At the same time, at the entrance to the secret realm.

Shanzu and Taozu were very depressed!

They looked at the entrance to the secret realm with helpless expressions, wondering if they could go any further!

Without a guide, they can't get in at all!

At this time, Taozu said with a bitter smile:"Hey~! Fellow Taoist Shanzu, you and I have come here in vain this time!"

Shanzu also said with a dark face:"Yes! In order to find this entrance, we must I still owe Haizu a favor! Now it's good, I owe the favor, but I didn't get the opportunity!"

Haizu is a powerful person who has the second transformation of Heavenly Dao, and has entered the secret realm.

Shanzu and Haizu have a good relationship.

This time, he followed Haizu to find the entrance location.

He thought he could find something at the entrance, but he didn't expect to find anything!

Hearing this, Tao Zu smiled even more bitterly:"You just owe me a favor. In order to find this entrance, I gave Fu Zu a master-level treasure! Otherwise, why would Fu Zu bring me here?"

Tao Zu His face was sore.

That Fu Zu is a powerful person in the third transformation, and Tao Zu doesn't dare to take back the treasures he gave away.

Shanzu was greatly moved.

Then, he shook his head and sighed:"Hey~! Then your loss is not small!"

Taozu smiled bitterly:"This time, I lost my wife and lost my troops! Strange! In the past, at every entrance, there would be a chance to pick up the leaks. , why not this time?"

Shanzu sighed:"This is the last time the Tianxu Secret Realm is opened, and all parties are very active. It is indeed a bit difficult for us to pick up the leaks. In short, both you and I have traveled in vain!"

Taozu was helpless:"Hey~! That's the only way to go, if you want me to see.....Hey~! That is...."

Halfway through the words, Taozu seemed to have discovered something, and he couldn't help but raise his eyes and look in a certain direction.

Shanzu quickly followed the sound and saw two figures fleeing in this direction.....

After a while, the two figures approached the entrance of the secret realm, and they could clearly see the appearance of the person coming.....

What I saw walking in front was a noble and handsome young man, with a majestic look on his brows that made people impatient.

However, this man's soul is very young, less than three thousand years old......

Looking behind the young man, there is a middle-aged man in black robe with an intermediate level of cultivation.

"Hey~! Why would an intermediate master come here?"

The two Taozu couldn't help but look at each other.

Suddenly, Shanzu's eyes lit up:"They can't be...."

Halfway through his words, Shanzu stopped talking.

Taozu understood immediately and his eyes lit up.

Obviously, they all thought of it.

The visitors are naturally Qin Feng and Ying Falcon!

Soon, Qin Feng and the two arrived at the entrance of the secret realm and stopped.

Taozu and Shanzu couldn't wait to greet them.

"Two juniors, why are you here?"

Shanzu asked with a smile.

Of course, his eyes were on Ying Falcon.

After all, he could tell at a glance that Ying Falcon's soul was over a million years old, and his cultivation was at the intermediate level.

This is in line with the characteristics of a guide..

Not only Shanzu thought this way, Taozu also had the same idea.

At this moment, he also looked at Ying Falcon eagerly, waiting for Ying Falcon's answer.

As for Qin Feng, the soul of Qin Feng is less than three thousand years old, and he can't see his cultivation level. The junior, most likely the junior of this mid-level master.

As a result, they naturally focused on Ying Falcon and ignored Qin Feng.

Seeing two powerful Tiandao realm experts asking, Ying Falcon did not dare to neglect.

He After giving Qin Feng a respectful look, he looked at the two Shan Zu with polite expressions.

"Two seniors! We are here to participate in the Tianxu opportunity!"

Ying Falcon didn't hide anything.

When the two Shanzu heard this, they looked at each other again, and the light in their eyes became brighter.

Then Shanzu stroked his beard and said with a smile:"Little friend, if you want to enter the Tianxu secret realm, Must be led by a guide! Are you the one who leads the way?"

"Don’t hide it from seniors! This is exactly what I did!"

Ying Falcon continued to answer truthfully.

The two Shanzu were immediately overjoyed.

They were waiting for the guide at the last moment of the secret realm opening!

It seems that God's will has paid off, and there is a bright future!

At that moment, Shanzu smiled and said:"Little friend, Generally, the guide will be accompanied by a covenant person. Why didn’t I see your covenant person? Haven't you found a partner yet?"

Speaking of this, Shan Zu stared at Ying Falcon with burning eyes.

Tao Zu also had a look of concern!

If Ying Falcon doesn't have a covenant person, they will naturally recommend themselves.

If there is one, they will also take a look at the covenant. Are people strong?

