At the same time, Gouchen Zudi.

On the second floor of Gouchen Temple, Qin Feng appeared.

At this moment, he stood in the middle of the empty hall, looking at the three altars in front of him.

On each of the three altars, there is a strange object suspended!

Qin Feng couldn't help but look at the first strange object...

It was a dark blue spiritual bead, like a relic, only the size of a walnut, emitting an astonishing blue spiritual light.....

【Flesh relics (water): middle-grade master level, inherited items!】

【Reminder: This is the essence of the physical body that was transformed after the death of Gou Zu, and it contains the power of the physical body to transform!】

【Reminder: By mastering the power of Gou Chen, you can integrate this object into your body, thereby greatly increasing your combat power, and you have a chance to gain the true meaning of water attribute!】

【Reminder: The higher the level of the power of Gouchen you master, the higher the refining efficiency will be! 】


Physical relics?!

Qin Feng couldn't help but his eyes lit up!

If what he expected was correct, refining this physical relic should be able to improve the progress of the physical body's transformation!

His weakest thing now is his physical body.

What's more, there is a certain chance of obtaining the true meaning of an attribute by refining this thing.

This is exactly what he needs!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked at the second thing expectantly....

That's a fiery red spirit bead.....

【Flesh relic (fire): middle-grade master level, inherited item!】

【Reminder: This is the essence of the physical body that was transformed after the death of Gou Zu, and it contains the power of the physical body to transform!】

""890" is another flesh relic!

The look of anticipation in Qin Feng's eyes became even stronger.

Then, he looked at the thing behind!

It was a relic shaped like a heart, and its whole body was as crystal clear as glass, emitting a dazzling red light. Strange object...

【Qi Ancestor’s Heart: High-grade Master Level, a legacy!】

【Reminder: This is the essence of Gouzu's heart after his death. The power of Taoism contained in it is ten times that of the physical relics! 】


At the end, Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

The power of the Taoist transformation of the physical body contained in Qi Zu's heart is actually ten times that of the physical relics.

If it is refined, the benefits obtained will be ten times greater!


Before Qin Feng could think more, there was a roar over the hall.

The voice of heaven also came.....

【Announcement: Contestant Qin Feng activated the second assessment of the Qizu Secret Realm - the refining of rare objects!】

【Assessment content: Players are asked to choose any one of the three rare items for refining!】

【Reminder: You need to refine something within three days. If you successfully refine it, you can enter the third floor of the temple and gain new opportunities.….】

After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng couldn't help but smile!

Since he was free to make a choice, he naturally chose Qizu's Heart.

That is the most valuable rare item in the field!

Although the refining of Qizu's heart is ten times more difficult than the physical relics, there is no need to worry at all with his refining ability.

He should be able to refine it soon!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng strode towards the heart of Qi Zu....

Soon, he was on the altar.

The second assessment also begins.....

On the other side, Xuanwu Ancestor is located.

Yue Ling's clone once again looked at Gouchen's ancestral land from a distance.

He sensed that the main body had started the second assessment.

Of course, he also knew the existence of Qizu's Heart.

If the main body can refine the heart of Qi Ancestor, that will be a great harvest!

Thinking of this, Yue Ling felt even more excited!


But at this moment, his consciousness suddenly roared...

Heaven also sent a reminder....

【Reminder: Your mind body has successfully used 17 Jade Enlightenment Spirits, and your body’s understanding of the true meaning of extinction has reached 97.6%...】

Upon hearing this prompt, Yue Ling was greatly surprised!

The true meaning of annihilation is so difficult to understand!

The main body has spent more than twenty pieces of Enlightenment Spirit Jade, but it has not yet fully awakened!

"It seems that the true meaning of annihilation is unusual!"

Yue Ling couldn't help muttering in her heart.

He didn't know that the true meaning of annihilation is the specific true meaning of the Jueying clan, which is equivalent to the unique skill of the Juezu!

