At this moment, everyone finally understood why the players in the Seventh Heaven Realm were rewarded with the Holy Liquid of All Spirits.

It turns out that their heaven domain has been promoted to the medium heaven domain!

It’s just that this promotion is too timely!

Then the next round will test the true spirit level, and the Seventh Heaven Realm will receive such a reward, which is very beneficial to them!

At this moment, all the players were envious, jealous, and hateful!

The players in the 44th domain had even more complicated expressions.

Before, they laughed at the 7th Heaven Realm as a lower heaven realm, but they didn’t want the 7th Heaven Realm to be promoted to a medium heaven realm in a blink of an eye!

This time, they were severely beaten!

Thinking of this, all the players in Domain 44 felt embarrassed!

Ku Rong and Zi Xun even lowered their heads, not daring to take a look, and they really didn't have the nerve to look.

At the same time, they also envied the players from the Seventh Heaven Realm.

These guys got so much Holy Liquid of All Souls.

Especially the more than 40 ultimate creators, all of them received 100 drops of the Holy Liquid of All Spirits, which is equivalent to receiving a ball of true spiritual embryonic light!

Thinking about their 44 days in the field, only Ku Rong got resources of the same value, and the other players did not get the resources to improve their true spirits.

Thinking of this, Ku Rong suddenly felt that the fourth-level reward he had received was not so good anymore...

On the other hand, the players in the Seventh Heaven Realm were all overjoyed.

Huang Nie, Chen Fang, Wu Shan, and Mo Shuang were even more excited!

They all got 100 drops of All Souls Holy Liquid!

At this moment, the four of them approached Qin Feng.

Huang Nie was the first to say excitedly:"Master Qin Feng, the luck of our Seventh Heaven Realm has arrived! With these Ten Thousand Spirits Holy Liquid, our Seventh Heaven Realm's results in the next round will definitely not be bad!"

Chen Fang quickly agreed:"Brother Huang Nie is right! Master Qin Feng, with these Ten Thousand Spirits Holy Liquid, I am afraid that more than 70% of our Seventh Heaven Domain disciples will be able to enter the second round of the top one million people."!"

Qin Feng also smiled and nodded:"That's great! As long as you can enter the top one million, there will be rewards for passing the level! But"307", we can't relax, we should seize the time to refine these resources!"

"Your Excellency is right!"

Huang Nie and others happily accepted the order!

Afterwards, Huang Nie and others scattered around and began to refine resources...

All the disciples also sat cross-legged to refine the Holy Liquid of All Spirits...

Qin Feng also looked at this scene with a look of joy.!

The elimination rules of Creation Opportunity tied him to the destiny of the Seventh Heaven Realm!

He naturally hopes that the children of the Seventh Heaven Realm can achieve good results.

This time the Tianyu promotion harvest will really help them Very big.

Then, Qin Feng no longer wasted time.

After he sent the 100 drops of Holy Liquid of All Spirits into the small universe, he also sat cross-legged on the spot...

The next second, he waved his hand and held up a cyan light shield to cover it. His own figure...

After doing this, Qin Feng took out an Origin Pill and started refining it!

The Origin Pill is the most difficult thing to refine with the resources in his hand, and it is also the one he wants to refine most...

He wants to be promoted to the Lord of Five Elements , it is necessary to upgrade the power of origin to level 1!

In this way, Qin Feng and the disciples of the Seventh Heaven Domain have refined their resources!

Seeing this, all the players also withdrew their gaze and began to busy themselves...

After all, the second round of assessment will start in an hour, and no one dares to waste this precious rest time! For a time

, the square was filled with spiritual auras of cultivation, and the noise became less and less, while the atmosphere of racing against time became more and more intense. It's getting thicker and thicker...

In just a moment, the outside world and Cangtian territory have been extremely boiling!

This time, all the heavens in Cangtian territory have witnessed the miracle created by Qin Feng!

This is even worse than Qin Feng's killing of Jingtian. A hundred times more sensational!

Most of Qin Feng’s killing of Jingtian was known only to those who held the sky.

