I saw the light screen showing…..

【This light curtain only displays tenth-level tasks. There are currently five tenth-level tasks.…】

【Mission Code No. 01 (Hunting)】

【Mission content: Go to the southern area of ​​the Chaotic Sand Sea, kill the Level 11 Nine-tailed Sand Demon, and erupt the Chaos Sand Demon Token from its body.…】

【Reminder: Submit the Chaotic Sand Demon Order to complete this task!】

【Mission reward one: 2 million Tongtian points!】

【Mission reward two: 2000 seven kill points!】

【Mission Reward Three: 200 Intermediate Shengheng Pills]


Another mission from the Chaotic Sand Demonic Order!

Get this reward directly!

Mirage is overjoyed!

When he continued to look down, the joy on his face became even stronger~

The light screen showed as follows…

【Mission Code No. 02 (Hunting-type)】

【Mission content: Go to the eastern area of ​​the Chaos Sand Sea...kill the level 11 two-headed sand demon, and the Chaos Sand Demon Token will explode from its body.…】

【Mission Code No. 03 (Hunting)】

【Mission content: Go to the western area of ​​the Chaos Sand Sea...kill the Level 11 Fire Sand Demon, and the Chaos Sand Demon Token will explode from its body.…】

【Mission code 04 (hunting type)】

【Mission content: Go to the central area of ​​the Chaotic Sand Sea...kill the level 11 Centipede Sand Demon, and the Chaos Sand Demon Token will burst out from it...]

Four Sand Demon Token missions in a row!

The main body's seven kill points are going to skyrocket!

Mirage is so excited!

However, he did not accept the task immediately, but looked at the last task…

【Mission Code No. 05 (Hunting)】

【Mission content: Go to the Nine Spirits Cold Pond...kill the level 11 source demon Nine Nether Cold Demon】

【Reminder: This mission has a chance to get Nine Ghost Lights】

【Nine Ghost Light: A quasi-superior treasure, which is of great help to the improvement of the true spirit.】

【Reminder: The difficulty of this task will increase if your cultivation level exceeds the Holy High Level]

This fifth task shows a reward of 3000 seven-kill points, which is actually 1000 points more than the Chaotic Sand Demonic Order!

It can be seen that the Nine Nether Cold Demon is very powerful, at least stronger than the level 11 source demon in the Chaos Sand Sea!

What's even better is that it can also emit the quasi-superior treasure Nine Ghost Light!

That is a treasure that can improve the quality of the true spirit, and it is considered a high-quality treasure among the same level of treasures!

Seeing this, Mirage was greatly moved!

It was just the last task prompt that made him a little confused.

Why does the difficulty of mission No. 05 become higher when the realm exceeds the holy level?

As soon as I had this idea, I heard the mutterings of some onlookers in front of me.…

"Everyone, this level 05 mission has been pending for many years. Why has no one completed it?!"

"Brother, don’t you know?"

"I don’t know! I hope fellow Taoists will tell you!"

"Man, here's the thing! Although the Nine Nether Cold Demon in Mission 05 is an 11th level source demon, its true spirit level is extremely strong, comparable to the elementary level of the Supreme Realm!"

"In addition, this Nine Nether Cold Demon has also mastered a secret technique that can use the power of the true spirit to set up a regular barrier!"

"As long as the cultivation reaches the highest level of the Holy Saint or above, if the true spirit is not comparable to the elementary level of the Supreme Realm, it will not be able to penetrate the barrier!"

"The barrier is usually in a state of nothingness and can be penetrated by any attack, but it can protect against true spirits!"

"You can't go in with your body and leave your true spirit outside the barrier, right? With such weird methods, many strong men were helpless against the cold demon and had no choice but to give up on this mission!"

"However, if your cultivation level is below the Holy Saint level, you will not have those effects and can easily penetrate the barrier!"

"But players below the Supreme Saint level are no match for Han Yao! Breaking in is equivalent to death!"

As soon as these words came out, those who didn't know were shocked!

Who can kill the Jiuyou Han Demon?

