
As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Zu suddenly dodged and rushed towards Qin Feng.

There were several exclamations in the field!

That was exactly what Anji and Huang Li exclaimed!

Especially pineapple!

At this moment, she looked worried and thought Qin Feng was going to be in trouble.

Antarctica would exclaim, just because it was caught off guard.

Looking at Bai Chuan again, he had a look of gloating on his face!

Ezu, Pozu, and Jianzu looked at the scene in front of them indifferently.

Of course they don't care about Qin Feng's life or death!

They even felt that Qin Feng was killed by Wu Zu, and it was his own fault!

A small ant in the Zhang Dao Realm, relying on some talent in cultivation, dares to argue with a powerful master in the Heavenly Dao Realm. Isn't he looking for death?

Thinking of this, the three ancestors felt that Qin Feng deserved it!


At this moment, Wu Zu was already approaching.

Wherever it passed, it only caused the heaven and earth to tremble, and the avenues resonated!

"Little thief! Die!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Zu slapped Qin Feng with his full palm!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Wherever the wind of the palm passed, the void was shattered inch by inch, and the overwhelming force rolled down. , went straight towards Qin Feng!

The momentum burst out, and the whole audience changed color!

They clearly sensed that the attack momentum of that palm had reached the peak of the first transformation of Heavenly Dao!

Obviously, Wu Zuyi He used his full strength when he took action!

Everyone seemed to have never expected that Wuzu would be so determined to retaliate, and he used all his strength when he took action!

This was going to kill Qin Feng!

How could a small Zhang Dao realm block that terrifying blow?

Not to mention the palm level, 17 even if the most powerful person in Heaven's way, not many people can completely take that palm!

Thinking of this, the ancestors looked strange, secretly thinking that Qin Feng was dead.

Among the crowd, Huang Li Yan was shocked!

In her opinion, Qin Feng would definitely not be able to withstand that palm! She was afraid that Qin Feng would be exploded on the spot with just one palm.

Of course, Wu Zu did not use Dao Domain!

In his opinion , an ant in the Taoist realm is not worthy of him to use the Tao domain at all.

And he hates Qin Feng's arrogance, so he strikes extremely cruelly!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

In the blink of an eye, that palm strikes, and he sees it About to fall…..

Huangli couldn't bear to look at it anymore!

Bai Chuan's eyes widened with excitement!

Wuzu’s eyes were even more cruel!

He just wants to kill this kid!

But at this moment, Qin Feng finally broke out!


I saw Qin Feng's whole body soaring into the sky, and he slapped a palm to meet Wu Zu's attack!

Seeing this scene, Wu Zu looked disdainful!

This kid didn't even use a weapon and wanted to fight him. He was so stupid!

Doesn't he know the mastery level?…..

Hey~! wrong!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

Before Wu Zu could think about it, Qin Feng's palm shattered all the avenues and came with a blast!

Wuzu instantly sensed the terror of that palm!

But everything is too late!

In the blink of an eye, both palms collide!


There was a loud crashing sound!

Thousands of miles of void will explode!

The whole world is shaking violently!


The next breath was an explosion!

Suddenly, blood splattered!

The screams echoed in the field!

Qin Feng actually slapped Wu Zu to pieces with one palm!

Poof~! Poof~!

Immediately afterwards, two more soft sounds came from the blood mist!

That was the sound of the Wuzu universe and Tao body being continuously bombarded!


At this time, the whole audience was dumbfounded!

Bai Chuan, Huang Li and other guides all had their mouths open.

The three ancestors also opened their eyes wide in horror, with disbelief in their eyes.

Oh my god~!

This young man actually killed Wu Zu instantly with one palm strike!

You know, Wuzu was the best in the first transformation of Heavenly Dao!

Even the three ancestors of their second transformation couldn't kill Wu Zu instantly with one palm!

But this young man...

At this thought, the three ancestors fell silent!

The atmosphere in the venue became even more deadly!

Not even a breath could be heard!


At this moment, a white light flew out of the blood mist and poured into Qin Feng's body.…..

Tiandao also sent a prompt simultaneously.….

【Reminder: You killed a powerful person who was the first to transform into the Heavenly Realm and exploded a twenty-one spiritual body core.….】

【Reminder: You exploded a level 36 advanced universe and exploded a level 36 universe heart.….】

【Reminder: You exploded a level 36 high-energy universe and shattered 132 pieces of universe debris.….】


Upon hearing the prompt, Qin Feng smiled.

Just at the beginning, someone sent resources to my door!

Thinking of this, he quickly waved his hand and put away the storage rings, Dao cores, cosmic fragments, etc. in the blood mist, and sent them into the small universe one after another.


The next second, there was a shocking roar in his body!

Heaven also sent a reminder…

【Reminder: Your Hongmeng Universe has absorbed a level 36 cosmic heart and 132 cosmic fragments, and its progress has been increased to level 33 73.13%….】

Upon hearing the prompt, Qin Feng couldn't help but smile.

Wuzu's cosmic resources actually increased the progress of his Hongmeng Universe by about 20%.

If he kills one or two more Heavenly Powers, Hongmeng Universe will definitely be promoted to level 34!

As soon as Hongmeng Universe is promoted to 34, his combat power will skyrocket by 2.5 billion!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng suddenly felt very excited!

Entering the secret realm this time, he wanted to see who else didn't have eyesight?

At this moment, the three of them finally came to their senses.

They looked at each other and felt their throats were a little dry.

But before they could think about it, Qin Feng raised his hand towards the blood mist again... (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The next second, Qin Feng's palm glowed with light, and a miniature black hole appeared out of thin air!

Infinite gravitational field activated!


