Not long after, the rewards are over!

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy.

Just like this, his combat power has increased by another 1 billion.

As a result, his combat power increased to 54.82 billion Beijing, just one step away from the goal of 55 billion Beijing.

At this moment, Yanli also opened his eyes with joy.

"God! We have automatically signed the Source Clan Covenant!"

"Um~!", Qin Feng also smiled and nodded.

Yan Li said happily again:"I didn't expect that after signing the covenant, Heaven would also reward me with combat power, which greatly increased my strength! By the way! God, you are now the leader of the six tribes. In this way, you Are there four more Yuan clans under his command?"

Qin Feng smiled and nodded:"Yes! There are four lower-grade Yuan clans!"

Yan Li smiled and said:"If two of these four low-grade Yuan clans are promoted to mid-level Yuan Clan, there is no need to go through the Yuan Clan Conference. If you are a candidate for the position of God in the Heaven Realm, you can be directly promoted to God!"

"Promoted to the middle-grade Yuan clan? I'm afraid it's not easy!"

Qin Feng shook his head and sighed.

Judging from the current situation of the several origin clans, it is easy for the Suzaku clan to be promoted to the middle-grade origin clan.

After all, there are several people in the Suzaku clan who are in the master realm, and Feng Qitong among them is even more extreme. There are levels of existence.

As long as a Yuan clan has a complete root of clan destiny, then every time there is an additional person in the palm realm, its clan destiny will be improved. The higher the cultivation level of the palm realm, the improved clan destiny will be The more.

After the Suzaku clan was promoted to the lower-grade Yuan clan, their fortunes continued to skyrocket, precisely because of the existence of Feng Qitong.

Feng Laiyi and Feng Guixi were also promoted to the master level in Fengzu's assessment. The primary level has improved the fortune of the Suzaku clan. Today, the fortune of the Suzaku clan is 68.33% of the lower grade Ziji.

As the leader, Qin Feng can spy on the progress of the Suzaku clan's fortune.

At present, the Suzaku clan still has room for improvement, just For example, Yuan Feng is taking the Feng Zu assessment.

If Yuan Feng completes the assessment, he will most likely be promoted to the junior level of the Master.

By then, the fortune of the Suzaku clan will rise again.

As for Hongjun's situation, it is a bit complicated.

Suzaku The clan was promoted to the lower-grade Yuan clan, and Hongjun received the promotion reward.

However, as an intermediate-level master, Hongjun did not bring an improvement to the fate of the Suzaku clan.

Perhaps he can only be regarded as half a Suzaku descendant, and in some aspects, he cannot Bring help to the Suzaku clan.

Having said that, after having the complete root of clan destiny, every time a being in the master realm is born in the Yuan clan, the clan destiny will improve.

In other words, Qin Feng only needs to find the root of clan destiny. Gen, the fate of the clan must skyrocket!

After all, the Dragon Clan now has several master-level beings.

Qin Feng, Hongjun, Kun Taichu, and Yao Ji are all.

Nuwa has also reached the half-step master level!

If Hongmeng Universe 240 has been promoted to level 34, and Nuwa can take advantage of the opportunity to break through to the primary level of the Master.

Besides, the Qianlong Tribe, Waolong Tribe, and Yin Long Tribe hidden in the secret territory of Tianxu may also have disciples of the Master Level. In short, The improvement of the fortune of the Dragon Clan will be of great benefit to him becoming the Lord of the Heaven.

Similarly, the improvement of the fortune of the Allied Clan such as Suzaku will also be of great benefit to him becoming the Lord of the Heaven.

"God, what are your next plans?"

At this time, Yan Li asked with concern again.

Qin Feng took a deep breath and said,"I wonder if you have heard about the secret realm of Tianxu?

Yan Li nodded:" I've heard of it!" This is a very famous secret realm in the source world! It’s just too hard to get in. Either he is a guide whose bloodline meets the requirements, or he is a being above the Heavenly Dao realm, then he can enter!"

"Existences in the ordinary palm realm are not qualified to enter. correct! God, why do you suddenly mention this?

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"To tell you the truth, I will go to the Tianxu Secret Realm in a few days!"

Yan Li was moved:"God!" As far as I know, the secret realm of Tianxu has many opportunities, but it is also extremely dangerous! Those who lead the way are okay, most participants will not kill them in case no one leads the way next time"

"But the helpers invited by the guide are all beings in the realm of heaven! There are many strong ones in the fourth transformation among them. For example, the last time it was opened, two fourth-transformation powerhouses appeared."

"I'm afraid there will be more this time. Because it is rumored that this Tianxu Secret Realm will be opened for the last time. All the leading families will appear, and they will try their best to invite helpers to fight for the last chance."

"If you look at it personally, this time the secret realm is opened, the great powers of the fourth transformation of the source world will basically be present! God, this is not good for you!"

Speaking of this, Yan Li's face was full of worry.

