At this moment, the sky is over the square.

After seeing the performance of the Yanlong Department, Shun Di's tense expression relaxed somewhat.

Before, he was compared with Yu Ren, and he felt a little depressed inside!

Comparing the performance of the Yanlong Division, their Shunlong Division has made great progress.

This thought made Shun Di feel better again.

Then, he couldn't help but look at Fu Yang!

At the same moment, Yu Dian and Yan Huang also looked at Fu Xian!

Right now only the Fulong Department is left untested!

"Brother Fuyan, it’s your Fulong tribe’s turn this time!"

At this time, Yan Huang said with a smile on his face.

Fu Xian nodded slightly.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time!

But before he could speak, Shun Di joked:"Brother Fu Xian, ugly wives always have to meet their parents-in-law.! Even if you delay it until the end, you can’t avoid it! Do not worry! I won’t be dissatisfied that you have too few players!

Yu Ding was even more excited and said:"Brother Shun Di is right!" Brother Fuyan, let your Fulong players come out quickly! Even if there are fewer of you, we won’t laugh at you!"

This time, Yu Long's performance was so good that he was a little overwhelmed.

Shun Di also wanted to find some sense of superiority over Fu Xian.

He had already been compared to Yu Long and could no longer be compared to Fu Xian.

Seeing this scene, Fu Xian was speechless!

These two people looked down on the Fulong Club too much!

Before the Fulong players came out, the two of them just said one thing to each other, saying that there were few players who didn't dislike the Fulong Club, as if they were sure of the Fulong Club. Not as good as them.

Thinking of this, Fu Yang sneered and said:"Brothers, just watch out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked at the children of the Fulong tribe.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the whole place became tense.

Everyone looked at the Fulong tribe!

They were all curious, how will the Fulong tribe perform next?

Shun Di and Yu Dian looked on with amused expressions.

After Fu Xian looked at Fulongbu, he did not immediately give an order, but instead looked at Qin Feng in the crowd, asking for instructions in his eyes...

That's all. After a delay, Yu Dian and Shun Di couldn't help but look at each other and smile knowingly again.

In their opinion, Fu Xian was being coy if he didn't give an order for a long time!

From this, it can be seen that the number of players in the Fulong Division must be very small.!

At this moment, Fu Xian got Qin Feng’s look in his eyes.

He suddenly showed joy!

At that moment, he said to all the disciples:"All the players from the Fulong Club should come out!"

After the words fell, the crowd in the Fulong tribe was calm, and no one came out!

The whole audience looked a little confused!

Yu Dian and Shun Di were also stunned!

Immediately, they thought of something, and there were more smiles on their faces.

The crowd Calm, it means that the number of Fulong players is too small to attract any movement from the crowd!

They did not notice that Nuwa, Di Jiang, Xihe and other players in the crowd were looking at Qin Feng, as if to After receiving Qin Feng's permission!

Qin Feng nodded slightly!

Nuwa and others set off...

Suddenly, the Fulong Department was crowded with people and the atmosphere became lively!

"Yo! Finally there is movement! I almost thought the Fulong Club didn’t even have a single player! Shun

Di couldn't help but laugh.

Yu Dian also smiled and said:"Fortunately there is movement!" If there is not one, Brother Fuyan will die of embarrassment! Fu

Yan sneered:"I'm afraid it's not Fu who will die of embarrassment, but the two brothers!""

Yu Ren smiled and said:"Brother Fu Xian, you...hey! This is..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Canghe, Dongyue, Lucun, Guchen, Tuoluo, Changming, and Taihao walking out from the Fulong Department!

These seven people were born in Hongyuan Universe, The dragon blood in their bodies was impure, but their realm had reached that of a top-grade Taoist king.

Seeing seven people come out at once, Shun Di and Yu Dian were a little dumbfounded!

Even Yan Huang was moved!

The whole place was in an uproar!

Isn't it!

The Yulong Club and the Shunlong Club performed exceptionally well this time, with only seven players coming out!

The Fulong Club also had seven players!

Could it be that the Fulong Club really wants to catch up with the Shunlong Club and the Yulong Club!