If they are not, they will definitely compete for positions.

Ying Falcon was stared at by the two men's wolf-like eyes, and felt a little scared in his heart.

He swallowed and said:"Senior, let's be honest! The descendants already have covenant people!"

"Have it already?!"

Shanzu was a little surprised!

Taozu even frowned slightly.

Then, the two of them looked around for hundreds of millions of miles, but did not notice the aura of a strong man in the Heavenly Dao realm.

Immediately, Shanzu said in confusion:"Little friend, your What about the Covenanters? Why didn't he come with you?"

Taozu also looked at Ying Falcon with a puzzled face.

Ying Falcon said with a smile:"Senior, the man next to me is the covenant member of my clan!"


"It's him?!"

The two Shanzus exclaimed at the same time.

Then, they looked at Qin Feng in disbelief and looked at him carefully.

But after looking at him for a long time, they could not see Qin Feng's realm, but his soul aura was detected very well. Clearly, he is less than three thousand years old!

How can a junior who is less than three thousand years old be a covenant person?

"Little friend! Did you make a mistake? Could this young man, who is less than 3,000 years old, be your covenant person?"

Shanzu questioned again.

Taozu also said coldly:" How much strength can this guy have if he is so young?! You asked him to serve as the covenant holder of the nobles. Is he qualified?"

Taozu said it very rudely, and actually despised Qin Feng's strength to his face.

Ying Falcon's face changed slightly when he heard it.

Then, he said in panic:"Senior, please don't talk nonsense! My lord is very powerful and fully qualified to serve as a Covenanter!

Tao Zu sneered:"Ha!" An ant who is less than 3,000 years old, you actually tell me that he has strength, it is simply laughable!"

Having said this, Taozu looked at Qin Feng again

"Boy, what kind of cultivation are you? Why can't I see it? Show your cultivation quickly and let me see it!"

Tao Zu's expression was arrogant, and his tone was even more commanding.

Qin Feng suddenly frowned.

But before he could speak, Shan Zu also said coldly:"Junior! Release your realm aura quickly! I also want to take a look, what qualifications do you have to be a covenant person?"

Shanzu said even more rudely!

After saying this, he looked at Qin Feng coldly, as if he was sure of Qin Feng.

Taozu also stared at Qin Feng with a sneer on his face, to see what he was going to do?

He didn't believe that Qin Feng dared to disobey their orders!

At this moment, Qin Feng looked up at the two of them and spoke slowly

"What kind of cultivation level do I have, is it none of your business?!"



As soon as these words came out, the two mountain ancestors were shocked!

They seemed to have heard wrongly and looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.

Obviously, they did not expect that Qin Feng was so strong!

Immediately, the two mountain ancestors People are furious

"Boy! you...."

The two of them were about to yell.

But before they finished speaking, Qin Feng snorted coldly:"If you don't want to die! Just get out!"


This completely ignited the anger of the two of them!

"Little thief! you wanna die!"

"kill him!"

Boom~! Boom~!

As soon as those words were said, the two Shanzus took action at the same time, punching Qin Feng! The two of them were angry at Qin Feng's arrogance, and they attacked with all their strength!


Then For a moment, the two fist styles carried overwhelming power, causing the heaven and earth to tremble, and the avenues roared!

In just an instant, the two fist styles merged into one, forming a joint force!

Their momentum covered the sky and the earth, and suddenly reached the level of They reached the peak level of the first transformation and rolled towards Qin Feng mightily.

At this moment, both of them had fire-spitting eyes, with overwhelming murderous intent!

They really wanted to kill the arrogant little thief in front of them!.....

But at this moment, Qin Feng also broke out!


I saw his heart move, and his whole body's aura soared to the sky!

The aura of the master's advanced realm instantly filled the entire place!

"Hey~! Senior leader?"

The two Shanzus were all moved!

A junior who is less than 3,000 years old is actually a master of advanced cultivation. This talent is too evil! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, , Talent is not equal to strength!

How can an ant who only masters a high-level Dao be the opponent of the first transformation of heaven!

What's more, this time it is the cooperation of two powerful first transformations!

So, this little thief is dead!

Boom~ Long~long~!

Thinking of this, the two Shanzu accelerated the attacks in their hands, and even the momentum increased by one point! The more talented Qin Feng showed, the more they had to kill everyone to avoid leaving behind troubles!

This thought The expressions of the two people became more and more ferocious.

But at this moment, Qin Feng also took action!


I saw Qin Feng casually slapped a palm and went straight towards the two attacks!

Seeing this scene, the two Shanzus His eyes showed disdain!


But the next second, that palm was struck, and the wind of the palm stirred the heavens to shake, and the world roared!

