As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng was about to sign an alliance with the three of them!


But at this moment, a new reminder came from Tiandao..

【Reminder: This round of assessment will end in one hour! Various ranking rewards will be awarded at that time, so please be prepared!】

【Reminder: It is detected that your hunting score has exceeded 100 million points. Congratulations on getting a chance to redeem a master-level holy item!】

【Reminder: It is detected that your hunting score has exceeded 200 million points. Congratulations on getting the opportunity to redeem special resources!】

【Special resource exchange: You can redeem some of the incomplete cores of the Eight Yuan Realms on the special resource exchange interface to complete the Five Spirit Universe!】

【Eight Yuan Realms: A component of the Five Spirit Universe. The complete Five Spirit Universe is composed of the five spiritual realms and the eight Yuan Realms!】

【Reminder: By perfecting a Yuan Realm, you will receive a lot of cosmic power in return!】

【Reminder: By perfecting the three Yuan Realms, you will be recognized by Heaven, which means that you already own a high-energy universe and meet the standards for promotion to the eighth-grade Heaven Holder!】

【Reminder: Only by perfecting the eight Yuan Realms can the Five Spirit Universe continue to advance in level! 】


After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

He is worrying about how to perfect the Five Spirit Universe!

If the Five Spirits Universe is not perfect, it cannot be upgraded, and it will become useless!

To complete the Five Spirit Universe, we must complete the eight Yuan Realms that it lacks!

Before this, Qin Feng tried to use the universe of his subordinates to replace the eight Yuan Realms, but found that it didn't work!

The Five Spirits Universe is originally a level 27 high-energy universe!

If you want to use other small universes to replace the previous Yuanjie, you will need a level 27 high-energy universe!

But none of Qin Feng's subordinates have a high-energy universe, not even level 25!

Even if Bai Changgeng is just recruited, his universe is only an intermediate energy state universe!

Therefore, it is almost impossible for him to replace it with a subordinate universe!

And for him to cultivate a level 27 high-energy small universe to replace a Yuanjie, it would consume countless energy and resources!

More Yes, he has to spend a lot of time!

Now that it's better, Tiandao actually reminded him that his hunting share exceeded 200 million, opening a special resource exchange channel!

That special channel was able to redeem the incomplete Yuanjie core!

This is really beneficial to him in perfecting the Five Spirit Universe!

What's more, as long as he perfects the three Yuan Realms, he can reach the standard for promotion to the eighth-grade Heaven-bearer!

And being promoted to the eighth level Heavenly Holder is also something he longs for!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng is full of expectations for the next points exchange for 28!

I just don’t know how many incomplete Yuanjie cores there are in the special redemption interface?

I'm afraid there aren't eight!

"Unexpectedly, my hunting points exceeded 200 million, and another redemption opportunity was activated!"

At this moment, Qin Feng was muttering in his heart.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a satisfied smile.

At this moment, he sensed that Feng Laiyi and the others were looking at him eagerly!

These three guys were still Waiting for his recruitment!

Qin Feng smiled, broke the blood on his finger, and started the recruitment ceremony!

According to Heaven's instructions, the assessment time is about to end!

Although those players were sent out in advance, it does not mean that the assessment is over!

We still have to wait for Qin The real assessment is complete only when Feng returns to the main examination area!

Now, the assessment time is coming!

Qin Feng naturally has to hurry up and finish the trivial matters and return to the main examination area...

Having said that, he is also full of expectations for the next ranking reward!

That concerns him The success rate of killing the elders of Xiji!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

In just a moment, Qin Feng used the essence and blood as a guide to draw three divine blood marks in the air...

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

The next second, he flicked his index finger and shot three divine seals into the eyebrows of Feng Laiyi and the other three...


Immediately, the three people's eyebrows bloomed with light!

The prompts of heaven echoed in the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the four people. endless….

【Appointment successful! You have appointed Feng Laiyi of the Suzaku Clan as the Realm Master of the Nanling Realm.】

【Appointment successful! You have appointed Wu Xuance of the Zhenwu clan as the world leader of Beiling World Yuan.】

【Appointment successful! You have appointed Gou Wuxian of the Gouchen clan as the realm master of the Xiling realm】

【Congratulations to Realm Master Feng Laiyi for receiving permanent support from the Southern Spiritual Realm and for gaining a large amount of increase in combat power.…】



As the prompt came, the momentum of Feng Laiyi and the other three people skyrocketed crazily, and they burst out uncontrollably!

At that moment, the entire hall was filled with the powerful momentum of the three people!

After a while, the recruitment was completed!

The commotion in the field gradually subsided!

Qin Feng looked at the three of them with a smile.

At this moment, Feng Laiyi and the other three opened their eyes happily.

"The little girl thanks her master for the great opportunity!"

"Master, Wu has improved a lot this time, and is not far away from breaking through to the Great Perfection!"

"So does Gou! Gou thanked the master for the opportunity!"

As soon as they opened their eyes, the three of them thanked each other with extremely excited expressions!

Qin Feng also nodded with pleasure.

He could clearly feel that the three of them had made great progress, and they were not far away from the Great Perfection of Transformation!