Now, the Fulong Club has Regardless of the number of Taoist disciples or the number of players, they have all reached the same level as the two!

This thought surprised everyone!

Yu Ren also looked at Fu Xian with a complicated expression!

Shun Di couldn't help but said:"Brother Fuyan, you also have seven players this time?

Fu Yan sneered:"Who said there are only seven?" Aren’t those few also listed?"

Shun Di quickly followed the sound and looked towards the Fulong tribe. Sure enough, he saw Xihe, Chang Xi, a middle-aged man and a young man walking out of the Fulong tribe one after another.

These four people were all born in the Fulong tribe!

The middle-aged man Called Fu Liao!

The young man is Xi Yao, the youngest son of the great elder!


Four more people came out, and the whole place was in an uproar!

Shun Di's mouth was even more open!

At this time, the number of players in the Fulong Division reached eleven He surpassed their Shun Long tribe and Yu Long tribe!

At the same moment, Yu Dian also looked shocked, his eyes filled with disbelief!

This time, he was also a little panicked!

Fulong tribe was like this His performance is probably going to surpass that of their Yulong tribe!

That Xia Jie is very strong, but he is the only one!

If there are a few more players from the Fulong tribe, they will sooner or later surpass the reputation brought by Xia Jie!

Thinking of this, he quickly looked at Fu Yang!

"Brother Fuyan, your Fulong club has eleven contestants~? Fu Yang sneered again:"

Who said there are only eleven?" look! And those too!"

Hearing this, Yu Dian quickly looked at the Fulong tribe and saw the figures in the Fulong tribe shaking...

Qingchengzi, Hongyun, Kunpeng, Yaochi, Minghe, Randeng, Liaoshou, Xuanming, Tianwu, Qiangliang, Yanzi, Zhujiuyin, Shebishi, Gonggong, Zhurong, Houtu, Jumang, Dijiang, Dijun, Taiyi, Fuxi, and Nuwa walked out one after another! Just like that, twenty-two walked out all at once They are all the core disciples trained by Qin Feng!


At this moment, the whole audience was extremely shocked!

Yu Dian and Shun Di were completely dumbfounded!

Even Yan Huang was dumbfounded!

Oh my god!

Plus these twenty Between the two of them, the number of players in the Fulong Club reached thirty-three, nearly twice as many as the Yanlong Club!

In this way, the Fulong Club completely defeated the Yanlong Club!

At this time, the entire audience was stunned. It became quiet!

The minds of the three disciples were all blank!

They could no longer think!

The air above the square was extremely solid!

Yu Dian, Shun Di, and Yan Huang were all silent!

I don’t know how long it had been, but Yan Huang was the first He calmed down.

At this moment, he looked at the Fulong players and his throat felt dry.

The next second, he subconsciously muttered,"Thirty-three people!" It’s almost twice the size of our Flame Dragon Division!"

As soon as these words were said, another young man walked out of the Fulong tribe slowly, noble and handsome... it was Qin Feng!

At this point, there was one more player in the Fulong tribe, reaching thirty-four, which happened to be Twice as many as the Yanlong tribe!

Yanhuang suddenly became speechless!

Yudan and Shundi also recovered.

Both of their faces looked a little ugly!

At this moment, the hearty laughter of Lulu rang out in the field!

"Two brothers! What do you think of the players in my Fulong club?"

Fu Xian's words were meant for Yu Dian and Shun Di.

Yu Dian and Shun Di suddenly felt uncomfortable.

But before they could think about it, Fu Xian's voice sounded again.

"Ouch! correct! The two brothers said before that the number of players in our Fulong Club is only less than half of yours, or even less than one-third of yours!"

"Now it seems that it is just the opposite! Your players are less than half of ours, not even one-third of ours! Oh, no! It’s less than a quarter of ours! Ha ha!"

Speaking of this, Fu Xian laughed loudly!

The laughter was full of teasing and resounded in every corner of the square.

Both Yu and Ren were blushing and embarrassed!

Even Yu Longbu and Shun Long The disciples of the Fulong tribe also felt the burning pain on their faces.

The two of them were severely slapped in the face this time!

