At that moment, Qin Feng sent the Tao Core in his hand into the small universe!

The next second, he waved his hand again and put away the cosmic debris in the field.


As soon as those cosmic fragments were sent into the body, there was a shocking roar in Hongmeng Universe!

Heaven also sent a reminder…

【Reminder: Your Hongmeng Universe has absorbed a level 36 cosmic heart and 149 cosmic fragments, and its progress has been increased to level 33 94.27%…】

Upon hearing the prompt, Qin Feng smiled again.

Hongmeng Universe is about to be upgraded!

All he needs to do is kill one more powerful person in the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Next, let’s see who doesn’t have a good eye?!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng raised his hand towards the blood mist in the field, and a miniature black hole lit up in the palm of his hand...


Infinite gravitational field activated!

The blood mist in the field suddenly surged rapidly and poured into the black hole in Qin Feng's palm...

He began to devour the blood mist energy again!

Seeing this scene, the three of them had complicated expressions.

This is the second time they have seen such a scene!

Beast Ancestor and others frowned!

Although they saw it for the first time, they could tell that Qin Feng was devouring Shang Zu's blood mist energy.

This makes them feel very uncomfortable!

In this way, Qin Feng was a carnivorous beast in their eyes.

And they are a group of herbivorous sheep, which happens to be Qin Feng's food.

At this thought, they felt their hearts tingling and couldn't help but look at each other face to face.

Unknowingly, they had the intention to unite in their hearts to guard against Qin Feng.

Qin Feng could see what they were thinking, but he was too lazy to pay attention to these people.

In just a moment, the blood mist was swallowed up!

The reminder of heaven also sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.…

【Reminder: You successfully devoured the blood mist energy of the second-transformation powerhouse of Heavenly Dao! Your combat power increases by +1.169 billion stars!】

【Reminder: Your physical body has received a ray of Dao Yun to cleanse the marrow. The Dao transformation of the physical body has been increased to 67.32%, and the combat power is +11.43 million...】"six sixty seven"


As the prompts came, Qin Feng's momentum continued to increase!

It's just that his bloodline Daoization has reached 100%. This time there is no change in bloodline, only the physical Daoization is improving!

In other words, if he kills the first powerful person in the future, he will no longer be able to obtain the Tao Yun Cleansing Marrow.

Only the second transformation or above can allow him to obtain the Tao Yun Cleansing Marrow.

After a long time, all the commotion gradually subsided!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy.


But at this moment, an earth-shattering roar suddenly sounded in his body!

Heaven also keeps sending reminders…

【Reminder: Your mind body has refined a twenty-five spiritual body core, and you have gained +8.14 Beijing combat power.…】

【Reminder: Your mind body has refined a twenty-five spiritual body core, and your family fortune has been raised to the highest grade of Purple Extreme 97.74%…】

【Reminder: Your mind body has refined a twenty-five spiritual body core, and your realm has been upgraded to the master realm 89.17%…】

【Reminder: Your mind body has refined a twenty-five spirit Tao body core, and you have gained 44.13% of the true meaning of Guiyi...]

Shang Zu's Tao core has also been refined!

Very efficient, as always!

Qin Feng's eyes were filled with joy again!


But at this moment, there was a shocking roar in his body again!

Tiandao once again sent a reminder

【Reminder: Your mind body successfully uses 2 Enlightenment Spirit Jade, and your understanding of the true meaning of spirit reaches 100%...】

【Congratulations on awakening the new true meaning of unity - the true meaning of spiritual planting, with a combat power of +7 million stars...】

【Reminder: Your Tao body is integrating the new unified true meaning - the true meaning of spirit...】

【Fusion successful! Your thirty-eight spirit bodies will automatically advance to thirty-nine spirit bodies, and your combat power will be +550 million star levels....】

【It is detected that you have been promoted to the thirty-nine spirit body. The resources required for cultivation have increased by 10%. Therefore, the realm has dropped to 80.26.%...】

As the prompt came, Qin Feng's combat power and Taoist aura skyrocketed crazily again!

He was also overjoyed!