Those below the heaven-holding people did not receive the wanted information announced by Tiandao, so they naturally had no way of knowing.

But things are different now. Qin Feng’s name is no longer known. Everyone knows!

Besides, there are even more cheers in the Seven Kills Square in the Seventh Heaven Realm.

At this time, the millions of disciples on the field are all beaming with joy!

There are also hundreds of thousands of eliminated creators. Their faces were glowing red and they were overjoyed.

Although they were eliminated from the Outer Land, they got all the benefits of being promoted to the Middle Heaven Realm!

Speaking of all this, I have to thank Master Qin Feng!

Look at the square again In the sky above, Feng Bo and Mingyi were even more happy.

Tianyu was promoted successfully, and they had gained the greatest benefit!

At this moment, the two of them looked at Qin Feng's ranking on the monument, and they were both filled with emotion!

Mingyi was even more excited. He said in admiration:"Lord of the Territory! Master Qin Feng is so awesome! He actually broke into the top three! Feng

Bo also looked sad:"If he hadn't entered the top three, our seventh heaven realm would not have been promoted to the middle heaven realm so quickly!" Mingyi nodded repeatedly:"

Yes!" Master Qin Feng is the nobleman of our heaven! By the way, Territory Lord, do you think if this development continues, will we have a chance to be promoted to the upper heaven domain?"

"Superior heaven?!"

Feng Bo shouted!

This Mingyi really dares to think!

Being promoted from the Seventh Heaven Realm to the Middle Heaven Realm is already burning high incense. How can it be so easy to be promoted to the Upper Heaven Realm.

Thoughts At this, Feng Bo smiled bitterly:"Brother Mingyi, you have underestimated Tianyu's promotion! That requires too many merit points. It would be too difficult to rely on this opportunity of creation!

Ming Yi was unwilling to give in:"Lord of the Territory!" Is it really impossible?! Master Qin Feng is an unprecedented genius! With him in charge, can't you do it?"


Feng Bo hesitated.

After a long time, he sighed:"It's not impossible! If we want to be promoted to the upper heaven realm, we need little friend Qin Feng to be able to advance in every round of the subsequent Cang Tian realm assessment!"

"Then, in the final thirty-three heaven competition, he broke into the top ten in personal points. Only with the merit points accumulated in this way can we have the opportunity to be promoted to the upper heaven! Mingyi was dumbfounded:"This... this is too difficult!" Don’t talk about it, the assessment of the Heaven Realm! In the thirty-three Heaven Realm competition alone, the possibility of breaking into the top ten is not high!"

"Among the thirty-three heavenly realms, there are probably more than fifteen strong ones with fifth-grade heaven-level strength! It would be too difficult for Lord Qin Feng to compete with so many fifth-grade experts for the top ten!

Feng Bo also smiled bitterly:"It is indeed too difficult for him! Therefore, I said that there is almost no possibility of being promoted to the upper heaven realm! In fact, our strength in the Cangtian realm is the weakest among all the heaven realms"

"Even if they are the weakest, there are extreme players in our heaven who are supreme and perfect, just like that Wu Cheng! He is at this level! It is rumored that his attack power has already exceeded 230,000 Beijing, and now it is even more than that!

"Based on this calculation, it is possible for 20 fifth-grade heaven-level players to emerge from the Thirty-Three Heavens Realm!"

Hearing this, Mingyi suddenly felt helpless:"From this point of view, if we want to rely on the opportunity of creation to ascend to the upper heaven, the chance is really slim! Feng

Bo took a deep breath:"The results now are very good!" As long as little friend Qin Feng can lead the 7th Heaven Domain and get to the last level, that will be the biggest gain!

Mingyi nodded repeatedly:"That's true!" correct! Territory Lord, I am a little worried about Master Qin Feng now. Can he reach the top three in the second round? It was surprising that he made it into the top three in the first round, but it was hard to say in the second round!

Feng Bo also took a deep breath:"It's really hard to say!" Perhaps the items in the first round of assessment happened to be Qin Feng's strengths, which enabled him to win third place. But not necessarily in the second round! Ming Yi also agreed:"

Yes!" If Mr. Qin Feng is not his strong point in the second round of the exam, then there is little chance of him getting into the top three! After all, Wu Cheng, Xie Hai, and Cheng Ying are all veteran fourth-grade Heaven-Exalting powerhouses!"

