After seeing the content of the mission clearly, Mirage's whole body was shaken, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes!

I saw the light screen showing...

【Mission Code No. 02 (Hunting)】

【Mission content: Go to the northern area of ​​the Chaos Sand Sea, kill the Six-Winged Sand Demon, and burst out the Chaos Sand Demon Token from its body.…~】

【Six-Winged Sand Demon: In the chaotic sand sea, the leader of the source demon in the northern region has a cloud of powerful men under his command!】

【Reminder: The chaotic sand sea is filled with the power of alien rules. You need to master certain means to grasp the direction and not get lost in it.…】

【Reminder: Submit the Chaotic Sand Demon Order to complete this task!】

【Mission reward one: 2 million Tongtian points!】

【Mission reward two: 2000 seven kill points!】

【Mission Reward Three: 200 Intermediate Saint Heng Dan】

【Task deadline: Complete within ten days!】

【Qualifications: Advanced level creator, Dark Soul Seven Killer, or Holy Saint intermediate level or above..】

Seeing this, Phantom Mirage was overjoyed!

Everything was as he expected, those chaotic sand magic orders were related to the Seven Kills mission!

This time, the main body is going to get rich again!

There is a ready reward right in front of you!

With this in mind, he quietly opened the trading channel and took out five pieces of Chaos Sand Magic Token... these were exactly what the main body had traded!

After Mirage got the five tokens, he carefully selected and found the corresponding token...

I saw the chaotic sand magic token, which was dark red, with the word"Bei Ling" engraved on the front, and the six-winged sand demon engraved on the back. statue!

"This is it!"

Huan Mirage happily picked out the token.

Then, he walked towards the front of the light curtain....

There is a mission altar there, which is where the tenth-level mission is received.

He wants to take on mission No. 02 and help the main body get the reward!

At this moment, the group's mutterings came again..

"Everyone! In any case, Qin Feng at least has the basic strength of the Holy Saint! This kind of existence is not something we can mess with!"

"Indeed! The most holy junior powerhouse! Who can afford it?"

"That’s not right! Why do I feel that this Qin Feng has more than the basic strength of the Holy Saint? Didn’t you watch the tenth level mission No. 02? That's killing a level 11 source demon! What is the concept of level 11 source demon? That is an existence comparable to the holy limit!"

"right! Level 11 source demon! That... that's really terrible!"

When the 11th level source demon was mentioned, the whole audience changed their expressions.

That was the fear coming from the depths of the soul!

The 11th level source demon is comparable to the limit of the Holy Saint!

With such strength, it is stronger than some Xuntian Castle Lords!

If we are against these If someone takes action, just blowing a breath will blow them to ashes!

Thinking of such a terrifying existence, the onlookers shuddered!

At this time, someone in the crowd was confused again

"Everyone! We all know that level 11 source demons are extremely terrifying! Therefore, hunting down the 11th level source demon was listed as a 10th level task. But its mission rewards are not as great as those for wanted Qin Feng!"

"Huh! Yes! The reward for No. 01's wanted mission to arrest Qin Feng is obviously more than No. 02's for killing the 11th level source demon! So, Qin Feng is stronger than the 11th level source demon?!"

"How can it be?! How could Qin Feng, a super-level Taoist master, be stronger than an 11th level source demon?! Let me see, the size of the reward is mainly based on the harm!"

"That’s right! Although the source demons within the chaotic sand demons are a scourge, they will not come out of the sand sea to kill people randomly! This Qin Feng killed a Xuntian Castle Lord, which had a very bad impact! If the Tianyu headquarters doesn't handle it, it will definitely be disgraced!"

"Makes sense! In this way, the reward for this mission is not because Qin Feng is strong, but because he is very harmful! Then he will be in trouble!"

"Bad luck indeed! He is wanted by the entire Heaven Realm and will definitely be targeted by many powerful people! Especially since the Zhucheng Grand Conference is about to be held, the benefits obtained from the grand event are said to be closely related to the Seven Kills points!"