As a result, he has more and more strong men under his command, and he can obtain more and more power of sacrifice. Of course, Feng Laiyi and the other two have made such great progress not only through the feedback from the spirit world, but also because they themselves are extremely talented. Good.

In this way, they can accumulate more and more, and their strength will skyrocket!

In other words, these three people deserve to be trained!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng smiled and said:"Three of you, from now on, we will be prosperous and suffer losses." damage!"

"I'll understand!"

The three of them agreed in unison, and their tone was full of respect.

Feng Laiyi's eyes looked at Qin Feng, which was full of admiration and even some admiration.

At this time, Qin Feng continued:"I won't hide it from you three! According to my idea, I want to train these three people to be the luck suppressors of the three tribes. I wonder if you have this idea?"


As soon as these words came out, all three of them were shocked!

Immediately, Feng Laiyi said excitedly:"Little... little lady is willing!"

"Owner! I am willing!"

"So does I!"

The three people hurriedly expressed their opinions, fearing that they would miss the great opportunity in front of them!

Seeing that the three of them were so active, Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction.

Then, he said:"As long as you three are willing! However, I can only say that I will do my best, but I can’t necessarily guarantee that all three of you will become luck suppressors."

"If more outstanding disciples appear in the ancestral land of your three clans, I will not be able to force others into trouble!"

As soon as these words were said, Feng Laiyi and the other three nodded slightly.

Wu Xuance said seriously:"Master, we understand! If you want to become a luck suppressor, in addition to having a master to rely on, the three of us must also have enough strength. This time when I go back, my subordinates will do their best to break through in retreat!"

"So does the little girl!"

"So does I! Feng

Laiyi and Feng Laiyi also expressed their opinions.

Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction:"Very good!" The resources in these three storage rings should help you break through to the Great Perfection of Transformation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng threw out three storage rings.

After the three of them got the storage rings, they saw the resources inside and they were all overjoyed.

"Thank you master!"

Then, the three of them thanked each other one after another!

Qin Feng smiled:"It's over now, it's time for the three of you to go back and take care of all the affairs!"

"yes! Owner!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng waved his hand!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

Feng Laiyi and the other two people suddenly turned into white light and were teleported back.

After doing this, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Among the four tribes The matter is finally settled!

The future has far-reaching significance, and it will be of great help to him!

Qin Feng looked expectantly in the direction of the three tribes.

His eyes penetrated countless starry skies and saw Feng Laiyi and the other three returning to their tribe..

At this moment, the three of them were surrounded by their disciples, and they were all asking happily!


The three Suzaku tribes all expected the alliance of the five tribes.

After Qin Feng looked at it for a while, he smiled and looked back.

There is not much time. It’s time!

It’s time for him to go back to the general examination area and get ranking rewards!

Especially the final point redemption in the mall!

With this in mind, Qin Feng plans to go back to the examination area. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) With his current ability, he can travel directly back to the general examination area without the need for transmission from Heaven!


But at this moment, Qin Feng's sea of ​​consciousness resounded with a shocking roar!

Heaven sent a prompt…

【Reminder: Your mind body has successfully refined the Heart of the White Tiger, and your combat power will be +3 million yuan.】

【Your White Tiger Essence and Blood has been strengthened to level 21, with a combat power of +2 million Beijing. The power of the White Tiger has been promoted to level 8 mid-level, with a combat power of +2 million Beijing.】

【Your White Tiger essence and blood has been strengthened to level 22, with a combat power of +3 million Beijing. The power of the White Tiger has been promoted to level 8, with a combat power of +3 million Beijing.】

【You fuse a half-step palm level sacred object again, and your family fortune is raised to Ziji low-grade 62.13%.】


After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

He didn't expect that the White Tiger's Heart presented by Bai Changgeng would be refined so quickly!

In this way, his strength has greatly increased!

The White Tiger bloodline has also been promoted to level 22, which is the same level as the Suzaku bloodline!


But before Qin Feng was happy, the reminder from Heaven came again…

【Reminder: Your mind body has successfully refined the Yuanling Emperor’s Heart, and your combat power will be +3 million!】

【Refining successful! Your Taoist body has obtained the true meaning of return (without borders), the Taoist body has been successfully alienated, and its combat power is +2 million!】

【Refining successful! Yuanling Emperor's Heart can greatly strengthen the Tao body, and your Tao body cohesion is increased to 98.77%.】

【You have once again fused a half-step palm-level sacred object, and your clan luck has been raised to the lowest level of Purple Extreme 64.43%.】

【It is detected that the number of True Meanings you have mastered has increased by one. The difficulty of condensing your Tao body has increased by 10%, so your Tao body progress has dropped to 88.89.%.】

【Reminder: You have mastered nine true meanings. After you break through to the palm level, there will be unexpected changes】


At this moment, Qin Feng's body was roaring continuously!

His combat power, family luck, and true meaning all increased crazily!

After a long time, all the movement slowly subsided!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of joy!

The Yuanling Emperor's Heart that he had harvested before was actually refined at this moment!

As a result, his strength has skyrocketed again, and his family's luck has also improved a lot!