Speaking of this, Mingyi was worried!

Feng Bo also took a deep breath:"I don't think so much anymore! Let’s wait and see!"

At the moment, the two of them stopped talking and just paid attention to the sacred monument silently...

They naturally hope that Qin Feng can also enter the top three in the second round, which will be of great benefit to the Seventh Heaven Realm.

But they feel that Wu Cheng The four of them are too strong, and Qin Feng is probably no match for him.

After all, the two of them have seen Qin Feng take action, and they have just reached the threshold of the fourth-level heaven-reaching level. However, the four Wucheng are veteran fourth-level heaven-bearing level experts, so they naturally feel that Qin Feng can Feng was even worse.

Even Qin Feng could get third place in the first round. They all felt a bit lucky!

Obviously, both of them underestimated Qin Feng!

With Qin Feng's current strength, it is estimated that Wucheng can beat him, and the others are far behind!

What's more, the content of the second round of assessment is still Qin Feng's strength!

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Feng Bo and the other two!

Who would have thought that Qin Feng The speed of progress will be so terrifying!

Even the closest confidant to Qin Feng cannot see through the speed of Qin Feng's progress!

In this way, Feng Bo and others continue to pay attention to the game!

The same is true for all the heavens!

Unknowingly, Qin Feng He has become the focus of attention in all the heavens!

Even the Cangtian Realm headquarters has begun to pay attention to him!

At the same time, in the Land of Beyonder, Examination Room No. 33. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

All the players are racing against time to practice!

Time is passing minute by minute!

In the blink of an eye, there are only three minutes left before the rest is over.

At this moment, the southeast corner of the square is where the seventh heaven domain is. Within this light shield, Feng Zheng's whole body was filled with spiritual light...

His sea of ​​consciousness was also roaring, and Tiandao Zheng was constantly sending reminders.…

【Reminder: You have refined 1 Origin Pill, you have gained a lot of eternal true meaning, and your realm has been raised to the Holy Realm 5.31%…】

【Reminder: You have refined 1 Origin Pill, and you have gained combat power + 200,000 stars....】

【Reminder: You have refined 1 Origin Pill, you have gained a lot of insights into the true meaning of Origin, and your Power of Origin has reached level 0 51.7%…】

When all the movement disappeared, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy!

He finally refined an Origin Pill, and the progress of the Origin Power finally improved!

Speaking of which, the Origin Pill he refined was obtained by chance in the first secret place.

I got 4 Origin Pills by chance in that secret place, and three more are being refined by the mind body, and they have been refined by about 75%.

The refining speed of the mind body is naturally not as fast as Qin Feng himself!

Of course, what Qin Feng gained during this period was more than just refining an Origin Pill.

Those five supreme elixirs were also refined by the mind body!

Now, his realm progress has reached 5.31% of the Holy Realm, which is due to the five supreme elixirs!

There are also 100 drops of Holy Liquid of All Spirits, which were also refined by his mind body, which improved the quality of his true spirit and his combat power.........

"The rest time should be over, right?!"

At this time, Qin Feng muttered in his heart.

He could sense that there was a lot of noise outside the mask, and many players had finished their meditation!

Qin Feng also planned to finish it!


【Reminder: Your mind body has refined 5 groups of True Spirit Embryo Light (no superior level). Your True Spirit has been greatly strengthened, and your combat power is +250,000 trillion stars...]

Hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was surprised and happy!

Those five groups of true spiritual embryonic lights have finally been refined!

In this way, his true spirit has been strengthened, which will be of great benefit to the next assessment!

The only pity is that his true spirit level has not been improved.

Thinking about it, it's true that with 100 drops of All Spirits Holy Liquid and 5 balls of True Spirit Embryo Light, he can even raise his True Spirit level without appearing in this world!

After all, he is already an eighth-grade intermediate true spirit!