If Qin Feng awakens this true meaning, he will be more sure of killing the Juezu.

It's a pity that Qin Feng has not yet successfully awakened!

However, he still has a dozen pieces of Enlightenment Spirit Jade on him, which are enough to awaken the true meaning of annihilation.

But now, all the mind bodies are refining the Enlightenment Spirit Jade and continue to comprehend the true meaning of annihilation.....

In addition to the true accident of extinction, Qin Feng also gained the true meaning of forgetfulness when he devoured the core of the Dark Lord.

However, Qin Feng does not intend to awaken this true meaning.

Awakening this true meaning will make people forget their feelings!

There are many people and things around Qin Feng that he can't let go of, and he still can't forget them.

What's more, forgetfulness is a special true meaning.

The Enlightenment Spirit Jade has no effect on his understanding.

"Don’t think about it so much! I guess You Zu will arrive in another hour and a half, right?"

At this moment, Yue Ling raised his head again and looked at the direction of Youzu.

He was still a little anxious in his heart.

The refining of the natal phoenix by Jiyin's body has reached about 87%, and it is estimated that it will take two hours at the fastest. After all, this is still worse than Youzu was a step too slow.

In other words, he probably had to hold Youzu back for half an hour!

Thinking of this, Yue Ling was somewhat worried!

In this way, Yue Ling continued to wait.....

Time also passed by minute by second.

In the blink of an eye, an hour and a half passed.

Youzu did not appear as expected.

The refining progress of Ji Yin's body has also reached 96.7%, which is faster than expected.

According to this progress, it is estimated that Jiyin's body will be able to come out of seclusion in twenty minutes.

By then, Youzu’s death will come!

"strangeness! Why hasn’t Youzu appeared yet? Logically speaking, he should be here too! Could it be that he changed his mind and stopped chasing him?"

At this moment, Yue Ling could not help but murmur in her heart.


But at this moment, an earth-shattering roar came from the distance!

Yue Ling quickly followed the sound and saw a ray of light, heading towards this Coming soon....

He looked carefully and saw an old man covered in black smoke in the light. He was suddenly You Ancestor!

This old guy is finally here!

"Ha ha! Little thief! You are indeed here!"

At the same time, You Zu also saw Yue Ling!

He was so excited that his eyes lit up!

But at this time, Yue Ling sneered, turned around and ran away in the direction of Gouchen Zu's place.....

His goal is to delay time, not to fight to the death with You Zu.

In this case, he would use escape to delay time. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ha ha! Little thief! Can you escape? I guess this time, you don’t have the secret to escape, right?"

Youzu laughed crazily and chased Yue Ling.

He had always been worried about Yue Ling's previous escape.

After all, a master-level ant could escape from his hands, which made him feel ashamed. Lost.

However, he believed that Yueling could not use such a secret technique a second time.

This little thief is dead!

Eh~! Something is wrong!

Why did this little thief run away as soon as he saw my ancestor?

Logically speaking, he was in front of me , not without the power to fight back! Could it be that he was trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain?

By the way!

This place is the hiding place of the Xuanwu Ancestral Land.

Could this little thief want to lure me away so that the Xuanwu people can escape?

At this moment, You Ancestor actually felt in his heart He became suspicious.

Immediately, he couldn't help but stop chasing Yue Ling, and instead turned around and rushed towards the foggy and frosty land.

Since he knew that the little thief was trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain, he naturally couldn't be fooled!

Besides, to destroy the remnants of the Xuanwu clan, That is also his mission!

Now that the five tribes have resurrected, the situation has begun to collapse.

The Jiutian Emperor has given an order that all the remnants of the five tribes will not be left behind.

With this in mind, Youjia rushed towards that area.

After a moment, he rushed When he arrived at the hiding place of the Xuanwu Ancestral Land, his eyes were filled with strong winds and frost.

He quickly dispersed his thoughts and scanned the depths of the fog and frost.....

