In this way, the disciples of the Seventh Heaven Realm all stood in front of the sacred monument and watched.

Not only the Seventh Heaven Realm!

At this moment, the entire source world, all heavenly realms, and all heavenly realms are silently paying attention to the situation of the game!

Time passes like this minute by minute!

In the blink of an eye, the game lasted ten minutes!

At this time, the land of transformation!

Nearly a hundred contestants have gathered in Examination Hall No. 33!

These players are all supreme high-level experts, that is, third-level Zhitian strength!

Qianlu and Huangli, who inherited the Qiantian Domain, were also among them.

At this time, - in the west corner of the square.

Huang and Li were looking around!

"Brother Qianlu, there are a lot of third-level players in this session, 10% more than the previous session - ah!"

Huang Li looked around and couldn't help but sigh.

Qian Lu nodded slightly:"Yes! There are indeed more players with level 3 Zhitian strength in this session than in the previous session! Maybe it was the last time, when our Cangtian Realm ranked last, so everyone secretly worked hard to regain some face! Huang

Li smiled bitterly:"It's time to regain face!" But in this way, it will be a big threat to us rushing into the top thirty!"

Qian Lu took a deep breath:"It's indeed a big threat! However, even if you can't make it into the top 30, you can definitely make it into the top 100! Hearing this

, Huang Li smiled tenderly:"That's true!" There are currently less than a hundred players in the square. You and I will definitely make it into the top 100!"

"Huh! By the way, why has Master Cheng Ying been missing? Wucheng, Xiehai, and Qiongxiao are also not here!

Qian Lu smiled and said,"Do you even need to ask?" They must have gotten the chance to go to the secret place and went to challenge it! Huang

Li nodded slightly:"I've heard about this too!" Rumor has it that the number of secret opportunities in each session is different! I wonder how many secret opportunities there will be in this session?!

Qian Lu smiled and said,"If I look at it, there should be five of them!" Huang Li was confused:"

Why five?"! As far as the little girl knows, there were four in the last session! Why is there one more in this session?! Qian Lu smiled proudly:"

Because the number of appearances is regular!" In the last session, we in the Cangtian Realm only had three players who had reached the fourth level of Zhitian, so Tiandao randomly released four secret land opportunities!"

"This year, we in the Cangtian Realm have 4, 4th-level players with Heaven-Exerting Strength, so Tiandao will naturally release five secret land opportunities!

Huang Li suddenly realized:"I understand!" It turns out that the number of opportunities in this secret land is determined by the way of heaven based on the number of fourth-grade heaven-holding players! There is one more than the number of players!

Qian Lu smiled and said:"That's right!" This is the conclusion I came to after reviewing the information for several times. It should not be wrong!

Huang Lijiao smiled and said,"Brother, I'm interested!" From this point of view, there must be five secret opportunities this year! I don’t know, who will get the opportunity of the fifth secret place?"

Qianlu sighed:"It must have been obtained by a strong man close to the fourth grade Zhitian! However, even if that person is allowed to go, it will be all in vain! The difficulty of this secret challenge is extremely high!

Huang Li was curious:"Brother, how do you say this?"!

Qian Lu sneered and said,"Let me tell you this!" In the last four secret land opportunities, three failed and only one succeeded! Even two players with fourth-grade Zhitian strength failed, so how could one close to fourth-grade Zhitian succeed?!

Huang Li was shocked:"Oh my God!" Is the challenge so difficult?!"

Qian Lu sneered:"Of course! That involves the level of rules, which is above the three thousand avenues! It’s very difficult to pass the test with ordinary fourth-grade Zhitian strength!"

This time, Huang Li said worriedly:"Brother, will Lord Chengying succeed?"

"this...It’s hard to say!"

Qian Lu smiled bitterly and shook his head.


At this moment, there was a sound of rapid sound breaking through the air in the distance.

In the square, all the strong men were alarmed and looked up one after another.