"right! Capturing Qin Feng alive will get you 3,000 seven-kill points! I'm afraid those sages and powerful men will also take their scalps for this wanted mission!"

"Of course! It's easier to capture Qin Feng alive than to hunt down the 11th level source demon, right? What's more, the reward for capturing Qin Feng alive is even greater!"

The crowd was sighing, and everyone felt that the wanted mission of capturing Qin Feng alive was a big bargain!

It's a pity that for such a special mission, they could only see the points and were not qualified to accept it!

In the crowd, Phantom Mirage was speechless and shook his head!

However, these people said that the benefits of the Zhucheng Festival were related to the level of Seven Kills points!

In this case, he also wanted to earn more Seven Kills points!

At the same time, he was also curious, how could the event be related to Seven Kills points?

He was thinking wildly in his mind. At this moment, Mirage had walked out of the crowd and walked towards the mission altar in full view of everyone...

This scene immediately caused a commotion in the entire audience!

Everyone looked at Mirage's back!

"Huh! What does that person want to do?"

"He... he seems to be taking on a tenth-level mission!"

"No way? Look at his realm and aura, he is in the giant realm! Can the Giant Realm accept the tenth level mission?"

"Yes! If you want to accept the tenth-level mission, you must either be a senior creator, a Dark Soul Seven Killer, or a powerful person above the intermediate level of the Holy Saint! This talent is in the realm of giants, I'm afraid..."

"hehe! Another one who overestimates his abilities! I am also in the giant realm! But I am too embarrassed to approach the mission altar, let alone pick up the mission. This man actually took the initiative to pick him up. Didn’t he know how much he weighed?"

At this moment, everyone cast suspicious glances at Huan Mirage's back.

A giant-level old man even had a sour tone.

Seeing that Huan Mirage was at the same level as him at a young age, he suddenly felt jealous. I couldn't help but want to make a few taunts.

People of the same level in this world are more likely to be jealous of each other.

But Huan Mirage heard those taunts.

He smiled coldly in his heart and quickened his pace towards the altar...

"Eh~ No way? That man walked so fast! Does he really want to take on the tenth level mission? You see he is getting close to the altar!"

"Do not worry! If I want to see it, he is just curious to see it, and he will definitely not be able to accept the tenth level mission! How can a giant state accept it?!"

The gray-haired old man from before mocked again!

At this moment, Mirage pressed one hand on the crystal ball on the altar....

Everyone opened their eyes and looked curiously.

Do they want to see what the mirage is up to?

The gray-haired old man looked like he was watching a good show...

Soon, the mirage landed on the crystal ball with one hand....


In the next breath, the crystal ball was activated and lit up with a faint spiritual light!

"Huh! This is..."

Everyone exclaimed!

The gray-haired old man was even more stunned!

Being able to activate the crystal ball means you are qualified to accept the tenth level mission!

Phew~! really!

A white light flashed in front of the mirage, and a black mission order appeared....

The token is engraved with the word"Tenth Level" on the front, and the 02 mission code is engraved on the back!


The whole place was in an uproar!

Oh My God!

This giant realm can really accept the tenth level mission!

Then he is either a high-level creator or the Seven Dark Soul Killers.

To obtain one of these two titles, one must at least have the strength of the Holy Saint level!

At this thought, everyone looked at Phantom Mirage's back with awe.

The gray-haired old man looked even more embarrassed, and at the same time he was a little worried.

These onlookers are not very strong, and none of them have reached the holy level.

Even if they are the junior level of the Holy Saint, they cannot mess with them!

At this moment, the gray-haired old man began to worry whether his previous gossip had been overheard by the mirage....

If he listened, he would be in big trouble!

This thought made the gray-haired old man even more uneasy.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the field!

I saw Mirage flipping his palm, and there was a red token in his palm....


The next breath, the red token lit up with a dazzling spiritual light, and turned into a red light and poured into the mission order....

