Yanli didn't know that Bi Sheng didn't give up.

His desire to become a candidate for God is extremely urgent!

At this moment, he was thinking with great anxiety

"Looking at this situation, Qin Feng will definitely get the position of elder. Fellow Daoist Jiuhuang also deserves a seat! As a result, we only occupy two of the four elders. This cannot support my becoming a candidate for God!"

"If we want to break the current situation, we can only ask the Dark Master to come forward. But the Dark Lord has been in retreat, and I don’t have his contact information. If you want to find him, you can only rely on Fellow Daoist Honglian!"

At this moment, Bi Sheng actually thought of asking the Dark Lord to come forward!

The Dark Lord is the ancestor of the second transformation of Heaven! (Thanks to the book friend for reminding the book friend that the Dark Lord is the second transformation of Heaven)

Unfortunately, his status is too low and he is not qualified to compete with the Dark Lord. He contacted the Lord directly.

Even for this transaction, he could only reach an agreement through Honglian's communication.

Now, if he wants to invite Lord Dark Lord, he only needs to wait for Honglian's assessment to come out.

Thinking of this, Bi Sheng looked anxiously Heading towards the ranking monument, he thought that Honglian would finish the assessment as soon as possible so that he could contact the dark master in time...

At the same moment, in the third level of the elder assessment area,

Qin Feng looked at the empty surroundings with a look of joy.

He had already collected the trophies.!

Just now, he accepted the reward and refined two Eight Spirit Dao Cores, which greatly improved his strength!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng opened the panel…

【Family luck]: Ziji middle grade 96.43%

【Realm Progress]: Zhang Dao Realm 71.36%

【Basic combat power]: 6.175 billion Beijing (200 million Beijing sealed)

【Merit value]: 950,000.

After reading the data, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile.

The further the elder assessment goes, the more generous the additional rewards will be!

In this third level, his cumulative combat power increased by 1.64.

As a result, his basic combat power reached 6.175 billion Beijing, and even in the sealed state, his combat power reached 2.033 billion Beijing.

In addition, his merit points have also reached 950,000 points

"My combat power has reached 6.175 billion Beijing, and my strength has entered the second transformation of the Heavenly Way, but I should be considered the bottom among the second transformation levels!"

At this moment, Qin Feng was analyzing in his mind.

The attack power range of the second transformation of Tiandao is from 3 trillion to 6 trillion Beijing!

He wants to reach an attack power of 6 trillion Beijing, and the basic combat power needs to reach about 12 billion Beijing.

This goal is still far away!

Qin Feng doesn't know that behind Bi Sheng and Hong Lian, there is also a dark master hidden.

That dark master is a veteran second-transformation powerhouse of heaven, with an attack power of up to 35,000 More than 100 million Beijing.

This means that Qin Feng has to reach 7 billion Beijing combat power to compete with him.

But that is when using the Nine Extremes Body!

Now, Qin Feng can only use the Seven Kills 403 Divine Body, which is the strongest His attack power has dropped greatly!

But if he is successfully promoted to the candidate of the Yellow Heaven Realm, he can borrow 50% of the power of the Heaven Realm, and his attack power will reach 3 trillion Beijing, and he can fight against the Dark Lord..

If he wants to reach an attack power of 3 trillion Kyo while using the Seven Kills Divine Body, his basic combat power must reach about 8 billion Kyo!

If the help of the puppet body is included, his combat power will reach 7 billion Kyo. , you can compete with the dark master.

7 billion Beijing!

There is still a glimmer of hope that this goal can be achieved!

Of course, Qin Feng must score double the full score in the fourth level and get the extra reward again to have a glimmer of hope of achieving it..

Although Qin Feng still doesn’t know the existence of the Dark Lord, let alone the strength of the Dark Lord.

However, he has always had one idea in his mind, that is, to improve his strength as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked at the two people in front of him. Daoguang Gate!

The light gate on the left leads to the fourth level that hides the East Ji Realm Order!