Immediately, the blood mist rolled rapidly in the field and poured crazily into the black hole in Qin Feng's palm.…..

Click~! Click~! Click~!

As soon as the blood mist entered the black hole, it was crushed into powder and turned into pure energy...

This scene once again made the three of them dumbfounded and felt a little hairy in their hearts...

This was clearly devouring the life-long energy of a great power of heaven. ah!

They don't have such means!

But such behavior made them feel a little uncomfortable.

It's just that Qin Feng was too strong before and they didn't dare to stop him.

At that moment, the three of them couldn't help but look at each other, and then their lips moved slightly, and they started to communicate with each other.

"You two, what do you think?"

Pozu transmitted the message first.

Jianzu took a deep breath:"Being able to kill Wuzu instantly with one palm shows that this young man's attack power has reached the level of the third transformation of the Heavenly Dao Realm!"

"The third change? Is this... is this possible?"

Ezu's tone was surprised.

At the same time, he was still a little unwilling.

You know, Wuzu came with him.

The two of them had some friendship.

Now Qin Feng actually killed Wuzu in front of him, how could he No idea?

If everything hadn't happened so fast and Qin Feng was extremely powerful, he would have taken action long ago. Before

Ezu could think more, Jianzu continued to analyze

"Erzu, don’t underestimate this young man! You know, Wu Zu was the best in the first transformation. If the attack power had not reached the third level, it would have been impossible to kill Wu Zu instantly with one strike!"

As soon as these words were said, Pozu nodded slightly to express his approval.

But Erzu frowned and said:"So, none of the three of us are his opponents?"

As soon as these words were said, Pozu and Jianzu both changed their expressions.

This was not what they wanted to see!

But then, Jianzu smiled slightly:"Not necessarily! Although this young man is extremely powerful, he has a fatal flaw!"

When they heard this, Pozu and Ezu's eyes lit up.

Then Ezu couldn't wait to ask:"Brother Jian, what do you think is his flaw?"

Yu Zu smiled mysteriously:"Don't forget it! This young man is in the master realm after all! The biggest difference between the Palm Dao Realm and the Heavenly Dao Realm is not the attack power, but the Dao Domain!"

"Before, Wu Zu was careless and did not open the Dao Domain! If Wu Zu opens the Dao Domain, he can seal 50% of this person's strength. By then, although Wuzu is not his opponent yet, he will not be killed instantly with one palm!"

Hearing this, Ezu and Pozu suddenly realized.

Immediately, Ezu nodded:"Yes! The first level of the Dao Realm can seal 50% of the strength of the Master Dao Realm. If this young man can only explode to 50% of his strength, that is the strength of the second transformation of Heavenly Dao."

"But the second level of Dao Realm can seal ten percent of the strength of the Master Dao Realm. The three of us have mastered the second realm. As long as our Dao Domain is opened, we can seal all his strength. At that time, he will only be at our mercy!"

When he said this, Ezu's eyes were full of excitement.

Jianzu also smiled and said:"That's right!"

After listening to the two people's analysis, Grandma finally breathed a sigh of relief:"So, we don't have to be afraid of this young man at all!

Erzu smiled and said:"Of course!" No matter what, we are also powerful beings of heaven, how can we……"

But before he could finish his words, a sudden change occurred in the scene.

At this moment, the blood mist in the field has been swallowed up!

The reminder from Heaven is ringing in Qin047 Fengzhihai….

【Reminder: You successfully devoured the blood mist energy of the most powerful man in heaven! Your combat power increases by +760 million stars!】

【Reminder: Your bloodline will receive a ray of Taoist charm to cleanse the marrow, the Taoism of the bloodline will be increased to 100%, and the combat power will be +11.27 million....】

【It is detected that the transformation of your blood vessels has reached 100%, and your blood vessels have officially begun to transform.…..】

【Transformation successful! Congratulations on your bloodline evolving into Xuanji Dao blood, your combat power is +1 billion!】

【The blood of Xuanji Dao: The blood of the great powers above the first transformation of the Heavenly Dao Realm is all the blood of Xuanji Dao!】

【Reminder: After the seventh transformation of the Heavenly Dao Realm, the bloodline will transform again and advance to a higher level of Huangjidao blood!】

【Reminder: It is detected that your bloodline is all at the Xuanji Dao blood level, and you have automatically activated the first level of Dao Domain - Bloodline Dao Domain!】


After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

He actually activated the bloodline domain at this moment!

Having said that, if this bloodline domain cooperates with the Five Spirits Universe, will there be any more changes?

After all, when he doesn't have Xuanji Dao blood, he can use the Five Spirits Universe to display the Bloodline Dao Domain!

Now that we have the Xuanji Dao Domain and cooperate with the Five Spirits Universe, there will definitely be miraculous results!


Before Qin Feng could think about it, the blood in his body began to boil on its own!

The next second, the bloodline realm burst out from his body, filling the entire place instantly!

"Hey~! This...this is….."

"It’s the bloodline domain!"

Pozu and the three people sensed it in an instant!

They immediately looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.

Just now, they were complacent about having a Dao Domain, thinking that Qin Feng had no Dao Domain.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng slapped them in the face in the blink of an eye.!

The three of them were dumbfounded!

Qin Feng has the first level of bloodline Dao domain, and facing the suppression of their Dao domain, he can still explode with 50% of his strength.

And as long as Qin Feng explodes with 50% of his strength, he will be on the same level as them , even better than them.

At this thought, the three of them were silent.

Baichuan and other guides were already shocked!

Oh my God!

The Dao Master Realm actually has a Dao Domain!

They had never heard of it before!......

PS: After traveling all day, I just got home in the evening. I have written as much as I can and posted it!.

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