"Huh! There is even a special secret realm! That is how the matter?"

At this moment, the whole audience was talking about it, and they were very surprised!

Jiyin himself was also very surprised!

At this time, all the players' consciousness sounded the reminder of heaven again....

【Holy Land Reminder: The special secret realm has been opened!】

【Those whose points reach the corresponding standard can enter the corresponding special secret realm....】

【Reminder: In special secret areas, you can obtain creation-level treasures and innate Dao crystals....】

【Reminder: The number of treasures in the special secret area is limited, and there is no limit to the number of treasures you can obtain. First come, first served....】

【Reminder: There is a god-king-level demon hidden in each special secret layer, guarding the greatest treasure....】 boom~!

"Oh My God! Innate Dao Crystal!"

"There are also creation-level treasures!"

There was a sensation in the whole place!

All the quasi-god kings were excited!

Even the nine great god kings' eyes were shining with excitement!

The body of Jiyin was also excited!

Whether it was a creation-level treasure or an innate Dao crystal, they were all What he wants most.

By now, Qin Feng has learned that the highest level of various resources in the Virtual God District, True God District, and Main God District reaches the high-grade God level.

Although resources at this level have some use for him, But it doesn’t have much effect.

According to this progress, the resources in the King-level secret realm area can only reach the top-grade God level, and the quantity is limited.

This has limited appeal to Qin Feng!

Only creation-level treasures are big enough for him. The attraction of Xiantian Dao!

There is also the Xiantian Dao, which is the cornerstone for him to become the Lord of the Universe and the Heavenly Dao!

Now, he has another opportunity to master the Xiantian Dao, how can he miss it?

By the way!

Tiandao just reminded that special secret realms collect resources , there is no quantity limit, everything is first come, first served!

It seems that he has to go in and collect it as soon as possible to avoid other players getting there first!

Thinking of this, Ji Yin's body raised his head and looked at the nine god kings!

These nine people They are all his opponents!

Especially the Qing Emperor, Purple Emperor, and Golden Emperor in the middle stage of the God King!

He has to take advantage of these three emperors to collect the resources in the special secret area first.

After all, his current strength , is not necessarily the opponent of the three great emperors. If they fight head-on, they will not gain any advantage.

With this thought, Ji Yin’s main body has a plan in mind!

At the same time, the discussion in the square was also heated.

"Tsk tsk! Creation-level divine objects and innate Dao crystals! Both of these are peerless treasures!"

"This special secret realm is so tempting!"

"yes! However, the difficulty of entering them is too high! It takes more than 100 points to qualify to enter the special secret realm of the lower grades, and the middle and upper grades are even more exaggerated!"

"That’s right! By the way, how many points can you collect in this king-level secret?"

After saying these words, Heaven's reminder sounded again in everyone's consciousness.....

【Holy Land Reminder: Information related to this round of opportunities is now announced】

【By chance in this round, those who reach the top 100 points can also get some additional rewards...】

【In this round of opportunities, there is a certain upper limit for points earned in each district.】

【The virtual god zone can score up to 20 points; the true god zone can score up to 40 points; the main god zone can score up to 60 points; the king-level zone can score up to 100 points】

【Those with full points in each area will be forcibly transferred out of the secret realm. Those with full quota can go to higher secret areas to obtain points and resources....】


As soon as the news came out, the whole place was in an uproar again!

"It turns out that there is an upper limit for points in each district!"

"In other words, we quasi-god kings and god-kings can only score 100 points at most. If you want to score more points, you have to go to the special secret realm!"

"Those players at lower levels have more choices. After they are full, they can also choose other secret places!"

"How do I feel? This round of opportunities is particularly beneficial to those players who can jump through the ranks and compete!"

"Indeed! Players who can jump through the ranks have the greatest chance of scoring. However, there are very few people in this world who can surpass the level! It is estimated that there are no more than three people in our safe zone who can do it!"

"Ha ha! Of course! The higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to advance! Don’t say three, it would be great to have one!"

"Everyone, no more words! I'll quickly go to the secret area to earn points!"

"That’s right! However, 100 points is not easy to earn!"

"No matter how hard it is to make money, I and other players below the main god realm will have a better chance of entering the special secret realm. It would be great for a player below the main god to score 60 points!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone saw that the nine god kings hurriedly walked towards the secret realm.

Obviously, these nine god kings wanted to earn 100 points quickly, and then go to the low-grade special secret realm to earn more points and resources!

Creation-level treasures and innate Dao crystals are too tempting for them!

What's more, Tiandao has reminded that the resources in the special secret area are limited, first come, first served!

Seeing this, the quasi-god kings woke up and followed closely!

Time It’s just points!

They have to earn 100 points quickly so that they can venture into the special secret realm!

The opportunity is right in front of them, how can they miss it?

In this way, Ji Yin’s body silently watched everything without taking any action.

And there is Facing the excitement of the special secret realm, those god kings and quasi-god kings were particularly active!

In just a moment, all the god kings and quasi-god kings entered the secret realm.

The entire square was empty, except for Ji Yin's body.

He couldn't help but The director breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the special secret realm of the lower level.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that only ten minutes after the start of this round of opportunity, Qin Feng's two main bodies had already scored more than 100 points.

