Soon, Qin Feng entered Fengchi.


And as soon as he entered the pool, the violent Fengzu spiritual energy rushed towards him!

Qin Feng suddenly felt the fire wind blowing against his face, like a raging flame burning his body.

The red aura touched his skin and actually gave him a burning sensation.

This surprised him!

You know, even if millions of degrees of endless flames were to scorch his body, it would not cause him any burning pain.

But the spiritual energy left behind by Fengzu caused him pain as soon as it came into contact with his skin.

It can be seen from this that this spiritual energy is indeed extraordinary!

"As long as this spiritual energy comes into contact with the skin, there will be a strong burning sensation. If it were absorbed directly into the body, the burning pain would be ten times more intense, and it could even dry up the blood and burn the internal organs!"

At this moment, Qin Feng couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

According to the method of condensation explained on the sacred tablet, he would absorb Fengzu's spiritual energy into his body and integrate it with his own blood, body, spiritual energy, etc.

In the end, the absorbed The energy converges with the heart, condensing the Nirvana Phoenix Flame!

The five internal organs of the human body, the liver governs wood, and the heart governs fire!

Nirvana Phoenix Flame is conceived in the heart!

Even the violent Phoenix Aura is unbearable for the physical body, so tender Can his heart bear it?

Does he have to absorb it one by one and slowly refine it?

If this is the case, when he condenses the high-grade Nirvana Phoenix Flame, it will still be years and months of the monkey!

With this thought, Qin Feng I am a little worried.

Having said that, the aura of this high-level phoenix pool is far more powerful than the ordinary phoenix pool outside.

As for the aura power in this pool, if it were replaced by an ordinary middle-level palm master, it would only be a wisp. The ground was refining.

But Qin Feng couldn't wait!

He wanted to pass this second level before the dark master rushed to the Yellow Sky Realm!

Thinking of this, his heart moved!


Suddenly, in the field, There was a shocking phoenix cry!

Behind Qin Feng appeared the shadow of a colorful divine phoenix. It was three thousand feet long and its aura covered the sky and the earth.


In the next breath, the mighty power of the phoenix spirit burst out from his body!

Boom! ~Long~Long~!

As soon as the power of Fengling appeared, Qin Feng's body surface lit up with white fluorescence, which was the manifestation of Fengling's power. The originally violent Fengzu spiritual energy immediately disappeared from the sky as soon as it came into contact with the power of Fengling. The wild beast state became extremely tame, and at the same time, there was no burning pain anymore.

Qin Feng was overjoyed!

The power of the Phoenix Spirit is so useful!

The next breath, his heart moved, and he began to absorb the Phoenix Ancestor's spiritual energy.

Silk~! Silk~! Silk! ~!

Immediately, those spiritual energy passed through the pores of his skin and turned into wisps of warm currents, seeping into his body and rushing towards his heart.

With the blessing of the power of Phoenix Spirit, those Phoenix Ancestor spiritual energy could easily be The domestication made his whole body warm and did not cause any trauma.

Qin Feng was very satisfied!

But such refining efficiency was still not what he wanted.

After all, the power of the Phoenix Spirits of Feng Laiyi and Feng Laiyi was stronger. The refining efficiency is faster, but the difficulty of the challenge is only one percent of his.

He has to continue to speed up the progress!


With a clear sound, Qin Feng's whole body lit up with thirty colors of aura, instantly brightening the entire building. Temple!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

The next second, thirty circles of Tao light wheels appeared behind his head, making it extremely sacred!

At this moment, Qin Feng activated the Tao body!

Boom~Long ~Long~!

Suddenly, the spiritual energy in Fengchi rolled!

Silk~! Silk~! Silk~!

The speed at which Qin Feng absorbed the spiritual energy suddenly increased a hundred times!

The wisps of warm spiritual energy turned into fiery and frenzied streaks Exploding spiritual energy rushed into Qin Feng's body!

Zhi~! Zhi~! Zhi~!

Suddenly, a burning sound came from Qin Feng's body, and there was a vague smell of burning internal organs.

His face also showed pain Color!

The spiritual energy that Qin Feng absorbed was too huge.

The energy gathered together suddenly exceeded the protection range of Fengling's power and broke the balance.

But Qin Feng still gritted his teeth and persisted, without slowing down the absorption speed at all!

He wanted to be the first to pass the second level at a hundred times the difficulty, so he couldn't slow down!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to win the second level, let alone get the reward!


Thinking of this, Qin Feng's whole body lit up with green light!

The true meaning of longevity!

Started at this moment!

This is the true meaning of repair extracted from the core of Shitian Dao, and it finally comes in handy at this moment.

Injured by Feng Ling's ancestral energy, the repair of Nirvana's true meaning was naturally ineffective, so Qin Feng changed to a new method of repairing the true meaning.