The light on the right leads to the fourth level that hides the Arctic Realm Order!

It’s time to make a choice!

He must pave the way for Hongjun Way!

Otherwise, with Hongjun’s strength, he would not be able to compete with Jiuhuang.

If Hongjun cannot become an elder, he will not be promoted to the Candidate God of Huangtian Realm!

And if Hongjun wants to become an elder, he will naturally need to take action!

Besides, if Hongjun becomes an elder, his strength will definitely skyrocket!

At that time, Hongjun will be able to sacrifice more combat power to him, which will also be more conducive to fighting against the dark master.

But how can he help Hongjun?

Look at it. The two light gates in front of him, Qin Feng took a deep breath, split into two, and the two split into four.

In just a moment, he fissioned into four fission bodies.

The next second, three of the fission bodies merged into one , Qin Feng reappeared.

He looked at his combat power, only 1.9 billion Beijing was left.

Looking at the fission body on the side, the combat power was 1.3 billion Beijing

"Only 1.9 billion Beijing combat power is left! I wonder if I can get double the reward in the last level?"

Qin Feng was a little unsure!

Forget it, don't think about it so much. He will break through the level first.

With this in mind, Qin Feng walked towards the light door on the left.

The fission body walked towards the light door on the right.

His The plan was to dispatch both sides at the same time.

Of course, his main goal was to seize the East Pole Realm Order, so he concentrated most of his combat power to break through the East Pole Level.

When the fission variant went to the North Pole Level, it would naturally be able to wipe out all the puppets, but with Less than double the reward.

Of course, there can only be one reward!

Once he has obtained the East Pole Realm Order, he will not be able to obtain a second Realm Order.

Even if the fission body kills all the puppets in the Arctic Examination Area, he will not have the right to obtain another Realm Order. If the order is given, there will naturally be no reward.

However, the purpose of Qin Feng's fission variant to go to the North Pole checkpoint was not to grab the token, but to lie in ambush in that examination area, waiting for Jiuhuang to come to his door.

Until now, he still doesn't know Is Jiuhuang a friend or an enemy?

If Jiuhuang knows his signs, he might let him go.

If Jiuhuang doesn't know his signs, he will slap him to death!

Of course, before that, he must find out the identity of the other party.

If Qin Feng knew that Jiuhuang was a subordinate of Lord Di Le, and he would not hesitate to blow it up with one palm!

In short, his fission body went to the Arctic pass to pave the way for Hongjun.

He had the fission body ambush there. , waiting for Hongjun to get the token.

As for whether this plan is feasible?

He is not completely sure!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng walked towards the front level slightly nervously.

The fission body also walked towards the North Pole level...

In just a moment, Qin Feng and the fission body entered two fourth levels at the same time...

The moment he entered the fourth level, Qin Feng looked nervously in the direction of the North Pole level.

But the next second, he felt something. He breathed a sigh of relief.

He sensed that after the fission body entered the Arctic level, it was not forcibly teleported out by Heaven.

Everything was as expected, he and the fission body could appear in two levels at the same time.

In this way, his plan could be implemented.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng raised his head and looked forward...

What he saw was a huge void world, filled with nine-color auras between heaven and earth.

And in front of him, thousands of nine-spirit puppets were densely arranged.!

In front of the puppets, there are four Nine Spirit Puppet Kings with a height of ten thousand feet.

Looking to the back of the puppet camp, there is an altar with a diameter of one hundred feet. A white token is suspended in the center of the altar. It rotates automatically there and emits an astonishing light. The aura of aura!

When the token is rotated to the front, you can clearly see the word Dongji engraved on the token.

When it is rotated to the back, the three characters of Huangtian Realm are revealed!

That is what becomes the Dongji of Huangtian Realm. The elder's key thing!

And next to the altar, Qin Feng once again saw the humanoid Emperor of All Transformations.

This Emperor of All Transformations and the one in the Cangtian realm should not be the same one, with slightly different breaths.

