Wa Qianye smiled slightly and took out some treasures from the storage ring...

I saw that those treasures were hundreds of five-color crystal stones, all of them brightly colored and with amazing Taoist power. They were extraordinary at first sight!

Qin Feng hurriedly spied on him……

【Colorful Divine Stone: Middle Grade Dao Heaven Level, Rare Mineral!】

【Reminder: This crystal mine can greatly improve the level progress of the high-energy state of the universe, and the effect is ten times that of the Eternal Sky Crystal! 】

The effect is ten times that of Eternal Sky Crystal?!

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

If the effect is ten times greater, these hundreds of colorful divine stones are equivalent to thousands of Eternal Sky Crystals, which is enough to complete the Hongmeng Universe!

This is exactly what he needs!

Speaking of which, Qin Feng was worried about how to deal with the Taoist God?

After all, the containment in the Imperial Mausoleum realm is three levels stronger than that in the core world.

Even if he breaks through to the fourth transformation, he can only exert 10% of his strength in the imperial mausoleum.

And with only 10% of his strength, he would definitely not be able to kill the Taoist God!

If he waits for him to break through to the fifth transformation, I'm afraid it will be too late.

After all, he only had two days left for the mission, and he had to get to the imperial mausoleum in advance.

Now, the only way he can think of is to seize every channel to increase his combat power.

Even if he can only exert 10% of his strength, as long as his combat power is high enough, he can still kill the Taoist God.

And promoting Hongmeng Universe to level 36 is a major channel to improve your strength!

Level 36 is the perfection of the universe!

That gives the Lord of the Universe the most combat power!

What’s even better is that Hongmeng Universe is a five-dimensional universe, and its feedback power is far stronger than the universe of the same level!

Thinking of this, Qin Zi was extremely looking forward to it.

At this time, Wa Qianye said again:"Young Ancestor, these five-colored sacred stones are the specialty of our Human Emperor Valley. Every tens of millions of years in our valley, a five-colored sacred stone will be born in the center of the valley."

""Three sixty-seven""These hundreds of colorful sacred stones are exactly what we have in stock for many years. I wonder if they can meet your needs?"

Qin Feng said with a smile:"Just enough!" correct! Your Human Emperor Valley can breed this thing. It seems that the Human Emperor Valley itself is a kind of secret realm of heaven and earth?

Wa Qianye smiled and nodded:"That's right!" Back then, each of our nine dragon clan had its own secret realm of heaven and earth. It's just that the secret realms of the other six meridians were destroyed by the power of the Jiutian Emperor, causing those six meridians to be displaced."

"The secret realms of heaven and earth of our Waolong tribe, Yinlong tribe, and Qianlong tribe can only be preserved under the protection of Emperor Ziwei. The secret realm of heaven and earth in our Walong tribe is the Human Emperor Valley!"

"Yin Long's tribe belongs to Dihuang Island. The Qianlong Department is Tianlong Mountain. These secret realms of heaven and earth are not only excellent places for cultivation, but they are also secret realms that breed the resources of all things, allowing our three departments to have inexhaustible resources."

"In addition, each of the three secret realms of heaven and earth has its own specialties. The specialty of our Human Emperor Valley is this colorful sacred stone."

Hearing this, Qin Feng's face suddenly revealed!

At this time, he thought of Nuwa under his command, isn't she a blood descendant of the Walong tribe!

And there is a legend about Nuwa mending the sky in the Longgu myth.

Its supplement The spiritual stone used by heaven is the colorful divine stone!

I didn’t expect that the source of this myth and legend came from here!

After thinking about this, Qin Feng showed a hearty smile

"Young Ancestor! Since these colorful sacred stones are useful to you, I hope you can accept them!"

At this moment, Wa Qianye respectfully presented those colorful sacred stones to

"good! Then I would be disrespectful!"

Qin Feng didn't hesitate and just put it away.

"Young Ancestor! Our Dihuang Island can produce a sea-suppressing stone every ten million years, which can be used to refine water-based inheritance artifacts. Is it useful to you?"

At this time, Yin Longcheng also introduced enthusiastically.

Qin Feng smiled:"Those sea-suppressing stones are not of use for the time being. correct! What are the specialties of Tianlong Mountain? Yin

Longcheng smiled and said:"The specialty of Tianlong Mountain is the Dao Tianyuan Crystal, and it takes ten million years to produce one!""


Hearing this, Qin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

When he exploded Shi Zu's Buddha Heavenly World Bead, 3 Dao Tianyuan Crystals exploded. Tianyuan Crystal can improve the level progress of the Daotian-level world, which is exactly what he will need in the future.

Whether he creates his own Nine Heavens and Ten Earths world in the future, or acquires the Tianxu world, he must use Dao Tianyuan Crystal. Dao Tianyuan Crystal is also rarer than the Five Colored Divine Stone!

"good! good! The Daotian Source Crystal is of great use to me!"

Qin Feng sighed sincerely.

Hearing the joy in his tone, all the senior officials also showed happy smiles.