No wonder the seven-kill score is so high!

It can also reveal a quasi-superior treasure!

"Why! Sure enough, the more rewarding the task, the more difficult it is!"

"yes! I can't do this task at all!"

At this moment, many people shook their heads slightly and sighed!

Among the crowd, Mirage showed a smile.

This mission No. 05 was simply prepared for the main body.

For others, it was a rule restriction that was difficult to overcome, but for Qin Feng There is no threshold at all!

Of course, for such a small task, he does not need to be involved at all!

Any clone can complete it!

Mirage is naturally ready to take action!

He will naturally accept a task with such a generous reward.

And before, he The next four Sand Demon Order tasks must be submitted first!

With this in mind, Mirage walked towards the task altar in front...

At this time, there was another sigh from the crowd.…

"Why! Not to mention the most difficult task No. 05! Even the previous four Sand Demon Order tasks 01, 02, 03, and 04, I can’t do it!"

"It really can’t be done! The chaotic sand sea is filled with the power of rules that are superior to the way of heaven. Once a person enters, he cannot tell the difference between east, west and north, let alone find the target!"

"Indeed! Every year, I don’t know how many people return home looking embarrassed! Those guys didn't even see the shadow of the Sand Demon, let alone complete the mission!"

"Such trouble! If you want rules to fight against rules, you probably have to take action from those who hold the heaven! Those who can control the sky will not participate in such tasks!"

"Those who hold heaven have the task of holding heaven, which is naturally different from us!"

"correct! Everyone! As far as I know, there are five Chaos Sand Demon Order quests! One of the most popular Qin Feng has completed it!"

"Qin Feng?! Is this Qin Feng wanted for the twelfth-level mission?"

"it's him!"

"Hiss~! I looked at the mission information and found out that he is in the giant realm! How did he manage not to get lost in the sea of ​​sand?"

"This... I don’t know this! Anyway, that kid is very weird! Nowadays, even those who are below the limit of the Holy Saint will shy away from him when they see him! After all, that boy even killed the Lord of Wupeng Castle! The strength is too terrifying!"

Speaking of this, the crowd couldn't help but sigh!

There was some fear in the tone!

Mirage laughed and said nothing!

However, he didn't pay much attention and continued to walk towards the mission altar...

At this time, among the crowd, There were some more mutterings.

"Everyone, Qin Feng is a talented person, why can he kill Wu Peng? Did he really kill him on his own?"

"This...can't explain! After all, no one can witness it with their own eyes! However, Qin Feng was able to kill the two castle masters Tianque and Wu Peng in succession, which shows that he is really capable! If I look at it, he should have the ultimate strength of the Holy Saint!"

"The holy limit?! Brother, is this a bit exaggerated?! Qin Feng is in the realm of giants! By the way, he is only a high-level creator, not even the ultimate! And the Lord of Wupeng Castle is already the ultimate creator!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone nodded slightly, but they all couldn't understand.

But the old man from before smiled and said:"Everyone, you don't know something. The standard for promotion to a creator is divided into three, six, and nine levels! Non-Lords of the Universe have the lowest standards for promotion to Creators, but receive the least rewards!"

"The single master of the universe is promoted to the creator. The difficulty is doubled, but the rewards are also doubled! When the Lord of the Two Universes is promoted to the Creator, the difficulty will double again, and the benefits will also double again!"

"Subsequently, there will be the Lord of the Trisolaran Universe and the legendary Lord of the Quadruple Universe. The difficulty of promotion is still doubled, and the benefits are also greatly improved!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone suddenly realized!

Even the phantom mirage showed a look of surprise!

Only now did he know why the main body was promoted to the ultimate creator, and it was different from other people!

Just like Wu Penglian Universe None of them can actually become the ultimate creator!

After a long time, the way of heaven is actually divided into three, six or nine levels!

Sure enough, someone in the crowd started talking again!

"So this is ah! In this way, creators of the same level are also divided into three, six or nine levels!"