And the momentum that broke out on it instantly soared to the third level. Become the pinnacle!

"Hey~! This is...."

"not good!"

Sensing the terrifying aura, the two Shanzu were instantly frightened to death!

But everything was too late!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides collided!

Bang~! Bang~!

Two consecutive shocking explosions!

Thousands of miles of void, all the They all exploded!

Click~! Click~!

Immediately afterwards, there were two more crisp noises in succession! The two Shanzu were exploded on the spot. For a moment, blood splashed all over the sky! The shrill screams sounded continuously in the field!

Ying Falcon watched completely Dumbfounded!

He was stunned on the spot, his mouth opened wide!

Puff~! Puff~! Puff~!

But the next second, there were several soft sounds in the blood mist!

It was like several candles, which were blown out in succession!

That was The Dao bodies and universes of the two Shanzus were all exploded!

At this point, both Shanzus were killed instantly!

Qin Feng couldn't help but smile.

This is the result he wanted!

These two guys took the initiative to attack He does not have a real murderous intention.

In this way, if he kills the two of them, there will be no natural punishment.

Phew~! Phew~!

Before Qin Feng could think more, blood flew out of the mist Two rays of golden light poured into his body...

Tiandao also sent prompts simultaneously.....

【Reminder: You killed two first-level transformation experts in the Heavenly Dao Realm and exploded two Twenty Spiritual Dao Body Cores.....】

【Reminder: You exploded two level 36 advanced universes and exploded two level 36 universe hearts.....】

【Reminder: You exploded two level 36 high-energy universes and shattered 311 pieces of universe debris.....】

A new harvest has arrived!....

Qin Feng smiled and waved his hand to put away the storage rings, cosmic fragments and other resources in the field.....


The next second, there was an earth-shattering roar in his body!

Heaven also sent a reminder…

【Reminder: Your Hongmeng Universe has absorbed a Level 36 Universe Heart, its progress has been increased to 100% of Level 33, and it has begun to advance to Level 34....】

【Promotion successful! Your Hongmeng Universe is promoted to 34, and you receive +2.5 billion Beijing Universe power in return.....】

After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

His Hongmeng Universe has finally been promoted to 34!

As a result, his two universes have reached 34, and his combat power has also increased by 2.5 billion!


But before Qin Feng was happy, another reminder came from Heavenly Dao....

【Reminder: Your Hongmeng Universe has absorbed a level 36 cosmic heart and 311 cosmic fragments, and its level progress has been increased to 349.11.%....】

The remaining cosmic resources were also absorbed by Hongmeng Universe.

Hongmeng Universe has improved again!

His current goal is to advance both universes to level 36, and then merge them into the Daotian World of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

If two full-level five-dimensional universes are fused, the resulting Daotian world will definitely be of a very high level.

Qin Feng is looking forward to this!

However, now is not the time to think about this.

He has to finish the scene quickly....

The entrance to the secret realm is still waiting for him to enter!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly raised his hand towards the blood mist in the field, and a miniature black hole lit up in his heart.....


Infinite gravitational field activated!

Immediately, the blood mist surged rapidly in the field and poured into the black hole in his palm crazily.....

Seeing this scene, Ying Falcon finally came to his senses!

He swallowed involuntarily, feeling that his throat was dry.

The eyes looking at Qin Feng became even more admiring!

The first transformation of heaven's power!

Now in front of God, we are like ants.

How could he not admire it!

In just a moment, the blood mist was swallowed up in the field!

Qin Feng’s sea of ​​consciousness also received reminders from Heaven.....

【Reminder: You have successfully devoured the blood mist energy of 2 of the most powerful people in heaven! Your combat power increases by +1.371 billion star points! 】

As the prompt came, Qin Feng's momentum continued to increase again!

After a long time, all the commotion gradually subsided!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy.

In just a short while, his combat power continued to skyrocket, reaching 64.7 billion Beijing!

This is a lot closer to the goal of 70 billion Beijing!

Qin Feng was extremely satisfied with this!

Having said that, Ji Yin's body swallowed the blood mist at the entrance to the Cangtian Realm, making the Beast Ancestor and others jealous, and even had the intention to jointly deal with him.

Qin Feng naturally noticed it!

Therefore, he waited at this entrance, waiting for Zhan Ancestor and others to enter before he showed up.

In this way, no one knew about him swallowing the blood mist of the two mountain ancestors.

Zhan Ancestor and others will also lower their guard against him.

This will be beneficial to his next trip to the secret realm!....

PS: It’s the beginning of the month! The little author continues to ask for monthly votes, thank you all!.....

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