The true meaning of the spirit that he had gained by devouring Wuzu Dao Core before was also completed at this moment.

In this way, his Tao body has advanced to the thirty-ninth spiritual body level.

After a while, the movements gradually subsided!

Qin Feng also opened his eyes happily...

This time, his strength has been continuously improved, and his combat power should have increased a lot!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but take a look at the combat power, and suddenly it reached 60.25 billion yuan!

Qin Feng couldn't help but laugh!

He finally broke through the target of 60 billion yuan.

In other words, even if he is just a Jiyin body now, there is still hope of killing Luo Zu.

Of course, the success rate of this beheading is about 50%!

If the two main bodies merge into one, the success rate of killing can reach more than 90%.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was in a good mood!

You know, Luo Zu is the leader in the fourth transformation.

If he can kill Luo Zu, it means that his comprehensive strength has reached the threshold of the fifth transformation, and there is a glimmer of hope to win the core opportunity of the secret realm!

That core opportunity is the most important goal at the moment!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng closed the panel and looked at the audience...

At this glance, he found that the atmosphere in the venue had solidified again!

The eyes that Pozu and others looked at him were no longer fearful, but fearful.

Only now did Pozu, Ezu, and Jianzu know that they had underestimated Qin Feng before.

In fact, they still underestimate Qin Feng.

I'm afraid they never thought that the strength Qin Feng showed just now was less than 30%.

Even so, the three of them were extremely shocked.

The same is true for Barbarian Ancestor!

At this moment, he no longer dared to say that his mother-in-law was exaggerating. His eyes kept avoiding Qin Feng, as if he did not dare to look at Qin Feng.

Even Wen Zu's eyes when he looked at Qin Feng were full of deep fear.

Looking at the Beast Ancestor again, he has been closing his eyes to rest, with a faint spiritual light shining on his body.

Apparently, he was healing in secret.

He had to spend a lot of money to completely remove the damage caused by the power of annihilation!

Just like that, the atmosphere in the venue was frozen, and everyone held their breath!

Qin Feng's status in the field seemed to surpass that of Beast Ancestor and Wen Ancestor.

In the eyes of the ancestors, Qin Feng is probably as good as the ancestors!

Such a powerful existence can only be suppressed by a strong person in the fourth transformation!

Thinking of this, no one dared to disturb Qin Feng anymore, or even look at him twice.

Qin Feng naturally didn't bother to pay attention to everyone.

Just like that, the atmosphere in the whole place was extremely solid!

Everyone is silent!

Time passes by minute by minute!

In the blink of an eye, another day has passed!

There are only three hours left before the secret realm opens.

For such a long time, no new forces have appeared, and there are still nine forces in the field.

Just when Qin Feng was wondering why no new force had appeared yet, there was finally new movement in the field!

The beast ancestor, who had been closing his eyes to heal his wounds, finally opened his eyes at this moment and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Wenzu hurriedly stepped forward to inquire.

"Brother Beast Ancestor, how are you?"

Wenzu's voice was extremely low.

The six Pozus also looked over, with concern in their eyes.

The Beast Ancestor moved his lips slightly, secretly transmitting a message to the ancestors.

"Don’t worry, everyone! My ancestor has fully recovered from his injuries!"

After hearing this, the ancestors breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, Wen Zu sighed:"The power of annihilation is really terrifying! Brother Beast Ancestor was obviously not seriously injured, but it took him a day to repair it! The Beast Ancestor nodded:"

Yes!" The power of annihilation is extremely sharp! As long as its attack is stronger than the target, it can use Exterminate to hurt people."

"The ancestor was also careless and attacked without releasing the Dao domain. If all three realms are used, this ancestor may not be affected by it.!"

Speaking of this, Beast Ancestor sounded extremely unwilling.

He also wants to regain the face he lost due to injury before.

However, there is some truth to what he said.

Wen Zu immediately agreed:"Yes! Brother Beast Ancestor acted too quickly before, and I didn't have time to release the third level of Dao Domain. Although this kid can resist the second level of Dao Domain, he may not be able to withstand the third level!"