"The creator of the universe must be stronger than the creators of the same level! As I see it, Qin Feng is the advanced creator of the universe!"

"Makes sense! I even suspect that he is not the Lord of the single universe, but the legendary Lord of the Dual Universe, or even the Lord of the Three-body Universe!"

"The Lord of the Trisolaran Universe? Oh My God! That is an existence that is difficult to appear even in trillions of years!"

As soon as these words were said, the crowd sighed again!

After all, the creator title of the Lord of the Trisolaran Universe was promoted, and the benefits he received were incomparable to ordinary creators!

Hearing this, Phantom Mirage couldn't help but look forward to it!

He His true form is the Lord of the Four-Pole Universe, and the benefits gained from his promotion are more than those of the Lord of the Three-Body Universe!

With a burst of random thoughts, he has walked to the mission altar...

This scene immediately attracted the attention of the onlookers!

They all looked at Phantom Mirage's back!

"Huh! What does this junior in the giant realm want to do?"

"What can a junior do? Probably out of curiosity!"

Someone in the crowd made a guess!

As soon as he finished speaking, Mirage pressed his palm on the crystal ball... buzz~!

In the next breath, the crystal ball was activated and lit up with a faint spiritual light! (To read Baoshuan novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Huh! This is..."

All the onlookers were shocked!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

Before they could think about it, Phantom Mirage took over the Sand Demon Order No. 01, 02, and 03 missions in succession!

Qin Feng is the Seventh Dark Soul. Killer, the mission limit is four, and you can't accept any more!

But the onlookers were completely dumbfounded!

The giant realm can accept tenth-level missions, which they have never seen before!

Before they could think about it, the mirage came out The three sand magic tokens turned into red light one after another and poured into the mission order...

Click~! Click~! Click~!

In a moment, the three pieces of the mission order were in full view of everyone, cracked inch by inch, and finally turned into countless pieces. Starlight poured into the body of the phantom mirage... boom~boom~boom~!

Immediately afterwards, the law of heaven came…

【Level 01 mission completed! Your body +2000 seven kill points! +200 Intermediate Saint Hengdan, +2.1 trillion star combat power…】

【Level 02 mission completed! Your body +2000 seven kill points! +200 Intermediate Saint Hengdan, +2.2 trillion star combat power…】

【Level 03 mission completed! Your body +2000 seven kill points! +200 Intermediate Saint Hengdan, +2.1 trillion star combat power...]


As the prompt sounded, three bonus beams of light fell from the sky and landed on top of Phantom Mirage's head...

This immediately shocked the entire audience!

People in the eleventh and twelfth-level viewing areas, as well as in all corners of the temple, all looked towards the mirage...

Naturally, they only saw the back!

But that didn't stop them from being shocked!

"Gosh! Look! That giant has completed three tenth-level missions!"

"This...this is too exaggerated!"

Just after saying this, Mirage took over the 04 mission and submitted the Sand Demon Order again!

The fourth reward beam also fell!

This time, everyone's eyes almost fell!

A giant realm was completed consecutively Four tenth-level missions, what kind of concept is this?

Even the best in the Holy Limit would find it difficult to accomplish!

In other words, this powerful man in the Talented Realm has close to quasi-supreme strength.!

At this moment, everyone was staring at the back of Phantom Mirage, and their minds were a little overwhelmed!

This is really unbelievable!

Soon, the reward was over!

Phantom Mirage slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of... Overjoyed!

He submitted four tenth-level tasks in a row, allowing the body to gain a total of 8,000 seven-kill points, 85,000 trillion combat power, and 800 intermediate Saint Hengdans!

This harvest is so rich!

Phantom Mirage is extremely satisfied!


But before he could finish being happy, another reminder came from Heaven.…

【It is detected that you have completed more than two level 10 tasks, and your body will be automatically promoted to True Blood Seven Killers.】

【Congratulations on your body receiving the following account seal rewards】

【Reward reputation +300 million points】

【Reward luck +300 million times】

【Reward combat power + 5 trillion stars】

【The upper limit of the number of reward tasks accepted +1】

【Reminder: Your seven-kill points have soared to 1.434 points, and your seven-kill ranking in this domain has been raised to 13th.】

【Reminder: True Blood Seven Killers cannot accept missions below level 9]


After hearing the prompt, the mirage was filled with surprises!

