketed to top-grade eternity 42.23.%....

And he still has 820 eternal essences in his hands, which are being refined by his mind body.....

He got that from Tianwei and Yuming!

After the 820 essences are refined, his level will be raised to about 70%, and he will not be far from breaking through to the super-grade Taoist.....

If he gets another 900 eternal essences, it will be enough to break through to a super-level Taoist master.

Once he breaks through to the super level, his combat power will skyrocket again, and he will be closer to the 50,000 trillion combat power target!

"Huh! correct! I haven’t taken stock of that guy’s trophies yet!"

Qin Feng quickly turned his palm (good), and there was an extra storage ring in his palm.

It was the storage ring of Saint Fuyao!

At that moment, he quickly flipped through it....

After a moment, Qin Feng's face showed a smile.

He also found a level 3 universe fragment and 217 eternal essences from Fuyao's storage ring!

Based on this calculation, as long as he gets 683 more essences, he is expected to break through to the super-level Taoist master......


But before Qin Feng was happy, his body started roaring again!

Tiandao also sent a prompt...

【Your four clones have collected enough power of awe to form a pool of merit....】

【Congratulations to your Qin Yuan Universe for condensing a Tao-level miraculous object merit pool. You have received +300 trillion universe power in return....】

【Your Qin Yuan universe Dao-level wonders have increased, the perfection of the universe has improved, and its progress has increased to level 4 1.342%...】

【It has been detected that Qin Yuan’s universe already has eight wonders, and the ninth wonder, the heart of the universe, is being automatically constructed......】


At that moment, Qin Feng's heart glowed with golden light!

Countless warm currents poured into his heart, and all kinds of mysterious insights also rushed in....

Then, another reminder came from Tiandao...

【The construction of the Heart of the Universe is completed! Your Qinyuan Universe has obtained the ninth wonder object - the Heart of the Universe, and you have received 500 trillion universe power in return....】

【Your Qin Yuan universe Tao-level wonders have increased, the perfection of the universe has improved, and its progress has increased to level 4 1.442%...】

【It has been detected that your Qinyuan Universe and Hongyuan Universe are both complete, and the two universes have the fusion standards. Do you want to fuse the two universes? 】


At this moment, Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he was filled with surprise!

He can finally be promoted to the Lord of the Dual Universes....

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