In fact, at this moment, the outside world has already caused a sensation!

The hall was filled with excitement!

Everyone was stunned by Qin Feng's results!

They really didn't expect that Qin Feng's grades would skyrocket again!

At this moment, in the corner.

All the eight pillars in the sky were silent!

The faces of Ming Zhong and Yin He were gloomy!

There was also a beautiful woman in a purple dress and an old man in a green robe, their faces also ugly.

They are the Ninth Pillar Heaven and the Eighth Pillar Heaven!

Especially the old man in green robe, his face was extremely bitter.

He is the eighth pillar of heaven - Chang Luo!

Qin Feng's score just surpassed him!

After a long time, the Eight Pillar Geniuses gradually came to their senses.

At this moment, the light door on the test platform flickered!

Qin Feng walked out of it!

The originally noisy hall immediately became quiet.

Everyone looked at Qin Feng blankly, not even daring to breathe.

Especially the onlookers around the test bench looked at Qin Feng with even more awe.

If before this, they believed that Qin Feng could become a strong person in the Pillar Heaven, but there was a high probability that he would be the 12th Pillar Heaven, or the 11th Pillar Heaven!

But it's different now. Qin Feng's performance once again exceeded their understanding!

You know, Qin Feng's score reached 57,000 points, already ranking among the eighth pillars!

Every time Zhutian ranked higher, everyone's awe deepened.

As a result, their awe for Qin Feng has been deepened!

At this time, there was dead silence in the field!

Everyone held their breath and did not dare to offend Qin Feng.

At this moment, try it.

Qin Feng looked around calmly....

Wherever his gaze passed, everyone lowered their eyelids, not daring to look at him, and their expressions showed nervousness.

Today's Qin Feng is a real and valuable figure in their hearts!


Suddenly, the sky above the hall shook!

The voice of heaven resounds in every corner....

【Announcement: It has been detected that examiner Qin Feng’s score has reached 57133 points, exceeding the ranking score of Tianchang Luo in the eighth pillar....】

【Announcement: Congratulations to player Qin Feng for being promoted to the eighth Pillar Heaven Powerhouse, and the remaining Pillar Heaven Powerhouses have slipped one spot....】

【Reminder: Player Qin Feng must complete all assessment items before he can receive the corresponding Zhutian promotion reward....】


As soon as this announcement came out, there was a commotion in Hall 29!

Even though they already knew the answer, everyone was still in awe after hearing Tiandao's announcement!

The Eighth Pillar Oh My God!

These are just two tests!

Master Qin Feng has already obtained the ranking of the eighth pillar!

If he completes all assessments, how high will he be?!

Everyone can’t imagine it!

In short, the achievements created by Mr. Qin Feng are really shocking!


At this time, the sky above the hall was shaking again!

Tiandao’s announcement once again resounded throughout the audience!

【Announcement: It was detected that player Qin Feng scored 32,290 points in the Guiyi True Intention Test, surpassing the historical high score of 5,310 points....】

【Announcement: Congratulations to player Qin Feng for receiving an additional reward for this round of testing, which is 1 Spirit Realm Cultivation Pill...】

【Announcement: It has been detected that player Qin Feng’s score in this round is nearly six times the highest score in history. His performance is extremely outstanding, so he will be given a special reward....】

【Special reward content: That is, the additional reward will be increased six times, and player Qin Feng will be rewarded with 6 spiritual realm cultivation pills.....】


Six spiritual realm cultivation pills!

The hall was full of envy!

Master Qin Feng’s harvest this time was suddenly twice that of the previous round!


Soon, a reward beam fell from the sky and landed next to Qin Feng.

The next second, the six Spiritual Realm Cultivation Pills slowly fell in front of Qin Feng along the beam of light. He happily put them away and sent them into the small universe...

He wanted to get 4 more Spiritual Realm Cultivation Pills before, but now he finally got them. It’s all there, even more than 2 pieces!

It seems that it is only a matter of time before he wants to reach 30% of the Palm Breaking Realm!

Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction and strode towards the audience.

In just a moment, he stepped off the testing platform in full view of everyone.

The spectators in the audience had already stepped aside to make way for him.

"grown ups!"

The two daughters of Yan Qing stepped forward to greet them immediately. At this moment, their faces were full of joy, and the admiration in their eyes was even stronger.

If we say that before, Qin Feng won the eleventh pillar of heaven, his ancestor had nine There is a chance that they will be attached to Master Qin Feng.

Now, even without their persuasion, their ancestors are willing to attach themselves to Master Qin Feng.

In fact, the ancestors will even ask them to help introduce him!

The two girls thought so, and they felt proud.

Not everyone can get closer to Master Qin Feng

"Two of you! let's go! Go take the third assessment!"

At this time, Qin Feng also greeted him with a smile.

"yes! grown ups!"

The two agreed intimately.

Then, the three of them walked to the third testing point.....

Before the three of them had gone far, a huge crowd followed behind them.

At this moment, everyone followed Qin Feng!

They want to watch Qin Feng's assessment and witness the miracle of the Cangtian Realm!