Especially the clan leaders of the two tribes were extremely embarrassed!

On the contrary, the disciples of the Fulong tribe looked at each other. , all of them showed proud smiles...

Looking at the disciples of the Yanlong tribe, they looked at the Fulong tribe silently one by one, showing respect involuntarily. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Once upon a time This weakest dragon branch has become so powerful now!

It took a while for Fu Yang to stop laughing!

He was so happy!

Especially when he saw Shun Di and Shun Di looking extremely embarrassed, he I was secretly happy!

But at this moment, Shundi couldn't help but whisper:"Brother Fu Xian, the number of players in your class really surprised me! However, this player cannot rely solely on quantity, but also on quantity!"

"Among all the players among you, can you find a top-notch Longchi genius? Those who can produce the best disciples from Dragon Pool will be the pillars of our Dragon Clan’s future! Do you have any? If not, you are still not as good as Yulong!"

Hearing this, Yu Ren couldn't help but his eyes lit up!

That's right!

Their Yulong tribe has produced a genius from the first-class Dragon Pool!

That is a bloodline level that can only be seen in a million years!

The four bloodlines of the Dragon Clan have so far been , and such a one was born!

At this moment, Yu Dian instantly thought of Xia Jie, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

He seemed to have suddenly found an opportunity to turn the situation around.

At that moment, he said:"Shun Di, Mr. Brother is right! The true rise of our Dragon Clan must rely on superior Longchi-level geniuses! If your Fulong Department cannot produce such a genius, no matter how many people you have, it will be useless!"

As soon as these words came out, he and Shun Di looked at each other, as if they had found a sense of superiority again.

Even the disciples of the two tribes looked at each other and felt that it made sense!

If the Fulong tribe can't get out of the superior dragon pool My disciples, that doesn’t mean they stole the spotlight!

At least there was a genius, Xia Jie, who helped them save some face.

Seeing Yu and Ren’s harsh words, Fu Xian smiled coldly:"Two brothers! It seems that you are not determined to give up! Then I will let you take a look at the test results!

Shun Di still said stubbornly:"Just take a look and take a look!" I don't believe that your Fulong tribe can produce a monster genius like Xia Jie!"

Yu Dian also said with a proud look on his face:"Brother Shun Di is right! A genius like Xia Jie is something you can only meet but cannot seek!"

At this moment, the two of them praised Xia Jie crazily.

In the crowd, Xia Jie naturally heard those words, and a meaningful smile appeared on his lips.

And the eyes of the children around him were also in awe!

All these things made Xia Jie Jie became more and more proud, with a sense of arrogance!

Then, he looked at Qin Feng and other players, with disdain in his eyes!

Even though there were so many players in the Fulong Division, he really didn't think there was anyone who could compare with him!

At this moment , he even murmured in his heart

"hehe! I really didn’t expect that the four lines of the Dragon Clan would be so ruined. My appearance actually gave them hope of rising! How pitiful these people are! This dragon clan is too dilapidated and is not conducive to my development at all!"

"The promises of Saint Jin Kui and Lord Jingtian are more tempting than this dragon! When I complete the Dragon Transformation Sacrifice, the four lines of the dragon clan will be destroyed. According to their promise, all the resources of the four remaining members of the Dragon Clan will be given to me!"

The more Xia Jie thought about it, the more proud he became. He looked at the disciples around him with amusement.

He actually felt that he had taken control of everything and had all the four veins of the Dragon Clan at his fingertips.

It turned out that this Xia Jie was the traitor of the Dragon Clan.!

But he didn't expect that Qin Feng had already suspected him.

However, Qin Feng didn't have the evidence yet, so he wouldn't touch him for the time being. At this moment, there was a commotion in the square.

Among the Fulong players, Canghe He was the first to walk towards the test monument...

All the children in the audience also looked at Canghe!

Even giants such as Yan Huang, Shun Di, and Yu Dian also looked at him!

At this moment, the atmosphere in the square began to change again. They had to get nervous.

Everyone began to wait for the test results of the Fulong Department!

After all, this test may be the last chance for the Yulong Department and the Shunlong Department to save their face.