As soon as the true meaning of immortality appeared, the burns in Qin Feng's body began to repair quickly.

The speed of repair and the speed of destruction of Fengzu's spiritual energy soon reached a balance.

At this point, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief!

Once the repair and destruction reach a balance, he can continue to absorb spiritual energy at this speed.

It's just that in this way, his body is constantly injured and then repaired quickly, causing inhuman pain.

Of course Qin Feng can bear it!

He is a person with a strong character!

But this speed is not enough!

Even so, the time it took him to complete the second level was probably four to five times that of Gui Xi and the two girls!

As a result, it is impossible for him to pass the level first! what to do?!

He used all the means he needed!

There is no way to speed up any more!

Is he really going to lag behind the two girls at this level, and then let Tiandao announce the ranking?

Although it is not his fault, it will affect his face to some extent!

Of course, Qin Feng is more concerned about not getting that extra reward!

After all, only the first person to break through this level can get extra rewards!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt helpless!

But just when he thought there was nothing he could do, a sudden change occurred in the field!


I saw Qin Feng's body suddenly lit up with a five-color aura!

The power of rules hidden in his body suddenly burst out at this moment!

That power of rules is the power of five elements!

Qin Feng was stunned!

It seems that the appearance of Fengzu's spiritual energy has automatically activated the power of five elements!


Before Qin Feng could think about it, the power of the five elements actually took the initiative to absorb Fengzu's spiritual energy!

Zhi~! Zhi~! Zhi~!

At the same time, the sizzling sound came from Qin Feng's body again!

Heaven also keeps sending reminders...

【Your five-element power absorbs the ancestral Qi of Feng Ling successfully! Your spiritual power transformation progress +0.0013%....】

【Your five-element power absorbs the ancestral Qi of Feng Ling successfully! Your spiritual power transformation progress +0.0011%....】

【Your five-element power absorbs the ancestral Qi of Feng Ling successfully! Your spiritual power transformation progress +0.0014%....】


After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

His spiritual power actually began to transform at this moment!

You know, spiritual transformation is an ability only possessed by the fourth transformation of heaven!

He was still an intermediate master, but he had already undergone such a transformation, which was really shocking.

At the same time, his five-element power also began to change, and finally there was a trend of advancing from level 9 low-grade to level 9 mid-grade. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Since this time, he has been looking for ways to advance the power of five yuan, and also bought the"Secret Book of the Great Dao".

However, the secret code is also unclear about the advancement of the five-element power.

Now, he finally figured it out!

The advancement of the power of the Five Spirits comes from the transformation of blood!

The advancement of the five-element power comes from the transformation of spiritual power!

He was able to transform his spiritual power so quickly precisely because he had the power of the five elements of level 8 Dzogchen in his body, which seemed to have been a seed that had been sown long ago.

It is absolutely impossible for an ordinary level 8 Dzogchen power to produce Dao transformation as soon as it comes into contact with Fengzu's spiritual energy!

You know, the power of five yuan comes from、Fire, water, wind and origin are composed of five spiritual powers.

The power of fire and Fengzu's Taoist spiritual power are inextricably linked.

It is precisely because of these opportunities that Qin Feng was able to activate his spiritual power!

After thinking about this, he immediately mobilized the power of five yuan with all his strength!


Suddenly, Qin Feng's five-color aura shined brightly throughout the entire hall!


The next second, the spiritual energy in Fengchi rolled and accelerated toward him.....

Qin Feng's efficiency in absorbing Fengzu's spiritual energy suddenly increased to three times.

What's even more astonishing is that as his five-element power continues to be transformed, his refining efficiency is still increasing!

This gave him a pleasant surprise!

In this way, he saw the hope of winning the extra reward for the second level.

At that moment, Qin Feng closed his eyes and began to absorb the Phoenix Ancestor's spiritual energy with all his strength, condensing the Nirvana Phoenix Flame.....

At the same time, in the remote Huangtianjing headquarters.

Inside the Temple of God, in a back garden.

Qin Feng (Ji Yang's true body) has completed all the arrangements.

He was looking in the direction of Suzaku's ancestral home with a look of joy on his face.

Because he sensed it, the body of Jiyin activated the transformation of spiritual power!

"good! good! I finally found a way to advance the power of five elements! Since the Taoist power of fire attribute is absorbed, the power of five elements can be transformed"

"Can the power of Taoism that absorbs the earth attribute also transform the power of five elements?"

At this time, Qin Feng (Ji Yang's body) couldn't help but think of this problem.

This time in the increase of resources in the Yellow Sky Realm, there is a master-level resource, which is a ball of earth-attributed Taoist spiritual energy.

That one is worth 4 million. Qin Feng couldn't exchange his merits.