That red token is the Chaotic Sand Demonic Token!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

Immediately afterwards, the tenth-level mission order No. 02 cracked inch by inch under the horrified eyes of everyone, and then turned into countless starlights, pouring into the body of the phantom mirage...


Immediately afterwards, Tiandao’s prompt came simultaneously...

【It has been detected that you submitted the Chaos Sand Demon Order (Six-Winged Sand Demon)! Congratulations on completing level 02 mission!】

【Congratulations on getting the mission reward, your body +2 million Tongtian points!】

【Congratulations on getting the mission reward, your body has +2000 seven-kill points!】

【Congratulations on getting the mission reward, your body +200 intermediate Shengheng Dan!】

【Congratulations on getting the mission reward, your body +2 trillion star combat power! 】


As the prompt sounded, a beam of reward light fell from the sky and landed on top of Phantom Mirage!

He was suddenly pleasantly surprised!

This mission not only allowed him to obtain a large amount of resources, but also allowed the main body to obtain a combat power reward of 20,000 trillion, which was an unexpected surprise!


Soon, there was an earth-shattering roar inside Phantom Mirage! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

His momentum began to increase crazily!

At this moment, everyone was completely dumbfounded!

Oh my god~!

Ren...the mission was completed instantly!

At this moment, everyone’s mouths opened wide!

The gray-haired old man turned even pale!

Accepting a tenth-level mission and completing a tenth-level mission are completely two different concepts!

Especially if you complete the tenth level mission individually, it will be even more terrifying!

To accept a tenth-level mission, maybe the most basic level of Holy Saint is enough.

To complete the tenth-level mission individually, one must be able to kill the eleventh-level source demon, which means one must have strength above the holy limit!

This thought shocked everyone's hearts!

At that moment, when they looked at Phantom Mirage's back, they couldn't help but hold their breath, not even daring to take a breath!

The gray-haired old man even shrank his head and quietly retreated behind the crowd....

At this moment, he actually wanted to run away...

He was really scared!

At this moment, Mirage received the combat power and point rewards!

I saw him slowly opening his eyes, his eyes full of joy!


Immediately afterwards, the second reward beam fell!

The 200 intermediate Shengheng Dan slowly fell in front of him along the light beam....

Phantom put away the elixir with a look of joy and sent it straight into the small universe...

But at this moment, there was another exclamation from the crowd!

"Huh! Look at the light screen prompts!"

With this exclamation, everyone raised their heads and looked towards the light curtain....

I saw that the information on it had changed...

【Mission code No. 02 (hunting type)!】

【Completed by: Qin Feng!】

【This task has been completed and will no longer be displayed! 】

As soon as this prompt came out, the information on mission No. 02 gradually faded and disappeared....

Qin Feng?!

Everyone was shocked!

This name is too sensitive!

At the same moment, the gray-haired old man who was about to slip away casually glanced at the screen!

Seeing this, he was also a little stunned!

But before anyone could think about it, Phantom Mirage once again pressed the crystal ball with one hand....


The crystal ball is activated again!

The information on the tenth-order light curtain also changes simultaneously!

【Mission Code No. 01 (Wanted)】

【This task has been accepted, and the task content will not be displayed...]


At the same moment, a mission token appeared in front of Phantom Mirage.

Mission successfully received!

He put away the mission order and turned to look at everyone!

When he turned around, everyone immediately saw his appearance clearly!

"It''s Qin Feng!"

"It''s really him!"


At this moment, the whole audience exclaimed!

Everyone looked at the mirage in horror and couldn't help but shrink back!

The gray-haired old man was even more scared to death, and his whole body was trembling!

Oh my God!

This is It was Qin Feng!

He was the murderer of the Lord of Tianque Castle!

He also killed the 11th-level six-winged sand demon!

What about his strength?...

At this moment, the gray-haired old man was already breaking out in cold sweat!

Everyone also thought of the same question!

