The moment he stepped into the sea of ​​fire, Qin Feng clearly sensed the violent eighth-level Suzaku power coming from all directions!

In just an instant, he was swallowed up by the violent Suzaku power.

This familiar scene appears again!

Qin Feng is naturally not affected at all!

He smiled slightly and activated the token in his hand!


Suddenly, the Suzaku Ancestral Order emits golden light!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

Wherever its light shines, the space cracks every inch!


With a crisp sound, the void ahead shattered, revealing a black hole in space about ten feet in diameter.


Qin Feng dodged and entered the black hole.

After passing through the black hole, his eyes suddenly opened up, and the world was bright!

He has entered a new space world!

The black hole in space behind it is also automatically healing and disappearing.

At this moment, Qin Feng carefully looked down at the world in front of him. Rare and exotic animals, spiritual flowers and plants, pavilions and pavilions could be seen everywhere.

In the distance, there are rivers, lakes, seas, mountains and highlands, everything you need.

Looking further, the entire continent is surrounded by spiritual energy and shining with rays of light. It is another fairyland space!

This is the ancestral land of Suzaku!

Judging from the spiritual energy concentration of the Suzaku Ancestral Land, it seems to be much higher than that of the White Tiger Ancestral Land.

The higher the aura, the more spiritual the person and the earth are!

I wonder how strong the children of the Suzaku clan are?

Qin Feng was curious!

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

At this moment, white light flashed not far away!

More than a dozen figures were quickly escaping this way.

Qin Feng quickly raised his eyes and saw that most of the dozen or so figures were women, and only two of them were men.

The Suzaku clan really has more women than men!

Taking a closer look at those women, they are all so beautiful that one's eyes can't help but light up.

But when he saw the leading woman, he couldn't help but froze.

I saw the woman's bright eyes and white teeth, eyebrows like willow leaves, lips like red vermillion, exquisite facial features, skin as white as jade, and radiant."647" looks at her again wearing a long red waist skirt, showing her slender waist, straight and slender legs, full of charm, and even more perfect.

What surprised Qin Feng was not the woman's stunning beauty, but the fact that she looked very similar to Yuan Feng.

Likewise, this woman looks very similar to Feng Laiyi!

Having said that, he still hasn't figured out why Yuan Feng and Feng Lai Yi look so similar.

He had wanted to visit the Suzaku ancestral land, maybe he could find some answers.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the Suzaku ancestral land, he found another woman who looked similar to Yuanfeng and Feng Laiyi.

If all the women of the Suzaku clan look alike, then the following imagination will appear, but it doesn’t make sense!

Qin Feng looked at the Suzaku disciples behind the leading woman, all of whom had bright eyes and extraordinary beauty.

But they and the leading woman all look very different, and each has its own beauty.

Of course, their appearance is inferior to that of the leading woman!

Looking at the back of the team, there are two middle-aged men.

Qin Feng took a closer look at the cultivation of these people.

I saw that the beautiful woman at the head was suddenly half-step to the Taoist Realm, and the rest were all existences to the Taoist Transformation Realm.

Could it be that the leading woman is the head of the Suzaku clan?

The Bai Juntai he met in the White Tiger ancestral land was the leader of the White Tiger clan.

The two races have always been equally powerful!

If compared like this, the possibility that this leading woman is the head of the Suzaku Clan is not small!

As for those Suzaku disciples in the Dao Transformation realm, they should be at the elder level.

Just when Qin Feng was thinking wildly, the dozen or so Suzaku disciples had already arrived...

As soon as they arrived, they quickly looked at Qin Feng, each of them with serious expressions... Those who could forcibly break through the boundary must be at least half-step to the palm level. existence!

Of course they don't dare to be careless!

But after taking a brief look, the eyes of the girls shone, and each one showed a look of surprise.

"Hey~! this man…"

"Wow~! He is so handsome!"

At this moment, many women murmured in low voices.

Some women even showed signs of being infatuated.

Even the leading woman looked at Qin Feng in amazement.

At the first glance, she was completely impressed by Qin Feng's handsome and noble temperament. She was so surprised.

At the same time, she also felt an inexplicable intimacy towards Qin Feng, a intimacy that made her very addicted, as if she was in love.

But soon, she woke up with a start.

She was upset in her heart, what happened to her?

Why did she feel that way towards a man of unknown origin?

Could this man be a charmer?!

At this thought, the leading woman's expression became serious.

But at this moment, she saw Qin Feng smiling again Looking at her carefully.

That smile was very kind!

She couldn't help but blush slightly, showing a hint of shyness.

But the next second, she scolded herself in annoyance, and her expression became serious again.

At this point, she It is becoming more and more certain that the man in front of her must be a charmer.

It is said that such people like women who have completed their beauty.

She is one of them!


She must not fall into this man's spell.

I think of it. At this point, the woman's expression became more serious.

All her expressions fell into Qin Feng's eyes.

Qin Feng found it a bit funny!

Having said that, when he saw this woman for the first time, he also felt a sense of intimacy.

After all, this woman and Yuan Feng looks similar!

When he sees this girl, he feels like meeting Yuan Feng and the two of them, and naturally feels friendly.