Now, Qin Feng has become the focus of the entire hall.

Regarding the assessment of the other contestants, everyone gave up watching and ran over to watch Qin Feng.

In fact, those players had given up the assessment and came to watch Qin Feng!

There were also some contestants who were going to sign up for the competition but simply gave up on signing up.

The appearance of Qin Feng made the assessment of the players meaningless.

Now that things have happened, it is no longer who can become the new Zhutian strongman, but which Zhutian leader Qin Feng can win.....

In this way, the flow of people in the entire hall moved with Qin Feng's movements.....

At the same time, the big bosses were also paying close attention.

In the corner, Bada Zhutian has been silently looking at Qin Feng's back....

After a while, Yinhe looked gloomy and slowly withdrew his gaze.

Then, he looked at Chang Luo again

"Brother Chang Luo, your position as the eighth pillar of heaven has been squeezed out by Qin Feng. After the assessment is over, do you want to challenge him and regain your ranking?"

As soon as these words were said, all the Zhutians looked at Chang Luo one after another.

According to the ranking challenge rules among the Zhutians, ranking challenges cannot exceed three rankings in one fell swoop, and the highest can only be three rankings.

In other words, Qin Feng has already It's the eighth pillar.

Only the ninth, tenth, and eleventh pillars are qualified to challenge him.

Ming Zhong, who ranks at the bottom, is not even qualified to challenge Qin Feng.

Yinhe barely saved one Challenge qualifications, but he didn’t dare challenge Qin Feng!

Qin Feng’s performance was so good that he didn’t have the courage to challenge!

So, he wanted to encourage the strongest Chang Luo to challenge!

In other words, he just wanted to see Qin Feng promoted to The Eighth Pillar Heaven felt a little unhappy!

In fact, he was not the only one who had such thoughts!

All the Pillar Heavens had this idea!

So they all looked at Chang Luo to see how he would deal with it?

Chang Luo looked around at the strong men. His eyes and expression were a little complicated.

How could he not see Yinhe's little thoughts?

This guy wants to use him as a spearman!

Thinking of this, Chang Luo took a deep breath and said:"Brother Yinhe, this matter is just I'm afraid I don't need to take action! Now, Qin Feng has just finished the second test and has been promoted to the eighth pillar!"

"After he completes all the assessments, he is afraid that he will be promoted to the seventh pillar. When the time comes, the one who should challenge him most should be fellow Taoist Yuantai!"

Having said this, Chang Luo looked at the seventh pillar of heaven - Yuan Tai!

All the pillars of heaven also looked at Yuantai!

Yuantai just smiled slightly! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

No When he opened his mouth, Yinhe muttered:"Brother Chang Luo, I'm afraid Qin Feng may not be able to replace Brother Tai! Brother Yuantai’s ranking score is 7.4!"

From the eighth pillar to the seventh pillar, the ranking suddenly exploded to 7.4 points, and the difficulty of promotion has obviously increased significantly.

In fact, starting from the seventh pillar, the ranking points have improved more.

The seventh pillar, It’s 7.4 points!

The sixth pillar sky is 97,000 points!

The fifth pillar sky is 113,000 points!

The fourth pillar sky is 132,000 points!

As for the three strongest Ying Falcons, among them Xuan Fei, who is ranked lowest, has a score of 7.4 points! It is also 167,000 points.

It can be seen that it is becoming more and more difficult for Qin Feng to challenge the following rankings. As soon as Yin He finished speaking, Ming Zhong also echoed

"That's right! I also feel that Qin Feng may not be able to surpass brother Yuan Tai! Because the following assessments are each more difficult than the last, and scoring is getting harder and harder!"

"For example, the next third assessment is the universe quality score! The starting point must be a high-energy universe! If it were a high-energy universe, the score would be 0 points!"

"Look at that Qin Feng again, his age is less than three hundred years old! How powerful can such a young existence be if it cultivates the universe? Let me see, maybe his universe is still in the intermediate energy state!"

As soon as these words were said, the eyes of all the powerful men lit up.

Yinhe even said with a hint of joy:"Fellow Daoist Ming Zhong is right! Based on Qin Feng's age, he doesn't have much energy and time to cultivate the universe. There is a great possibility that he is a medium-energy universe!"

"From this point of view, his third assessment is likely to be 0 points. Having said that, if he wants to surpass Brother Yuantai, it's probably unlikely! Brother Chang Luo, I'm afraid it's you who should challenge me in the end!"

Hearing this, all the powerful men nodded.

Then, they looked at Chang Luo!

Chang Luo was depressed!

He didn't want to be used as a spearman!

Immediately, he said:"Brother Yinhe, you can't say anything. Too early. Judging from Qin Feng's previous performance, he has repeatedly created miracles. Maybe he can continue to create miracles in this third item!"

"Create another miracle?! Ah~!", Yinhe sneered and shook his head.

Then, he added:"Based on Qin Feng's age, Yin is sure that he will not be very ideal in the third test!"