He didn't know what the purpose was.

Now it seemed that it could advance his five-yuan power!

This thought made Qin Feng (Ji Yang's body) excited!

He couldn't help but Looking towards the direction of the Temple of Merit, he felt the urge to redeem it, but what a pity!

He already had no merit points in his hands!

"In three or four days, it will be the day when heaven will distribute the salary. When I get my salary, I will exchange that ball of spiritual energy for it!"

Qin Feng (Jiyang's true form) couldn't help but murmur in his heart.


At this moment, a shocking roar suddenly came from his body!

Heavenly Dao also kept sending reminders....

【Refining successful! Your mind body refined a tiger soul pill (high-grade master level), and you gained +200 million in combat power......】

【Refining successful! Your mind body has refined a tiger soul pill (high-grade master level), and your realm has been raised to 52.37%...】

Upon hearing the prompt, Qin Feng (Ji Yang's true body) was pleasantly surprised!

The Tiger Soul Pill that Ji Yin obtained in the White Tiger Ancestral Land was actually refined at this moment!

This made his strength skyrocket again!

Especially in terms of realm, it has been greatly improved!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but open the panel and check the latest progress.....

【Source Realm Public Office]: Lord of Heaven (Yellow Heaven Realm)

【Source Realm Public Office]: Candidate for God (Cangtian Realm)

【Family luck]: Ziji top grade 25.13%

【Realm Progress]: Zhang Dao Realm 52.37%

【Return to the true meaning]: Thirty kinds

【Bloodline Daoization]: 40%

【Bone Taoism]: 15.16%

【[Spiritual Power Dao Transformation]: Strengthening is changing...

【Basic combat power]: 12.42 billion Beijing

After reading the data, Qin Feng (Ji Yang) couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

In about two and a half hours, the dark master should reach the Yellow Sky Realm headquarters.

But according to this progress, it may not be impossible for him to break through 13 billion yuan!

As long as 13 billion Beijing is broken, the chance of killing the dark master can reach 80%.

Of course, all this depends on the performance of Jiyin's body in the second level.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng (Ji Yang) couldn't help but look in the direction of Zhuque's ancestral home.....

He could sense that there were new changes in the Suzaku ancestral land......

At this moment, at the entrance of the valley of Fengling Ancestral Land.

The girls surrounded the monument and marveled at it!

I saw auras of light emitting from the sacred monument, and the names of Feng Laiyi and Feng Guixi appeared on it.

The two girls actually tied for second place and broke the barrier at the same time!

In this way, both women received rewards in the first level.

At this moment, Feng Qitong and the other girls were all happy.

Feng Qitong even smiled and said:"Gui Xi and Lai Yi actually broke through at the same time! They are indeed from one body!"

When she said this, she (Qian Zhao) couldn't help but sigh!

The girls were curious.

A woman couldn't help but ask:"Mother-in-law, what is the relationship between Elder Gui Xi and Master Lai Yi?"

Feng Qitong smiled and said:"Now is not the time to mention this. After they finish the assessment, they will confirm that they will leave the town." After choosing the lucky person, I will naturally tell you!"


"Mother-in-law! From what I see, it's hard to tell the winner. You see, the two first levels were cleared simultaneously. In the end, not all of us will win together and become the lucky ones at the same time, right?

Feng Qitong shook his head:"I don't think so!" The first level mainly relies on bloodline talent and the power of the Phoenix Spirit. The two of them come from the same origin, so they are naturally the same."

"Then the second level should be to condense the Nirvana Phoenix Flame! This depends on the accumulation of the two people, as well as the daily opportunities they receive, and the talents they create will also be different."

Hearing this, the girls nodded slightly, feeling that it made sense.

At this time, a woman suddenly said:"That's right! Mother-in-law, it has been five or six minutes since the leader entered the second level. Gui Xi and Lai Yi were only five or six minutes behind him. From this point of view, the alliance leader does not have much time advantage! Feng Qitong sighed:"

Of course!" Don't look at the leader of the alliance who passed the first level. In this second level, he won't have so much luck."

"Fengzu wanted to suppress him, how could he let him go so easily? Just wait and see! The leader of the second level will definitely be ranked last!"

After hearing this, the girls felt very complicated.

Feng Qitong also sighed!

Although she knew some things, she couldn't stop them!

In this way, Feng Qitong and the other girls continued to wait outside for the results.

They thought Qin Feng They will lose this time!

But they don't know that Qin Feng has undergone amazing changes.

Under the continuous transformation of the power of the Five Elements, he absorbs the Phoenix Ancestor's spiritual energy faster and faster, condensing the Nirvana Phoenix Yan's progress is naturally improving rapidly!

In this way, he may not lose the second level!.....

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