In addition, since he mastered the magical power of refining the heart in the mortal world, he has gained a charm that makes women obsessed.

In addition to In addition, he also gained an ability through training in the world of mortals, which is to be able to identify the perfect body at a glance.

However, most of the women in front of him are perfect bodies.

It seems that these Suzaku disciples are inclined to practice, talk about Love is rare.

Of course, maybe the Suzaku ancestral land has been closed for a long time, and it is difficult to see people from other races, so it is difficult to talk about love.

Think about the alliance of the five races in those days, there were intermarriages among each other.

Just when Qin Feng was thinking wildly, two unkind eyes peered towards him coldly.

Qin Feng felt something in his heart and followed his eyes, and saw two male Suzaku disciples at the back of the team.

At this moment, they looked at Qin Feng with extremely unhappy eyes, and there was deep jealousy in their eyes!

It was this unidentified man who broke into their clan's ancestral land and caused all the female elders to chirp.

Even some elders. , was actually a little moved. What they couldn't stand the most was that the great elder, who looked like a saint, had a pretty face with a slight blush after seeing this man, showing a hint of shame!

This was unacceptable to them!

In their eyes , the Great Elder is holy and immaculate, how can he be interested in the wild man outside?

Especially this guy stared directly at the Great Elder, and it was not a good thing at first sight! The more the two men thought about it, the more annoyed they became, and they felt jealous in their hearts. It was also thicker.

It turned out that the beautiful woman in the lead was the great elder of the Suzaku ancestral land.

At this moment, the woman in the lead finally spoke.

"Fellow Taoist, who are you? Why did you break into our tribe’s residence!"

The leading woman looked at Qin Feng cautiously. At this moment, her heart was filled with countless questions.

Just after looking at it, she couldn't see the man's cultivation and age, which made her feel fearful. She could see it. Qin Feng smiled slightly at the woman's caution.

Then, he smiled warmly and said:"This fellow Taoist, Qin is a friend, not an enemy, so you don't have to be nervous!"

But just after saying this, one of the male disciples with a red face started to sneer.

"Friend rather than enemy?! You really dare to say it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, another man with long hair and shawl started to echo.

"The Ninth Elder is right! This guy is really shameless! He innocently broke through the boundary wall of our clan's space and forced his way into the country. Is this behavior a friend or an enemy?

Hearing this, the Ninth Elder also agreed:"What the Eighth Elder said makes sense!" Elders, after this person came in, he looked at all the female elders with a stern look, especially the great elder."

"No matter how I look at it, I feel that this person is sneaky and does not look like a good person. Great Elder, you must be careful! Maybe this guy is the rumored flower-picking thief who specializes in seducing female monks."

"Do you think that after he came in, all the female elders felt that this person had a good appearance and a good temperament? In fact, this is the art of charm!"

The Eighth Elder warned the girls while shaking his head at Qin Feng, his eyes full of contempt.

He was not completely jealous, but he really thought that.

Without the magic of charm, this man would not have appeared. This made the hearts of all the female elders flutter.

How could an ordinary man have such charm?!

And with his reminder, all the female elders in the room were awakened!

No way?!

Is this man really a flower picker?

But from the moment the man appeared until now , I didn’t feel that he had used any magical means, all his charm was natural! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just when the girls were confused, Qin Feng looked at the two men with a depressed look. Male elders, namely the eighth elder and the ninth elder

"Two of you! Why are you so arbitrary in your evaluation of Qin? How can you be so sure that I am not a friend of the noble?"

Qin Feng asked back, and all the female elders looked at the two people.

They also felt that the judgment of the eighth elder and the ninth elder was a bit too arbitrary!

At present, they have not determined the identity of the person who came, so they just defined it. , it would be too hasty.

At that moment, the leading woman said:"Eighth Elder, Ninth Elder, your judgments just now were all based on subjective guesses. I don’t know, what basis do you have?"

"This..." Elder Ninth hesitated.

Then he said:"Don't say anything else! For example, this guy broke into our tribe's territory and behaved impolitely. No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like a friend! Hearing this, Qin Feng sneered:"

Your Excellency, what you said is unreasonable." The nobles hid here and did not leave any secret sentinels to the outside world. If I don't break through the boundary, how can I get in??"


Being retorted by this, the Ninth Elder's originally red face turned even redder.

That's right!

There are no Suzaku people in the outside world!

If outsiders want to come in, they can't ask for permission, so they will naturally break through.

He just said If he said it, it really couldn't be used as a basis.

But then, he said stubbornly:"That's right! Is our clan's residence so secretly hidden? How did you know? This alone makes you very suspicious! Qin Feng sneered:"

Could it be that those who know where the nobles are stationed are enemies?" Don't the nobles have allies?"

"Uh~! This...this..."

The Ninth Elder stammered and didn't know how to continue to defend himself.

The leading woman couldn't stand it anymore.

At that moment, she looked at the Ninth Elder with some displeasure..

"Ninth Elder, please stop saying a few words!"

After saying this, she looked at Qin Feng seriously again

"Fellow Taoist, you said that you are a friend rather than an enemy. Do you have any evidence to prove your identity?"