But they control The magical powers are the same, and the strength is also comparable.


At this moment, the voice of Tiandao resounded throughout the audience.…

【Announcement: The contestants have entered the fourth examination area! The challenge starts in 20 seconds!】

【Countdown: 20...19...]

When he heard the countdown started, Qin Feng quickly withdrew his gaze and looked at the puppet camp in front of him...

The four puppet kings were looking at him seriously.…

"Advanced master!!"

One puppet king couldn't help but murmured.

The other three puppet kings looked at each other solemnly.

The players they blocked were always at the intermediate level of masters.

They rarely encountered such advanced masters.

Look. It’s not easy to stop this coming!

Thinking of this, a puppet king looked at the puppet king not far away

"His Majesty! The contestants this time are not simple. Do they want to use Ten Thousand Chemicals in One?"

As soon as these words were said, all the puppets looked at the Wanhua Emperor.

Qin Feng's face also changed slightly.

What he was most afraid of was the Wanhua Emperor's Wanhua Unification.

That is to gather the power of all the puppets into one, allowing its strength to Skyrocketing!

If this is the case, it will not help him obtain double rewards!

This thought made Qin Feng worried.

At the same moment, Emperor Wanhua showed hesitation.

It turns out that the unity of Wanhua is the fourth level. Ace!

If they use this ace, even if they successfully defend the gate, Heaven will lower their evaluation of them!

So, Emperor Wanhua is hesitant to use it?

Qin Feng is also worried about whether the opponent will use it?

But (cjcc ) With this hesitation, the countdown was about to end.

The puppet kings were a little anxious!

At this moment, Emperor Wanhua finally spoke:"Guarding the gates is the most important thing! The emperor used it!"


After hearing this, the eyes of all the puppets shone, and they were all overjoyed!

In their view, as long as Wanhua Emperor used Wanhua Emperor, they would definitely be able to defend this level.

At this moment, the countdown ended!


As soon as the Wanhua Emperor thought, he immediately emitted golden light all over his body, bursting out with his domain magical powers...

In just a moment, the invisible power of the domain covered the entire place instantly!

The four puppet kings and thousands of puppets, all They are all shrouded in it! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

The next second, all the puppets lit up with dazzling white light!

Their bodies were rapidly disintegrating.!

"not good!"

Qin Feng secretly thought something bad!

He couldn't let these puppets merge with the Wanhua Emperor.

Otherwise, he would have no problem passing the level!

But to get double the full score, it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky!

Eh~! That's right!!


Suddenly, Qin Feng's heart moved, and his whole body burst out with dazzling golden light!

The next second, he also burst out with his domain magical power...

In just a moment, his domain power also filled the whole place, covering all the puppets.

Those puppets The speed of the body's incorporation suddenly slowed down ten times.

All the puppets were stunned!

The Wanhua Emperor also looked stunned!

The true meaning of Wanhua!

This human being actually mastered the true meaning of Wanhua!

The Wanhua Emperor was extremely surprised. Look at Qin Feng!

It is its pride to master the true meaning of Wanhua! It is also the greatest gift from heaven!

Unexpectedly, this human being has also mastered it.

Although the true meaning of Wanhua cannot break its magical power, it can Delay the use of its magical power!


And with this delay, Qin Feng's eyebrows suddenly split open, and the Escape Heaven Dao Pupil appeared! In the next breath, the pupils between his eyebrows shined brightly, and the whole person disappeared out of thin air!


Then, He appeared out of thin air behind Emperor Wanhua!

"Damn it!"

The Wanhua Emperor was shocked and angry, and quickly turned around to deal with it.


But at this moment, Qin Feng punched the Wanhua Emperor with all his strength.

As the saying goes: capture the thief first, capture the king!

As long as he destroys the Wanhua Emperor , why are you afraid of the integration of Wanhua Emperor!


With this punch, Qin Feng's momentum exploded and locked all the auras of Wanhua Emperor, making it inevitable.