Qian Lu and the other two also looked curiously, and they saw A rainbow light flew from the southwest corner!

In just a moment, the rainbow light passed through the light curtain and fell into the square, transforming into a dark-faced man!

After seeing the man's appearance and realm clearly, Qian Lu couldn't help but murmured

"Here comes a supreme intermediate-level extreme powerhouse, that is, a second-grade Zhitian strength. It seems that almost all the players with level 3 Zhitian strength are here! Huang Li nodded slightly:"

Yes!" Huh! correct! Brother, I don’t seem to see the rumored Qin Feng in this scene!"

Huang Li suddenly thought of this again!

Although she has never met Qin Feng, everyone knows that Qin Feng is a giant.

And no one in this square is a giant, which naturally means that Qin Feng is not here.

Qian Lu is more He said proudly:"That's what I said! The main culprit who killed Sedum was Feng Bo! Then Qin Feng's son just shouldered a crime! I don’t even think about it, how could he, a junior in the giant realm, be able to kill Jingtian?! Huang

Li nodded repeatedly:"My brother's analysis is correct!" No wonder, my brother said before that Qin Feng's son only has the strength of the first grade Zhitian!"

"Now, even those with second-level Zhitian strength have appeared, but he hasn't appeared yet. It seems that he really only has the strength of first-level Zhitian.

Qian Lu smiled proudly:"My judgment!" 90% correct! Just watch it slowly!"

As soon as these words were said, Huang Li showed a knowing smile.

She also believed that Qian Lu's judgment was right!

The two of them didn't know that Qin Feng had arrived at the square long ago, and Cheng Ying, who they were looking forward to so much, was , one step earlier.

Qin Feng has even passed two secret challenges in a row!

In this way, Qianlu and Qianlu were chatting while proudly waiting for other players to arrive here.

They were also observing, Is there a giant-level player among the visitors?

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour has passed!

When all the second-level players with Zhitian strength arrived, they did not see a giant-level player.

In other words, there is no Qin Feng here. Ah!

Qian Lu became even more proud!

Huang Li kept complimenting Qian Lu, thinking that his judgment was extremely accurate.

In fact, the lower Qin Feng's strength, the more balanced the two of them were!

Otherwise, a junior in the giant realm would show The talent far exceeds theirs, and it’s hard for them not to be jealous!

Time flies!

More and more contestants are rushing to the square!

The atmosphere in the square is getting more and more heated!

By the time the game reaches their twenties, Minutes later, all the players with first-level Zhitian strength appeared, and there was still no giant among them.

This surprised Qianlu and others!

Soon, they came to the conclusion that Qin had been overestimated before. Feng!

After doing this for a long time, that Qin Feng didn’t even have the strength to hold the first rank of heaven!

At that moment, the two of them laughed at themselves and didn’t bother to pay attention to Qin Feng anymore.

A player who didn’t even have the strength to hold the first rank of heaven was not worth it. They were paying attention, but they were not qualified to pay attention!

In this way, the two of them stopped paying attention to Qin Feng and shifted their goals to whether they could enter the top thirty. And the game on the court was still going on!

After half an hour, Quasi-supreme players began to appear one after another...

After 40 minutes, the most holy extreme players began to appear one after another...

After 50 minutes, the most holy great perfection players began to appear, and occasionally a few holy high-level players appeared...

At 59 minutes, the most holy intermediate players began to appear. Contestants keep appearing, and the most holy juniors are occasionally seen.

As for the giant-level players, none of them showed up!

The atmosphere in the field has become extremely anxious and tense!

Because there is only the last minute left, the shortlisting assessment is about to end!

And there are a large number of players in each realm, but they haven’t made it to the square yet!

At this moment, in an inconspicuous corner in the southeast of the square.

More than nine hundred players are gathering together.

The person leading it is none other than Huang Nie!

It turns out that this group of people are players from the Seventh Heaven Realm.