They naturally hope that the resources of the major secret realms will be useful to Young Ancestor.

Having said that, Young Ancestor and Qianlong The origin of the department is also the deepest.

"Everyone! You all go back to Hongmeng Universe! It’s time for me to retreat!"

At this moment, Qin Feng looked at the senior officials again.


Just after he finished speaking, the void began to vibrate!

The voice of Heavenly Dao came.…..

【Announcement: It has been detected that player Qin Feng has collected three inherited artifacts and has completed the first part of the core world task. The second part of the task will automatically start….】

【The tasks in the second phase are as follows:…】

【Mission 1: Go to the Taoist Palace and seize the last Tianxu Remnant Monument. If you succeed in seizing it, you will receive generous rewards!】

【Reminder: If the player obtains all the broken monuments and reorganizes the completed Tianxu broken monuments, the reward can be doubled!】

【Mission 2: Defeat the guardian of the Imperial Mausoleum, the Taoist God, to receive generous rewards!】

【Reminder: If the player kills the Taoist God, the reward can be doubled!】

【Mission 3: Complete the final test of the Great Emperor and obtain the inheritance token - the Supreme Mirror of the Five Emperors, and you can obtain the Great Emperor's inheritance!】

【Reminder: Sacrificing the Three Emperors Supreme Mirror can guide players to the Taoist Palace and the Emperor's Tomb!】

【Reminder: Players still have two days to complete the task. If the task is not completed within the time limit, you will be forcibly sent out of the secret realm!】


After hearing the announcement, everyone raised their eyes and looked into the void.

Qin Feng couldn't help but look at the sky!

New mission content has appeared!

The next task is time-limited, so he should hurry up

"Young Ancestor! Send us back to Hongmeng Universe!"

Wa Qianye and others quickly asked for instructions.

They did not dare to waste Qin Feng's time.


Qin Feng waved his hand and took Wa Qianye and others into his body.…..

At this point, he was the only one left in the field!


At this moment, there was another earth-shattering roar in his body!

Heaven also keeps sending reminders….

【Refining successful! Your mind body has refined 52 fortune-transforming pills, and your combat power is +15.6 billion Beijing stars.…..】

【Refining successful! Your mind body has refined 52 fortune-transforming pills, and your cultivation level has been upgraded to the third transformation of heaven 96.94%...】

Another batch of magical elixirs have been refined!

Qin Feng couldn't help but smile!

He only needs to refine 3 more batches of divine elixirs to break through to the fourth transformation!

Refining three batches of magic elixirs only takes twenty-one minutes!

He is not far from a breakthrough!


Before Qin Feng could finish being happy, there was another shocking roar in his body!

Another reminder from Heaven….

【Reminder: Your Hongmeng Universe has absorbed hundreds of colorful divine stones, its level progress has been increased to 100% of level 35, and it has begun to advance to level 36.….】

【Promotion successful! Your Hongmeng Universe is promoted to level 36, and you receive +30 billion Beijing Universe power in return.….】

【Congratulations on your successful promotion to Hongmeng Universe! You have gained the perfect power of the universe to shape your body, and your combat power is +70 billion Beijing stars.….】


As the prompt came, Qin Feng's body lit up with five spiritual lights, one after another shooting into the sky, with different colors!

Those five spiritual lights representYuanlingqi is the essence of Hongmeng Universe!

The next second, Qin Feng began to be shaped by the power of perfection, and his entire momentum began to increase crazily!

After a long time, all the commotion gradually subsided!

When the aura completely dissipated, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy!

In just a short while, his total combat power has skyrocketed by 100 billion yuan!

The universe has been promoted to level 36, which is really awesome.

Having said that, he is also level 35 in the ancient universe, and he is only one step away from being promoted to level 36.

"Yin Jiao once said that there are many Eternal Sky Crystal resources in the Taoist Palace. If I capture the Taoist Palace, will the Eternal Sky Crystal resources I obtain allow me to advance to level 36 in the ancient universe?"

Qin Feng was thinking with some unfinished thoughts. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That's right!

After his continuous improvement, his strength should have improved a lot, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng Opened the panel...


But at this moment, there was another roar in his consciousness!

Another prompt came from Heavenly Dao…..

【Refining successful! You have refined 5 Emperor Spirit Pills, and your True Spirit Dao Transformation has increased to 95.74.%.....】

【The transformation of the true spirit was successful! You gain a combat power of +10 billion Beijing stars….】

After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng couldn't help but smile!

The Emperor Spirit Pill reward he received when he collected the Emperor's Mirror was actually refined at this moment.

As a result, his true spiritual transformation reached 95.74%, and he was not far from awakening.

As long as he gets 3 more true spirit pills, he can fully awaken and gain the sixth realm.

That would greatly improve his strength!

I wonder if the next mission will be rewarded with Emperor Spirit Pill?!

At this thought, Qin Feng was filled with desire[]

However, now is not the time for him to think about that.