Unconsciously, the main body actually sprinted to 13th place, not far from the top ten!

However, the closer you get to the top ten, the greater the points gap between each ranking!

Qin Feng wants to break into the top ten, but he is afraid that he will have to break 17,000 points!

"good! good! The title of the Seven Killers has finally been promoted! I take overThe upper limit of the number has also been increased to five!"

At this moment, Huan Mirage was secretly happy, and then he received the No. 05 Nine Nether Cold Demon mission!

After completing these, he was ready to take on 3 more missions to make the number of missions full!


This idea just came up , another reminder came from Tiandao…

【Reminder: It is detected that your main body's Seven Kills score has exceeded 10,000 points. Congratulations on your main body activating the destiny-level Seven Kills Envoy's title-banning mission.…】

【The task requirements are as follows】

【Starting from now, you can be promoted to the title by completing 2 seven-kill missions of level 11 or above.】

【Reminder: If your account is successfully promoted, you will receive generous mission rewards and the corresponding seven-kill authority]

Phantom Mirage’s eyes lit up!

The title-banning mission of the Seven Destiny Killers has also been activated!

Completed two level 11 missions?

Isn’t there an eleventh-level mission release area here?

Thinking of this, Phantom Mirage turned around and walked towards the eleventh-level mission area...


As soon as he turned around, the whole place was in an uproar!

Everyone finally saw his appearance clearly!

"Gosh! He...he is Qin Feng!"

At this moment, everyone saw clearly the appearance of the mirage!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically from the Holy Saint to the senior level!

Especially the onlookers in the eleventh-level mission area felt as if they had seen the demon god! As soon as they saw the mirage, they left Come on, everyone is so frightened that they retreat wildly, for fear of running a step slower!

This guy has even killed the Lord of Wupeng Castle, how can they not be afraid!

In just a few breaths, the eleventh-level mission area became There was no one there, no one dared to watch!

Phantom had a cold face, ignored these guys, and continued to walk towards the eleventh-level mission area...

But at this moment, the twelve-level mission area.

Two saint-level strong men The person was looking at the mirage in astonishment!

They were all wearing uniforms!

These two people were suddenly official personnel of Tutian Castle!

The one on the left was a bald man named Qiu Ming, the most holy senior, one of the seven The deputy person in charge of the Seven Killings Hall.

The person on the right is a thin old man with a dark face and no beard. His name is Sangtai. He is in the realm of the Holy Great Perfection and is the person in charge of the Seven Killings Hall!

At this moment, the two of them stared at Huan Huan in shock. Mirage!

They thought it was Qin Feng coming in person, and they were extremely shocked!

After a while, the two of them came back to their senses and couldn't help but look at each other face to face.

"Brother, what should we do? This demon Qin Feng actually broke into our fort!"

Qiu Ming was a little uneasy.

Sangtai looked at the figure of the mirage coldly, with a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

The next second, he whispered:"Hurry up and inform the castle master! Just say that Qin Feng is looking for trouble! Let the castle master come out to deal with him!"

"What?! Let the castle master deal with him? This guy even killed the Lord of Wupeng Castle!"

Qiu Ming was shocked!

Sangtai sneered:"Our castle master is already better than Wu Peng! In addition, this is the territory of the castle lord, and he can draw on the power of heaven and earth for help. The strength of the castle lord can be comparable to that of a junior in the Supreme Realm! With such strength, can't he defeat Qin Feng? Qiu Ming's eyes lit up:"


The next second, he picked up the communication jade talisman and started to send a message to his castle master...

At the same moment, Phantom Mirage had reached the eleventh-level mission area.

When he looked up at the mission light curtain area, his eyes lit up. , with a look of joy on his face again!

This time, there is a new harvest!.

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