This is the key point of the question.

All the elders looked at Qin Feng one after another, with concern in their eyes.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and was about to reveal his identity.

But at this moment, he seemed to sense something and raised his head. He looked towards the void somewhere above.

Then, he raised his hands towards the void:"Senior! Now that you're here, please show up!"

"Hey~! You were discovered!"

As soon as those words were spoken, a voice of surprise resounded in the void!

Then, the void flickered, and a white-haired beautiful woman appeared.

The beautiful woman was dressed in a phoenix crown and a haori, with a graceful and luxurious aura, fair complexion, and no frown. She is also a great beauty.

But she has a head full of white hair, which shows that she is obviously not young.

What is even more surprising is that her realm aura has suddenly reached the high level of Zhang Dao.

In addition, Qin Feng can tell at a glance that this white The beautiful woman has rich Suzaku blood, and she is obviously a descendant of Suzaku.

He was suddenly shocked!

Qin Feng never expected that the Suzaku clan also hid a high-level master!

If he could take him as his own It is definitely a great benefit!

As soon as the beautiful white-haired woman appeared, the girls' eyes showed joy.

Then, they all came forward to pay their respects!


"Mother-in-law! You are finally here!"

The elders shouted, with joy on their faces.

It seemed that as soon as the beautiful white-haired woman appeared, they could rest assured.

After all, the mother-in-law is a high-level power in charge. No matter whether Qin Feng is an enemy or a friend, the mother-in-law can Calm down the scene.

This thought made the elders even more happy.

The white-haired beautiful woman also smiled and nodded slightly to the girls, which was considered to be comforting.

Then, she slowly landed and walked towards Qin Feng in the air. The woman followed closely behind!

Qin Feng also stared at the white-haired beauty...

He secretly thought that apart from her white hair, this woman did not look old, but the women called her mother-in-law. She seemed to be not young, but she still looked beautiful. There is skill.

In just a moment, the white-haired beautiful woman came closer.

She looked at Qin Feng with a smile:"My little friend, you are indeed very charming. If I were as young as these girls, I'm afraid I would also be fascinated by you!

Qin Feng sneered:"Senior, you are just kidding!""

Seeing that the mother-in-law was so polite to Qin Feng, the eighth elder and the ninth elder couldn't help but look at each other.

They felt a little confused!

The ninth elder even whispered:"Mother-in-law! This man sneaked into our camp, I'm afraid he's not a good person!"

Hearing this, the white-haired beautiful woman glared at the Ninth Elder displeasedly, with a warning in her eyes.

But at this time, the First Elder also whispered in a low voice:"Mother-in-law, you can't blame the Ninth Elder for being suspicious. When Xi'er looked at this person, her mind was inexplicably moved, and she wondered if this person had used some kind of charm?"

Hearing this, the Ninth Elder's eyes showed joy.

He did not expect that the Great Elder would also speak for him.

Obviously, the Great Elder also doubted Qin Feng.

But before the Great Elder finished speaking, the white-haired beautiful woman smiled and shook her head:"Xi'er, you have misunderstood my little friend. He is not using any charm. I can see clearly from the sidelines!"

"Ah~! like this!"

The elder's pretty face was slightly red. 4.3

The way he looked at Qin Feng was a little more apologetic.

The ninth elder was even more embarrassed!

His old face was extremely red!

This time, his mother-in-law came out to slap him in the face in person.

At this time, the white-haired beautiful woman smiled and said to Qin Feng:"My little friend, I made you laugh! My name is Feng Qitong, and I am a member of the Suzaku clan. The girl next to me is the great elder of the Suzaku clan, and her name is Feng Guixi!"

"The other girls and the two boys are all elders of our clan. I won’t introduce them one by one."

Feng Qitong, a beautiful white-haired woman, introduced Qin Feng enthusiastically.

The elders looked puzzled.

Only then did Qin Feng know that the woman who looked very similar to Yuan Feng was named Feng Guixi.

At this time , Feng Qitong looked at Qin Feng curiously:"Little friend, this old man's invisibility technique cannot be discovered at all without the power of the master's advanced thoughts. I wonder what level of cultivation my little friend has? Is he already a senior master?"


As soon as these words were said, the whole audience was moved!

Even Feng Guixi was no exception! Only a high-level Taoist master can find it?

Could it be that the man in front of him is a senior Taoist master?

When the girls were shocked, Qin Feng smiled slightly :"Senior, you are impressed! I am currently in charge of the intermediate level!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng released the aura of the realm! The aura of the intermediate palm master instantly filled the whole place!


Feng Guixi and others were in an uproar again!

They looked at Qin Feng's Their eyes had become extremely awe-inspiring.

Even the Eighth Elder and the Ninth Elder had solemn expressions and no longer dared to murmur.

They always thought that Qin Feng was only half-step to the palm level, but they didn't expect that he was an intermediate master of the palm level.!

At this time, the white-haired beautiful woman was also delighted:"Not bad! good! The Dragon Clan really has a talent. My little friend, do you have the Suzaku Ancestral Order in your hand?"


As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked!

Even Qin Feng was stunned!.

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