With this in mind, Qin Feng opened the panel…

【Realm Progress]: The Third Transformation of Heaven’s Way 96.94%

【Taoist Grade]: Fifty-two Spirits

【Avenue retreat]: one foot eight feet

【Bloodline Domain]: Huangji

【Flesh Dao Realm]: Huangji

【Bone Dao Domain]: Huangji

【Spiritual Power Domain]: Xuanji

【Soul power realm]: Xuanji

【True Spirit Taoism]: 95.74%….

【Hongmeng Universe]: Level 36 is completed (can be promoted to half-step heaven level)

【Ancient Universe]: Level 35 0.913%

【Basic combat power]: 2.783 trillion Beijing


After reading the data, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile again......

His combat power has skyrocketed to 2.783 trillion Beijing!

You must know that the combat power range of the seventh transformation threshold is 1 trillion Beijing to 1.5 trillion Beijing.

The general combat power range of the Seventh Transformation is 1.5 trillion Beijing to 3 trillion Beijing.

The top combat power range of the seventh transformation is from 3 trillion to 10 trillion Beijing.

Unknowingly, Qin Feng's combat power was close to the threshold of the seventh transformation.

According to his speculation, the worst-case scenario for the outside world is for the forces of the Jiutian Emperor to join forces with the forces of the Zhanzu Master.

If that's the case, he will have to have the top-level strength of the seventh transformation before he can hope to escape.

And he is not far away from the threshold of the top level of the seventh transformation!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng closed the panel with satisfaction!

Of course, if the two forces really join forces, he will only reach the threshold of the top seventh transformation, which may not be enough.

In that case, I'm afraid he only has a 50% chance of getting out of trouble.

If he wants to make a complete comeback, or even defeat the two parties' joint efforts, he must be stronger.

If his combat power can approach 10 trillion Beijing, everything will be easily solved!

"correct! The Supreme Emperor said that the power of the Taoist God was infinitely close to the threshold of the seventh transformation. Its combat power should be about 1.5 trillion Beijing."

"Now that my strength is contained by the Daotian Realm, I can only unleash 10% of my combat power, which is a combat power of 278.3 billion Beijing."

"Under such circumstances, even if I use the Jiuji Zun Body, I will only have a combat power of about 800 billion Beijing, and I am still no match for the Taoist God! I don’t know how much of the gap I can close after I break through to the fourth transformation?"

At this moment, Qin Feng thought of the key issue again and felt a little anxious.

He thought for a while and had no clue, so he quickly waved his hand...


There was a flash of white light, and there was a golden mirror in front of him.

Ouch! ~! Ouch~! Ouch~! As soon as the divine mirror appeared, three phantoms of divine dragons appeared behind it!

A blue dragon, a yellow dragon, and a golden dragon!


Qin Feng thought, and the divine mirror turned into a golden light and headed towards Escape in a certain direction....

That is the Three Emperors Supreme Mirror, guiding the direction to the Taoist Palace!


Qin Feng hurriedly followed...

Of course, while he was on his way, his mind was not idle.

In the mirror world inside the Three Emperors Supreme Mirror, hundreds of Qin Feng's mind bodies are refining divine elixirs and various resources.

Having said that, the reason why the Three Emperors Supreme Mirror can guide the 3.5 direction is because of the influence of the inherited artifact of Emperor Ziwei - the Five Emperors Supreme Mirror.

The two magical mirrors have similar effects and can sense each other.

It was precisely because of that mysterious feeling that Qin Feng could be guided to the Taoist Palace and the Emperor's Mausoleum.

And Qin Feng is also full of curiosity about the Five Emperors Supreme Mirror!

In this way, Qin Feng followed the Three Emperors Mirror and soon disappeared at the end of the sky......

At the same time, the Tianxu Secret Realm, the exit of the Qingtian Realm area.

Tianzu, Qianzu, Yuanzu and others are still waiting silently.

At this time, Yuanzu seemed a little anxious.

He couldn't help but look at the two Tianzus

"Two of you! Two days have passed, and the little thief Qin Feng has not come out yet. I don’t know when he will come out?"

Tianzu also took a deep breath:"The later the little thief Qin Feng comes out, the more benefits he will get in the core world of the Tianxu secret realm. However, no matter how many benefits he gets, he still cannot escape the fate of falling!"

Qianzu agreed:"That's right! This time, His Majesty the Emperor found two powerful men to help him. Even if the little thief has the strength to reach the threshold of the seventh transformation, he will not escape death. What's more, it's impossible for him to reach that level!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone showed a knowing smile.

Then, Yuanzu sighed:"That's right! Yuan was anxious!"

Qianzu smiled and said:"Brother Yuan, don't be impatient! The Tianxu Secret Realm will be closed within two days at most. It's impossible even if the little thief can't figure it out! Let’s just wait!

Yuanzu nodded repeatedly:"That's right!""

As soon as these words were said, the three ancestors said no more.

However, the three of them did not expect that there was a pair of mysterious eyes spying on the three of them from a distance.

The owner of those eyes had been waiting here for a long time.

He is the substitute Lord sent by Master Zhanzu.....

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