Chang Luo frowned slightly:"Brother Yinhe, your contemptuous behavior , I'm afraid it's not possible! If Qin Feng performs well and really surpasses fellow Taoist Yuantai, you will be slapped in the face!"

Yinhe swallowed unhappily:"This is unlikely! But even if He has surpassed Brother Yuantai, so Brother Yuantai will definitely challenge him, right?"

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at Yuantai again.....

Now, everyone wants to see Yuantai's attitude.

Unexpectedly, Yuantai smiled slightly:"Brother Yinhe, you are wrong! If little friend Qin Feng really surpasses me, not only will I not challenge him, but I also want to make friends with him!" As soon as these words came out! , all the pillars and heavens were stunned!

They all looked at Yuantai in surprise.

Yinhe looked even more embarrassed!

Yuantai's words slapped him in the face!

Immediately, he said unwillingly:"Brother Yuantai, are you really willing for Qin Feng to beat you?"

Yuantai smiled slightly:"Why not? As long as his score can surpass me! I will happily accept this!" As soon as it fell, all the pillars and heavens fell silent.

Yinhe also closed his mouth in depression!

At this time, Yuantai smiled again and said:"Everyone, keep reading! Maybe Qin Feng can create another miracle in the third test!" As soon as these words were said, Zhongzhutian raised his head slightly and headed towards the examination area again look....

But Yin He raised the corner of his mouth:"How can it be so easy if you want to create another miracle? Let me see, he may not be able to surpass Ba Sha in the third test!" At the same time as he spoke, he also looked towards the examination area.....

Yuantai laughed and said nothing when he heard Yinhe's words.

Then, he also looked towards the examination area and his eyes fell on Qin Feng's back.

I'm afraid these Zhutians don't know that Yuan Tai is Yuan Kun's ancestor.

This time, Yuan Kun returned from the outside world and his strength greatly improved.

Now, he is already a powerful person in the late stage of transformation!

His great progress made Yuantai extremely satisfied.

You know, Yuan Kun is the descendant of his clan that he values ​​the most!

Yuantai wanted to know, what adventures did Yuan Kun experience in the land of alienation?

Yuan Kun told Yuan Tai everything that happened and praised Qin Feng.

This made Yuantai have a very good impression of Qin Feng!

At the same time, he also knew very well that Yuan Kun owed Qin Feng a favor!

Just because of the favor, if Qin Feng surpassed him, he would not launch a challenge.

What's more, Qin Feng's performance really impressed him!

973 He also developed a desire to make friends!

As for whether Qin Feng is worth making friends with, it depends on his subsequent performance.

Thinking of this, Yuantai paid serious attention to....

At this time, Qin Feng was already on the third test bench!

The test bench was surrounded by onlookers, densely packed with nearly a million people.

Qin Feng stood on the stage and looked at the ranking monument on the left....

Nasha still ranks first in this category, with a score of 4277 points....

After reading this, he walked towards the light door on the right....

In just a moment, he stepped through the light door and entered the testing space.....

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, various comments started to sound in the crowd.....

"Everyone! Do you think Mr. Qin Feng can still create a miracle this time?"

"this.....It’s really hard to say this time! The third item is to measure the level of the universe. The universe needs time to polish the most. The longer it takes, the higher the quality will be! But Mr. Qin Feng is too young, so he may have encountered a weakness!"

"I also think that this item should be Master Qin Feng’s weakness! However, I believe that even if it is a weak area, Master Qin Feng’s results will not be too bad!"

"That's right! Master Qin Feng is not an ordinary person! If we were to judge based on ordinary cognition, I'm afraid it would be inaccurate. Let’s take it slow and watch!"


As soon as these words were said, everyone began to wait expectantly.....

Nowadays, ordinary people are becoming more and more optimistic about Qin Feng, and many of them admire him deeply.

They naturally hope that Qin Feng can create another miracle and let them witness more exciting scenes....

At the same moment, in the testing space.

Qin Feng looked ahead with a smile on his face....

The layout here is similar to the previous two test spaces.

At this time, he is waiting for Tiandao to announce the scoring rules....


As soon as this idea came up, the test space started to vibrate!

Tiandao’s prompts also came....

【Announcement: Welcome player Qin Feng to the test hall!】

【Reminder: This temple tests the quality of the player’s universe!】

【The universe scoring rules are as follows...】

【Universes below high energy states are all counted as 0 points!】

【Level 25 high energy state universe can score 500 to 999 points!】

【Level 26 high energy state universe can score 1000 to 1999 points!】

【Level 27 high energy state universe can score 2000 to 3999 points!】

【Reminder: For every level of the high-energy universe, the scoring base increases by 1,000 points, and so on.....】

【The special universe rules are as follows...】

【Dual Universe: After the level score is reached, it will be doubled again!】

【Three-Body Universe: After level score, double it again!】

【Quadruple Universe: After level score, it will be doubled again 4 times!】

【Five-Yuan Universe: After level score, it will be doubled again 8 times! 】


After listening to the prompt, Qin Feng couldn't help but laugh!

This time, his strengths were tested again!

Compared to his grasp of the true meaning of Guiyi, his universe is obviously stronger!....

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