She had witnessed with her own eyes that Qin Feng killed the dark master.

In her eyes, Qin Feng was comparable to the existence at the threshold level of the third transformation.

If he encountered someone in the third transformation The peak power, I'm afraid, I have to retreat a little.

If I encounter the power of the fourth transformation, it will definitely be a disaster!

At this thought, Yanli panics!

Now, she puts all her thoughts on Qin Feng , for fear that Qin Feng would have an accident.

She didn't know that Qin Feng had even killed the fourth (aida) almighty.

Now the only person who can threaten him is the fifth aida.

And for Qin Feng Said that the biggest problem in the Tianxu Secret Realm is how to obtain the opportunity of the core land.

It requires the strength of the fifth transformation to be able to obtain it!

As for the threats of those participants, Qin Feng did not pay much attention to it, and he did not need to care too much..

Yanli would be so worried because she obviously underestimated Qin Feng’s strength. Naturally,

Qin Feng would not tell those details.

He smiled and comforted:"I know it well! Those people cannot threaten me! What's more, this trip to Tianxu Secret Realm is of great significance to me! Yan

Li was still worried:"God, if you mean so much to me, I would not dare to stop you!" However, you must think carefully about it. This trip must be extremely dangerous! Qin

Feng said with a smile:"If there is no danger, wouldn't everyone be able to go?" Precisely because there is danger, there is opportunity. Do not worry! I'll be fine!"

"correct! You said that when the opportunity opens this time, the fourth transformation powers will basically go. I wonder how many powers of the fourth transformation are there in the source world?"

"this.....", Yan Li pondered.

After a moment, she muttered:"As far as I know, there must be at least seven of them!"

"Seven? Is there any Sakyamuni among them?"

Qin Feng asked casually.

Yan Li nodded slightly:"Of course Shizu is among them!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng couldn't help but smile.

Shi Zu has been killed by him!

In other words, there are probably only six great masters of the fourth transformation who went to participate.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng said:"Okay! This matter has been decided, let’s not mention it for now!"

"oh! Lord, how many days will the Tianxu secret realm be opened?

Yan Li asked curiously again.

Qin Feng smiled and said,"I guess six or seven days!" When the secret realm is opened, the token will sense it! During this time, I also have to make some preparations.

Yan Li said distressedly:"God, you have been running back and forth like this, I'm afraid you are tired both physically and mentally." How about I help you relax?!"

Speaking of this, Yan Li's beautiful eyes were filled with emotion.

Qin Feng understood.

Immediately, he smiled and said:"That's alright! There is a degree of relaxation! I’ll take a break for now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he hugged Yan Li's slender waist.

Yan Li smiled softly, with tenderness in his eyes.


The next second, a white light flashed in the hall, and the two of them disappeared together.

Time flew by.!

In the blink of an eye, half a day passed. At this moment, Qin Feng walked out of the palace happily.

This half-day of leisure made him feel physically and mentally comfortable, and his spirit reached its peak.

There is no need to say more about the wonderful meaning.

And in With the blessing of Hongchen Lianxin, his cultivation level has increased slightly!

After leaving the palace, Qin Feng entered the secret room and officially started the retreat.

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed!

From the secret realm There are only about three days left to activate it. At this moment, in the Cangtian Realm, in the God's Temple,

Qin Feng (Jiyin's true form) opened his eyes with joy.

Under these three days of full retreat, he expressed his feelings towards Qing The refining of the Underworld Sword has reached 47.33%, and the progress is not small!

The Green Underworld Sword!

A master-level weapon!

That is the harvest after killing the ancestor!

And if you want to refine the Underworld Sword, you need to master the true meaning of annihilation first..Qin

Feng just meets this condition!

"Qingming Sword! The attack increase is 1,500%! If I refine it, my strength will definitely increase dramatically! It's a pity that we don't have enough time!"

Qin Feng put away the long sword in front of him with a little regret, and stood up slowly!


But at this moment, he suddenly remembered the earth-shattering roar in his body! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Tiandao also sent a prompt at the same time..

【Reminder: Your mind body has consumed a large amount of Enlightenment Spirit Jade, and your understanding of the true meaning of Ten Thousand Buddhas will be increased to 100%......】

【Reminder: You have awakened the true meaning of Shizu’s unique skill - the true meaning of Ten Thousand Buddhas, with combat power +10 million Beijing stars.....】

【Reminder: Mastering the true meaning of Ten Thousand Buddhas can turn a 36-level universe into a half-step heaven-level world - Buddha Heaven! 】


Upon hearing this reminder, Qin Feng's eyes lit up and his eyes were full of joy.

He actually awakened to the true meaning of Ten Thousand Buddhas at this moment, which was naturally very beneficial to his next actions!


But before he could finish being happy, another reminder came from Heaven.....