Among the crowd, Xia Jie also raised his head slightly and looked at it leisurely. Canghe...

He is also curious, what level of bloodline is Canghe?

However, he does not think that there is anyone in the Fulong Club who has a bloodline level comparable to his!

You know, he is an eighth-level bloodline!

Soon, Canghe walked up to the test monument!

He looked up at the monument, with a look of apprehension on his face!

After all, he was a child born in Hongyuan Universe, and his body was full of dragon blood. He didn't know if he could pass the test?!

No matter what, he was a child born in Hongyuan Universe. , he tested it first before talking!

With this in mind, Canghe pressed his palm on the sacred monument!


The next second, the sacred monument was activated and lit up with a dazzling aura!

Everyone's eyes were focused on the sacred monument. On the monument, nervously waiting for the results!

Soon, lines of messages lit up on the monument...

Everyone looked up.…

【Realm Test]: High Grade Eternal Realm (Compliant)

【Seal test]: The power of blood is being sealed (matched)

【Bloodline Grade】: First-Level Limit (Not Compliant)

【Comprehensive evaluation]: Unable to carry out the Dragon Transformation Festival.


At this moment, the whole audience was in an uproar!

It failed!

This phenomenon is extremely rare!

In fact, the qualification test is mainly to distinguish the level of Hualongchi, and few people are eliminated!

Someone from the Fulong Division was actually eliminated!

This is simply a rare sight in a thousand years!

At this moment, Canghe's face was also extremely ugly!

He didn't expect such a result!

This means he has lost a huge opportunity!

Thinking of this, Canghe smiled bitterly and walked towards the Fulong Department with a disappointed look on his face.

The whole audience looked at his back silently with complicated expressions.

In the crowd, Xia Jie shook his head repeatedly, secretly thinking that the Fulong players were too weak and didn't even have second-level bloodline!

With such a group of players, why should he worry about being surpassed?...(Wang Li’s) At the same moment, over the square.

Shun Di and others were also surprised.

Then, Yu Ding frowned:"Brother Fu Xian, let me tell you how come you, Fulong Division, have so many outstanding disciples all of a sudden! You are not using some people with insufficient qualifications to make up the numbers, are you?"

Shun Di also echoed:"Brother Fu Xian, if your qualifications are not enough and you use them to fill up your qualifications, you will eventually show up!"

Fu Xian said indifferently:"Two brothers, this test has just begun, and you are so sure that all my disciples are like this?! Isn’t the slap in the face just now enough?" As soon as these words were said, Shun and Di suddenly felt their faces turn red, feeling somewhat guilty for no reason.

They don't want to be embarrassed again.

At that moment, Shun Di curled his lips:"I just said it casually! Then let's continue reading!"


At this moment, the sacred monument rang again!

Dongyue, the second player in the Fulong Division, started the test...

Soon, the sacred monument showed the test results...

The audience looked at the sacred monument again…

【Realm Test]: High Grade Eternal Realm (Compliant)

【Seal test]: The power of blood is being sealed (matched)

【Bloodline Grade]: Level 2 (Conforming)

【Comprehensive evaluation]: You can enter the inferior dragon pool.

This time you passed the test!

Dongyue finally breathed a sigh of relief!

In the air, Fu Yang also smiled!

Among the contestants this time, Canghe has the worst bloodline, followed by Dongyue!

Now that even Dongyue has passed the test, there is no need to worry about the rest!

When Shun Di and Yu Dian saw that Dong Yue had passed the test, they did not dare to talk nonsense...

After Dong Yue finished the test, Lucun took the initiative to go up and take the test...

Just like that, Fulong players came forward one by one to take the test!

Qin Feng watched all this silently, with a smile on his lips.

He knew that the show was about to begin soon!

Only this time, Canghe felt a little pity!

Canghe is already a first-level extreme bloodline, and he is only one step away from being promoted to the second level!

It is rumored that when the dragon bloodline reaches the twelfth level, there is a way to forcibly upgrade someone else's first-level extreme bloodline to the second level!

Don’t you know what level your bloodline is?

At this moment, Qin Feng suddenly had this idea in his mind...

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