At this moment, Huang Nie looked at the disciples of Tianyu, his eyebrows filled with anxiety.

Chen Fang on the side was also anxious!

"Brother, there is one minute left, the finalist assessment is about to end! But our Tianyu doesn’t even have a thousand passers-by!

Huang Nie also sighed:"Yes!" This shortlisting assessment is much more difficult than we imagined!

At this time, Wushan also agreed:"It is indeed harder than imagined!" Look at those giant-level players, not one of them rushed to the examination room! Sure enough, the richer the chance reward, the greater the difficulty!"

Moshuang sighed:"Actually, the number of people who passed the test this time is much better than the previous one! As far as I know, our Tianyu only had more than 800 people pass the test last time, and now we have more than 900 people! Huang

Nie nodded slightly:"If you put it that way, we are indeed better than the last one!" But the last Tianyu ranking was only 1033rd! If you can't make it into the top 100 in this Tianyu ranking, you will get rewards from Tianyu!"

It turns out that there are ranking rewards between Tianyu!

As long as you enter the top 100, all the players in that Tianyu can get generous rewards!

This is also the reason why Huang Nie and others are anxious! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

They naturally want to enter the top 100 in the Seventh Heaven Realm.

Not only do they want to do so, but Feng Bo and others who have been guarding the outside world are also eagerly looking forward to the Top 100 in the Seventh Heaven Realm.

Because in that case , they can also get merit point rewards!

At this time, Huang Nie said again:"Everyone, don't look at the number of players who have passed the test this time! But there seem to be more contestants in this square than last time!"

With this reminder, Chen Fang and others looked at the whole place!

They saw that the square was crowded with people. There were two to three million people, all of whom were above the Holy Realm.

Comparing such a number of people, it is indeed larger than There were more people in the last session!

Seeing this, Chen Fang and others couldn't help but worry.

But then, Wushan said:"Brother Huang Nie, although there are more people passing this session, our seventh heaven domain The strength is much stronger than the previous one. Not to mention anything else, there was no supreme mid-level expert in our Tianyu in the last term!"

"The emergence of this brother has filled the gap in this regard. With your ability, it is no problem to enter the top 300, and you may even reach the top 100! Huang

Nie smiled bitterly:"Don't say entering the top 300, even if it enters the top 100, it is only 1000 points, which cannot make our Tianyu's total score enter the top 100!" After all, our number of passers-by is too small!"

"You see, the number of people who have passed the level in those medium-sized realms is basically around 1,500! There is also the Superior Heaven Realm, and the number of people who have passed the level is basically around 3,000. There are more than six or seven thousand people in the Super Heaven Realm!"

"Just with so many more people passing the level, you can earn a lot more points than us! This is also an advantage! Our Tianyu has been at a disadvantage from the beginning!"

Speaking of this, Huang Nie couldn't help but sigh! When all the disciples of Tianyu heard this, their faces were full of sorrow.

At this time, Wushan said:"Brother, have you forgotten?! We also have Master Qin Feng! With Master Qin Feng's strength, he should be able to break into the top ten! The top ten can get 10,000 points! He alone can be worth tens of thousands of people!"

"right! We also have Lord Qin Feng!"

"With Master Qin Feng's strength, he will definitely be able to make it into the top ten!"

"That's right! If Lord Qin Feng breaks into the top ten, our Tianyu will hopefully break into the top 100!"

When Qin Feng was mentioned, everyone's eyes lit up!

Even Huang Nie nodded:"Yes! Our hope for the Seventh Heaven Realm rests entirely on Master Qin Feng! If he breaks into the top ten, the probability of us breaking into the top 100 is not small!"

At this time, Wushan said again:"Brother Huang Nie, do you think Lord Qin Feng can break into the top three? If he enters the top three, he will get 30,000 points! Then our Tianyu will definitely be able to break into the top 100!