He needs to refine at least 8 more balls of True Spirit Embryo Light before he can hope to improve the level of the True Spirit!

In fact, even if the true spirit level is not improved, it can still improve the test results this time!

After all, the true spirit is strengthened, and the power of the true spirit is enhanced, which can naturally improve the performance!

"Finally refined!"

At this moment, Qin Feng smiled and opened the panel...

After this rest, he had a lot of refining resources, so he naturally checked his progress.…

【Basic combat power]: 25.47 trillion stars

【Realm Progress]: After reading the data of Holy Realm 5.31%, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile!

His combat power actually reached 25.47 trillion!

Based on this calculation, his attack power is expected to exceed 220,000 Beijing!

The more Qin Feng watched, the more satisfied he became! according toWith such progress, he may not be able to become the strongest player in the Cangtian Realm!

After looking at it for a while, Qin Feng closed the panel!


At this moment, there was a sudden roar over the square!

The ethereal voice of Tiandao sounded above everyone's heads again…..

【Announcement: The break will end in one minute, players please be ready! The second round of assessment is about to begin!】

【Countdown: 60….59….58….】

The second round of competition is finally about to begin!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up!

Immediately, he waved his hand and removed the surrounding light shields!

After this cancellation, he saw the children of the Seventh Heaven Domain all beaming with joy!

Obviously, everyone got a good harvest!

"Huh! Master Qin Feng is out of seclusion!"

At this time, all the disciples also saw Qin Feng, and they all gathered around happily.

Huang Nie, Chen Fang and others also gathered around.

Qin Feng greeted him with a smile!

"grown ups! How did you gain from this retreat? Huang

Nie asked curiously.

All the disciples also looked curiously...

Now, Qin Feng is the backbone of everyone!

They are naturally concerned about Qin Feng's improvement.

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"Not bad!" How about you?

Huang Nie immediately smiled and said,"Everyone's gains are huge!" My true spirit level has been upgraded to the advanced seventh level!"

Speaking of this, Huang Nie was extremely proud!

Before this, his true spirit level was the limit of the seventh-level intermediate level.

This time after getting 1 million drops of Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Liquid, he finally sprinted to the seventh-level advanced level.

Of course, Not only him, Chenfang, Wushan, MooshuangPeople have gained as much as 3.6!

Therefore, everyone’s face was red and they were in a good mood!

Qin Feng also nodded happily.

At this time, Chen Fang stepped forward again and said:"By the way! Sir, when you were in retreat before, the evil sea refined 5 groups of true spirit embryonic lights, and finally upgraded the true spirit to the eighth-level intermediate level. At that time, it was Quite a movement!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng nodded slightly and didn't care too much.

Huang Nie said:"Sir, at the true spirit level, it should be your strength! But the second round of testing is divided into two parts! The first part is to test the strength of the true spirit power, and the second part is to test the attack increase multiple!"

"That second part won’t work for you! The attack amplitude of a fourth-grade Zhitian-level expert can often reach more than forty-five times! After all, such a strong man will have a supreme piece of equipment in his hands!"

Speaking of this, Huang Nie actually looked worried!

Chen Fang and others also showed anxiety.

They actually thought that Qin Feng's increase multiples were not as good as those of the fourth-grade Heaven-level warriors, so they couldn't help but worry..

In fact, the amplification multiple is Qin Feng’s strength, and has more advantages than his true spirit!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng smiled and said nothing!

Seeing that he didn’t care, everyone thought he didn’t pay attention, and they suddenly became more worried.

At that moment, Huang Nie said:"Sir, according to the previous rules, the rewards in the second round will be a little different! The top three in the first round will receive rewards of the same level!"

"The second round will be divided into first, second, and third place rewards! So, don’t underestimate your opponent! In this round, as long as you are one place behind, the reward will be much different!"

After hearing this, Qin Feng was finally moved!

Now that the rewards for the top three have begun to be divided, he naturally wants to win the first place.

But in this round, can he win the first place?!

Boom~Long~Long ~!

At this moment, Tiandao’s announcement resounded throughout the audience again!

【Announcement: The break is over! Now start the second round of testing...】

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