The beast ancestor sneered:"Resist the third level? From my perspective, it is absolutely impossible! After all, that guy only controls the Dao realm. His ability to resist the second level of the Dao realm should be at its limit!"

These words As soon as it fell, all the ancestors nodded slightly.

They also felt that Qin Feng's ability to withstand the second realm would be his limit.

It would be too exaggerated to be able to withstand the third realm.

After all, Pozu and others cannot resist the third realm!

At this time, Wenzu murmured again:"If that guy can't resist the third level of Dao Domain, then when he fights with our third transformation, under the control of the third level of Dao Domain, he can only explode to 50% of his strength."

Beast Ancestor. His eyes lit up:"If that guy can only explode to 50% of his strength, his attack will not be higher than ours, and the power of annihilation will not be able to hurt us. By then, he may not be our opponent!"

Wenzu laughed! Said:"That's right!" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this time, Erzu intervened:"Two adults! After entering the secret realm for a while, Erzu suggested that everyone join forces to deal with that kid! Otherwise, the disaster will be huge! You must have seen it, this kid can swallow people's blood mist!"

As soon as these words were said, all the ancestors nodded slightly.

They also felt that keeping Qin Feng was a disaster.

It's just that outside the secret realm, they are affected by the covenant people's regulations and are inconvenient to take action.

Wenzu hurriedly said:"It's exactly what Ezu said! Maybe, without me waiting to take action, someone will deal with this kid!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was curious.

Beast Ancestor was even more curious:"Who can deal with him?"

Wenzu smiled coldly:"Of course he is the fourth-transformation almighty! Don't look at this little thief's weirdness, his strength is comparable to the third-transformation almighty. But in the fourth-transformation, he is a powerful person. In front of him, he is nothing!"

The Beast Ancestor's eyes lit up:"That's right! Nine changes in the way of heaven, one changes the whole world! In front of the fourth level of the realm, he may not be able to seal 100% of his strength. At that time, the third The fourth transformation can crush him to death, just like crushing an ant to death!"

Beast Ancestor said in a sinister tone!

He was angry that Qin Feng had caused him to lose face, and he naturally hoped that someone could deal with Qin Feng.

Even if there is no fourth transformation that can deal with Qin Feng, he will eventually take action, but the time has not come yet.

Then, he worriedly asked:"Brother Wenzu, what should we do to make the fourth transformation powerful to deal with that kid?"

Wenzu smiled coldly:"As long as he swallows the blood mist, inform the fourth transformation powerful. I'm afraid that the existence of the fourth transformation will also be wary of it!"

The Beast Ancestor nodded slightly:"That makes sense! That's right! In two and a half hours, the secret realm will be opened, why haven't we seen the fourth transformation yet? The great power appears?"

Wen Zu also took a deep breath:"I guess it will be soon! Every time the secret realm is opened, the fourth transformation of the great power will always be late! I want to see...Eh~! Look over there!"

This At that time, Wenzu seemed to have discovered something, and couldn't help but remind him........

Everyone followed the sound and looked...

At the same time, Qin Feng also sensed it and couldn't help but open his eyes from his closed eyes and look in a certain direction.…..

In that direction, there was a white cloud the size of an acres, emitting a shocking spiritual light all over its body, and it was escaping in this direction with a speed comparable to the fifth transformation of Heavenly Dao...

Seeing this speed, everyone was naturally frightened!

Immediately, they looked inside the white clouds and saw four people sitting cross-legged inside, surrounded by thin clouds.

That cloud yarn is like a protective barrier, protecting them!

In just a moment, the white clouds in the sky escaped in front of everyone.

At this time, Qin Feng also saw clearly the appearance of the four people inside.

Sitting in the center was a man with a cold expression.

Its upper body is naked, showing off its bronzed muscles, and it is engraved with runes and totems, giving off a sense of wilderness.

Looking at the center of his eyebrows, there is a slender vertical red line, shining with a faint silver light, and there seems to be something terrible hidden in it.

Looking at the man's cultivation aura, it is clear that he is a powerful person in the fourth transformation of Heaven's Dao!