Huang Nie hesitated:"This!" It’s really hard to say! Our heaven realm has four super heaven realms, and each has a super seeded player with fourth-level heaven-holding strength!"

"If Master Qin Feng wants to break into the top three, he must defeat two of them! This is too difficult!

Wushan nodded depressedly:"Yes!" This is indeed too difficult for Lord Qin Feng! Why! but,I still hope that Mr. Qin Feng…..Huh! correct! Why haven't we seen Master Qin Feng since we arrived?!"

Huang Nie whispered:"He should go to the secret place for a chance! Not to mention Lord Qin Feng's absence, even the rumored Wucheng, Xiehai, Chengying and Qiongxiao were not present!"

The reputation of the four Wuchengs is too great!

Even Huang Nie knows that they exist!


But as soon as he finished speaking, there was an exclamation in the center of the square!

"Huh! Look! Master Wu Cheng is out!"

"There are also Lord Xiehai and Lord Qiongxiao!"

Hearing this, Huang Nie and others followed the sound and saw that white light flashed continuously in the center of the square!

And in the white light, three powerful figures appeared, which were Wu Cheng, Xie Hai, Qiong. Xiao!

When the white light dissipated, Wu Cheng walked towards the crowd in Wujiang Tianyu with a spring breeze on his face!

But Xie Hai and Qiong Xiao had gloomy faces!

Seeing this scene, the onlookers around them couldn't help but swallowed their saliva.

They all looked in awe. Looking at Xiehai and Qiongxiao, no one dared to come forward to ask.

From the scene in front of them, anyone could see that Wucheng had successfully obtained the opportunity to secretly land, and Xiehai and Qiongxiao must have failed!

Everyone was secretly thinking , the secret land was indeed difficult to pass, and only Wu Cheng succeeded!


But before everyone could think about it, another dazzling white light lit up in the field!

Cheng Ying also appeared!

Cheng Ying was also full of joy, It seems that he has passed the level!

This scene shocked everyone!

The disciples of Chengqian Tianyu rushed forward with great excitement. When

Huang Nie and others saw this scene, they couldn't help but look at each other face to face.

Wushan even whispered. He said:"Everyone, Wucheng and the four others have come out! Why hasn’t Lord Qin Feng appeared yet?! He will not…."


Before he could finish his words, the sky above the square started roaring!

Tiandao also sent a reminder!

【Announcement: The finalist assessment is about to end!】

【Countdown: 10…9…8…】


The assessment is finally over!

The whole place was in a commotion!

Immediately, everyone looked around the square!

I saw countless rainbow lights flashing outside the light barrier in the square!

Thousands of players are trying their best to rush to the square!

There are only the last few seconds left for the assessment!

They must fight hard!

Otherwise, they will be eliminated!

In these last few seconds, the atmosphere in Quan was extremely tense!

Everyone looked eagerly outside the light curtain, hoping that a few more players from their own world would break in at the last moment!

Even Huang Nie, Chen Fang and others are no exception!

At this moment, their attention was focused outside the light curtain...

At this moment, something was happening in the secret place of the Five Elements Realm!

At this time, in the void.

Qin Feng looked at the blade soul light group in front of him with some regret!

He has refined it to more than 99% and is about to successfully refine it, but unfortunately the time is running out!

God reminds me, there are only the last few seconds left!

It's time for him to go out too!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng put away the light ball and let his mind body continue to refine it!


But at the moment when he put away the light group, a shocking roar suddenly came from within his consciousness...


Tiandao also kept sending reminders....

【Reminder: Your mind body has refined 4 groups of True Spirit Embryo Light (no superior level). Your True Spirit has been greatly strengthened, and your combat power is +200,000 trillion stars....】

【Congratulations on your true spirit being promoted to the limit of the eighth grade primary level, with a combat power of +700,000 trillion stars! 】


After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was overjoyed!

His true spirit actually broke through at this moment and strengthened his weaknesses!

This will be of great help to him in the next assessment!..five..

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