【Reminder: Your Taoist body is integrating the new unified true meaning - the true meaning of ten thousand Buddhas.....】

【Fusion successful! Your thirty-seven spirit bodies will automatically upgrade to thirty-eight spirit bodies, and your combat power will be +530 million star levels......】

【It is detected that you have been promoted to the thirty-eight spirit body, and the resources required for cultivation have increased by 10%, so the realm has dropped to the master realm of 71.23%.....】

At this moment, Qin Feng's combat power and Taoist aura skyrocketed!

After a long time, all the commotion gradually subsided!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy.

In just a short while, his Dao body was promoted to thirty-eight spirit bodies, and his strength increased greatly!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng casually opened the panel....

【Realm Progress]: Zhang Dao Realm 71.23%....

【Tao body grade]: Thirty-eight spirit bodies...

【Basic combat power]: 55.39 billion Beijing.

After reading the data, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile.

His combat power actually reached 55.39 billion Beijing, suddenly breaking the target of 55 billion Beijing.

It seems that this trip to Tianxu should go smoothly!

Qin Feng thought with anticipation.


At this moment, a white light flashed in front of him, and a golden-armored puppet appeared out of thin air.

This is the guardian puppet of the Temple of God!

As soon as the puppet appeared, he quickly saluted Qin Feng

"To God! Elder Nanji is asking for an audience outside the palace!

Qin Feng smiled and nodded:"Take him to the living room!""

"yes! God!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden-armored puppet disappeared out of thin air.


Qin Feng also dodged and disappeared into the main hall.

A few minutes later, in the reception hall.

Qin Feng saw Anji!

At this moment, Anji reported excitedly With

"God! The Tianxu Order sensed that the entrance to the secret realm was about to open!"

At the same time as he spoke, Anji took out a Tianxu Token.


As soon as the token appeared, the aura emitted, and then it flickered on and off, flashing with aura.

"Hey~! Sure enough, there is movement!"

Qin Feng looked at the token with surprise.

But then, he wondered:"Anji, didn't you say that the entrance to the secret realm will be opened in three days?

Nanji smiled and said:"God, the entrance will be opened in three days." But before it is turned on, all the Tianxu Tokens will be induced and constantly flashing auras. It indicates that the secret realm is about to open, asking everyone to gather at the entrance within three days!

Qin Feng suddenly said:"That's it!" correct! My clone escorted Ying Falcon to the Yellow Sky Realm yesterday, intending to join my other body. Is this enough time?

Nanji smiled and said," It's just in time!" Ying Falcon should be reaching the Yellow Sky Realm soon. As long as he arrives at Huangtian Realm within 2 days, it will be too late"

"After all, there is another entrance to the secret realm within Huangtian. With God’s strength, it can easily be reached in one day.

Qin Feng smiled and said,"I hope so!" Then let’s go to another entrance and wait in advance!

Nanji smiled and said:"This is exactly what I mean!""

For this trip to the secret realm, Anji paid special attention to it and did not want to delay for a minute.

At that moment, the two of them left the hall together.

A quarter of an hour later,

Qin Feng and Nanji stood in the sky above the Cangtian Realm.

And in Anji In front of him, the Tianxu Token was suspended, flashing with spiritual light......

At this time, Nanji smiled and introduced:"God! As long as the essence and blood of our guide drops into this order, it will be fully activated and automatically lead us!"

Qin smiled and nodded:"Then you start!"

Nanji said Taking a deep breath:"God! Before that, I would like to give you a little reminder. If possible, I suggest you hide your cultivation level. Otherwise, it will cause a lot of trouble!"

Qin Feng was confused:"Why do you say this? Tell me?"

Anji sighed:"The activation of the token means that the entrance will open in three days. But within these three days, many players will rush to the entrance to meet. When there are more people, it is inevitable that there will be a mixture of good and bad, and conflicts will easily arise."

"Especially players who are not highly cultivated and are not the ones leading the way are more likely to be troubled by others. If you hide your cultivation so that no one can see it, they will naturally not easily offend you!

Qin Feng suddenly said:"That's it!" That’s fine! I will hide my cultivation well! However, if they have secret skills and can forcibly spy on the master's cultivation, then there is nothing they can do about it!

Nanji smiled and said:"This is natural!" God, did my subordinate activate the token?"

"Well~! Activate it!"


As soon as he received the order, Nanji broke his fingers to coagulate blood and flicked it towards the token.


A soft sound!

The drop of blood fell on the token and was completely absorbed at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The next second, Tianxu Ling regained his aura and turned into a white light, rushing towards the depths of the void.....

"God! Let's keep up!"

Whoa~! Whoa~!

As soon as these words were said, Qin Feng and the two of them flashed and chased towards the token.....

In the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared into the vast void.

Time flies!

Most of a day later, the token brought Qin Feng and the two of them to a void where white mist floated.

After the token arrives, it will stay in place and will not move.

Seeing this scene, both Qin Feng and Qin Feng were delighted.

They know the entrance has arrived!

However, there were already four figures waiting in that area.......

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