He had to hurry to the lower level. Special secret realm, collect all the resources inside!

Thinking of this, Ji Yin's body was a little excited, and he also speeded up and walked towards the 'special secret realm'....


At this moment, a white light lit up at the exit of the Secret Realm of Wood in the Virtual God Zone.

The next second, a cute baby about three or four years old appeared out of thin air.

Ji Yin's body looked back and smiled.

The person who came out was Jumang!


As soon as Jumang saw Jiyin's true form, he also ran over happily.

"Little guy, why did you come out?"

"dad! I got the full 20 points in this secret realm, and was forcibly teleported out by Heaven! Ju

Mang said proudly.

Ji Yin's body also showed a happy smile.

At this moment, he had expected it.

This little guy's combat power has reached 270 million stars, which is the initial strength of the main god.

What's even better is that he He can also 'incarnate three thousand' like himself and chase multiple targets at the same time.

In this way, his efficiency in harvesting points is naturally much stronger than that of the same level, even Dijiang can't compare!

Having said that, Dijiang has mastered With the time and space and speed talents, the combat power has reached 300 million stars, and the ability to obtain points is better than those of the same level of strength!

After all, the time and space and speed abilities are extremely rare talents. Fighting at the same level, natural advantage

"Little guy, go to the True God Zone! Try to earn as many points as you can! Tiandao just reminded you that if you reach the top 100 points, there will be additional rewards! Jumang

's eyes lit up:"Dad, do you mean that I also have a chance to enter the top 100?" Ji Yin's true body smiled and said,"

Of course!" This round of opportunity assessment is most beneficial to players like us who can compete across levels."

"If you get full points in the False God Zone within twenty minutes, in the Real God Territory, you can get 40 points in up to an hour. When the two phases are superimposed, you can get 60 points."

"Then, if you go to the main god zone again, you can still get some points, which will definitely crush the vast majority of the main god realm players. Ju

Mang's eyes lit up:"Yes!" Those Main God Realm players can only score 60 points at most in the Main God Zone. If they go to the King Level Zone, they will not be able to compete with those guardian beasts, and it will be difficult to score!"

"However, there are still more than a hundred quasi-god kings! Children may not be inferior to them!"

Ji Yin's main body smiled:"The guardian beasts in the king-level secret realm are stronger. Do you think that all of those quasi-god kings have reached the full quota, and half of them can get more than 60 points. That would be good."

"If what I expected is true, as long as you score more than 70 points, you will have a chance to enter the top 100 and get extra rewards! Jumang was overjoyed:"Dad, I know!" I'm going to the True God Zone right now!"


As soon as these words were said, another white light lit up at the exit of the virtual god area and the secret space.

Immediately afterwards, Di Jiang also came out with a look of joy on his face.


As soon as the little guy appeared, he happily ran towards Jiyin's body.

This guy was more coquettish than Jumang and was more clingy to Qin Feng.

In just a moment, the little guy came to Qin Feng's side.

Jiyin's body was doting on him. Touched his little head

"Little Emperor, did you get full marks in the Virtual God Zone?"


Di Jiang raised his chubby little face proudly.

Ji Yin's true body smiled:"Go! Get the full amount of points in the True God Zone! Ju

Mang also said excitedly:"Brother, let's go earn points quickly!" Dad said that the two of us have a chance to enter the top 100! Di Jiang was overjoyed:"


Ji Yin's body smiled:"Of course it's true! Time is running out, you two go quickly!"


Di Jiang happily agreed.

This little guy is still a little ignorant about many things.

But he has great trust in his father's words.

At the moment, the two guys didn't think too much and headed towards the Wood Secret Realm and the Space Secret Realm in the True God Zone. Let's go.

Looking at the two little guys leaving, Ji Yin's face showed a look of expectation.

If these two guys can also break into the top 100, I wonder how many people's jaws will be shocked?

Wait for these two guys After entering the secret realm, Ji Yin's body no longer wasted time and accelerated towards the lower-level special secret realm...

In just a moment, he arrived at the entrance of the secret realm!

By the way!

He had one more important thing, which he almost forgot!

Ji Yin's body hurriedly As soon as he waved his hand, a pile of black Dao crystal fragments appeared in front of him, a hundred of them.

Those were the Devouring Dao crystal fragments!


The next second, the hundred Dao crystal fragments gathered together on their own initiative, Fusion into one, turning into a black crystal the size of an egg!

【Taiqing Dao Crystal (Swallowing): Creation level, containing 100% of the Taoist charm of Devouring Avenue】

【Reminder: You need to master the S-level Jiyin Law before you can refine it]

Seeing this scene, the Jiyin body smiled.

Knew it!

100 Dao crystal fragments can be condensed into a complete Dao crystal.

What's more coincidental is that he can refine this Taiqing Dao Crystal.

And according to Tiandao's prompts, after turning on the scoring mode, you can freely refine the Dao crystal fragments.

Thinking of this, Jiyin's body sent the Taiqing Dao Crystal into the chaotic space and let the mind body refine it....

After doing this, he got into the special secret realm of the lower level....

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