Then his success rate in killing the elders of Xiji should be over 60%!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't wait to check it out…

【Family luck]: Ziji low grade 64.67%

【Basic combat power]: 396 million Beijing stars

【Realm progress]: Quasi-master realm (Tao body 88.89%)

【Return to the True Meaning]: Nine

Types After reading the data, Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction.

Unknowingly, his combat power reached 396 million Beijing!

According to his previous calculations, the combat power exceeded 380 million Beijing, and the success rate of killing the elders of Xiji reached 60%!

If the combat power exceeds 410 million Beijing, the success rate of beheading will reach 70%!

He is just a hair away from his goal of 70%!

By the time he completes his ranking rewards, it will be estimated to exceed 410 million yuan!

In other words, he has a 70% chance of being promoted to the ultimate path breaker!

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more excited he became!

He is also looking forward to the scene after going out!

Killing the elders of Xiji is not only to be promoted to the ultimate path breaker, but also the starting point for the dragon clan's revenge!

Thinking of this, Qin Li looked into the distance...

In other words, the success rate of 70% is not low.

Qin Feng still feels that it is not enough!

He can only succeed in his plan to kill the elders of Xiji, but cannot fail!

If the elder of Xiji escapes, it will be much more difficult to kill him in the future!

It seems that he has to continue to improve his strength and increase his success rate!

For example, if the combat power exceeds 430 million Beijing-levels, the success rate of killing the elders of Xiji can reach 80%!

If it breaks through 450 million Beijing stars, the success rate can reach over 90%!

Breaking 450 million yuan!

This is the safest!

So can he achieve such combat power? correct!

He still has the palm-level sacred object, the Origin Bead, which he has yet to refine!

If it can be refined in time, it can improve a lot of combat power!

Of course, relying on the Origin Bead is definitely not enough!

Then the next ranking reward becomes extremely important!

If the reward is generous enough, the hope of breaking through 450 million yuan will be even greater.

"Don’t think about it so much! It’s time for me to collect my ranking rewards!"

At this moment, Qin Feng muttered in his heart

003 Phew~!

The next second, he stepped forward, turned into white light, and disappeared into the hall...

At the same time, he was in the main examination area.

In that endless void, the thirty-three realm platform is still surrounded by the huge ranking monument!

At this moment, the atmosphere in the venue is a bit weird!

I saw that among the thirty-three platforms, twelve heavenly platforms were empty, with not a single player in sight!

There are contestants on the remaining twenty-one platforms, but the number is sparse.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are more than a thousand people at most, and only dozens of people at least!

As for the Cangtian realm where Qin Feng belongs, there are suddenly only a hundred people left, which can be considered an extremely outstanding performance!

Overall, after the final round, there were less than 10,000 contestants left!

But all the players who can persevere until this moment can be called elites.

Logically speaking, they should be grateful for it!

But in fact, all the players looked a little weird.

The atmosphere in the venue was also very solid!

More contestants stared blankly at the twelve empty platforms, and their hearts were shocked!

Those twelve platforms are the Qingtian Realm, Emperor Heaven Realm, Shitian Realm, etc., twelve powerful heaven realm platforms!

Now that there is no one, that means the entire army has been wiped out!

The contestants can guess without thinking that all this is done by Lord Qin Feng!

At the beginning, Jialan, Huang Tu and others took the initiative to pursue Master Qin Feng...

Jialan and others were from the Twelve Heavens Realm such as Qingtian Realm!

Thinking about the announcements they heard in the outside world, how could the players not know what happened?

The only strange thing is that now that everyone has left the Huawai Land in advance, why don't they see Master Qin Feng?

At this thought, many players secretly looked at the Cangtian Realm platform!

On the platform of the Cangtian Realm, all the disciples were waiting anxiously.

They have also been discussing why Master Qin Feng has not returned yet.

The other Tianjing players have also been watching silently.

They were also curious, but they did not dare to discuss Qin Feng's name and could only watch silently.

By now, their awe for Qin Feng has penetrated deeply into their souls, and they don't even dare to mention his name behind his back.

Only the disciples of the Cangtian Realm dare to mention Qin Feng's name.

At this time, on the platform of Cangtian Realm.

Yuan Kun, Huang Nie, Yan Qing, Chong Yu and other leaders have been discussing in low voices

"Everyone, why has Lord Qin Feng not returned for so long? Nothing will happen to him, right?"

Yan Qing murmured in a low voice.

Her beautiful face was full of sadness.

Yuan Kun took a deep breath:"This is impossible! Don’t forget Tiandao’s announcement! Lord Qin Feng has ended the opportunity of creation! From now on, there will never be such an opportunity in the Source Realm! Huang

Nie said with confidence:"Fellow Daoist Yan, don't worry!" My adults will definitely be fine!"

Huang Nie and Qin Feng came from Fengyu Tianyu together!

Now, Huang Nie has always been proud of Qin Feng, and even worshiped him fanatically!

At this time, Chongyu suddenly said:"That's right! You said that Master Qin Feng can end the opportunity of creation, then what level of strength has he reached? Isn't it the quasi-master level?"

As soon as these words were said, the expressions of several people changed slightly.

The players around also heard it, and they were all shocked!.

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