Wanhua Emperor actually A roar like a beast broke out!


The next second, it also punched out with all its strength to meet Qin Feng's attack.

After all, it is infinitely close to the master's advanced existence.

As long as it can withstand this With just one punch, the integration of all forms into one should be completed.

By then, its strength will have skyrocketed, is it still afraid of this human being?!


Thinking of this, the Wanhua Emperor blasted away with even more ferocity!

One of the The fist blasted out, the golden light of the giant fist shined, and the momentum erupted from it soared, reaching 140 billion Beijing in the blink of an eye. As soon as the attack momentum came out, Emperor Wanhua looked proud!


But at this moment, Qin The wind burst out again!

The blood in his whole body surged, and the tiger body swelled!

The Seven Kills Divine Body! Instantly activated!

In just an instant, his momentum exploded to 3.8 billion Beijing!


Then, there was another shocking dragon roar, Suddenly resounded throughout the entire audience!

A five-clawed golden dragon appeared behind Qin Feng, its momentum covering the sky and the earth, looking down upon thousands of living beings!

The mighty dragon! Activate instantly!

The attack increases by 600%!


At that moment, the sky-reaching giant The fist received increased blessings, and a dazzling golden light lit up, like gold pouring, lighting up the entire space!

And the attack momentum erupting from it surged all the way, reaching about 232 billion Beijing in the blink of an eye!

"This...this is..."

Emperor Wanhua's eyes showed shock!

But in the next breath, the two attacks collided!


A loud sound of earth shattering!

The whole space was shaking!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

In the next breath, A series of cracks quickly extended from the Wanhua Emperor's giant fist to his whole body!

And the Wanhua Emperor even let out a miserable groan before being blown away!

By the time it stabilized its body, it was already a turtle all over. The aura was dim, and the momentum plummeted.

Especially that fist, most of it was broken into pieces!

Seeing such injuries, Wanhua Emperor's eyes were full of horror!

It seemed that he didn't expect that this human being was so strong!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Phew~!

At this moment, all the subordinates turned into thousands of golden lights and flew towards it.

Emperor Wanhua was overjoyed!

Its magical power was finally activated successfully!

As long as these subordinates successfully merge with it, it can instantly recover from its injuries. , the weight reached its peak!


But at this moment, a light and shadow flashed in front of it!

Qin Feng came to kill him instantly!


Before Emperor Wanhua could think more, Qin Feng came with another punch!


Emperor Wanhua shouted in horror!

In panic, it punched to resist!

But at this moment, it was hit hard and its momentum plummeted. How could it withstand it?

In the blink of an eye, the attacks from both sides collided again!


A crisp sound!

Qin Feng exploded the Wanhua Emperor's fist with one punch, and the rest of the power continued to blast away, and finally hit the Wanhua Emperor's chest hard!


A crisp sound!

The sky is full of crystal fragments, flying everywhere!

The unwilling roar echoed throughout the venue!

Qin Feng actually blasted Wanhuahuang with one punch!

Wow~! La~! La~!

Immediately, the thousands of golden lights that were flying were ineffective due to the death of Wanhua Emperor, and turned into puppets again!

Those puppets suddenly fell from the sky like raindrops, and they fell to pieces one by one!

Seeing this, Qin Feng laughed:"Haha! The situation has been decided!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards the puppets!


At that moment, he released the magical power of time and space chaos, covering the entire place!

Without the Wanhua Emperor in charge, killing these puppets would be like mowing grass!

After all, the Wanhua Emperor's Wanhua Unification can break through the chaos of time and space.

Now that there is no Wanhua Emperor, he is not afraid of group attacks and sweeps the entire field.

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

Suddenly, the sound of fighting and the explosion of puppets could be heard in the field!

Before long, the battle was over!

There is not a single puppet left in the audience!

The ground was littered with fragments of sky crystals and several Tao cores.

Qin Feng smiled and waved his hand, put away all the sky crystal fragments, and sent those Dao cores into the small universe..

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