Only then did they realize that they seemed to have underestimated Qin Feng before!

If this person can kill the 11th level source demon, then he has the strength to kill the Lord of Tianque Castle head-on. There is no need to use tricks at all!

But when they thought about all the ignorant comments made by Qin Feng, everyone was embarrassed and scared!

Phew~! Phew~!

At this moment, white light flashed in the field, and two figures flashed continuously!

The visitors are none other than Bai Ji and Xue Ye!

"Huh! It's you!"

"Lord Qin Feng!

As soon as the two of them saw the mirage, they greeted it with great joy.

They have a good personal relationship with Qin Feng, so they will naturally not be afraid.

It turns out that the Seven Kills Temple completed a tenth-level mission, and both Bai Ji and Xue Ye got the news.

Both of them were overjoyed and hurried over to check the situation!

Unexpectedly, when I arrived, I saw the phantom mirage clone.

In their eyes, the arrival of the clone means that Qin Feng himself has arrived.

"Long time no see, you two!"

Huan Mirage also smiled and greeted the two of them.

"Lord Qin Feng, why are you here?"

Bai Ji asked with joy on his face, and at the same time looked at the tenth-level mission light curtain....

At this sight, he was stunned!

Level 10 mission No. 02 has disappeared!

The tenth-level mission No. 01 is shown as being accepted and will no longer be displayed.

The next breath, he suddenly understood!

That mission No. 02 was obviously completed by Master Qin Feng!

As for mission No. 01...

Thinking of this, Baijiu looked at the mirage in astonishment.

"Lord Qin Feng, did you take the tenth level mission No. 01 yourself?"

Huan Mirage smiled and nodded, which was regarded as admission.

Seeing this scene, Baiji and Xueye were both dumbfounded!

Immediately, Baiji said earnestly:"Master Qin Feng, do you want to go to the Law Enforcement Hall of Tianyu Headquarters in person? I advise adults not to try it! There are many heaven-wielding people in the Tianyu headquarters!"

Xue Ye also quickly persuaded:"Yes! Lord Qin Feng, you must not go to the Tianyu headquarters! Our Territory Lord is a third-grade heaven-holding person, a high-level existence in the supreme realm! It is rumored that his strength is much stronger than that of the previous Territory Lord Taichen!"

Bai Ji also echoed:"Not to mention the Territory Lord, there are deputy Territory Lords, five-party patrolling angels, and many holy extreme experts in the headquarters! If you go this time, you may be a sheep among wolves, which is extremely dangerous!"

Huan Mirage knows that these two people have good intentions, but with his own strength, he is not afraid of that person.

What's more, in his hands, there are 19 level 9 cosmic fragments and a level 9 cosmic heart!

If he encounters danger, he can Digest those resources on the spot and be promoted to the ultimate creator on the spot!

At that time, the wanted mission for the main body will be automatically canceled by Tiandao!

Thinking of this, Phantom Mirage smiled slightly:"You two need not say more, I know it well!"

"Uh~! this...Why!"

Bai Ji sighed helplessly.

Xue Ye also smiled bitterly.

The two of them did not dare to persuade.

They have always been in awe of Qin Feng.

At this time, Huan Mirage said again:"Fellow Taoist Bai Ji, I heard that in two days, Tianyu Headquarters is about to launch a grand event in Zhucheng, and the benefits obtained from this event seem to be related to the seven-kill score? is this real?

Bai Ji nodded quickly:"Sir, this is true!" This Zhucheng Grand Meeting is also called the Seven Kills Grand Meeting, and it is naturally related to the Seven Kills Points."

Huan Mirage's eyes lit up!

What he wants to know now is what is the relationship between the benefits of the event and the seven kill points.

Judging from this situation, Bai Ji knows it!

At that moment, he said:"Then please tell me carefully , what is the relationship between this conference and the Seven Kills Points?"

"Sir, this is the situation..."

At this moment, Bai Ji began to tell...Xi...

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