With this sweeping movement, his expression changed slightly.


This place no longer has the aura of the Xuanwu ancestral land0........

The entire fog area is still dissipating!

Could it be....

In just a moment, Youzu figured out what was going on.

It must be Qin Feng who moved the Xuanwu ancestral land away! correct!

The White Tiger Ancestral Land is in a similar situation! damn it!

This little thief didn't lure the tiger away from the mountain, he was really running away!

Thinking of this, Youzu was shocked and angry!

Once again, he erred in judgment.

Immediately, he turned to look in the direction where Yue Ling was escaping, and saw that Yue Ling had fled hundreds of millions of miles away.

Seen from a distance, the whole person is smaller than a sesame seed!

No way?!

Escape so fast!

This little thief seems to be faster than the powerful!

"Little thief! You can't escape!"


As soon as he finished speaking, You Zu flashed and went straight towards Yue Ling to kill him.....

Billions of miles away, Yue Ling heard roars and sounds of piercing the air behind her.

He knew that Youzu was coming after him.

However, he ignored it and still ran away at full speed.

Before this, his speed was comparable to the threshold of the first transformation of Heavenly Dao.

Nowadays, the body's strength continues to improve.

His speed has exceeded the threshold of the first transformation and is about 20% faster than before.


On the other side, Youzu is also pursuing Yue Ling with all his strength!

His speed is still at the second level of Heavenly Dao, and after all, it is much faster than Yue Ling.

Both sides chased each other, drawing two dazzling rays of light in the void!

And the distance between the two sides is constantly getting closer!

But the more Youzu chases, the more frightened he becomes!

"what happened?! Only half a day has passed, how come this little thief's speed has increased so much?"

Youzu was suspicious again.

However, speed is all about speed!

As long as this little thief's strength remains unchanged, he is still sure to kill him!

And in his opinion, it is impossible for Yue Ling to increase his strength by a large amount in half a day. Cut.

After all, this time is too hasty!

He doesn’t believe that Yue Ling can do it!

Obviously, Youzu greatly underestimated Qin Feng, a freak!

Now, Qin Feng’s strength has improved a lot!

Yue Ling has also risen with the tide, and his strength has also increased. It has also improved a lot!

However, even if the speed of Yue Ling increases, it cannot compare with Youzu!

The distance between the two sides is gradually getting closer!

Seventy million miles.....fifty million miles.....Thirty million miles.....

Before long, the two sides were no more than ten thousand miles apart.

But Youzu spent nearly five minutes!

This made him extremely frustrated!

Yueling 4.1 was secretly happy.

The more time this takes, the better it will be for him!

In just a short while, the refining of Feng Ling by Ji Yin's body reached about 99%, and he could be out of seclusion in a quarter of an hour at most!

The more Yue Ling thinks about it, the happier she becomes!


But before he could finish being happy, the roar within his consciousness continued!

Tiandao also sent a prompt....

【Fusion successful! Your body has refined Qizu's heart and integrated it into your own heart. Your body's physical Taoism has been raised to 31.15%....】

【The transformation of the physical body was successful! Your body has gained +350 million Beijing physical power....】

【The transformation of the physical body was successful! Your body has gained a lot of realm insights, and its realm has been raised to 77.64%....】

【The transformation of the physical body was successful! You have gained 93.16% of the true meaning of unity from the heart of Qi Zu - the true meaning of Nazang.....】


After hearing the prompt, Yueling was pleasantly surprised!

Ji Yang's true body actually refined Qizu's heart at this moment.

In other words, Ji Yang’s body has passed the second level.

And the combat power of the main body has been increased to 18.2 billion Beijing!

His strength has also risen with the tide!


Before Yue Ling could finish her joy, there was an earth-shattering roar behind her, and the entire void was trembling!

The roar of Youzu also came simultaneously

"Little thief! Don't run away!"

As soon as the roar ended, You Zu was already behind him......

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