"Hey~! It's Lord Brahma!"

"This time, Lord Brahma actually entered this entrance!"

When Beast Ancestor and others saw the mysterious man, they all showed awe and became cautious.

But at this moment, Brahma Ancestor had been meditating with his eyes closed. Even if Bai Yun stopped, he did not open his eyes.

Having said that, , that Baiyun's escape speed can reach the first transformation of Heavenly Dao, it is definitely a special piece of equipment at the palm level!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but glanced at Baiyun, and then at Brahma Ancestor.

He could feel it. , the aura of this Brahma Patriarch is much stronger than that of Shizu.

However, he is not afraid at all!

Look next to Brahma Patriarch, there is a powerful person sitting cross-legged. His body is majestic, covered with thunder, and the aura of the realm Suddenly reached the third level of transformation.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on this person.

Murmurs sounded again in the crowd

"Lei Zu is indeed here too!"

"yes! He and Brahma Ancestor have always been close, so it’s not surprising that they came together this time!"

After hearing this, Qin Feng knew that this person's name was Lei Zu.

Looking behind Lei Zu, he saw two people sitting cross-legged with fear, both of them were in the Taoist realm. Presumably, those two people were the guides! It seemed like they were the guides.

Hearing everyone's murmurs, Lei Zu slowly opened his eyes.

After Beast Zu and Wen Zu looked at each other, they smiled and stepped forward to greet them.

"Fellow Daoist Leizu! haven't seen you for a long time!"

The two beast ancestors bowed their hands in greeting.

Lei Zu also stood up with a smile:"You two came early!"

Having said this, he looked around the whole place again and saw Pozu and others.

Pozu and others did not dare to neglect and stepped forward to salute one after another.

"I've met Lord Lei Zu!"

Lei Zu nodded slightly and looked around the corner, where he saw Qin Feng and Anji.

Anji was so nervous that he was so scared that he didn't even dare to breathe.

Qin Feng looked calm!

Now in 4.3, he doesn't even have the fourth change. Take it to heart, let alone a third-transformation Lei Zu.

When he saw the two people in Anji, Lei Zu was a little surprised.

This combination is a bit weird!

Two master realms?

Are these two people guides?

What if ? So, why didn't they pick up the missed ones?

Lei Zu was a little puzzled!

However, he was too lazy to pay more attention.

After all, he already had a guide.

Thinking of this, Lei Zu withdrew his gaze.

At this time, Beast Ancestor He looked at Brahma Ancestor cautiously.

He saw that Brahma Ancestor had been meditating with his eyes closed from beginning to end, and did not even open his eyes to look at everyone.

Beast Ancestor couldn't help but look at Lei Ancestor.

"Fellow Daoist Lei Zu, Lord Brahma Ancestor..."

Lei Zu quickly stopped him:"Brother Beast Ancestor, please don't disturb Lord Brahma Ancestor! He was in a state of epiphany. If it weren't for the opening of the secret realm soon, Master Brahma Ancestor would not have come while practicing.

The beast ancestor suddenly said:"So that's it!" If Lord Brahma Ancestor succeeds in this realization, he will probably reach the pinnacle of the fourth transformation, right?

Lei Zu smiled slightly:"It should be so!" OK! I'll stop talking so as not to disturb Master Brahma!"


Beast Ancestor couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

He originally wanted to win over Lei Ancestor and others to deal with Qin Feng.

At the moment, it seems that he has to wait for Brahma Ancestor to complete his epiphany.

Just like that, the place became quiet.

Qin Feng He has been watching all this coldly.

At this moment, the sound of Antarctica sounded next to him

"God! It seems that all the forces at this entrance are basically here!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

There are eleven forces in total, including 1 fourth-changer and 3 third-changer.

In comparison, there is one more powerful fourth-changer at the entrance to the Huangtian Realm!

Thoughts in my mind At this point, Qin Feng couldn't help but look in the direction of the Huangtian Realm...

His other body was about to enter through that entrance...

PS: It's the beginning of the month, the author is asking for monthly tickets, thank you all!.

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